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2022年考博英语-外交学院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题加拿大移民条例虽不把英籍香港华人与其他英国殖民地人民一视同仁,然加拿大比美国较为关心香港移民却是千真万确的事。1962年,加拿大方面鉴于香港难民众多,在各方呼吁下,自动提出愿意接受香港方面100个家庭单位来加。多伦多明星报(Toronto Star) 在3月23日的社论中还讥讽其为一种姿态罢了。其实,移民局早已着手调查,寻找符合条件并愿意赴加的家庭。还有一些组织和机构,如“教会联合总会”(General Council of the United Church)于9月开会时曾大声疾呼加拿大应该容纳香港难民10000名。11月21日第一批来自香港的家庭抵加,至年底计有62个家庭单位,合共人数139名由港抵加。11月16 日,贝尔宣布调查中国移民舞弊案结束。移民局长表示那些在加华人如愿归化入籍,手续将加以简化。反对党派、舆论界、加拿大华人团体一致拥护移民局的这项宣布。【答案】It is true that Canada is more concerned about Hong Kong immigration than the United States, although Canadas immigration laws do not treat British Hong Kong Chinese as equals to other British colonists. In 1962, in view of the large number of refugees in Hong Kong, Canada voluntarily offered to accept 100 family units from Hong Kong under the appeal of all parties, which has been satirized as a practice of formalism by Toronto Stars Editorial on March 23th. But the truth is the Immigration Authority has already undertaking investigation, looking for qualified families who are willing to Canada. Other institutions and organization, such as the General Council of the United Church, have clamored in meeting Canada should accept 10000 Hong Kong refugees General Council of the United Church in September. On November 21th, the first batch of family from Hong Kong arrived in Canada. An estimated 62 family unit from Hong Kong, total number of 139 following till this year end. On November 16, Baer announced the end of Chinese Immigration Fraud investigation. The immigration minister says the process will be simplified for those Chinese in Canada who want to become naturalized. Opposition parties, opinion makers and the Chinese Canadian community all supported the announcement.2. 单选题No longer are these considered arcane questions that draw scrutiny only from the few Washingtonians who read the “notices of proposed rule-making” in the Federal Reserve.问题1选项A.feasibleB.challengingC.little-knownD.hidden【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项feasible“可行的;可能的;可实行的”;B选项challenging“挑战的;引起挑战性兴趣的”;C选项little-known“鲜为人知的;很少人知的”;D选项hidden“隐藏的”。句意:这些被认为是晦涩难懂的问题,不再只会引起少数读过美联储的“拟议规则制定通知”华盛顿人的关注。arcane“神秘的;晦涩难解的;秘传的”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题The German company retained a( )position in hormone research.问题1选项A.chairB.poleC.soapD.floor【答案】B【解析】考查固定短语搭配。A选项chair“椅子;讲座;主席位;大学教授的职位”;B选项pole“杆;极点;电极”;C选项soap“肥皂;将肥皂涂在上;对拍马屁”;D选项floor“地板,地面;楼层;基底;议员席”。pole position指的是方程式赛车中的“竿位”,即决赛中排在第一位出发的选手。“竿位”由决赛前排位赛中成绩最好的车手获得。此外,pole position还可表示“跑道内圈;有利位置”。句意:这家德国公司在激素研究方面保持着有利地位。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题Ten years of living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or A.L.S, progressive, paralyzing disease, have stilled nearly every muscle; Dr. Jules Lodish types with twitches of his cheek, detected by a sensor clipped to this glasses. But when people ask him how he feels about his life, Dr. Lodish, his eyes expressing the intensity denied to his body, responds: “I still look forward today.”A.L.S. or Lou Gehrigs disease, is often described as a kind of living death in, which the body goes flaccid while mind remains intact and acutely aware. The prospect of being trapped in an inert body and being totally dependent on others drives many sufferers to suicide.When Attorney General John Ashcroft attacked an Oregon law allowing doctor-assisted suicide in 2001a case that is still working its ways through the legal systempatients with the disease were among those who supported the law in court.But while the legal case and much of the national attention have focused on the issue of the right to die, less is known about those patients who want to live, and like Dr. Lodish, will go to extraordinary lengths to do so.With adequate medical care, patients often can live for years relatively free of physical pain from the disease itself. “Its more a sort of existential, psychic sort of pain,” said Dr. Leo McCluskey, a neurologist in Philadelphia who treats many people with the disease.As a result, patients and their families are forced, on a daily basis, to take stock of the meaning and quality of their lives and to make repeated decisions about how much is too much.“With A.L.S., you have a choice about when to stop treatment, letting nature take its course.” said Dr. Linda Ganzini, a professor of psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, who has studied patients making end-of-life decisions.What keeps many patients alive, experts say, is a sense of having unfinished businessperhaps a milestone “like getting the last kid off to college” said Dr. Mellar P. Davis, a professor hematology and medical oncology at the Cleveland Clinic.Those patients who do best are those who have insurance that covers nursing and medical care, allowing them to avoid some of the major health risks associated with the disease, and family members who can cover the hours when expert help is unavailable.Many patients, Dr. Ganzini said, have deep religious beliefs that help sustain them, and they are able, “to find hope in the future, find meaning and tolerate the daily ongoing losses that they are experiencing.”Dr. Lodishs body sits limp in a wheelchair and his tongue lolls; a machine breathes for him through a tracheostomy tube in his throat. He lost the ability to talk more than three years ago, he says, then jokes, “But not the ability to be annoying.”There are no half measures for Dr. Lodish, a hematologist who devised his own intricately detailed treatment regimen. He wrote a 30-page guide for his nurses that sets standards for a sterile environment that go beyond hospital practices, rules that have helped him avoid the infections that kill many patients. When he could no longer eat, he did the research to come up with a recipe for the nutrient blend that flows down his feeding tubeeven determining that the ingredients were kosherand he typed the two-page guide to its preparation, twitch by twitch, with a special program on the laptop that helps him to choose whole words or phrases from scrolling lists.This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives. He continues to provide medical consultation, and now advises patients with A.L.S. and their families on how to organize their own care and use the communication devices he has mastered.“One irony is with many people I communicate more now than when I was well,” Dr. Lodish said.By holding on, he said, he has been able to see many of lifes milestones, including the marriages of two of his three children.When his older daughter, Elizabeth Lester, became pregnant with the first grandchild, she asked her father to make the official family announcement.“He still plays the same role for me” she said, “I still consult him on financial matters and other kinds of things.”Dr. Lodish said that his own determination to live comes, in part, from his long experience in treating cancer patients, who often feel that a diagnosis is a death sentence.1. A.L.S. is a disease that( ).2. Jules Lodish( ).3. All the following are possible reasons why the patients with A.L.S. can live a better life EXCEPT( ).4. Dr. Lodish manages to live with A.L.S. mainly because he( ).5. Which of the following tasks is NOT undertaken by Dr. Jules Lodish?问题1选项A.causes people to paralyze instantlyB.makes every muscle stop moving graduallyC.is highly contagious in the United StatesD.is genetically determined and cannot be cured问题2选项A.wants to commit suicideB.supports an Oregon lawC.determined to live longerD.is becoming unconscious问题3选项A.they have insurance that covers nursing and medical careB.they have a sense of having unfinished businessC.they have strong religious beliefs that help sustain themD.they have got a strong mental support from people around问题4选项A.is having expert helpB.knows how to cope with the diseaseC.is well-equipped with advanced devicesD.often communicates with other people问题5选项A.Treating a lot of cancer patients.B.Devising his own treatment plan.C.Providing medical consultation.D.Communicating with many people.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“A.L.S, progressive, paralyzing disease, have stilled nearly every muscle(A.L.S是一种渐进性的麻痹性疾病,几乎使每一块肌肉都停止活动)”和第二段“A.L.S. or Lou Gehrigs disease, is often described as a kind of living death in, which the body goes flaccid while mind remains intact and acutely aware.(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症或卢伽雷氏症,常被描述为一种活死人。身体会变得松弛,而头脑却保持完整和敏锐的意识。)”,由此可推断出肌萎缩性侧索硬化症使肌肉病变会有一个循序渐进的过程。A选项“使人立即瘫痪”说法错误;B选项“使每一块肌肉逐渐停止活动”符合题意;C选项“在美国是高度传染性的”和D选项“是由基因决定的,不能治愈”文章都没有提到。因此B选项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段“But when people ask him how he feels about his life, Dr. Lodish, his eyes expressing the intensity denied to his body, responds: I still look forward today.(但当人们问洛迪什对自己的生活有何感想时,他的眼神流露出了身体所没有的那种强烈感,他回答说:我仍然期待着。)”和第四段“less is known about those patients who want to live, and like Dr. Lodish, will go to extraordinary lengths to do so.(但对于那些像洛迪什医生一样想要活下去的病人,人们却知之甚少。)”,由此可推断出Dr. Lodish虽然被肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症折磨,但他仍不失积极乐观的心态,对生活充满期待,决定好好生活与病魔抗争到底。A选项“想自杀”说法错误;B选项“支持俄勒冈州一项(允许医生协助自杀的)法律”文章没有提到;C选项“决心活得更长”符合题意;D选项“正在变得失去意识”说法错误。因此C选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第八段“What keeps many patients alive, experts say, is a sense of having unfinished business(专家说,让许多病人活下来的,是一种未完的事业感)”;第九段“Those patients who do best are those who have insurance that covers nursing and medical care, allowing them to avoid some of the major health risks associated with the disease, and family members who can cover the hours when expert help is unavailable.(那些做得最好的病人是那些拥有涵盖护理和医疗护理的保险,使他们能够避免一些与疾病相关的主要健康风险的人,以及那些家庭成员在得不到专家帮助时可以支付时间的人。)”以及第十段“have deep religious beliefs that help sustain them(许多患者都有深刻的宗教信仰,这些信仰帮助他们维持生命)”,因此A选项“他们有涵盖护理和医疗的保险”;B选项“他们有一种未完的事业感”以及C选项“他们有强烈的宗教信仰来支持他们”在文中都有提到,只有D选项“他们从周围的人那里得到了强大的精神支持”文章没有提及,因此D选项正确。4.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第十三段“This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives.(这条与世界相连的线让他与家人和朋友保持联系,让他成为他们生活中重要的一部分。)”以及第十四段“One irony is with many people I communicate more now than when I was well(具有讽刺意味的是,我现在和很多人交流的次数比我健康时还多)”,由此可知Dr. Lodish与病魔作斗争是通过经常与他人沟通交流,分享生命中的点滴。A选项“正在接受专家的帮助”;B选项“知道如何对付这种疾病”;C选项“配备了先进的设备”都不是主要原因,只有D选项“经常与他人交流”符合题意,因此D选项正确。5.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第十二段“who devised his own intricately detailed treatment regimen.(他设计了自己复杂而详细的治疗方案。)”;第十三段“This wire to the world keeps him connected to his family and friends, and allows him to remain an important part of their lives. He continues to provide medical consultation(这条与世界相连的线让他与家人和朋友保持联系,让他成为他们生活中重要的一部分。他继续提供医疗咨询)”,由此可知B选项“制定自己的治疗方案”;C选项“提供医疗咨询”和D选项“与许多人交流”说法正确,文章都有提及,而A选项“治疗了很多癌症患者”可定位到文章最后一段“Dr. Lodish said that his own determination to live comes, in part, from his long experience in treating cancer patients, who often feel that a diagnosis is a death sentence.(洛迪什说,他自己想活下去的决心,在一定程度上来自于他长期治疗癌症患者的经验,这些患者常常觉得确诊就等于判了死刑。)”,该段落只说了Dr. Lodish想活下去的决心来自治疗癌症患者的经验,并没有直接说他治疗了很多癌症患者,因此A选项符合题意,A选项正确。5. 单选题The pomp and ceremony with which President Barack Obama will host Indias Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a White House-state dinner on Tuesday wont alter a perception in India that it has lost ground to China in the new Administrations Asia policy. Many in New Delhi saw Obamas performance last week in Beijing as acquiescent toward an emboldened Beijing, New Delhis longtime regional rival. And they see India having a diminished role in the economic and geopolitical calculations of Obamas White Houseat least in comparison to the centrality it enjoyed in the Bush Administrations Asia policy.They may have winced at his blunders in Iraq and elsewhere, but many Indians welcomed President Bushs embrace, which strengthened ties between the worlds largest democracies to an unprecedented degree after decades of Cold War estrangement. Singh faced opposition at home from parties skeptical of close ties with the U.S., but staked his political reputation on the growing relationshiphis government was almost deposed by parties of the left protesting a nucleartechnology deal he concluded with the Bush Administration.“Under Bush, India was being encouraged to be an Asian power,” says Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi-based think tank. Implicit in the Bush agenda was the idea of helping a rising India become a democratic bulwark against authoritarian China. “Now” says Chellaney, “Obama sees things through a different prism.”One example of the change has been the Obama Administrations scrapping of what had been known as the quadrilateral initiative, a loose alliance between Washington and three other prominent democracies in the regionIndia, Japan and Australiathat staged joint naval exercises in 2008. China saw the initiative as designed to create a security bloc to contain it, and in the interests of improving relations with Beijing, Obama has declined to pursue it.Indian analysts believe Obamas foreign policy team mostly thinks of India in the context of other regional challenges, particularly the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan. China, with its booming economy and position as Americas primary creditor, now carries far more weight in U.S. calculations. “The ground reality is India at the moment does not count for the U.S. in the same way that China and Pakistan do,” says Bahukutumbi Raman, a former top Indian intelligence official and head of the Centre for Topical Studies in Chennai.Part of the price for that new reality, many in India believe, is a downgrading of their own concerns. Singh will be in the U.S. on the anniversary of last years Mumbai terror attacks, traditional ties to Pakistans military intelligence organization, the ISI. But while Obama and his Afghanistan envoy, Richard Holbrooke, have urged India to make concessions on the decades-old Kashmir dispute in order to help Washingtons efforts to persuade the Pakistanis to focus more resources on fighting the Taliban, little has been done to coerce Pakistan to crack down on extremist groups using its territory as a base for targeting India. The agenda for Singhs visit includes talks on boosting intelligence and counterterrorism efforts, but India remains unwilling to broach Kashmir with Pakistan until Islamabad demonstrates a commitment to crack down on jihadist groups in its midst.More troubling for the Indians than the Obama Administrations prioritizing of Afghanistan was a paragraph in the joint statement released during the Presidents Beijing visit: it welcomed Chinese involvement in South Asia and spoke of Beijings ability to “promote peace, stability and development in that region.” In New Delhi, this was read as a sign of U.S. acceptance of China viewing South AsiaIndias neighborhoodas part of its own sphere of influence. Chellaney saw the statement as a “return to a kind of Cold War thinking where two great powers can dictate terms to a lesser one.” Chinas long-standing border disputes with India, and its building up of the Pakistani military, makes many in New Delhi reluctant to welcome Beijing as a benign presence. Indeed, some fear India is being encircled by Chinese listening posts and bases around the Indian Ocean. And when tensions spiked last month over China pressing its claim to territory inside India, the U.S. remained silent. Indias government insists theres room enough for both India and China to peacefully emerge as world powers, and Singh has made no complaints about the change in atmosphere in Washington. His visit, he insists, is simply an opportunity “to renew the partnership.” Itll look to formalize elements of the nuclear deal penned last year, which grants India access to a range of technologies that it had previously been blocked from acquiring. Measures will also be taken to expand trade, promote educational links and boost cooperation on research into vaccines. The two sides are also expected to sound the right notes on climate change without making any substantial commitments.Despite their concerns about recent developments in the relationship, many in India are confident in their countrys long-term ties with the U.S. More than 3-million people of Indian origin now live in the U.S., while Indians comprise the biggest pool of foreign students in American universities, and wealthy Indian professionals are creating an increasingly effective India lobby in Washington. “India may not be the top priority now” says Raman, “but theres no reason why it wont be in the future.”1. How did the Indians perceive Obamas Asian Policy?2. Why does Obama choose not to pursue the quadrilateral initiative?3. For the India government, what would be the downside of Obamas Asian policy?4. How does the Indian government interpret the joint statement released during Obamas visit in Beijing?5 .Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?问题1选项A.They believed the Obama Administration appreciated the fact that Beijing was becoming bolder.B.They believed India lost its central place in the Bush Administration and Obama further diminished its role.C.They thought Obama was trying to further strain the relations between China and India, the two long time regional rivals.D.They were worrying that India was slighted by the Obama Administration.问题2选项A.Because the Obama Administration believes China should be included in the alliance.B.Because the Obama Administration believes the joint naval exercises in 2008 posed a threat and thus irritated China.C.Because in Obamas Asian policy, Beijing outweighs India.D.Because the Obama Administration does not take India as a regional power but rather an element in the pursuit of regional peace.问题3选项A.India will lose support from the U.S. in many issues of its major concern.B.The long-standing border disputes between India and China would not be solved in the near future.C.India would face more problems cracking down terrorism supported by Pakistan.D.India would feel powerless in containing China.问题4选项A.A Cold War would break out between India and China.B.China would exert her influence to South Asian countries, including India.C.The U.S. and China would jointly contain India which is an emerging power.D.Pakistan would get more support from China and the U.S.问题5选项A.Some Indian analysts are optimistic about the Indian-US relations.B.Like the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration takes both China and India as rising powers.C.The Obama Administration prioritizes Afghanistan and Pakistan in its Asian policy.D.Singhs visit is to, among others, expand trade, boost intelligence and counter terrorism efforts and negotiate with the Obama Administration about the future role of India in American Asian policy.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第一段的最后一句话“And they see India having a diminished role in the economic and geopolitical calculations of Obamas White Houseat least in comparison to the centrality it enjoyed in the Bush Administrations Asia policy.(他们还认为,印度在奥巴马白宫的经济和地缘政治计算中的作用正在减弱,至少与它在布什政府的亚洲政策中所享有的中心地位相比是如此。)”,由此可推断出印度人担心被美国轻视。A选项“他们认为奥巴马政府意识到北京正在变得更加大胆”;B选项“他们认为印度在布什政府中失去了中心地位,奥巴马进一步削弱了它的作用”;C选项“他们认为奥巴马是在试图进一步加剧中国和印度这两个长期的地区竞争对手之间的关系”;D选项“他们担心印度被奥巴马政府轻视”。因此D选项正确。2.判断推理题。根据题干可定位到文章第四段“the Obama Administrations scrapping of what had been known as the quadrilateral initiative(奥巴马政府取消了所谓的四方倡议)”和“China saw the initiative as designed to create a security bloc to contain it, and in the interests of improving relations with Beijing, Obama has declined to pursue it.(中国认为这一举措旨在建立一个安全集团来遏制中国,为了改善与北京的关系,奥巴马拒绝推行这一举措。)”,由此可推断出奥巴马放弃四方倡议是因为激怒了中国。A选项“因为奥巴马政府认为,中国应该加入该联


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