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2022年考博英语-武汉大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题改革开放以来,中国找到了一条适合自己国情的促进和发展人权的道路。中国是一个历史悠久、人口众多、资源和财富相对短缺的东方发展中国家。在这样一个国家促进人权,既不能照搬西方发达国家的人权发展模式,也不能因袭其他发展中国家的做法,只能从中国的国情出发,探索具有自身特点的发展道路。改革开放以后,中国在总结历史经验和教训的基础上,找到了一条真正符合中国国情的促进人权发展的道路。这就是:将生存权和发展权放在首位,在改革、发展、稳定的条件下,全面推进人权。这条道路的特点是:在发展人权的基本方向上,坚持发展生产力和共同富裕的原则,立足于改善全国人民的生活和促进全国人民人权的发展。在促进人权的轻重缓急上,强调生存权、发展权的首要地位,同时兼顾公民的政治、经济、社会、文化权利和个人、集体权利的全面发展;在促进和保障人权的方式上,强调稳定是前提,发展是关键,改革是动力,法制是保障。20多年来,由于中国坚持了这条正确的发展道路,不仅使全国人民的生活状况和精神风貌大为改观,而且形成了一整套比较完备的保障人民民主权利的政治制度和法律体系,从而使人权建设在制度化、法律化的轨道上取得了长足的进展,人权状况呈现出不断改善的良好态势。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy, China has found a road for the promotion and development of human rights that suits its reality. China is an Oriental developing country with a long history, a large population and relatively scarce resources and wealth. To promote human rights in such a country, China must neither imitate indiscriminately Western countries development mode of human rights nor follow other developing countries methods but start from Chinas actual conditions and explore a road with its own characteristics. Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy, China has, on the basis of summing up historical experiences and drawing lessons from them, found a way to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, and therefore has found a way to promote and develop human rights that is agreeable to Chinas reality. This means putting the right to subsistence and development in the first place and pushing forward human rights in an allround way under the conditions of reform, development and stability. The features of this road are to adhere to the principle of developing productive forces and promoting common prosperity, based on improving the life of people all over China and promoting the development of human rights of all the Chinese people in terms of the basic orientation of developing human rights. As for the order of importance and urgency of developing human rights, the right to subsistence and development should be put in the first place and in the meantime, consideration should be given to developing in an all-round way citizens political, economic, social and cultural rights as well as individual and collective rights. As for the way of promoting and guaranteeing human rights, it should be emphasized that stability is the prerequisite; development is the crux; reform is the driving force; and government according to law is the guarantee. Over the past two decades, Chinas adherence to this correct road to development has led to not only the improvement of Chinese peoples living conditions and their morale but also the formation of a whole set of relatively complete political and legal systems ensuring peoples democratic rights. Thus, great progress has been made in putting human rights into a legal and institutional framework, and Chinas human rights development has been improving incessantly.2. 翻译题我们不能肯定什么是“智力”, 也不能肯定智力表达什么。但这一事实并不妨碍我们认为智力是一种非常有用的概念, 也不妨碍我们对智力测验给予相当程度的信赖。在一次智力测验中, 我们取样测验一个人解决各种各样难题和问题的能力。如果我们取了代表性样本, 就可以成功地预测此人在各种职业中将获得何种程度的成就。英国议会1944年通过的教育法案使普及中等教育成为法律条文。除少数独立基金学校以外, 中等学校将对全民开放。由于全国中等学校的数目最多能容纳11岁以上儿童总数的25%左右, 所以只好做某种选拔。严格的学术性考试和测验被认为对那些在高质量小学就读和家庭学术气氛浓厚的儿童很有利。因此, 智力测验被设计出来, 以抵消这种狭隘的专业化教学内容, 其方法是引入一些并非以书本知识为基础的问题。换言之, 智力测验主要通过给儿童提供一些在其能力与理解力范围内的不同真实情景, 尝试评价儿童思考、推理、判断、分析和综合的总体能力。Directions:Translate the following paragraph from Chinese into English.【答案】The fact that we are not sure what intelligence is, nor what is passed on, does not prevent us from finding it a very useful working concept, and placing a certain amount of reliance on tests which measure it. In an intelligence test we take a sample of an individuals ability to solve puzzles and problems of various kinds, and if we have taken a representative sample, it will allow us to predict successfully the level of performance he will reach in a wide variety of occupations.This became of particular importance when, as a result of the 1944 Education Act, secondary schooling for all became law, and grammar schools, with the exception of a small number of independent foundation schools, became available to the whole population. Since the number of grammar schools in the country could accommodate at most approximately 25 per cent of the total child population of eleven-plus, some kind of selection had to be made. Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization, by introducing problems which were not based on specifically scholastically-acquired knowledge. The intelligence test is an attempt to assess the general ability of any child to think, reason, judge, analyze and synthesize by presenting him with situations, both verbal and practical, which are within his range of competence and understanding.3. 翻译题Many changes are taking place in Americans food styles. 1.The United States is traditionally famous for its solid and unchanging diet of meat and potatoes. Now we have many different alternatives to choose from: various ethnic foods, nutrition-balanced health food, and convenient and delicious fast food, in addition to the traditional home-cooked meal.Ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the United States. Because the United States is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures. Any large American city is filled with restaurants serving international cooking.2.Health food gained popularity when people began to think more seriously about their physical well-being. The very term “health food” is ironic because it implies that there is also “unhealthy food”. Health food incudes natural food with minimal processing, i.e., there are no presevatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it tasty or look like better. 3. Most health food enthusiasts are vegetarians: They eat no meat; they prefer to get their essential proteins from other sources, such as beans, cheese, and eggs.Fast-food restaurants can be seen all over the country. Speed is a very important factor in the life of an American. People usually have a very short lunch break or they just do not want to waste their time eating. And food in fast-food restaurants is always cheap.Americans attitude toward food is changing, too. The traditional big breakfast is losing popularity. People are rediscovering the social importance of food. 4. Dinner with family or friends is again becoming a special way of enjoying and sharing. Like so many people in other countries, many Americans are taking time to relax and enjoy the finer tastes at dinner, even if they still rush through lunch at a hamburger stand.Directions:Read the following passage, and then translate the underlined parts numbered from (1) to(4) , from English into Chinese. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】(1)从传统意义上讲,美国食品因其厚腻而又一成不变的土豆烧肉而为世人所熟知。如今我们有许多不同的选择:除了传统的家常菜以外,还有各种民族风味食品、营养保健食品以及方便可口的快餐食品。(2)当人们开始重视自身健康时,保健食品倍受欢迎。“保健食品”这种说法具有讽刺意味,因为它暗示还有“非保健食品”。(3)大多数热衷于保健食品的人是素食主义者:他们不吃肉,宁愿从其他渠道,如大豆、奶酪和鸡蛋中获取必要的蛋白质。(4)同家人或朋友共进晚餐又成为一种特别的分享快乐的方式。尽管美国人仍然会站在汉堡包摊位前匆匆吃完午餐,但在吃晚饭时,他们像其他国家的许多人一样,从容不迫地享受着美味佳肴。4. 翻译题The Chinese presence in the colonies stirred many Australian anxieties. Australian colonists liked to think of themselves as British, but they began to see they were British in strange geo-political surroundings. They suspected Australia might be on a great Chinese flood plain. It was clearly well within reach of Chinese influence. California, another gold rush society, had also experienced a substantial influx of Chinese. The realization grew that Australia should not look just to Britain. It shared strategic interests with other white communities in the Pacific, especially with America. But the pacific was a contested ocean. From the 1880s, it was increasingly apparent that China and Japan were also nearby Pacific nations.(1) The presence of so many Chinese intensified debate on the potential character of Australian society. Potent concerns had developed about civic values in gold rush communities, concerns aggravated by Australias convict origins. Gold was a seductive, richly mythologized substance. Its discovery in the Australian colonies publicized their potential more than anything else had yet done. Gold attracted a young, cosmopolitan, ambitious, predominantly white male population, often imbued with advanced democratic views. Yet as David Goodman has shown, this influx stirred anxieties about the moral stability of these gold-seeking communities. A gold-obsessed society appeared a poor foundation for a stable cultured society. Many social commentators found the prospect that working men could gain sudden wealth in this way very disturbing. Would people still value achievements wrought by steady labour and industrious habits?What would happen to moral values? (2) There was another more disturbing thought. If Australia could produce only these rough, uncivilized communities, might it not lose the moral authority by which Australians, claiming the rights of a superior culture, sought exclusive access to the continent? Were Australians still worthy of their immense opportunities?Questions of tenure and entitlement were intensified by the dispossession of the Australian Aborigines. One of the main justifications used at that time for taking over Aboriginal land came from the belief that they were a primitive, nomadic people with no fixed settlements or habits of agriculture. It was thought that they did not value their land and had no capacity to develop it (3) One of the troubling paradoxes of gold seeking populations was that they also were a highly mobile wandering tribe, in some ways similar to the Aborigines they sought to displace. Anxieties about the continuity of white settlement in Australia intensified impulses to vilify Aborigines and to keep Asians out. The major question revolved around entitlement to the land. (4) In the blunt language of the late nineteenth century, if white had replaced black because black was not developing the continent, why should yellow not replace white on precisely the same grounds? If European communities in Australia were not seen to be civilized and productive, the case for sole tenure of Australia by whites might be seriously weakened.Directions:Read the following passage, and then translate the underlined parts numbered from (1) to(4) , from English into Chinese. Please write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.【答案】(1)这么多中国人的出现加剧了这场关于澳大利亚社会潜在性格的争论。淘金社区的公民价值观引起了人们强烈的关注, 这种关注又因澳大利亚人原本就是罪犯的后裔而变得更为严重。黄金是一种充满诱惑而又富有神话色彩的物质。(2)还有另一种更令人不安的思想。如果澳大利亚只能形成这些粗俗而又不文明的社区, 那么对于声称享有优等文化权利的澳大利亚人来说, 难道不会丢失他们建立在找到通往澳洲大陆的独有途径上的那份道德权威吗?澳大利亚人仍然值得拥有巨大的机遇吗?(3)淘金社区的人们有一个令人烦恼的悖论, 即他们也是高度漂移的部落, 这在某些方面类似于他们试图取代的土著居民。因为担忧白人殖民者在澳大利亚定居的连续性, 促使他们对土著居民进行诽谤和驱逐亚洲人。(4)用十九世纪末生硬的语言来讲, 如果白人取代黑人是因为黑人没有发展澳洲大陆, 那么为什么依据同样的理由黄色人就不应该去取代白人呢?如果在澳大利亚的欧洲社区不被看作是文明并富有成效的, 完全由白人统治澳大利亚的状况就有可能被严重削弱。5. 单选题Definitions of “culture” are multiple, broad, and notably ambiguous. While there is no agreed-upon definition of culture, the classic definition by E. B. Tylor in 1871 is widely cited: “culture. is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic, comprised of the shared solutions to problems faced by the group. These solutions include technologies, beliefs, and behaviors.Culture does not determine behavior, but affords group members a repertoire of ideas and possible actions, providing the framework through which they understand themselves, their environment, and their experiences. Culture is a complex set of relationships, responses, and interpretations that must be understood, not as a body of discrete traits, but as an integrated system of orientations and practices generated within a specific socioeconomic context. Culture is ever changing and always being revised within the dynamic context of its enactment.Culture is neither a blueprint nor an identity; individuals choose between various cultural options, and in our multicultural society, many times choose widely between the options offered by a variety of cultural traditions. It is not possible to predict the beliefs and behaviors of individuals based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin. Individuals group membership cannot be assumed to indicate their culture because those who share a group label may variously enact culture.In its zeal to encourage respect for cultural differences, the cultural competency movement has sometimes lost sight of these important features of the concept of culture. Instead it has too often represented culture as a decontextualized set of traits providing a template for the perceptions and behaviors of group members. A burgeoning literature on cultural diversity presents the reader with veritable laundry lists of traditional beliefs and practices ostensibly characteristic of particular ethnic groups. This approach encourages the questionable notion that immigrants and certain ethnic and racial minorities are particularly driven by traditionalism. The emphasis in this genre is on difference, pitting the exotic and esoteric against mainstream or conventional beliefs that remain unnamed and unexplored.The misconception, common in clinical settings, that culture can be understood as a set of discrete traits, has led some mistakenly to treat culture as an explanatory variable, subject to prediction and control. In such applications, specific ethnic cultures are represented as a codified body of characteristics that can be identified and then either modified or manipulated to facilitate clinical goals.Paradoxically, in such approaches, what originated in a desire to promote respect for individual differences may instead promote stereotyping and essentializing. This process of reifying presumed difference may have the unintended consequence of bolstering a sense of group boundaries. It may also reinforce the belief that culture can be diagnosed and treated, that exotic or unfamiliar beliefs and behaviors of members of already disempowered subgroups should be controlled and adjusted to resemble norms of the dominant group.1.Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?2.Culture is not an identity because culture( ) .3.Emphasizing cultural differences too much would ( ).4.Which of the following is the authors viewpoint?问题1选项A.Definitions of culture are usually difficult, varied and ambiguous.B.There is no agreed-upon definition of culture so far.C.There is no common ground in different definitions of culture.D.Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic.问题2选项A.does determine behaviorB.does not provide possible actionsC.can predict the beliefs and behaviors of individualsD.is optional and ever changing within the dynamic context问题3选项A.help grasp the most important features of the concept of cultureB.treat culture as a contextualized set of traitsC.respect the traditions of immigrants and certain ethnic and racial minoritiesD.lead to regarding the exotic and esoteric against mainstream or conventional beliefs问题4选项A.Culture can be understood not as a set of discrete traits but as an integrated system of orientations and practices generated within a specific socioeconomic context.B.Culture can be treated as an explanatory variable, subject to prediction and control.C.Culture can be represented as a codified body of characteristics that can be identified and then either modified or manipulated.D.Culture can be diagnosed and treated and the exotic or unfamiliar beliefs and behaviors should be controlled and adjusted to resemble norms of the dominant group.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A【解析】第1题:1.【选项释义】1. Which statement is NOT true according to this passage? 1. 根据这篇文章,哪个陈述是不正确的?A. Definitions of culture are usually difficult, varied and ambiguous. A. 对文化的定义通常是困难的、多样的和模棱两可的。B. There is no agreed-upon definition of culture so far. B. 到目前为止,对文化还没有统一的定义。C. There is no common ground in different definitions of culture. C. 文化的不同定义是没有共同点的。D. Most definitions of culture emphasize that it is complex and dynamic. D. 大多数对文化的定义都强调文化是复杂和动态的。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据原文第一段第三句“大多数对文化的定义都强调(Most definitions of culture emphasize that.)”,可知,大多数文化的定义是有共同点的,C项“文化的不同定义是没有共同点的”与原文相反。故该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“对文化的定义通常是困难的、多样的和模棱两可的”,原文第一段第一句提到“文化的定义是多种多样的、广泛的,而且明显含糊不清的”,可知该项正确,属于反向干扰;B项“到目前为止,对文化还没有统一的定义”,原文第一段第二句提到“虽然对文化没有公认的定义”,可知该项正确,属于反向干扰;D项“大多数对文化的定义都强调文化是复杂和动态的”,原文第一段倒数第二句提到“大多数对文化的定义都强调文化是复杂的、动态的”,可知该项正确,属于反向干扰。第2题:2.【选项释义】2. Culture is not an identity because culture _. 2. 文化不是一种身份因为文化_。A. does determine behavior A. 决定行为B. does not provide possible actions B. 不提供可能的行动C. can predict the beliefs and behaviors of individuals C. 能预测个人的信念和行为D. is optional and ever changing within the dynamic context D. 是可选的并且在动态环境中不断变化【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段最后一句“文化是不断变化的,而且在不断变化的实施环境中修订”,可知文化不是一种身份是因为它不断变化,且在动态环境中不断改变,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“决定行为”,原文第二段第一句提到“文化并不决定行为,但为群体成员提供了一系列想法和可能的行动”,该项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;B项“不提供可能的行动”,原文第二段第一句提到“文化并不决定行为,但为群体成员提供了一系列想法和可能的行动”,该项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;C项“能预测个人的信念和行为”,原文第三段第二句提到“根据个人的种族、民族或国籍来预测他们的信仰和行为是不可能的”,该项与原文相反,属于反向干扰。第3题:3.【选项释义】3. Emphasizing cultural differences too much would _. 3. 过分强调文化差异会_。A. help grasp the most important features of the concept of culture A. 帮助掌握文化概念的最重要特征B. treat culture as a contextualized set of traits B. 将文化视为一组背景化的特征C. respect the traditions of immigrants and certain ethnic and racial minorities C. 尊重移民和某些少数民族的传统D. lead to regarding the exotic and esoteric against mainstream or conventional beliefs D. 导致将异域的和深奥的与主流或传统信仰对立起来【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第四段最后一句“这一流派的重点在于差异,将外来的深奥的东西与主流的或传统的信仰对立起来,而这些信仰仍然是无名的和未被探索的”,可知过分强调文化差异会导致外来的深奥的东西与主流的或传统的信仰对立起来,D项正确。【干扰项排除】A项“帮助掌握文化概念的最重要特征”,根据第四段第一句“在积极鼓励尊重文化差异的过程中,文化能力运动有时忽视了文化概念的这些重要特征”,可知该项与原文相反,反向干扰;B项“将文化视为一组背景化的特征”,根据第四段第二句“文化素质运动将文化视为脱离语境的一系列特征”,可知该项与原文不符合,曲解原文;C项“尊重移民和某些少数民族的传统”在原文并未提及,无中生有。第4题:4.【选项释义】4. Which of the following is the authors viewpoint? 4. 以下哪项是作者的观点?A. Culture can be understood not as a set of discrete traits but as an integrated system of orientations and practices generated within a specific socioeconomic context. A. 文化不能被理解为一组离散的特征,而是在特定的社会经济背景下产生的方向和实践的综合系统。B. Culture can be treated as an explanatory variable, subject to prediction and control. B. 文化可以作为一个解释变量,受预测和控制。C. Culture can be represented as a codified body of characteristics that can be identified and then either modified or manipulated. C. 文化可以表现为一种可识别、可修改或可操纵的特征的编纂体。D. Culture can be diagnosed and treated and the exotic or unfamiliar beliefs and behaviors should be controlled and adjusted to resemble norms of the dominant group. D. 文化可以被诊断和治疗,外来的或不熟悉的信仰和行为应该被控制和调整,以符合占主导地位群体的规范。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据第二段第二句“文化是一组复杂的关系、反应和解读,它必须被理解,不是作为一系列互不关联的特征,而是作为一个在特定社会经济环境中产生的具有导向性和实践性的综合系统”,可知,文化是在特定的社会经济环境中产生的具有导向性和实践性的综合系统,要被理解为是一组复杂的关系反应和解读,A项“文化不能被理解为一组离散的特征,而是在特定的社会经济背景下产生的方向和实践的综合系统”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B项“文化可以作为一个解释变量,受预测和控制”,第五段第一句提到“在临床环境中常见的误解是,文化可以被理解为一组离散的特征,这导致一些人错误地将文化视为一个解释性变量,受预测和控制”,从中可知,认为文化可以作为一个解释变量,受预测和控制是错误的,该项反向干扰;C项“文化可以表现为一种可识别、可修改或可操纵的特征的编纂体”是原文第五段的内容,也属于误解,而不是作者的观点,该项反向干扰;D项“文化可以被诊断和治疗,外来的或不熟悉的信仰和行为应该被控制和调整,以符合占主导地位群体的规范”在第六段有提到,而第六段开头提到一个Paradoxically(矛盾地),说明作者不支持这样的做法,该项也属于反向干扰。6. 单选题The most widespread fallacy of all is that colds are caused by


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