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2022年考博英语-宁波大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Many people invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However, I know (1) personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a year, I was (2) hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day in investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of (3) my job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world. But these dreams (4) to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I (5), Texas cellular phone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 percent (6) a one year period. On the (7) day, it plunged by more than $15 a share. There was a rumor that the company was (8) sales figures. That was when I learned how quickly Wall Street (9) companies that, in one way or another, misinterpret (10).In a (11), I sold all my stocks in the company, (12) margin debt with cash advances from (13) card. Because I owned so many shares, I (14) a small fortune, half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am a (15), the next, a loser. This one big loss was my first lesson in the market.My father was a stockbroker, as was my grandfather (16) him. (In fact, he founded one of Chicagos earliest brokerage firms.) But like so many things in life, we dont learn anything until we (17) it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the inner (18) of the stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks are doing (19) and you feel like a winner, you learn very little. Its when all are losing and everyone is questioning your stock picking (20) that you find out if you have what it takes to invest in the market.问题1选项A.atB.inC.fromD.by问题2选项A.makingB.spendingC.sellingD.buying问题3选项A.forsakingB.retiringC.retreatingD.quitting问题4选项A.turnedB.cameC.wentD.seemed问题5选项A.ownedB.owedC.cherishedD.embraced问题6选项A.overB.byC.fromD.with问题7选项A.tragicB.frustratedC.badD.dreamy问题8选项A.cheatingB.exaggeratingC.announcingD.boasting问题9选项A.punishesB.defeatsC.finesD.collapses问题10选项A.tradeB.truthC.substanceD.coverage问题11选项A.despairB.worryC.panicD.impulse问题12选项A.giving awayB.paying offC.handing overD.making up问题13选项A.creditB.identityC.identificationD.loan问题14选项A.wonB.lostC.gainedD.suffered问题15选项A.winnerB.championC.successorD.supervisor问题16选项A.afterB.beforeC.forD.and问题17选项A.undergoB.keepC.tasteD.experience问题18选项A.workingsB.conventionsC.facilitiesD.structures问题19选项A.ferociouslyB.radicallyC.muchD.up问题20选项A.stanceB.facultyC.abilityD.power【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:A第7题:C第8题:B第9题:A第10题:B第11题:C第12题:B第13题:A第14题:B第15题:A第16题:B第17题:D第18题:A第19题:C第20题:C【解析】1.【选项释义】A. at 在 B. in 在里C. from 从来,来自 D. by 通过【考查点】介词搭配。【解题思路】know from/through为常用搭配,表示“从明白”,且该空格后面跟的是personal experience,故C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项没有这个搭配;D选项表示通过某种方式,personal experience不是方式。【句意】然而,从我的个人经验来看,我知道这是多么困难。2.【选项释义】A. making 制造,使,让 B. spending 花费C. selling 出售 D. buying 购买【考查点】介词搭配。【解题思路】spend money in doing something为常用搭配,表示“花钱干某事”,故B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项make dollars虽然意思正确,但是后面要加by而不是in;C、D选项后面跟的一般是买/卖的物品,而不是货币。【句意】在一年多的时间里,我每天花数百有时甚至上千美元投资于证券市场。3.【选项释义】A. forsaking 放弃,断念 B. retiring 退休C. retreating 撤退 D. quitting 离开,辞职【考查点】动宾搭配。【解题思路】空格后的宾语是job,而且由后面的of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world(在巴黎买一套小公寓,环游世界)也可看出作者想主动辞职,所以D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合语义。【句意】这一切似乎如此简单,我梦想着在年底辞掉工作,在巴黎买一套小公寓,环游世界。4.【选项释义】A. turned 转向,转变 B. came 来C. went 去 D. seemed 看起来好像,似乎【考查点】词组搭配。【解题思路】由后面的end可知,come to an end为常用词组,表示“结束,终止”,故B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合搭配。【句意】但是,这些梦想突然而戏剧性地结束了。5.【选项释义】A. owned 拥有 B. owed 欠C. cherished 珍惜 D. embraced 拥抱,包含【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】由下文fell by more than 75 percent(下跌超过75%)可知,Texas cellular phone wholesaler(得州手机批发商)股票大贬值,而这个股票是作者所有的,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合句子语义。【句意】但当我持有的得州手机批发商的股票下跌超过75%时,这些梦想突然戏剧性地结束了。6.【选项释义】A. over 在期间,关于 B. by 通过C. from 从来,来自 D. with 和,伴随【考查点】介词搭配。【解题思路】空格处填入的介词要和a one year period搭配,而a one year period是时间,所以四个选项中只有A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合句子语义。【句意】但是,当我所持有的得州手机批发商的股票在短短一年内下跌了75%以上时,这些梦想突然戏剧性地结束了。7.【选项释义】A. tragic 悲剧的,悲痛的 B. frustrated 懊恼的,沮丧的C. bad 坏的 D. dreamy 梦想的,空幻的【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】根据下文“股票日跌幅高达15美金”可知,这对作者来说自然是糟糕的一天,所以C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项偏重于某件事情或某个经历是悲惨的,不幸的,程度比较深,不适合此处的语义;B选项修饰人,不符合句子语法;D选项不符合句子语义。【句意】在糟糕的一天,它的日跌幅高达15美金。8.【选项释义】A. cheating 欺骗 B. exaggerating 夸大,夸张C. announcing 宣布 D. boasting 自吹自擂说【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】that引导的同位语从句是对rumor的解释说明,而公司夸大销售额是一种常用手段,所以B项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项cheating的对象应该是人,所以不正确;C选项不符合句子语义;D选项要与介词about或者of搭配。【句意】有谣言说这家公司夸大了销售额。9.【选项释义】A. punishes 惩罚 B. defeats 击败,挫败C. fines 罚款,处以罚金 D. collapses 倒塌,崩溃【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上文说公司弄虚作假,所以这里应该是对company的惩罚,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项均不符合上下文语义。【句意】这时我才知道华尔街惩罚公司的速度有多快。10.【选项释义】A. trade 贸易 B. truth 真相,事实C. substance 物质 D. coverage 覆盖【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】that引导的定语从句是修饰先行词company,而上文提到company虚报销售额,所以这里应该是指“不说明事实的公司”,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合上下文语义。【句意】这时我才知道华尔街在惩罚那些提供虚假信息的公司方面有多快。11.【选项释义】A. despair 绝望 B. worry 担心C. panic 恐慌 D. impulse 冲动【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】上一段最后一句才提到华尔街惩罚了这些虚报的公司,这一句提到“卖掉了所有股票”,综合可知,C项正确,in a panic表示“惊恐万分”。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项都不符合上下文。【句意】惊恐万分,我把公司所有的股票卖掉了。12.【选项释义】A. giving away 赠送,泄露 B. paying off 付清C. handing over 交出 D. making up 组成【考查点】动宾搭配。【解题思路】由后面的debt可知,该处表示“还清债务”符合,且后面还提到了cash,故B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】惊恐万分,我把公司所有的股票卖掉了,用现金偿还了保证金债务。13.【选项释义】A. credit 信用 B. identity 身份C. identification 识别 D. loan 贷款,借款【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】空格前面提到了cash advance(预付现金),可知credit card正确,故选择A项。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】惊恐万分,我把公司所有的股票卖掉了,用信用卡预支的现金偿还了保证金债务。14.【选项释义】A. won 赢得 B. lost 失去C. gained 获得 D. suffered 承受痛苦【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】上文提到公司虚报被华尔街惩罚,作者惊恐万分地把股票全部卖了,这里说到“因为拥有很多股票”,并且后面说“这笔钱一半是从证券公司借的”,所以可以推测作者是损失了一笔钱,B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】因为我拥有这么多股票,所以我赔了一笔钱,而且其中一半是我从证券公司借的钱。15.【选项释义】A. winner 获胜者 B. champion 冠军C. successor 继承者 D. supervisor 监督人,指导者【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】作者在这里说“一个月后他是一个失败者”,那么一个月前他是个赢家,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】一个月前我还是赢家,下一个月我就是个失败者。16.【选项释义】A. after 之后 B. before 之前C. for 对于,因为 D. and 和【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】这个句子中用到了as,可知我的祖父和我的父亲都是经纪人,而祖父是在父亲之前,所以B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】我祖父在我父亲之前也是个股票经纪人。17.【选项释义】A. undergo 经历、经受 B. keep 保持C. taste 品尝 D. experience 体验,经历【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】句子前半句提到“就像生活中许多事情经历才知道”,所以可以推测,后半句是把买股和生活做类比,只有亲身经历才能学到,所以D项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项是指经历变化或不愉快的事情,空格这一句并没有突出是不快乐的事情,所以该项不符合语义;B、C选项不符合语义逻辑。【句意】但就像生活中的许多事情一样,我们只有亲身经历才能学到东西。18.【选项释义】A. workings 工作,运作 B. conventions 惯例C. facilities 设备 D. structures 结构【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】该句子为目的方式的逻辑,方式是“投资血汗钱”,而目的是“了解股市的内部_”,从中我们可以推测,投资的目的是为了了解股市的内部运作方式,所以A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都不符合语义逻辑。【句意】真正了解股市内部运作的唯一方法是用自己的血汗钱进行投资。19.【选项释义】A. ferociously 残忍地,野蛮地 B. radically 根本上,彻底地C. much许多 D. up 向上【考查点】关联上下文。【解题思路】空格后提到“你自己也觉得是赢家”,说明股票长势很好,所以C项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B选项不符合语义;D选项意思上不符合。【句意】如果你全部的股票长势都很好,你自己也觉得是赢家,那你学到的其实很少。20.【选项释义】A. stance 立场,姿态 B. faculty 能力,全体教师C. ability 能力 D. power 力量【考查点】句间逻辑。【解题思路】前面提到“当在股市上赔了钱”,后面接着提到“人们会怀疑你选择的股票”,可知,是怀疑选择股票的能力,所以C项正确。【干扰项排除】B选表示“能力”要和of搭配;A、D选项不符合句子语义逻辑。【句意】只有当你在股市上赔了钱,人们都在怀疑你选择股票的能力时,你才会发现你在证券投资过程中到底学到了什么。2. 填空题Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-F to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There is one extra choice, which does not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Ways to Fight Rising Food PricesFood, clothing and shelter generally top the list of basic human needs. While shopping at a discount store instead of the mall generally takes care of the clothing issue, and living in a small apartment instead of a McMansion can address your housing situation, rising world food prices can lead to some significant challenges in the food department. Everything from rising transportation costs to the development of biofuels pushes up the cost of food and put a pinch on consumers wallets. (41)Dining out is expensive. (42) Even good coffee is cheaper to make if you do it yourself. Fast food is excluded from the category, as high-calorie, low-quality food can be a bargain price, but the impact on your long-term health overrides the benefit of short-term savings.If you stumble around the grocery store and fill your cart with everything that catches your eye, chances are you will spend a lot more money than you needed to. (43) Plan your meals for the week ahead, and make careful note of what you need to buy in order to prepare those meals. Once the list is made, purchase only the items on the list, and avoid impulse buys.Grocery stores are designed to make you go through a maze to get to the most basic items in the hope that you will make a few impulse buys along the way. (44) Because most necessities and basic cooking items are found along the outside perimeter of the store, start there and work your way around the perimeter and step into the maze to grab any leftover items on your list.Our fast-paced society encourages convenience, and grocery stores have capitalized on this trend. Ready-made meals are easy to buy, but they come with a premium price tag. Instead of putting that rotisserie chicken and macaroni salad in your cart, buy the ingredients and prepare the meal yourself. The same concept applies to frozen entrees, baked goods and any other foods that have been prepared in some way for added convenience.(45) Pay attention to the prices and pick up the family-size package if the per-unit cost is lower and you have a place to store it. Shopping at big-box bulk retailers like Sams Club and Costco can also save on your bill if you shop there frequently enough to cover the cost of membership, but pay careful attention to your spending habits. The big boxes are often no bargain compared with sales prices and coupon savings at other stores. In addition, they may encourage you to buy more than you need, driving up your grocery bill.A. Just about any nutritious meal that you buy in a formal restaurant can be made at home for a fraction of the price.B. If you keep to your planned list, you wont be tempted when you get forced down the junk food aisle to get at the milk.C. To minimize your cash outlay, prepare a shopping list before you leave home.D. While the need to eat isnt something you can avoid, there are some steps you can take to keep the costs in check.E. Stores often place the most expensive items at eye-level.F. In addition, bulk buying can save you a significant amount of money.【答案】41.D 42.A 43.C44.B45.F【解析】41.该段讲述了食物、衣服和住所这三个基本需求,衣服和住所可以通过打折商店和住小公寓解决,但是不断上涨的食品成本使得消费者变得拮据,然后下面几段都是在讲述如何省钱,所以这段的最后一句是一个过渡句,起承上启下的作用,A、B、C、D、E项都是省钱的方法,只有D项“虽然你无法避免对食物的需求,但你可以采取一些措施来控制成本”既提到了上文的食品需求,又引出了下文的控制成本的方法,所以该题选择D项正确。 42.由该段第一句Dining out is expensive.(外出就餐很贵)和第三句Even good coffee is cheaper to make if you do it yourself.(如果你自己做的话,即使是好咖啡也会更便宜)可知,这一段讲的方法是在家里做饭,在选项中只有A项提到了在家里做,所以该题选择A项“你在正规餐厅里买的任何一顿营养餐,都可以在家里做,花费只是价格的一小部分”正确。 43.由最后两句Plan your meals for the week ahead, and make careful note of what you need to buy in order to prepare those meals. Once the list is made, purchase only the items on the list, and avoid impulse buys.(提前计划一周的饮食,仔细记下准备这些食物需要买什么。一旦列好清单,就只买清单上的东西,避免冲动购物。)可知,该段讲述列购物清单的省钱方法,所以答案是和购物清单有关,所以该题选择C项“为了减少你的现金支出,在你离开家之前准备一份购物清单”正确。44.由后面的句子Because most necessities and basic cooking items are found along the outside perimeter of the store, start there and work your way around the perimeter and step into the maze to grab any leftover items on your list.(因为大多数的必需品和基本的烹饪用品都是在商店的外围找到的,所以从那里开始,沿着周边工作,然后进入迷宫,把清单上的任何剩下的东西都拿出来)可知,要填入的句子还是和购物清单有关,这里把杂货店说成迷宫,是因为当你穿过杂货店买东西时可能会冲动购物,所以B项“如果你坚持你的计划清单,当你被迫沿着垃圾食品通道去买牛奶时,你就不会被诱惑了”符合该段段意。45.根据后一句中的family-size package(家庭装)可知,该段是建议人们批量购买,单位成本低,就能省下食品支出,只有F项“此外,批量购买可以为你节省一大笔钱”符合。3. 单选题Read the following two letters of a journals editorial house.Letter OneTo: Dr. AB Brown,Editor, Journal of.Re: Manuscript NumberTitle.AuthorsDear Dr. Brown,The paper describes This is a topic which would benefit from additional work such as that described in the manuscript. However, a major concern with the paper is the interpretation and referencing of the literature in the Introduction and Discussion. Related to this is a lack of integration with previous work to explain aspects of the Methods. The paper needs re-interpretation after a thorough investigation of the literature. I recommend that the paper in its current form be rejected but believe that it may be suitable for your journal after major revision.IntroductionThe Introduction has incorrectly cited Brown et al. (1981.) who actually showed thatMethodsFactors relevant to the choice of Methods are: 1) how old were the cultures that were used? 2) Does the age of the culture material affect the results?ResultsThe main claim by the authors that their Results showed thatis not correct. Their statement that the results show. needs correction.DiscussionRelevant references seem to have been overlooked in both the Introduction and Discussion sections, includingOther queries and suggestions are penciled on the manuscript.Yours sincerely,CD SmithLetter TwoFrom: Dr. AB Brown,Editor, Journal of.Dear Dr. Zhu,I enclose the referees reports on your paper entitled. The referees agree that the paper contains much good material. However, they have recommended that it needs considerable revision before it can be published. In particular, I draw to your attention the following comments by the referees.Referee 1:The Methods section does not give sufficient information, particularly about the sampling methods used.The results in Tables 1 and 2 are closely related and can be combined into a single table.The conclusion that there is a strong positive correlation between the number of organisms and soil salinity needs a stronger statistical basis.The results in Figure 3 are very preliminarythis really requires another survey. If this is not possible, the Figure should be deleted.Referee 2:There are inadequacies in the Methods section, as indicated on the typescriptThe Discussion is not well focused and does not include some important relevant publications, e.g. Jones et al. (2000). . in the Journal of.The conclusion is interesting but can be greatly strengthened. In particular, the findings are different from those of Walter et al. (1997) in the Journal of, a study done in the USA. The work in your paper is in fact the first study of its kind outside Europe and North America and this should be highlighted.There are other comments in the enclosed reports, and some corrections have been made to the English on the typescripts. If you can revise the paper along the lines suggested and resubmit by. then I will consider its accept ability for publication in the Journal without further reference to referees.However, additional refereeing may be necessary.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely,AB Brown36. By integrating Letter Two, we can figure out that the writer of Letter One is _.37. According to Letter One, will the submitted paper be accepted?38. Two referees both agree that the Methods Section of the paper is _.39. Different from Referee 1, Referee 2 also addressed some points to be highlighted in the Conclusion Section like _.40. After finishing up the required revisions, the submitted paper will _.问题1选项A.Referee 1B.Referee 2C.EditorD.Unclear问题2选项A.No.B.Yes, with some minor revision.C.Yes, but in need of considerable revision.D.No, suggesting the author to submit to another journal.问题3选项A.problematic with inadequate informationB.well-writtenC.overly delicateD.not well focused问题4选项A.“In need of statistical analyses to support the strong positive correlation”B.“Elaborating upon this part”C.“Being more focused”D.“Stressing its pioneering in non-Western countries”问题5选项A.undergo another round of peer reviewingB.be directly acceptedC.still possibly receive additional refereeingD.not mentioned in the letter【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】36.【选项释义】36. By integrating Letter Two, we can figure out that the writer of Letter One is _. 36. 结合第二封信,我们可以得出第一封信的作者是_。A. Referee 1 A. 审稿人1B. Referee 2 B. 审稿人2C. Editor C. 编辑D. Unclear D. 不清楚【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一封信中的discussion部分提到的“在引言和讨论部分,相关的参考文献似乎都被忽略了”,以及第二封信对referee 2的描述“讨论的重点不明确,也没有包括一些重要的相关出版物(relevant publications)”,我们可以推测出第一封信的作者是referee 2,因此该题选择B项正确。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项均不符合原文,属于曲解原文。37.【选项释义】37. According to Letter One, will the submitted paper be accepted? 37. 根据第一封信,提交的论文会被接受吗?A. No. A. 不会。B. Yes, with some minor revision. B. 是的,稍微修改了一下。C. Yes, but in need of considerable revision. C. 是的,但需要大量修改。D. No, suggesting the author to submit to another journal. D. 不会,建议作者向其他杂志投稿。【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】Letter One中第一段最后一句提到“以目前的形式,我建议拒绝这篇论文(rejected),但相信经过大量修改后,它可能适合您的期刊”,可知,提交的论文会被拒绝,而且需要大量修改。因此,该题选择A项正确。【干扰项排除】B、C选项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;D选项中“建议作者向其他杂志投稿”没提到,属于无中生有。38.【选项释义】38. Two referees both agree that the Methods Section of the paper is _. 38. 两位审稿人都同意论文的方法部分是_。A. problematic with inadequate information A. 信息不足的问题B. well-written B. 写的很好C. overly delicate C. 过于精细D. not well focused D. 不是很关注【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据Letter Two中两位referee对方法部分的描述,referee 1认为“方法部分没有提供足够的信息(The Methods section does not give sufficient information)”,referee 2认为“方法部分有不足之处(There are inadequacies in the Methods section)”;综合理解可知,两位审稿人都认为论文方法部分信息不足,A项正确。【干扰项排除】B选项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;C、D选项没有提及,属于无中生有。39.【选项释义】39. Different from Referee 1, Referee 2 also addressed some points to be highlighted in the Conclusion Section like _. 39. 与审稿人1不同的是,审稿人2也在结论部分强调了一些要点,如_。A. “In need of statistical analyses to support the strong positive correlation” A. “需要统计分析来支持强烈的正相关”B. “Elaborating upon this part” B. “阐述此部分”C. “Being more focused” C. “更关注”D. “Stressing its pioneering in non-Western countries” D. “强调其在非西方国家的开拓性”【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】定位Letter Two中对referee 2的描述,根据最后一句“你论文中的工作实际上是第一个在欧洲和北美以外(outside Europe and North America)的同类研究,这一点应该得到强调(should be highlighted)”,可知,审稿人2认为应该强调论文中的研究实际上是除欧洲和北美之外的关于这方面的第一个研究,D项与原文表达相同。因此,该题选择D项正确。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合原文,属于曲解原文。40.【选项释义】40. After finishing up the required revisions, the submitted paper will _. 40. 完成要求的修改后,提交的论文将_。A. undergo another round of peer reviewing A. 接受另一轮同行评审B. be directly accepted B. 直接接受C. still possibly receive additional refereeing C. 还可能受到额外的审稿D. not mentioned in the letter D. 信中没有提到【考查点】事实细节题。【解题思路】根据Letter Two最后一句“但是,可能需要额外的审稿(additional refereeing may be necessary)”,可知,按照要求修改论文后可能还有其他的审稿程序,C项与原文表达相同。因此,该题选择C项正确。【干扰项排除】A选项中的“同行评审”没有提到,属于无中生有;B选项与原文相反,属于反向干扰;D选项也属于反向干扰,文中提到了这一点。4. 单选题A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide the division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor. And that (1) does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less (2) then, however, were the new, positive (3) that work against the digital divide. (4), there are reasons to be (5).There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and m


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