


1、人教课标版 高二 选修 7 Unit 4,Extensive Reading,Revision,Find the correct words for the explanations. 1) a list of priced items for sale, usually presented in book form 2) to buy something with money,catalogue,purchase,3) a plant part that gives rise to a new individual 4) to join things or repair or make something using a needle and thread 5) give something to a charitable organization or other good cause,seed,sew,donate,Have you ever tried to send a gift or something to the children in poor ar。

2、Module 2,Vocabulary and reading,The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter,Read the passage and match the questions and the paragraphs. There is one extra question.,How long did it take to write the series? What is the appeal of Harry Potter? What does J.K. Rowling plan to do next? Where did the idea for Harry Potter come from? How many people have read Harry Potter? How did J.K. Rowling begin writing the first book? When did success arrive?,4,5,extra,1,6,2,3,Answers of Activity 4: c a d。

3、Module 4,Vocabulary and reading,Read the passage and choose the sentence which best expresses the main idea. 1 But others happily throw in a few coins, grateful for this brief interval of music as they go about their shopping. 2 Down there on the pavement, few passersby stop. 3 In Harlem, New York, some locals place a sound system by an open window, plug it into the electrical socket, and all of a sudden, theres dancing in the streets. 4 The street musician is keeping alive a culture which ha。

4、Module 5,Vocabulary and reading,Cloning and DNA,Work in pairs and answer the questions.,What is _____________? 1 DNA 2 a clone 3 a stem cell 4 the genetic make-up of a person or a plant 5 bacteria 6 an enzyme,Answers of Activity 5: a c d d a,Work in pairs and discuss your answers to the questions.,1 Do you think the advantages of cloning are greater than the disadvantages?,2 Whats the most interesting use of cloning described in the passage?,3 If there were no disadvantages in cloning, which。

5、Module 6,Vocabulary and reading,Language points,declare war on/against sb. 向某人宣战,War has been declared. 已经宣战了。,declare for/against sth/sb 表示赞成(不赞成)某事物/人,The commission declared against the proposed scheme. 委员会反对所提的计划。,declaration n. 宣言;公告,a declaration of war 宣战,the Declaration of Human Rights 人权宣言,2. pick sb. up (1)用汽车搭载某人或接某人,Ill pick you up at 7 oclock. 7点钟我开车来接你。,(2)偶然结识某人,He picked up the girl at a college disco. 他在。

6、Module 1,Vocabulary and reading,Fast-reading,Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,1. The singer was really good! She __________ me a lot!,2. He had an accident and __________ his bicycle.,damaged,damage encourage impress prepare recognise,impressed,3. Dont shout at the children. You should ___________ them to do better. 4. Make sure you _________ for your English examination. Do more homework! 5. At the party, I _____________ a boy who used to attend my sc。

7、Module 6,Reading,The Great Wall,Classical Suzhou Garden,Lijiang,Mogao Caves,Introduction Please look at the Picture on page 71,and say something about Suzhou.,Suzhou is one of the 31 sites in China on the World Heritage List. Except Suzhou, which cities do you know are on the list?,Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 孔庙孔林孔府,Lushan National Park 庐山国家公园 Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Les。

8、Module 3,Vocabulary and reading,Childhood Friends,Read the passage and number the sentences in Activity 2 in the order they appear.,It was the worst loss I have ever experienced. Our neighbours next door had a son, and we grew up together. Im now back in touch with Danny, and its a privilege to call him my friend.,(d) We were on good terms with everyone in the village (e) The first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world. (f) He was a very considerate boy for some。

9、Ethnic Culture,Module 5,1.Do you know about the province of Yunnan?,2.What places of interest do you know about in Yunnan?,云南介绍 美丽、富饶的云南,是祖国西南边疆的一块宝地,它土地辽阔、山川壮丽、资源丰富。它是人类重要的发祥地之一,具有悠久的历史、古老的文明。云南,意为“云岭之南”,又称“滇”,其灿烂的文化、众多的,名胜古迹、风情各异的各种民族,千差万别的立体气候、举世文明的珍禽异兽、奇花异草、地下宝藏,丰富的物产和通往印度、东南亚各国的区位优势,赋予了它富饶而神秘的魅力。除了众所周知的被誉为。

10、Welcome to my class!,By Haijuan Yang,Before the new lesson,look at some pictures first.,Can you name the pictures below?,typhoon,tornado龙卷风 hurricane飓风,seismic sea wave / tsunami海啸,fire,flood,volcano(火山),sandstorm (沙尘暴),Earthquake,Do you know what the above pictures are about? Yes, they are all natural diasaters. Earthquake the greatest disaster,Unit 4,Earthquakes,Look at the following pictures, try to describe what you have seen in the two pictures(group work),San Francisco,Tangshan。

11、Unit 1 Friendship,Friendship Quotes:,True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. - -Charles Caleb Colton A friend is one who walks in when others walk out . -Walter Winchell A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself. - -Lysha A friend in need is a friend indeed.,Questions :,Do you need friends?,2. Do you thi。

12、Unit 5,Unit 5,Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Extensive Reading,DISCUSSION,What do you think the people in prison will do?,The Rest of Elias story,Read the text , and do the exercise on Page 38,Elias was unhappy in the prison because _______________________________. Nelson Mandela showed how good a leader he was because ____________________________________________________________________. Life for Elias was not too bad in prison because _______________________________. As leader of South。

13、Extensive Reading,Lead-in,Nowadays with the development of media, lots of information can be received by people all over the world soon everyday. And people can learn about news at home and abroad by watching TV, listening to radio, surfing the Internet, reading magazines and newspapers etc. Among these media, newspaper is one of the oldest.,Warming up,1. Do you want to get some information everyday? How can you get the information? There are so many ways to get information, but reading newspa。

14、Unit 5 Canada ”The True North”,Lets have a quiz.,B.,1. Which is the national flag of Canada?,A.,C.,D.,2. What language(s) do Canadians speak? A. English. B. English and German. C. English and French. D. English and Spanish.,3. What is the capital of Canada? A. B. Vancouver. Toronto. C. D. Calgary. Ottawa.,4. What is the national animal of Canada? A. B. Beaver. Grizzly bear. C. D. Polar bear.。

15、Unit 4,Earthquakes,What Natural Disasters do you know?,typhoon,tornado /hurricane,Tsunami(海啸),volcanic eruption,sand storm,thunderstorm,floods,drought,mud-rock flow,earthquake,floods typhoons hurricanes tornados tsunami volcanoes sand storms earthquakes,Disasters,飓风,龙卷风,海啸,火山,What natural disasters have you heard of?,Which do you think is the worst disasters?,Warming up &pre-reading,What happened on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan ?,Wenchuan Earthquake,Roads, railways, bridges and buildings we。

16、Unit One Friendship,In my opinion,friendship is one of the most precious(珍贵的) things we have ,which can make people happy and successful . Firstly, we can lead a happy life if we have some friends to share feelings ,for joy that is shared will be doubled and sorrow(悲伤) shared will be reduced(减少).,Secondly, the company of friends can help us win success. We can benefit(从中受益) a great deal from our friendship. Moreover, friendship has influence (影响)on our personalities(个性。

17、Unit 1 Friends and Friendship,1. Look at the following pictures and work with your partner to describe the friendship shown in each one.,Friendship between adults (brotherly friendship),sisterly friendship,Friendship between mankind and animals,Friendship between animals,2. Read the following sentences and guess the meaning of each colored word through the context.,If something unpleasant eases, it is reduced in degree.,减轻,2) If a room or something such as a seat is occupied, someone is using 。

18、Unit 2,Language Points,1) 主语is doing sth. 其中主语是物,该物能发出谓语动词所表示的动作,此处的doing 是动词的名词化。主语是人时,是进行时态。,1. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. (L1),2) 如表示将来要做的事情时,用: 主语is to be /do sth.,e.g. Her job is teaching English.(解释说明名词的性质或内容,表目前的情况, 是一种静态) The teacher is teaching English. (正在进行的动作),2. For others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. (L2),1。

19、As long as everyone devoted their bit of love, the world will become a better one. 只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间.,Elephant,E l e p h a n t,antelope,As a result, many of the wildlife will ___ ____,die out,Unit 4,Wildlife Protection,How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife,Scanning: Fill in the table below about Daisys journey,antelope,Tibet,elephant,Zimbabwe,rainforest,monkey,In the passage Daisy learns about these animals:,how each animal feels. what situation(状况) each animal is in.,How。

20、Further reading,Skim the text, and then fill in the table with the information you get.,Reading,It changes its color in warm weather,The companys trademark on the chest will disappear when you breathe on it,The sweater will change from white to a rainbow of colours as golfers leave the warm club house,It will turn black to absorb sunlight when the temperature drops to below zero, and change to white at above 5 to reflect the sun,It contains pleasing smell which lasts up to three hand-washe。

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