【外研版】选修六:Module4 vocabulary and listening课件

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Module 4,Vocabulary and listening,Teaching aims and demands:,To finish the exercises in SB according to what they hear.,Module Four Music,2. To enable the students to recognize and understand some new words and expressions in a dialogue or a section.,3. To be able to catch the useful information from their discussion.,Introduction: In the listening, two people Christine and Duncan are talking about these two songs ( Summertime, Ive Got Plenty of Nothing), which are taken from the opera(歌剧)called Porgy and Bess. How much do you know about Porgy and Bess?,listening background,Porgy and Bess started life as a 1925 novel by Dubose Heyward called Porgy, about the life of African Americans in Charleston. George Gershwon(1898-1937), a composer of popular and classical music read the book, and saw its potential(潜在的)as an opera. With his brother, the lyricist(歌词作者)Ira Gershwin (1896-1983) and Heyward, they put together a startling(惊人的)new work, called Porgy and Bess , which was premiered,(首次公影)at the Alvin Theatre on New Yorks Broadway on October10th 1935. It soon became a classic(杰作) of modern American music, and the songs (Summertime, I loves you Porgy, It aint necessarily so, I got plenty of nothin) have became standards(要求达到的规范或水准), particularly of the jazz repertoire(演奏曲目).,listening background,Gershwin said, “Porgy and Bess deals with Negro life in America-it brings to(产生) the operatic form elements that have never before appeared in the opera and I have adapted my method to utilise(利用)the drama, the humour, the superstition, the religious fervour(热诚), the dancing and the irrepressible(无法抑制的) high spirits of the race.”,Listen to the tape and do the exercises.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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