【河南专版】《》2020高三英语一轮课时作业 新人教版必修2-3

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必修2 Unit3课时作业(八) Computers 计算机.单项填空1While there are some differences in the educational systems in many countries in the world,education is_.AregularBuniversalCordinary Dnormal2Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves,and_,she gets well paid for it.Asooner or later Bwhats moreCas a result Dmore or less3(2020年辽宁大连模拟)I can judge that he is very_from the_look on his face.Aexcited;excited Bexciting;excitedCexcited;exciting Dexciting;exciting4Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did.As a matter of fact,I had such fun that time seemed to_so quickly.Ago by Bgo awayCgo out Dgo over5Perhaps Im not quite fit for the job,but_,please let me have a try.Ain fact BanyhowCso Dotherwise6In_,he began to learn Russian,when he was in_.A1970;the 50s Bthe 1970;his 50sCthe 1970s;his fifties D1970s;his fifties7The new story is written in_easy English_even beginners can understand it.Asuch;that Bso;thatCsuch;as Dtoo;that8People may have different opinions about Kaven,but I admire her._she is a great musician.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DAs usual9He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his_was seen at its best when he worked with others.Aadvantage BappearanceCqualification Dcharacter10Nowadays,no single country can successfully_the global problems alone.Amake use of Bdeal withCcome up with Dgo through11Being able to speak another language fluently is a great_when you are looking for a job.Aassistance BchanceCadvantage Dimportance12_,you will get used to the life here and have your understanding of life.AAs time going by BWith time passing outCAs time goes by DWith time goes by13_the help of the teacher,the student who wasnt good at math_the difficult problem quickly.AUnder;worked out BWith;worked onCUnder solved DWith;solved14The policeman_the children to cross the road when the traffic lights turned green.Alet BmadeCsignaled Dcalled15(2020届银川实验中学第一次月考)Remember the first time we met,Jim?Of course I do.You_in the library.Awere reading Bhad readChave read Dread.完形填空(2020年日照二模)I was on my lunch break in the city,enjoying a salad at an outdoor cafe,when a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me.She was yelling and _1_ everyone who walked past her for spare _2_ and she looked like a mess.My _3_reaction was fear.to close off and hope she didnt come near me,but she did.I was on the phone and when she _4_yelling,I said,“Im on the phone,” in the nicest way I could,assuring myself what she needed was a lesson in _5_.She walked away,mumbling (自言自语),“Im _6_you.Im sorry,Im sorry.Ill leave.” And she turned the corner._7_,I would feel relieved or satisfied,but something in me couldnt _8_.Without another thought,I looked in my _9_for the spare change I had.Even I started searching through my entire purse,the pockets,everythingfor all of the change I could _10_find to give.I got up and walked towards this lady and gave her all I _11_.She held my hand and said,“Thank you!” Her hand was _12_and dirty,but I didnt mind _13_her hand.I wanted to be there for her for some reason,when normally I would _14_the other way.She looked at me and said,“Will you touch my face?” And for some reason,I did.I put my hand on her cheek and she started to _15_.I could _16_it was as if she had not been touched by a loving,soft hand in ages,_17_,and so I held it there,trying to _18_her with my heart open.It was powerful.She thanked me and walked away quietly.And I walked away with an open heart,trying to_19_sense of what had just happened.It changed something in me and has made me want to be a _20_person to the people I meet during my day.1.A.greeting BpraisingCapplying Dbegging2A.change BroomCclothes Dfood3A.usual BinstantClast Dgeneral4A.came across Bcame outCcame over Dcame through5A.attitude BtroubleCpractice Dmanners6A.calling BhurtingCannoying Dabusing7.A.Fortunately BNormallyCLuckily DUnfortunately8A.rest BappearCenjoy Dexist9A.car BtableCwallet Dseat10A.necessarily BpossiblyCdeliberately Dcertainly11A.earned BsearchedCfound Dmade12A.soft BroughClarge Dneat13A.washing BwavingCwiping Dholding14A.lead BsetCturn Dshow15A.cry BlaughCyell Dshout16A.expect BsenseCknow Dlearn17A.if necessary Bif anyCif so Dif ever18A.persuade BcomfortCentertain Damuse19A.take BgetCcatch Dmake20A.kinder BricherCwiser Dhappier.阅读理解(2020年日照第二次调研,A)Aid organizations are sometimes the first to suffer in a bad economy,as many people are forced to reduce the amount of money they donate to them.However,the current economic problems are helping nonprofit organizations in another way.In many American cities,people who have lost their jobs are now volunteering.Nonprofit organizations are reporting record numbers of new volunteers.This is good for everyone involved.The organizations gain more volunteers,and the volunteers gain work experience or learn new skills while supporting causes they care about.Ian Shaw moved back to Washington from Colorado hoping to find work.He had lost his job out west and saw little hope of finding another one.“There just was not any work out there at all,” he says.He moved in last August and began the job search again.But,unemployment rates in Washington are at their highest level in more than ten years.After two months without luck,Shaw decided to work for free.He wanted to help people and maybe even gain some business contacts.He volunteered for Habitat for Humanity,a group that builds homes for lowearning families.Shaw signed up at the groups office in Los Angeles,California.He knew the organization was great because his sister had volunteered for it.And,his experience in the building industry made the organization the right one for him.Traci DeGroat,leader of the Manassas Habitat for Humanity office,says there has been a sharp increase in volunteers recently,and Shaw was among those who could not find paying jobs but still wanted to work.This is also true at the Arlington Free Clinic,in Arlington,Virginia.It provides medical services to lowearning citizens who do not have health insurance.Lee Miller,director of the volunteers,says she has seen a rise in volunteers,especially young people.“There are more people just out of college waiting to start graduate schools.They are not able to find the temporary,parttime jobs they would normally take,” she says.“The clinic work provides good experience,especially for those interested in the medical field.”Back in Los Angeles,Ian Shaws volunteer experience was even better than he expected.In January,the Habitat for Humanity office offered him a paying position.Ian Shaw is now employed.1What is the passage mainly about?AVolunteers increasing due to unemployment.BPeople searching for jobs in a bad economy.CPeople volunteering for nonprofit organizations.DOrganizations offering help to lowearning citizens.2Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 1?APeople donate less money in a bad economy due to unemployment.BBoth nonprofit organizations and volunteers can benefit from a bad economy.CPeople volunteer mainly because they want to gain work experience or learn new skills.DRecord numbers of new volunteers are reported because they support causes they care about.3When Ian Shaw moved back to Washington,_.Ahe lost his jobBhe managed to get a paying jobChe found no paying jobsDhe decided to set up a company for volunteers4What do we know about Habitat for Humanity?AIt is a building group.BIt is an aid organization.CIt has an office in Virginia.DIt has employed Traci DeGroats sister.5From the passage we know that_.Avolunteering benefits job hunters and the societyBpeople wish to work for freeCvolunteering adds difficulty to employmentDvolunteer experience is far from satisfactory答案:.单项填空1B考查形容词辨析。universal普遍的,通用的。句意为:虽然世界上许多国家在教育体制上有一些不同,但教育却是通用的。regular规则的,定期的;ordinary普通的;normal正常的。2B该句意为:“Maggie非常幸运找到了她喜欢的工作,而且待遇非常好。” sooner or later迟早;whats more此外,而且;as a result结果;more or less或多或少。根据句意,B项正确。3A句意为:从他激动的表情上我能判断出他很激动。excited人感到激动的;因激动而产生的表情,也用excited修饰。4A本题考查动词词组。go away离开;go out出去,熄灭;go over过来,温习;go by时间过去,流逝。5Banyhow表示“无论如何,即使如此”。in fact实际上,otherwise否则,so所以,均不合题意。6C句意为:在20世纪70年代,在他五十多岁时他开始学习俄语。in the 1970sin the 1970s 20世纪70年代,in ones数词复数,表示某人多少岁时。7Asuch.that引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致”,that是连接词,在从句中不作任何成分。句意为:这个新故事以如此简单的英语写成,就连初学者都能读懂。C项是as引导的定语从句,as是关系代词,在从句中要作主语或宾语,而此题中的从句不缺主语或宾语,若把it去掉,选C也正确。8A考查固定短语。after all毕竟,终究,as a result结果,in other words换句话说,as usual像往常一样,根据语意“人们对于Kaven可能有不同看法,但我敬慕她,毕竟她是个伟大的音乐家”,选择A项。9D考查名词词义辨析。句意为:他证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,他的人格魅力在与他人合作时表现得最佳。advantage优点,长处;appearance外表,外貌;qualification资格;character品质,性格。10Bdeal with处理、对付。make use of利用;come up with提出;go through经历、遭受。11C考查词义辨析。句意为:当你找工作时,能流利地讲一门外语是一个极大的优势。assistance帮助;chance机会,可能性;advantage优点,优势,有利条件;importance重要性。由题意可知C项为正确答案。12Cas后跟句子,with后跟短语,但B项中的passing out意为:“死、出去、分发”等,意思不对。13Dsolved解决。另外“在某人的帮助下”用with the help of sb.来表达。14Csignal sb.to do sth.示意某人做某事。句意为:当交通灯变绿时警察向孩子们做手势,让他们过马路。由let/make sb.do sth.可排除选项A、B;call命令,不符合题意。15A根据语意可知,此处表示的是当时见面时,对方正在图书馆读书,因此用过去进行时。.完形填空【语篇解读】现代社会人们看不起穷人,总是尽量避开他们。本文作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们,穷人也有自尊,也希望被人尊重。1D从上句“a shabby homeless lady came walking towards me”可知,她在向路过的人讨钱。D.乞求;A.打招呼;B.表扬;C.申请。2A从第二段第二句“.for the spare change I had”可知,她在向路人乞讨钱。3B从前文可知,她看上去很邋遢,可知“我”当即的反应就是害怕。A.往常的;B.当即的;C.最后的;D.总的。4C从上句“.hope she didnt come near me,but she did.”可知“我”在打电话她正喊着朝这边(came over)走来。5D“我”在打电话,她还叫着向我讨钱,说明“我”想给她在行为上(manners)上一课。A.态度;B.困难;C.惯例,练习。只有manners符合语境。6C从下文“Im sorry,Im sorry.Ill leave”可知,她说:“我打扰(annoying)你了。”7B根据句意可知正常的说,“我”应该感到放松,满意。A项与C项均表示幸运的是;D项表示不幸的是。8A根据but可知“我”内心的某些想法使“我”久久不能平静(rest)。B.出现;C.喜欢;D.存在。9C从下文“I started searching through my entire purse,.”可知“我”没有考虑就到钱包(wallet)里找零钱。10B“我”把身上所能找到的(possibly)所有零钱都给了她。A.必要地;C.故意地;D.当然。11C从上文“我”找遍了身上的零钱可知“我”追上了老人把“我”所找到(found)的零钱都给了她。A、D两项均表示赚(钱),B项表示搜身。12B从上文“She held my hand.”可知“我”可以感到她的手是粗糙的(rough),从下文dirty也可以得到暗示。13Dbut表示转折,可知“我”并不介意她握住(holding)“我”的手。A.洗;B.挥手;C.擦手。14C从前文“由于某个原因我现在想和她在一起”可判断“我”本来是想走(turn)另一条路避开她的。15A从前文“Will you touch my face?.I did.”可知老人是哭了(cry),因为在此之前人们看到像她这样的人就避开,而“我”却满足了她的要求。16B“我”能感觉到(sense)她好像是很长时间没有被人关爱了。A.期望;C.知道;D.学会。17D从上文可知她简直很少被关注。if necessary表示如果必要的话;if ever表示如果这样的话。18B“我”握住她的手,想要安慰(comfort)她。persuade说服;entertain娱乐;amuse取悦。19D“我”带着放松的心情走了,尽力地理解刚才发生的事情。make sense of理解,明白。20A根据上下文语境,不难看出,这件事改变了“我”,使“我”想成为一个更加友善(kinder)的人。.阅读理解【语篇解读】经济危机冲击着各行各业,但它却以另一种形式促进了非营利性组织的发展。1A主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了由于经济危机,失业人数增加,许多失业者加入到志愿者的队伍中去。2B事实细节题。从第一段尤其是最后两句可知答案。C项中“gain work experience or learn new skills”是结果而非原因,故错误。3C细节理解题。从第二、三段可知Ian Shaw回到华盛顿后找了两个月也没有找到工作,最终决定加入志愿者队伍。4A细节理解题。从第四段第一句话可知选项A正确。5A推理判断题。由全文尤其是第一段可知A项正确。B项“work for free”是不得已而为之;Shaw最终得到了有薪工作,故C项错误;由最后一段可知D项错误。


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