
3.It is a round instrument like a mandolin.It was called qinpipa during。2. To read and understand a little too difficult passage related to music.。


1、Module 4,Introduction,箜 篌,konghou,lute,诗 琴,琵 琶,pipa,pipa,琵琶,月琴,yueqin,harp,竖琴,mandolin,曼陀林,guzheng,古 筝,Read the following information and guess which instrument it is.,1.It is an instrument with strings. It came to China from the West during the Han Dynasty about 2,000 years ago.,konghou,2.It is a lute with four strings and is a relative of the European lute.It came to China from Central Asia in the fourth century.,pipa,3.It is a round instrument like a mandolin.It was called qi。

2、Module 4,Grammar,Module Four Music,Teaching aims and demands:,1. To experience and discover what is the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.,2. To grasp the usage of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.,3. To know the main differences between the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect.,Grammar,Activity 1: Read the sentences from the passage in Reading and Vocabulary and decide if they are true.,Example sentences: Liu Fang has played the pipa since the age of six. Shes given concerts si。

3、Module 4,Cultural corner,Module Four Music,Teaching aims and demands:,1. To know about the general knowledge of the Grammy Awards.,2. To read and understand a little too difficult passage related to music.,Cultural Corner,Pre-reading activities,1.Brainstorm awards in music. 2. Tell what you know about how an award is decided to and given to a person who deserves it.,Today, well learn a most famous award in the music industry.,Lead-in,While-reading activities,Read the passage and answer the fo。

4、Module 4,Reading practice,Music from China,Read the passage and choose the best summary. 1 Twelve Girls Band plays traditional music in many countries. They are well-known for their music which is used in advertisements, and two million copies of the DVDs of their performances have been sold. 2 Twelve Girls Band is a group of women musicians from China who play traditional instruments but a broad variety of Chinese and international music. They are extremely popular in many countries around th。

5、Module 4,Vocabulary and listening,Teaching aims and demands:,To finish the exercises in SB according to what they hear.,Module Four Music,2. To enable the students to recognize and understand some new words and expressions in a dialogue or a section.,3. To be able to catch the useful information from their discussion.,Introduction: In the listening, two people Christine and Duncan are talking about these two songs ( Summertime, Ive Got Plenty of Nothing), which are taken from the opera(歌剧)c。

6、Module 4,Vocabulary and reading,Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea. 1 But others happily throw in a few coins, grateful for this brief interval of music as they go about their shopping. 2 Down there on the pavement, few passersby stop. 3 In Harlem, New York, some locals place a sound system by an open window, plug it into the electrical socket, and all of a sudden, theres dancing in the streets. 4 The street musician is keeping alive a culture which ha。

7、Module 4,Reading and vocabulary,Teaching aims and demands:,1.To know about some English vocabulary related to music.,2.To catch the general idea of the whole passage.,Module Four Music,Reading and Vocabulary,3.To understand the affection of the author.,4. To be good at grasping the key words and recognizing the new words according to the context.,Activity 1: find out the information about Liu Fang,1974,Yunnan,Canada,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,Her Mother,The pipa and the guzheng,Fast rea。

8、 课题: Module 4 Music 学科 英语 课型 新授课 授课教师 徐婉婷 授课班级 教 学 目 标 知 识 与技能 a. To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related t。


10、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 4 Music Born in AmericaI教学内容分析本模块以Music Born in America为话题,介绍了美国的本土音乐,其中包括了Hip Hop,Soul music, Gospel music, Jazz, Blues等。与此同时,还介绍了香港本土的音乐以及几位著名的美国音乐人。通过本模块的学习,要求学生能使用恰当的词汇与同学以音乐为主题展开讨论,了解中外音乐的相互影响,发表对音乐的观点和看法。Introduction 部分介绍几种美国本土的音乐类型,为整个模块的学习提供了一些知识储备,教师可以适当地帮助学生复。


12、 Grammar Present perfect progressive tense 现在完成进行时1. 现在完成进行时表示从过去某一时刻开始的动作, 一直延续到说话时还在进行或可能还要继续下去。句中常出现for, since, how l。

13、选 做 题.短文填空根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Chinas Olympic lessonAlthough the Athens Games are over, _1_. While busy preparing for the new semester in the first week back at school, 。

14、Grammar 1:Step 1: Activity one: Give the ss some sentences to read and then point out what tenses are used.1 A: Has the 。

15、 Function I feel happy. Write a short report about the music interests and habits of the group. Use these expressions.My。

16、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 4 Music Born in AmericaTeaching goals:1 Learn some words and phrasses bout HIP HOP;2 Use the words and phrases to explain their opinion;3 Cultivate their ability of reading and speaking.Teaching difficulty:1 Some words and phrases about HIP HOP ;2 How to explain their likes and dislikes.Teaching procedures:Step 1 warn-upWhat music born in America do you know?Step 2 Read Part 1I Complete the blankHip Hop 。


18、Module4 Grammar Music ModuleFourMusic Teachingaimsanddemands 1 ToexperienceanddiscoverwhatisthePresentPerfectProgressiveTense 2 TograsptheusageofthePresentPerfectProgressiveTense 3 Toknowthemaindiffer。

19、,. 句式填空 1. the same is true of . . . 情况也是如此 The same is true of (情况也是如此)my second instrument, the guzheng. 2. It be the same with. . . 情况适用于另外的人/物 Its the same with(也是如此) classical Chinese music.,3. the moment+句子,表示“一就” The moment (一就)they start to play, it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world. 4. on the other hand 另一方面(经常跟on the one hand 连用) On the other hand (另一方面),the Beatles have 。

20、Module4 Introduction Music 箜篌 konghou lute 诗琴 琵琶 pipa pipa 琵琶 月琴 yueqin harp 竖琴 mandolin 曼陀林 guzheng 古筝 Readthefollowinginformationandguesswhichinstrumentitis 1 Itisaninstrumentwithst。

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