
必修3 Unit 3课时作业十三The Million Pound BankNote百万英镑.单项填空1Where did she findold picturesShe found them in the drawer byacciden,选修8 Unit1课时作业三十六A land of div


1、必修3 Unit 3课时作业十三The Million Pound BankNote百万英镑.单项填空1Where did she findold picturesShe found them in the drawer byacciden。

2、选修8 Unit1课时作业三十六A land of diversity多元化的社会.单项填空1An uncle of mine livedcancer for over 20 years,and diedJanuary at the age。

3、选修7 Unit1课时作业三十一Living well好好生活.单项填空1The disability makes everyday life difficult andsociety should treatdisabled with d。

4、选修7 Unit2课时作业三十二Robots机器人.单项填空1For teenagers,there are always too many rules that are expected.Ato obey Bto be obeyedCob。

5、必修5 Unit4课时作业二十四Making the news制作新闻.单项填空1I dontof your sending your daughter to Britain to study,because she is too youn。

6、必修3 Unit2课时作业十二 Healthy eating 健康膳食.单项填空1The beauty of this career is that it allows us toour interest with our work,gai。

7、高考总复习新课标配套测评卷高三一轮R教英语卷七选修7学校:班级:姓名:考号:第卷选择题,共105分第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分第一节共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分1How does the man usually go。

8、必修4 Unit 2课时作业十七Working the land耕作土地.单项填空1it is to watch Xiao Shenyangs performanceSo it isEveryone present will burst i。

9、必修4 Unit3课时作业十八A taste of English humour感受英语的幽默.单项填空1By the time he realizes heinto a trap,itll be too late for him to d。

10、高考总复习新课标配套测评卷高三一轮R教英语卷五必修5学校:班级:姓名:考号:第卷选择题,共105分第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分第一节共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分1What can you learn about th。

11、必修5 Unit2课时作业二十二The United Kingdom联合王国.单项填空1What about your journey to Mount HuaEverything was wonderful except that the。

12、选修7 Unit4课时作业三十四Sharing共享.单项填空1We didnt know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we you a hand.Ahad given BgaveCw。

13、选修6 Unit 2课时作业二十七Poems诗歌.单项填空1Let us suppose that you are inposition ofparent.Would you allow your child to do such a th。

14、必修2 Unit3课时作业八 Computers 计算机.单项填空1While there are some differences in the educational systems in many countries in the w。

15、高考总复习新课标配套测评卷高三一轮R教英语卷二必修2学校:班级:姓名:考号:第卷选择题,共105分第一部分:听力共两节,满分30分第一节共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分1What does the woman wish to。

16、必修5 Unit1课时作业二十一Great scientists伟大的科学家.单项填空1The party is great.I didnt hear you clearly.Its too noisy here.AYes BWhyCRea。

17、必修2 Unit5课时作业十 Music 音乐.单项填空1Why can she keep such a good figureShegreat importance to regular exercise.AattainsBattract。

18、必修5 Unit5课时作业二十五First aid急救.单项填空1Was it from the lakehe often went fishinghe saved the drowning girlAthat;that Bwhere;wh。

19、选修7 Unit3课时作业三十三Under the sea海下景观.单项填空1Usually a childs behavior is aof his family environment.ArecognitionBreflectionCr。

20、必修2 Unit1课时作业六 Cultural relics 文化遗产.单项填空1If we want to have a bright future,we must learn to act in waysdo not harm othe。

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