
You love Jay Chous songs and you can sing some quite well. So you make a video of your performance and post it online for your friends t。


1、Module 4 Music Born in America 美国音乐,.重点单词聚焦 1Unfortunately there has been a sharp ________ (下降) in profits this year. 答案: decline 2When he was a student,his father gave him a monthly ________(津贴) towards his expense. 答案: allowance 3They worked hard day and night to finish the project ahead of ________(日程表) 答案: schedule,4Teachers should learn various ________ (技巧) for dealing with problem students. 答案: techniques 5I do believe it is possible for different ethnic gr。

2、Module 6,Reading,The Great Wall,Classical Suzhou Garden,Lijiang,Mogao Caves,Introduction Please look at the Picture on page 71,and say something about Suzhou.,Suzhou is one of the 31 sites in China on the World Heritage List. Except Suzhou, which cities do you know are on the list?,Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 孔庙孔林孔府,Lushan National Park 庐山国家公园 Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Les。

3、重点单词聚焦 1The union said that they would take action to________(保卫) their members jobs. 答案: defend 2It was________(自私的) of him to leave all work to you. 答案: selfish 3It is________(自然的) that such a hardworking student should pass the exam. 答案: natural,4Youve been working all morningyou________(应得) a rest. 答案: deserve 5The secretary has left,so you must________(任命) a new one as soon as possible. 答案: appoint 6This letter requires your________(立即的) reply. 答案: im。

4、第二节 代词和it的用法,针对训练 .选词填空 it;others;either;everyone;nothing;neither;everything 1(2014安徽高考)You can ask anyone for help.________ here is willing to lend you a hand. 【答案】 Everyone 2(2014大纲全国卷)Whos that at the door? ________ is the milkman. 【答案】 It,3(2014福建高考)In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in________,knives and forks. 【答案】 others 4(2014江苏高考)Good families are much to all their members,but ________ to none. 【答案】 everything 5。

5、第四节 介词和连词,针对训练 .根据句意用合适的介词或连词填空 1(2014北京高考)Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,________plants can spread to new places. 【答案】 so 2(2014北京高考)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves________half an hour. 【答案】 in,3(2014大纲全国卷)September 30 is the day________which you must pay your bill. 【答案】 by 4(2014江西高考)It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life________his great wealth. 【答案】 despite 5(2014重庆高考。

6、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,Listening & Speaking,By Ji Jinjin,The manned spacecraft,How many times has China sent people into space successfully till now?,Who was the first astronaut traveling into space in China? Do you know the name of the spacecraft?,Oct.15,2003,Yang Liwei,21hours and 23minutes,Shenzhou 5,Interview,Mr. Renault,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks of the main idea.,The main idea is the excitement of traveling into ______ and the qualifications(品质) a。

7、句型“There + be + 主语 +定语/状语/同位语”,用以表达在某处或某时“存在”某人某物。其中, there 仅为引导词,并无实际意义; be 与其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致, 有时态和情态变化。如:,基本句型六:There be结构,There will be a meeting tomorrow. 明天有场会议。 There used to be a well in the village. 村里过去有一口井。,此句型有时不用be动词,而用 live, stand, come, go, lie, remain, exist, arrive等不及物动词。如: There stands the Statue of Liberty at New York Harbour. 自由女神像矗立在纽约港口。,【注意】,。

8、该句型中的谓语动词必须跟有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。一个是表示人的间接宾语;一个是表示物的直接宾语。间接宾语一般在前面, 直接宾语在后面。如: Tom left Mary a message.汤姆给玛丽留下了口信。,基本句型四: 主语+及物动词+间宾+直宾,This will save you much time.这将为您节约大量的时间。 有时直接宾语和间接宾语可以对调, 这时, 间接宾语前应加上介词to, for或of。,1.主+及物动词+物(直宾)+to+人(间宾)。如: He offered a job to her.他向她提供了一份工作。 I owe my success to you. 我的成功要归功于您。,间接宾语前要用。

9、前面所讲英语的六种基本句型只是英语句子的最基本框架,要表达千差万别、丰富多彩的思想内容,仅仅依靠这样几个简单的句子框架显然是不够的。如果我们以这些基本句型为基础,对句子加以扩展,就可以增大信息量, 使句子表达手段得更加丰富,从而满足我们对各种复杂内容表达的需要。 英语句型扩展的手段主要有三种:(1)增加并列成分;(2)增加修饰成分;(3)使用各类从句。,基本句型的扩展(),增加并列成分 英语句子中的任何一个成分都可以增加一个或多个并列成分,从而使句子变得长而复杂。例如: John visited a farm. 这是一个典型的SVO(主。

10、句型归纳,基本句型归纳与综合运用,综合运用 一、句型辨别:判断下列简单句的类型:,( ) 1. Work starts at ten. ( ) 2. Their English books are here.,A,B,( ) 3. Mr. Smith teaches my brother English. ( ) 4. We use electricity very often. ( ) 5. The trains are on the way.,A,D,C,( )6. He showed all the engineers the difference between the two engines. ( )7. We consider Mr. Smith an English teacher. ( ) 8. In the afternoon we review our lessons.,C,D,E,( ) 9. In our everyday life we see things moving about o。

11、增加修饰成分 在基本句型中我们还可以增加各类修饰语来对简单句加以扩展。修饰语包括定语、状语和同位语,可以分别由名词和名词短语、形容词和形容词短语、副词和副词短语来担任,也可以由介词短语和非谓语动词短语来担任。例如下列例句中的画线部分均为添加的修饰语: He sells socks.(主谓宾基本句型) He sells womens socks. He sells old womens socks.,基本句型的扩展 ,He sells old womens socks made in China. He sells the best old womens socks made in China every evening in the market. 要特别注意修饰语的位置,决不要套。

高考英语 modules4-6课件 (外研版选修7)
高考英语 modules1-3课件 (外研版选修7)
高考英语 Astronomy复习课件 新人教版.ppt
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