【河南专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修7-4

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选修7 Unit4课时作业(三十四)Sharing共享.单项填空1We didnt know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we_ you a hand.Ahad given BgaveCwould give Dwould have given2A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is_to the case.Arelevant BsimilarCdevoted Daddicted3Students in our school are encouraged to_more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge.Aattend BjoinCtake part Dparticipate in4I_invite Mr Green to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.Ado BdoesCdid Ddoing5The sooner we students_to the new school,the better it will be_our studies.Aadapt;for Badjust;toCadopt;for Dadmit;to6The hospital_well,where many wounded_every day.Ais operated;operation Boperates;are operated onCoperates;are operated Doperates;operates on7With the guide_the way,we finally got to the village which we were looking for.Aled BleadingCto lead Dhad led8At last,nothing but some trees remained,with some branches_the wall.Astick out of Bto stick outCsticking out of Dto stick out of9It makes no_which road you take;both lead to the city,and they are equally long.Apoint BsenseCmatter Ddifference10Mary had to go to a meeting,so she left her children_at home.Aplaying BplayedCto play Dhaving played11Was it in the library_he often went to do some reading_he met the pretty girl?Athat;that Bwhere;whereCwhere;that Dthat;where12Would you like to see a film with us this evening?Id like to.But I cant_the time because I have to finish my composition.Apass BtakeCafford Dspend13Its an old photo of my father.I_it when I was looking for my passport the other day.Acame into Bcame aboutCcame across Dcame on14The young man earns $20,000 a month.In other words,his annual_is $240,000.Aexpense BcostCincome Dfinance15A much better way must be found to achieve an equal_of the resources.Adistribution BcontributionCcatalogue Dseparation.阅读理解Selfesteem (自尊心) is all about how much we are valued,loved,accepted,and thought well of by others and how much we value,love and accept ourselves.People with healthy selfesteem are able to do better in school and find it easier to make friends.They tend to have better relationships with others,feel happier,find it easier to deal with mistakes and failures,and are more likely to stick to something until they succeed.People with low selfesteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they cant do well in anything.The following ways may help you improve your selfesteem.Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.If youre used to focusing on your shortcomings,start thinking about positive aspects of yourself that outweigh them.It is good to aim high,but your goals for yourself should be within reach.Thats why you should set practical goals and never expect the impossible.Mistakes are part of learning,so view mistakes as learning opportunities.Accept that you make mistakes because everyone does.Also,you should recognize what you can change and what you cant.If you realize that youre unhappy with something about yourself,you can change and start from today.If its something you cant change (like your height),start to work toward loving yourself the way you are.Feeling like youre making a difference or that your help is valued can do wonders to improve your selfesteem.So dont hesitate to make a contribution.You can lend a hand to a classmate whos having trouble,help your neighborhood clean up,or volunteer to do some other things.Selfesteem plays a role in almost everything you do.Its never too late to build healthy selfesteem.It takes some work,and its a necessary skill youll have for life.1The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”Ayour classmates Byour shortcomingsCyour strong points Dyour goals2According to the passage,which of the following can help improve your selfesteem?ASetting high goals similar to othersBNever forgiving yourself for your mistakes.CLending a hand to a classmate in trouble.DChanging all the things that make you unhappy.3We can infer from the passage that_.Athe old tend to have healthier selfesteem than the youngBwe should build healthy selfesteem when youngCthere are more people with low selfesteemDit is not easy to build healthy selfesteem4The passage is mainly about_.Ahow people improve their selfesteemBwhat selfesteem meansCwhat people with low selfesteem are likeDwhat people with healthy selfesteem are like5How many ways of improving your selfesteem are mentioned in the passage?A5. B6.C7. D8.(2020届英语周报模拟四)The over55s who grew up watching blackandwhite programs and films are more likely to dream in grey,research suggests.And the under25s who have watched color TV all their lives tend to have colorful adventures in_the_land_of_nod.Research from the first half of the 20th century,especially in the 1930s and 1950s,suggested that most dreams are in black and white.But results from tests in the 1960s and later suggested that up to 80 per cent of dreams contain some colors.Since this period marked the transition (过渡) from blackandwhite films and TV to widespread Technicolor (彩色印片法),an obvious explanation was that television was influencing dreams,but differences between the studies prevented the researchers from drawing any firm conclusions.Later studies asked subjects (实验对象) to complete dream diaries immediately they woke up,but the earlier research used questionnaires completed in the middle of the day,so the subjects might have simply forgotten color elements in their dreams and assumed they were grey.To solve the problem,psychologist Eva Murzyn asked 60 subjects,half of whom were under 25 and half over 55,to answer a questionnaire on the color of their dreams and their childhood exposure (暴露) to films and TV.The subjects then recorded different aspects of their dreams in a diary every morning.She found there was no significant difference between results drawn from the questionnaires and the dream diaries.She then analyzed data to find out whether an early exposure to blackandwhite TV or films could still have a lasting effect on her subjectsdreams,40 years later.Less than five per cent of the under25sdreams were black and white.But the over55s who had access to blackandwhite media in their younger days reported dreaming in black and white roughly a quarter of the time.Murzyn said,“There could be a critical period in our childhood when watching films has a big influence on the way dreams are formed.” Peoples attention might be heightened during the time they are watching TV or films.6. “this period” in the fifth paragraph refers to_.Athe 20th century Bthe 1930sCthe 1950s Dthe 1960s and later7The underlined words “in the land of nod” in Paragraph 2 means_.Ain the evening Bduring travellingCin a dream world Dwhen they are thinking8Murzyns study was different from other studies because _.Amore people of different ages were involvedBboth diaries and questionnaires were usedCmore advanced technology was usedDsubjects were given more time to record their dreams9From the passage,we can learn that_.Astudies on the color of dreams have been going on for many yearsBthe results of the previous studies on dreams couldnt be trustedColder people are more likely to be influenced by TV viewingDthe colors of TV sets are more likely to appear in viewersdreams10What is the main idea of the passage?AThe color of peoples dreams changes along with their ages.BTV viewing has different influences on different people.CChildhood TV viewing may determine the color of dreams.DChildhood TV viewing may influence a persons later life.单项填空1Dotherwise否则,隐含着一个与过去事实相反的虚拟假设句,所以用情态动词完成时。2Abe relevant to.与有关(be connected with)。3Dparticipate intake part in表示“参加集体活动”的意思。4C本题考查“do/does/did动词原形”构成的强调句。通过全句可知应该用一般过去时。5A考查动词和介词辨析。adapt和adjust都有“(使)适应”的意思,adapt后跟to表示“适应于”,跟for表示“适用的目的”;adopt采用,收养;admit容许,承认,接纳。句意为:我们对新学校适应得越快,对我们的学习就越有利。6B句意为:这家医院经营得很好,每天都有很多伤员在这里做手术。operate作“运转,工作”讲时是不及物动词,无被动语态。而作“给某人做手术”讲时常与on连用,本句是被动语态。7B考查with复合宾语。to lead表示将来动作,根据语境应排除,guide与lead为逻辑上的主谓关系,故排除A项;with为介词,不是连词,故排除D项。8C本题考查stick out of与with复合结构,因为branches与stick out之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故选C。9D句意为:你走哪条路都无关紧要,二者都通往城里,而且一样远。make no sense没有意义。A项没有这种搭配用法;matter构成It doesnt matter.句式。10A本题考查leave复合结构。leave sb.doing使某人处于什么状态。句意为:玛丽得去开会,因此她让孩子在家里玩。11C本题考查相似句型的区别用法。本题是强调句型It is/was被强调部分that/who其他部分,关键在于本题题干中出现两个空格,切忌题目尚未读完就下结论,仔细审题会发现library后面是个定语从句,由关系副词where引导,第二空才是强调句中的that,本句意思是“他是不是在常去读书的图书馆里遇上那个漂亮女孩的”?12C本题考查动词辨析。根据上下文,第二个人的意思是“我想(跟你)去(看电影),但我抽不出时间,因为我得完成我的作文”,afford the money/the time负担得起这笔钱/这段时间。pass the time打发时间,take/spend the time花时间。13Ccome across偶然遇到或发现,符合题意。come into继承;承受(财产);come about发生,造成;come on进行,进展。14C句意为:每月挣20 000美金,也就是说,他的年收入(income)是240 000美金。15Adistribution分配;contribution贡献;catalogue目录;separation分开,分割线。根据句中的“资源”和“公平的”判断,此处应该为“分配”。.阅读理解【语篇解读】有了健康的自尊心,我们就可能在学习上取得进步,与他人相处融洽,还能更好地面对错误和失败,坚持不懈,直到成功。1B代词指代题。作者在此处给出了改善自尊心的第一个方法,即尽量不要想着自己的缺点,应该想一想自己的优点,这些优点在此时比缺点更重要,因此此处的“them”指代缺点。2C理解判断题。文章第三段讲的是如何培养健康的自尊心,最后一句提到了应该帮助有困难的同学,所以C项正确。3D推理判断题。由文章最后一句可知培养健康的自尊心需要我们付出努力,因此选D项。4A主旨大意题。由第二段“The following ways may help you improve your selfesteem.”引出了主要内容如何培养健康的自尊心。5A细节判断题。文章的第三段讲述了改善自尊心的几种方式第一种:Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself;第二种:set practical goals and never expect the impossible;第三种:view mistakes as learning opportunities;第四种:recognize what you can change and what you cant;第五种:dont hesitate to make a contribution。【语篇解读】本文报道了对人们梦境颜色的最新研究成果:从小看黑白电视长大的人,其梦境的颜色很可能是灰色的;从小看彩色电视长大的人,其梦境可能是彩色的。6D指代题。根据文中的But results from tests in the 1960s and later suggested that up to 80 per cent of dreams contain some colors可知,此处的“这个时期”是指20世纪60年代。7C细节理解题。根据上下文可知此处是对从小看彩色电视长大的人的梦境之进行研究,故此处C。8B细节理解题。根据第六、七、八三段可知,早期对梦境的研究是让实验者填写问卷调查;而后来的研究是让实验者记录有关梦的日记。Murzyn的研究使用了这两种方法,故选B项。9A推理判断题。根据第三段的1930s和1950s可知,在很多年前已经有关于梦境颜色的研究了,因此选A项。10C主旨大意题。文章的最后一段是结论,即文章中心:儿童时期所看电视或电影的颜色会对他们以后的梦境颜色产生影响,C项符合该主旨。


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