【河南专版】《》2020高三英语一轮配套测评卷 新人教版必修2

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高考总复习(新课标)配套测评卷高三一轮R教英语卷(二)必修2学校:_班级:_姓名:_考号:_第卷(选择题,共105分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1What does the woman wish to do?ASell caps for small boys.BExchange the cap for a larger one.CMake this cap a little smaller.2Where are they probably talking?AOutside a bookstore.BAt an art gallery.CIn a shop.3When will Mr Davis meet Ann?AAt 845.BAt 900.CAt 915.4What are the man and the woman talking about?AChristmas holiday. BChristmas dinner.CChristmas gifts.5What is the possible relationship between the speakers?ACustomer and shop assistant.BPoliceman and passerby.CTeacher and student.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段对话,回答第6至8题。6Who is the man?AA doctor. BAn actor. CA reporter.7What happened to the main character?AHe suffered from cancer.BHe got married to a girl.CHe wanted to be a doctor.8What can you learn from the conversation?ATV audiences know many famous doctors.BThe woman plays a role in the TV show.CThe man likes the role he played very much.听第7段对话,回答第9至11题。9Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?ATeacher and student. BClassmates.CBrother and sister.10What did the man do last night?AHe went to the cinema.BHe attended a birthday party.CHe went out to McDonalds.11Why is the woman calling the man?ATo invite him to a birthday party.BTo ask him for help with her physics.CTo borrow his physics book.听第8段对话,回答第12至14题。12What is Mr Carson doing when the man calls him?AHaving a talk with his customer.BHaving a meeting.CHaving lunch.13Whats the mans telephone number?AHong Kong68261427 extension 4063.BHong Kong68261427 extension 4066.CHong Kong68261427 extension 4036.14When can Mr Carson ring the man according to the woman?AAs soon as he returns from lunch.BAs soon as he returns from meeting.CAs soon as he knows about it.听第9段对话,回答第15至17题。15What is Mr Lewispurpose of this visit?ATo visit friends and give lessons.BTo give a violin concert.CTo attend a wedding.16What kind of violin did Mr Lewis use when he was eight?AA fullsized violin.BA halfsized violin.CA twothirdssized violin.17What do you know about Mr Lewis violin?AHe always takes it with him.BIt was made by his uncle.CHe borrowed it from his uncle.听第10段独白,回答第18至20题。18Who was Phil?AMy friend.BA traveler. CA businessman.19What did the man want to know?AHe wanted to know where they were.BHe wanted to know what was in the sky.CHe wanted to know why the sky was strange.20Why didnt Phil tell him?ABecause he had drunk too much.BBecause he was in a strange town.CBecause he didnt see anything in the sky.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21Generally speaking,if a child grows up in_big family,he is more likely to develop_ability to get on well with others.Aa;anBa;the Cthe;/Dthe;an22Our class will play against Class 3 in the basketball match this afternoon.Im sure we will win._!AGood luck BCheersCBest wishes DCongratulations23Do you think the Internet provides us with_information?Not really.Some is not believable.Auseful Bregular Cuniversal Dreliable24The two coal miners,_in the mine for as long as three days,were eventually rescued and sent to hospital immediately.Ato trap Btrapping Ctrapped Dhaving trapped25I wonder what he will think of when he looks over at the splendid house that once_him.Awas belonging to Bbelonged toCwas being belonged to Dwas belonged to26David failed in the final examination last term and only then_how much time he had wasted before.Ahad he realized Bhe had realizedCdid he realize Dhe realized27How much did the old man_you for repairing your bike?Five yuan.The price is very low.Acharge Bspend Ccost Dpay28I was walking along the street when someone across the street waved his hand to me,as if_me something.Atelling Btold Cwas telling Dto tell29There is no doubt_man will continue to explore the vast universe in the future,but the rate at which we approach depends on the development of technology.Awhether Bwhat Cwhen Dthat30What we all know is that Max is hardworking,intelligent,and_honest.Ain all Bafter all Cat all Dabove all31Look!How excited he is!It is the first time that he_so excited since he_here last year.Ahas been;has moved Bwas;movedChas been;moved Dwas;has moved32Shall we_to attend the meeting_at the end of this month?Sorry,I dont know.Aask;holding Bask;to holdCbe asked;held Dbe asked;to be held33As far as I know,shopping online has many advantages,_the most important one is convenience.Aduring which Bof themCof which Dof whom34Id appreciate_if you tell me some knowledge about rock music.Athis Bthat Cit Done35Watching Xiao Shenyang perform in a funny manner,the audience_laughter from time to time.Aburst into Bburst out Cbreak out Dbreak in第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(2020年东北三校第一次联考)My son was badly hurt in a fire.After he_36_from a series of treatments,the doctors told him they would not do any operation for six months_37_it took long for the skin to stop shrinking (收缩)So,he had to return to college with a visible 10inch_38_on his face.I said to my son,“Keaton,_39_will pay any more attention to your scar_40_you do.If it does not bother you,it will not bother_41_.” He took my advice to heart and returned to school with his head_42_highglad he was alive._43_,everyone has scars and shortcomings.Some of you may spend much time thinking that people would like you better,_44_you looked different,or dressed differently,or could have a different and newer_45_.But you see,like Keatons scar,people will only judge you by your looks,or your_46_,or your car,if you are judging yourself by these same false_47_.One of my friends in college was very_48_.At first,when people met him,they noticed his_49_for about 10 seconds.This man felt_50_about himself and spent most of his time_51_about other peoples comfort and welfare._52_,people ignored his looks.What people_53_was his kindness and his concern for them.He didnt act in an ugly way so people didnt treat him as an ugly man.Therefore,concentrate on what you value_54_yourself,because if you can see that beautiful person,everyone you are in contact with will see the same_55_.36A.cured Brecovered Cimproved Dreturned37A.because Bthough Cuntil Dbefore38A.cut Bwound Cinjury Dscar39A.no one Banyone Ceveryone Dsomeone40A.as Blike Cthan Dwhen41A.another Bothers Call Dus42A.put Bheld Ctaken Dhung43A.After all BIn conclusion CIn fact DAbove all44A.as long as Bif Ceven if Das if45A.house Btelephone Cjob Dcar46A.clothes Bhairstyle Cfigure Dsalary47A.means Bstandards Ccomments Drules48A.smart Boptimistic Crude Dugly49A.manners Bexpressions Clooks Dactions50A.lucky Bworried Cgood Dsad51A.inquiring Basking Cknowing Dcaring52A.Completely BGradually CObviously DSuddenly53A.wanted Bunderstood Cbrought Dsaw54A.within Bbeyond Cexcept Dabove55A.kindness Bconcern Cbeauty Dperfection第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A(2020年淄博检测)Scientists are working to develop crop plants that can reduce the amount of water used for agriculture.Almost sixty percent of the worlds freshwater withdrawals from rivers,lakes and other water resources go toward irrigating fields.Scientists are using biotechnology as well as traditional breeding methods to develop watersaving crops to feed a growing world.Tommy Carter is a plant scientist in North Carolina working for the Agricultural Research Service in the United States Department of Agriculture.He leads Team Drought,a group of researchers at five universities.They have been using conventional breeding methods to develop soybeans that can grow well under dry conditions.Tommy started working on droughtresistant soybeans in 1981.His research has taken him as far as China,where soybeans have been grown for thousands of years.Farmers in the United States,however,have grown soybeans for only about a century.Tommy Carter says the soybeans they grow are for the most part genetically similar.More differences could better protect crops against climate changes that can reduce production.Those changes include water shortages which could increase from global warming.The Agriculture Department has a soybean germplasm collection (种质收集),a collection of genetic material passed from one generation to the next.Members of Team Drought studied more than 2,500 examples from the collection.They looked at those from Asia and searched for germplasms that could keep plants from weakening and wilting (枯萎) during hot,dry summers in the United States.Tommy says they found only five,but these slowwilting lines can produce more than normal soybeans under drought conditions.The team is now doing field tests.The first breeding line is expected to be released next year for use by private seed companies and public soybean breeders.Scientists are also working on other crop plants that either use less water or use it better,or both.56The scientists are developing the crop plants because_.Atraditional crop plants cant grow under dry conditionsBonly biotechnology could lead to a success in this areaCirrigating fields has used almost 60% of our freshwaterDwe need new crops to save more water than ever before57From the passage we know that Tommy Carter_.Ais now teaching at five universitiesBorganized Team Drought in 1981Conce went to China to study soybeansDdiscovered the genetic material of soybeans58According to the passage,the five examples from Asia need less water under drought conditions because_.Asoybeans have been grown in Asia for thousands of yearsBthe germplasms are different from those of American soybeansCthe history of soybeans growing in America is only a centuryDthe problem of water shortages in Asia is much more serious59What will the writer most probably write about next?ASome other research on crops that use less water.BThe conclusion that less water is needed for soybeans.CMore information about Tommy Carters new soybeans.DThe reason why the climate changes have taken place.60The passage is mainly talking about_.Aconventional methods of plants breedingBefforts to develop crops using less waterCthe history of soybeans growing in ChinaDwhat some scientists do to change the climateB(2020年泰安模拟)Science and technology students in China and the US have a long way to go before they can develop a deep understanding of scientific reasoning,researchers have found.As part of a research to compare science education in China and the US,Lei Bao,a professor from the Department of Physics of the Ohio State University,gave 5,760 freshmen in three US and four Chinese universities two tests to evaluate content knowledge and another to assess scientific reasoning.Though Chinese students did better than their US counterparts in the first two tests that emphasized on learning facts,both groups “scored relatively poorly” on the third test,designed to assess their ability to systematically explore a problem,the results showed.Lei Bao said that the finding challenges conventional wisdom,which holds that teaching science facts will improve Students reasoning ability.“Our study shows that,contrary to what many people would expect,even when students are thoroughly taught the facts,they dont necessarily develop the reasoning skills they need to succeed,” Bao said.“Because students need both knowledge and reasoning,we need to explore teaching methods that target both.”The current education systems and assessment of China and the US do not emphasize on deep understanding of scientific reasoning in the disciplines of science,technology,engineering and mathematics (STEM),the study concluded.Bao explained that reasoning is a good skill for everyone to possessnot just scientists and engineers.The general public also need good reasoning skills in order to correctly interpret scientific findings and think rationally.STEM students need to excel_at scientific reasoning in order to handle openended realworld tasks in their future careers in science and engineering.How to boost scientific reasoning?The study suggests that educators must go beyond teaching science facts if they hope to boost students reasoning ability.Bao points to inquirybased learning,where students work in groups,question teachers and design their own investigations.This teaching technique is growing in popularity worldwide.61According to the research,we know that_.AChinese students and their US counterparts did poorly in the first two testsBChinese students did better than their US counterparts in all the three testsCChinese students did better than their US counterparts in the first two testsDUS students did better than their Chinese counterparts in the third test62The conventional wisdom holds that_.Athe more facts students are taught,the more reasoning skills they will acquireBthe general public also need reasoning skills to interpret scientific findingsCto boost studentsreasoning ability,educators must explore teaching methodsDthe current education systems are harmful to improve students reasoning ability63Based on the study,what will be done to improve studentsreasoning ability?ATo improve teaching techniques.BTo better studentslearning conditions.CTo teach students more science facts.DTo offer students more tests.64The underlined phrase “excel at” in Paragraph 6 probably means_.Abe worse at Bbe better atChe enthusiastic about Dbe inferior to65Which of the following is correct according to the passage?ALittle needs to be done to develop studentsreasoning ability in the US.BOnly scientists and engineers need reasoning abilities.CTwo tests were carried out to evaluate studentsscientific reasoning.DInquirybased learning is a good way to boost studentsreasoning ability.C(2020年日照检测,A)Alice watched from her brothers New Orleans house as Hurricane Katrina split trees,broke windows,and swallowed cars,including her own.A few miles away,her best friend,Pat,also a nurse,was supervising patients in the highrisk hospital when the river banks broke.For the next six days,Pat and her crew lived there until a rescue boat picked them up.Both of them were evacuated_to safer parts of the States.Weeks later,they,like thousands of others,returned to find their homes uninhabitable,their jobs gone.The following spring,as she was rebuilding her life,Alice contacted an information centre for returning residents.When asked if she would head a desperately needed clinic,Alice said shed do it,but only with Pat.It took Pat less than five minutes to say yes.And after consulting with her children,she offered her damaged home as the new clinic.As word spread,help poured in.Groups raised money and donated medical equipment,exam tables,free ductwork,other supplies and even labor.Bedrooms were transformed into exam rooms and Pats living room into a waiting room.On February 27,2020,the clinic opened,with patients lined up around the block.Those who came in that first day were very sick with problems from not taking their medicine for a year after Katrina.Over 1,200 people have made their way to the clinic,whose decoration passes what Pat calls the mama test:“Would your mama feel comfortable here?” Until recently,it was the only healthcare facility in there.“Its a relief to have a clinic right here in the neighborhood where I can check my pressure,” says Latoya Owens,30,who suffers from hypertension.“This is the most rewarding thing Ive ever done,” says Alice.Adds Pat,“Im alleviating (减轻) some suffering in an underserved population.I listen to their stories,and I cry a lot.People outside New Orleans think things are back to normal here,but we are far from that.”66When Hurricane Katrina arrived,_.AAlice was driving to her brothers houseBPat was visiting in a hospitalChouses were destroyedDpeople were rescued to safety67What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?AThe clinic opened a year after Hurricane Katrina.BThe clinic helped local people a lot.CThe clinic was the only one of its kind in the neighborhood.DThe clinic was decorated to peoples satisfaction.68Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?AThings in New Orleans were much worse than people thought.BAlice felt happy and satisfied about what she was doing.CPat thought a lot before agreeing to work together with Alice.DPeople were ready to help when disasters happened.69Pat cried a lot probably because_.Ashe was sad about what people had sufferedBshe was moved by peoples help to the clinicCwork in the clinic was too difficultDshe lost her job and home during Hurricane Katrina70The underlined word “evacuated” in the second paragraph most probably means “_”Aforced Battached Crelated DmovedD(2020年潍坊第二次检测)I quit the game,WOW,a couple of years ago.My life has improved dramatically.I went from being single to being engaged,I received a second promotion in my career,and life couldnt be better.But even then,I still had an urge to play and I thought about it every day.About a month ago,I decided to start playing again.My friends still played and claimed that its better than before.So I figured Id give it a shot,and so far Ive managed my time well.But the funny thing is that Im not enjoying it as much as I thought I would.That sense of accomplishment I used to have back then is gone.I figured out why.My enjoyment in the game came from progression.I loved accomplishing quests,hitting 60,and then beating the bosses with 40 other people.Some nights sucked (糟透了),when nothing was done.But other nights,when we beat the hell out of a main boss,it felt incredible.I was actually progressing and improving in something.It may not have been real life,but it was there,on my screen,and it was visible for all to see.But now Ive actually pursued tangible goals,and realized the sense of accomplishment in WOW is worthless.I dont get excited when the list of epic drops from a boss is sent to me from my friends.I havent even been interested in getting a flying mount,or PVP gear.I just dont really care about them.I actually dont care about anything that happens in the game,except for some quests.1 out of every 10 quests you do has an enjoyable story that makes it more interesting.But even so,they are what you can get out of a book,or a good single player game.Even though WOW is enjoyable in some aspects,its extremely boring in others.Now to me,above all,its not worth my time to go through it.71The underlined “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to_.Athe game Bthe urgeCthe promotion Dthe goal72Why did the writer quit the game a couple of years ago?ABecause he found much more fun from other games.BBecause


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