【河南专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版选修8-1

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选修8 Unit1课时作业(三十六)A land of diversity多元化的社会.单项填空1An uncle of mine lived_cancer for over 20 years,and died_January at the age of 86.Afor;fromBwith;ofCwith;inDagainst;with2The_of school leavers that go to university is about fifty percent.Adegree Bpercentage Clevel Dstandard3Jane will have to_her piano practice a long time if she wants to be a professional concert performer.Aset up Badd up Ckeep up Dhold up4Our classmates who prefer to hold a party for him are_the majority.Aat Bin Con Dto5The agreement indicates that the two companies will_with each other again.Ateam up Bturn up Clook up Dpick up6Did you catch the early bus this morning?No.It had left the stop_I arrived there.Aas soon as Bas the timeCby the time Dduring the time7Can you see the Jinsha Museum from_you are standing?Yes,and its really well designed.Awhere Bwhich Cthe place Dhere8Can you join us in the party this evening?Well,that depends on_I can have my report done before then.Awhether Bwhere Cwhen Dhow9The position,however,_you are applying,is not quite a wellpaid one.Athat Bwhich Cfor which Dto which10I will mark_everything you say.It is helpful to the English learners.Aup Bdown Cout Doff11_is no possibility_she can finish the task in two hours.AThere;that BIt;thatCThere;whether DIt;whether12Many students listened to the lecture,but I wondered how much work they took_.Aout Bup Coff Din13It is most_that the environmentalists will come to the area to investigate the possible damage caused by the serious pollution.Alikely Bperhaps Cpossibly Dprobably14Many died or returned home,but most remained in California to_a life for themselves in the new towns or on farms.Amake Bcome Cbring Dlay15Football is a_of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking.Amixture Bthought Ctime Daction.完形填空(2020届昆明一中一模)Every morning,before dropping her son off at school,my friend would stop on the way to work to grab a quick breakfast.They tended to frequent the_1_restaurant every morning grabbing an egg sandwich,juice,coffee for herself,milk for her son.One day she_2_an additional breakfast.When they had eaten and walked out of the door,she stopped and said good morning to a_3_man who was sitting alone outside the restaurant and_4_him the additional breakfast she had bought.He_5_her,grinning,telling her it was the first meal he had in a great many days.She couldnt help but feel_6_and was glad she finally took action.She told her son that she had_7_him every day that week outside the restaurant and that no one,herself included,had_8_to offer him food,drink,comfort,etc.She further_9_that homelessness can happen to anyone and the importance of service to others and_10_acts of kindness were.And so_11_her kindness tradition.each day thereafter she and her son_12_to buy and supply the homeless gentleman with breakfast.The_13_was going on until they_14_several years later but the lesson was_15_implanted (植入) in her son by then.She_16_as she told me that this kindness legacy_17_to her son,who remembered this childhood tradition and lesson.Now a college graduate and_18_employed,her son stops every day at Starbucks for his morning cup of coffee and purchases a_19_for a homeless person nearby before commuting (上下班往返) to the_20_.What a great family legacy that he can pass along to his children as well.1.A.small BsameCcrowded Dordinary2A.received BdemandedCexpected Dordered3A.strong BkindChomeless Dsick4A.handed BboughtCsupplied Dprovided5A.remembered BthankedCrespected Dpaid6A.grateful BsorryCanxious Dgood7A.helped BseenCdisliked Dmissed8A.agreed BrefusedCstopped Dappeared9.A.shouted BrepliedCargued Dexplained10A.what BwhichChow Dwhere11A.ended BbeganCmet Dpresented12A.hesitated BhurriedCcontinued Dneeded13A.moment BlifeCpractice Dperformance14A.moved away Bgot aroundCturned down Dbroke up15A.hardly BfirmlyChappily Dslightly16A.smiled BcheeredCsighed Dwondered17A.came BoccurredCwent Dbelonged18A.regularly BcarefullyCentirely Dgainfully19A.chance BtentCshirt Dbreakfast20A.city BofficeChouse Dschool.阅读理解(2020年湖北重点中学第二次联考)Bringing up children is hard work,and you are often to blame for any bad behavior of your children.If so,Judith Rich Harris has good news for you.Parents,she argues,have no important longterm effect on the development of the personality of their children.Far more important are their playground friends and neighborhood.Ms Harris takes to hitting the assumption,which has dominated (支配) developmental psychology for almost half a century.Ms Harriss attack on the developmentalists “nature” argument looks likely to reinforce (加强) doubts that the profession was already having.If parents matter,why is it that two adopted children,brought up in the same home,are no more similar in personality than two adopted children brought up in separate homes?Or that a pair of identical twins,brought up in the same home,are no more alike than a pair of identical twins brought up in different homes?Difficult as it is to track the precise effects of parental upbringing,it may be harder to measure the exact influence of the peer (同龄人) group in childhood and adolescence.Ms Harris points to how children from immigrant homes soon learn not to speak at school in the way their parents speak.But acquiring a language is surely a skill,rather than a characteristic of the sort developmental psychologists hunt for.Certainly it is different from growing up tense or relaxed,or from learning to be honest or hardworking or generous.Easy though it may be to prove that parents have little influence on those qualities,it will be hard to prove that peers have vastly more.Moreover,mum and dad surely cannot be ditched completely.Young adults may,as Ms Harris argues,be keen to appear like their peers.But even in those early years,parents have the power to open doors: they may initially choose the peers with whom their young associate,and pick that influential neighborhood.Moreover,most people suspect that they come to resemble their parents more in middle age,and that peoples child bearing habits may be formed partly by what their parents did.So the balance of influences is probably complicated,as most parents already suspected without being able to demonstrate it scientifically.Even if it turns ont that the genes they pass on and the friends their children play with matter as much as affection,discipline and good example,parents are not completely off the hook.1According to Ms Harris,_.Aparents are to blame for any bad behavior of their childrenBchildrens personality is shaped mostly by their friends and neighborsCnature rather than upbringing has a significant effect on childrens personality developmentDparents will greatly affect the childrens life in the long run2The word “ditched” (Line 1,Para.4) could best be replaced by_.Aproved Bemphasized Ccompared Dignored3The developmental psychologists think_.Achildren are more influenced by their peersBidentical twins raised in the same home are different in personalityCtwins raised in two separate families are different in personalityDupbringing has a less significant effect on childrens personality development4According to Paragraph 3,we know that_.Ait is easier for children to gain a language at homeBit is harder to follow the effects of parental upbringingCimmigrant children avoid speaking the same way as their parents at schoolDit is proved that peers have a greater effect on childrens qualities5What does the author mean by saying “parents are not completely off the hook” at the end of the passage?AParents should control the situation.BParents should give their way to children.CParents should spend more time on children.DParents should take on their responsibility.阅读表达When a customer finds that what he/she bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to what the producer promises,the first step is to give the warranty (保单),or any other records which might help,to the store where he/she bought the thing.In most cases,this action will produce results.However,if it does not,there are various methods the customer may use to attain satisfaction.A simple and common method used by the customer is to complain directly to the store manager.In general,the “higher up” the customer takes his/her complaint,the sooner he/she can expect it to be settled.In such a case,it is usually settled to the customers desire,thinking what he/she complains is just.Customers should complain in person whenever possible,but if they cannot get to the store,it is acceptable to phone or write the complaint in a letter.Complaining_is_usually_most_effective_when_it_is_done_politely_but_firmly,and_especially_when_the_customer_can_show_what_is_wrong_with_the_thing_he/she_bought_in_question.If it cannot be done,the customer will succeed best by giving clear information as to what is wrong,rather than by general statement.For example,“The left speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear,” is better than “That stereo does not work.”The store manager may advise the customer to write to the producer.If so,the customer could do this,expressing the complaint as politely and firmly as possible.If a polite complaint does not_,the customer can go a step farther.He/she can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a private or public organization in charge of protecting customersrights.1What is the passage mainly about?(Please answer within 10 words.)_2Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?The problem will be solved in favor of the customer if he/she complains to the manager._3Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(Please answer within 5 words.)_4List three measures to take when you find your purchase is faulty.(Please answer within 25 words.)(1)_(2)_(3)_5Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese._.单项填空1C考查介词辨析。live with容忍,忍受;die in January在一月去世。2B考查名词辨析。percentage百分率;degree学位,度数;level层次,水平;standard标准。3Ckeep up坚持;维持,符合题意。set up建立;add up加起来;hold up举起;阻挡。4Bin the majority占多数,为固定搭配 。5Ateam up with与合作或一起工作,为固定搭配 。turn up出现;露面;look up向上看;pick up捡起。6Cby the time,each time,every time,immediately,the moment等词或短语常用做连词,引导时间状语从句,因主句用过去完成时,故用by the time。7Awhere引导从句并在从句中作状语。which和the place不能作状语;here不能引导从句。8A考查名词性从句的连接词。句意为:我是否能参加今晚的派对取决于我能否在晚会前写完报告。depends on后的宾语从句含有“是否”之意,空白处应填连接词whether。9C句意为:然而你申请的这个职位并不是一份报酬很好的工作。apply for申请。10Bmark down表示“记下”,符合题意。mark up表示“加价”;mark out表示“画线标出”,mark off表示“分隔出;隔开”。11A考查固定句型:There is no possibility that.。句意为:她不可能在两个小时内完成这个任务。12Dtake out表示“取出”,take up表示“从事,占用”,take off表示“起飞;脱下”,均不合题意。take in此处表示“吸收,理解”。13A句意为:很有可能环境保护者会到这个地区调查严重污染所造成的潜在的破坏。句型It is likely that.中的likely为形容词,而不是副词,B、C、D三项均为副词形式,与句式不符。14A只有make a life搭配正确,而come to life;bring sb./sth.to life 构成搭配,所以A项正确。15A句意为:足球是敏锐的头脑和艰苦训练的结合,而不只是说出来的。mixture混合,混合体,与句意吻合。.完形填空【语篇解读】有位母亲和她的儿子每天早晨去同一家餐厅吃早餐。从某天开始,母亲每天早晨都给餐厅外一个无家可归的男子买一份早餐。她的儿子继承了做善事的传统,大学毕业上班后,他每天早晨都给一个无家可归的人买早餐。1B上下文语境表明母子俩每天早晨常去同一家餐厅买早餐。2D一天她点了份额外的早餐。order点(饭菜),符合上下文语境。3C母子俩吃完早餐,出了饭店门,母亲停了下来,向一位坐在餐厅外面无家可归的男子问好并将早餐递给了他。4Ahand递,交。B项与上下文矛盾,supply与provide后不能直接接双宾语。5B他谢了她,咧开嘴笑了,说这是他多日来吃的第一顿饭。6D她情不自禁地感觉很好,很高兴终于采取了行动(帮助了他人)。7B她告诉她的儿子这一周她每天都看到他在餐厅外8C没有一个人,包括她在内,停下来向这位无家可归的男子提供食品、饮料或安慰等。9D她向她儿子继续解释,无家可归可能发生在任何人身上,给他人提供服务的重要性,以及善意的行为是什么。10A11B然后她家做善事的传统就开始了。12C她和她的儿子继续每天买早餐给这位无家可归的男子。13C此处practice指“通常的做法,惯例”。14Amove away搬走。母子俩给男子买早餐的行为一直持续到他们搬走。15B帮助他人的好习惯牢牢地扎根于她儿子的心中。16A语境表明当时她应该是笑着讲述她家做好事的传统。17C她微笑着告诉我善意“遗产”传给了她儿子。18Dgainfully employed被高薪聘用。现在她儿子大学毕业而且被高薪聘用了。19D她儿子继承了家庭传统,在上班前买一份早餐给一个无家可归的人。20Bcommute to the office上班。.阅读理解【语篇解读】“子不教,父之过”,这一传统的观点受到人们的挑战与质疑。Ms Harris研究发现,子女性格的养成,更多受到他们周围的朋友和邻居的影响。1B考查细节理解题。第一段介绍了Ms Harris的研究,她认为在孩子性格的培养中,父母的影响远不如他们的朋友和邻居的影响大。B项陈述与文章内容吻合。2D考查猜测词义。ditched所在句子是最后一段的主题句,后面接着说很多人到中年的时候就很像他们的父母了,人们在孩童时的习惯在一定程度上受父母行为的影响。从这些叙述看,ditched所在句子表示“父母也不是完全没有关系的”,因此ditched的含义和D项“忽视,忽略”接近。3C考查推理判断。在第二段,Ms Harris对发展心理学家的观点提出质疑:如果父母起作用,那么为什么同样是双胞胎的孩子,在同一个家庭长大的与在不同家庭长大的都性格迥异呢?由此推断,在不同家庭成长的双胞胎性格不一样,这是因为父母的影响在起作用,这是传统的发展心理学家的观点。4C考查细节理解题。第三段在阐述周围环境对孩子的性格影响更大的时候说,来自移民家庭背景的孩子很快就学会在学校的谈吐与在家里的不一样。5D考查推理判断。最后一段主要讲父母对子女性格养成的影响与作用,第一句说父母的作用不可忽略,最后一句说父母也不是完全没有责任。句中的hook表示“钩,鱼钩”。.阅读表达1How to make effective complaints about a faulty purchase.2In such a case,it is usually settled to the customers desire,thinking what he/she complains is just.3achieve the desired result/work4(1)Complaining directly to the store manager;(2)Expressing the complaint to the producer;(3)Taking the seller to court or related organizations.5当消费者的抱怨有礼貌且态度坚决时,往往起到非常好的效果,特别是当消费者能够指出待退换的商品有何问题的时候。


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