高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Music》 (外研版选修6)

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高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Music》 (外研版选修6)_第1页
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高二英语单元复习配套课件:Module4《Music》 (外研版选修6)_第3页
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,. 句式填空 1. the same is true of . . . 情况也是如此 The same is true of (情况也是如此)my second instrument, the guzheng. 2. It be the same with. . . 情况适用于另外的人/物 Its the same with(也是如此) classical Chinese music.,3. the moment+句子,表示“一就” The moment (一就)they start to play, it is clear the members of Twelve Girls Band are among the most gifted musicians in the world. 4. on the other hand 另一方面(经常跟on the one hand 连用) On the other hand (另一方面),the Beatles have won more Grammys than Elvis and the Rolling Stones combined.,. 教材设题 1. When she was 15, she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, _ she studied the pipa and the guzheng. A. which B. where C. when D. that 【解析】选B。考查定语从句。where指代先行词the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 且在后面从句中作地点状语。,2. In 1996, she moved to Canada with her husband and she _ there since then. A. lived B. lives C. has been living D. had been living 【解析】选C。由句中since then可知时态应用现在时态,排除A、D;现在完成进行时表示从过去持续到现在的动作或状态,C项符合题意。,3. The biggest challenge is _ the traditions but to add ones own style. A. respecting B. to respect C. to be respecting D. respect 【解析】选B。考查非谓语形式。to do不定式作表语表示对主语的进一步解释。可与主语互换。本句可改写成:To respect the traditions but to add ones own style is the biggest challenge. 。,4. Street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers _ from the cares of the day. A. belief B. relief C. thought D. idea 【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意为:街头音乐给每个听到的人以活力,把他们从一天的烦恼中解脱出来。relief (暂时替代单调乏味事物的)调剂,轻松场面,符合句意。,1. Those who suffer from headache will find they get _ from this medicine. 2010山东, 33 A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter 【解析】选。句意为:患头痛的人将会发现通过使用这种药,他们的头痛会得到缓解。relief缓解,缓和;safety安全;defense防御,保护;shelter居所,庇护。,2. My neighbours son was _ of being a soldier though he was so weak and thin. A. worried B. anxious C. ambitious D. eager 【解析】选C。考查形容词辨析。be worried about为担心;be anxious/eager for渴望某事,上述三词的介词搭配与题干不符,故选C。be ambitious of 渴望某事。,3. You can ask your child to relieve you _ some of the housework. A. to B. of C. from D. off 【解析】选B。relieve . . . of把解脱出来,缓解,减轻。符合句意。,4. Take a deep breath, and then you may feel _ . A. relaxed B. relax C. relaxing D. relaxation 【解析】选A。relaxed 放松的,轻松的,常用来修饰人;relax为及物动词,后面需接宾语;relaxing令人放松的,常用来修饰物;relaxation为名词,意为娱乐。结合题意,选A。,5. People set up a monument _ those who died for the country. A. in praise of B. in need of C. in the hope of D. in honour of 【解析】选D。句意为:人们修建了一座纪念碑以纪念那些为国捐躯的人们。in honour of为了纪念;in praise of表扬;in need of 需要;in the hope of 希望。,1. In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same is _ music. A. real to B. sure of C. real for D. true for 【解析】选D。句意:在汉语中,读音相同音调不同,则表达的意义不同。音乐也是如此。be true of/for“对适用,符合,与情况相同”,符合句意。,2. A new law has been passed _ the killing of rare animals. A. in favour of B. in response to C. in contact with D. in celebration of 【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:为了制止屠杀稀有动物,一部新的法律被通过了。in favour of支持;in response to作为的回应;in contact with和有联系;in celebration of为庆祝,由句意B正确。,3. 完成句子 1)I will be true to (忠实于) my friends. 2)While this is true of some people (符合有些人), its not for others. 3)They made contact with(与取得联系)her by radio.,4) In the earthquake many people lost contact with their families(与家人失去联系). 5)Winter holidays are drawing near(快要到了). 6)As an actor, you have to draw upon(利用) your experience to create characters.,1. You ought to have given them some advice. _ , but who cared what I said? A. So I should have B. So ought you C. So did you D. So I do 【解析】选A。句意:你本应该给他们一些建议。我的确应该给出一些建议,可谁听我的?由句子时态可排除D;B项结构不完整;C项意为:你也应该做某事,不合题意。故选A。,2. 句型转换 1) Its the same with playing basketball. So it is with playing basketball . 2)Tom is in Senior Two and he likes playing tennis. So it is with/It is the same with (与情况相同)Jack.,用combine, connect, join, unite 的适当形式填空 1) Several firms were united to form one company. 2)The two cities are connected by a newly-built highway. 3)You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet. 4)Watch carefully, and youll find out how the two pieces join together.,. 单词拼写 1. Your problem is that you have no ambition (志气). 2. May I have the honour (荣幸) of this dance? 3. The medicine gives some relief (缓解)from pain. 4. We cant always combine (结合)work with leisure. 5. They also need time and freedom to relax (放松).,6. Have all the vacant(空缺的)positions been filled yet? 7. He quickly interpreted (翻译)to his boss what the American was saying. 8. It depressed (使沮丧)us that no progress was made during the negotiations. 9. Those who are handing out leaflets are all voluntary(自愿的) workers. 10. I had nothing to say regarding (关于)this matter.,. 完成句子 1. All of a sudden(突然), a dog barked and charged at us. 2. Youve grown up and should depend on(依靠) yourself. 3. The plot of the TV play is dull and so it is with the acting(表演也一样). 4. They made contact with (与取得联系)the local police. 5. Disney gave life to(赋予活力)characters of cartoon. 6. We can draw on(利用) the experience of others.,. 单项填空 1. Teaching is hard work: I love it, _ . 2011西安模拟 A. though B. but C. yet D. therefore 【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。句意:教学是很辛苦的工作,但是我热爱它。though“不过,但是”,副词,位于句末,用逗号隔开,符合句意。but不放在句末;yet仍然;therefore因此。由句意可知A正确。,2. As is known, Xu Beihong _ to horses in his paintings. A. led a life B. spent life C. started life D. gave life 【解析】选D。句意为: 众所周知,徐悲鸿在他的画中赋予了马活力。give life to 赋予活力,符合题意。,3. We must draw _ our advantages to make the work better. A. in B. out C. upon D. up 【解析】选C。draw upon 利用,凭借。句意为:我们必须凭借我们的优势把工作做得更好。,4. The wire _ the television became loose. A. connecting with B. that is connecting with C. which connected to D. connected to 【解析】选D。句意为:和电视机连着的那根线松了。因为线与电视机被连接在一起,应用被动语态或过去分词,故选D。,5. The organization put me _ other people in a similar position. 2011牡丹江模拟 A. in contact with B. in contract with C. on contract to D. in contact to 【解析】选A。in contact with为固定搭配,“和接触,有联系”。,6. I played table tennis for an hour, making me feel _ . A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxation 【解析】选B。句意为:我打了一个小时的乒乓球,这使我感到很轻松。relaxed感到轻松的。,7. In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to _ dreams were likely to be highly respected. A. interpret B. translate C. experiment D. transplant 【解析】选A。句意:在很多文化中,那些被认为拥有释梦能力的人备受尊敬。interpret dream 释梦。interpret 诠释,解释,符合题意。,8. Ive heard that her son was found safe and sound in the woods. What a _ ! A. surprise B. pity C. shame D. relief 【解析】选D。句意为:我听说她儿子在树林里被找到了,安然无恙。真令人欣慰呀!relief减轻,解除;救济;安慰。符合题意。,9. Sorry, I am too busy to give you a reply _ your inquiry. A. regard B. regards C. regarding D. regarded 【解析】选C。句意为:对不起,我现在太忙,无法就你的咨询给予答复。regards致意,问候; regarding关于。regarding your inquiry 关于你的咨询。,10. Flags were flown at half-staff _ those who lost their lives in the disaster. A. in favour of B. in need of C. in the hope of D. in honour of 【解析】选D。句意为:降半旗纪念那些在这次灾难中死去的人。in honour of 为了纪念;in favour of 支持,赞成;in need of 需要; in the hope of 怀着的希望。,11. Will Li Ming attend the concert by Jay Chou? No. He _ for the coming speech contest lately. A. prepared B. was preparing C. has been preparing D. has prepared 【解析】选C。答句意为:不。近来他一直在为演讲比赛做准备。由lately可知时态应用现在时态,排除A、B;D项表示“准备了”,动作已经完成,不合题意;C项表示动作仍在持续,故选C。,【举一反三】 Did you notice Jack was not at work today? No. I _ with the manager. A. talk B. had been talking C. am talking D. have been talking 【解析】选D。答语句意为:没有,刚才我一直在与经理交谈。应用现在完成进行时。,【方法技巧】 现在完成进行时的用法 1. 现在完成进行时的定义 现在完成进行时表示某动作从过去某个时间开始,一直延续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去。例如: We have been waiting for him for two hours. 我们等他等了两个小时了。 2. 现在完成进行时的结构 现在完成进行时由“have /has been + 现在分词”构成。,3. 现在完成进行时的应用 现在完成进行时所用的时间状语:this month/week/year, these days, recently/lately, in the past few +时间段, since +时间点, for + 时间段。例如: They have been building the bridge for two months. 两个月来他们一直在修桥。 4. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别 (1)现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时强调动作的延续,因此,表示动作的完成,只能用现在完成时。例如: He has changed his idea. 他改变了想法。,(2)在表示动作的延续时,虽然既可用现在完成时,也可用现在完成进行时,但现在完成进行时强调动作的进行。例如: We have been studying here for two years. 我们在这儿已经学习了两年了。 (3)有些延续性动词(如 keep, learn, live, stay, study, work等),用于现在完成时或现在完成进行时的区别不大。例如: I have lived here for many years. =I have been living here for many years. 我在这儿住了许多年了。,12. She manages to _ family life with her career. A. connect B. join C. combine D. associate 【解析】选C。句意为:她成功地将家庭生活与事业结合在一起。combine. . with. . . 把与结合在一起。associate. . . with. . . 联想,联系,结合句意,C项更佳。,13. Im going to town to do some shopping _ going to the cinema. A. except for B. in addition to C. except D. but 【解析】选B。句意为:我要去城里,除了看场电影,我还要购物。in addition to除了(还有);except除了(没有);except for除去,除之外。,14. Octopus Paulsuccessfully predicted World Cup football games, and people hope that itll be true _ Paul . A. of B. to C. in D. on 【解析】选A。句意为:章鱼保罗一世成功地预测了世界杯足球比赛结果;人们希望保罗二世也能如此。be true of/for 也如此,也一样。,15. He was _ a gold cup for his excellent performance as a reward. A. received B. won C. gained D. presented 【解析】选D。句意为:他因出色的表现而被授予金杯作为奖励。present (指在正式场合)授予,赠送。win后接比赛或奖品(主动语态);gain 获得(珍贵物品);receive 收到,不合题意。,. 完形填空 If you have a watch, dont repair it! I know it 1 . Once I had a beautiful watch. And this watch 2 perfect time. But one night it happened that I forgot to 3 it up. Next morning I went to a watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to 4 by the exact time. The watchmaker examined my watch and said: “The regulator(校准器) is to be pushed up 5 your watch is four minutes 6 . ”,I tried to stop him, tried to 7 him understand that my watch kept perfect time, but he did not listen to me and pushed the regulator. My beautiful watch began to gain time. It 8 faster and faster day by day. By the end of the second month it 9 all the clocks and watches of the town far behind. What did I have to do? To take it to another watchmaker to be regulated. I expected him to regulate the watch immediately 10 he asked me to come in a weeks time. When at last I took my watch from him it began to 11,down. And I began to be late for trains, business appointments and even missed my dinners. Now I went to 12 watchmaker. While I waited for him to repair my poor watch, he 13 it to pieces and said that he could finish this work 14 three or four days. I could do nothing but 15 . That time my watch went for half a day and then stopped. So I kept 16 my watch from one watchmaker to another for a considerable period of time.,And as a result of it the cleverest man in the world could not 17 the time by my watch. The thing was getting 18 . My watch had 19 two hundred dollars originally but I paid for repairs more than two hundred. At last I decided to buy 20 watch, which I did. 【文章大意】本文是根据美国著名作家(Mark Twain)马克吐温的故事改编的一篇记叙文。故事讲述的是“一块精美、走时准确的手表最终成为废物”的全过程。,1Afor reality Bfor truth Cfor certain Dfor certainty 【解析】选C。for certain“无疑地,确定地”,是一个固定用法,相当于without doubt, for sure;for certainty应为for a certainty才对。 2Akept Btold Cobserved Dstruck 【解析】选A。keep time“走时准确”,是习惯用法;tell time“报时”;observe time “守时”;strike表“鸣钟”时,常用结构为“strike the hours(每小时报时一次); strike 12(钟)刚敲12点”。,3Aturn Bwind Cpick Dput 【解析】选B。wind sth. up“上(钟或表)的弦;上发条”。 4Abe turned Bbe taken Cbe put Dbe set 【解析】选D。set a clock / watch“对钟;对表;将闹钟等定时”。 5Aas Bas if Cwhen Dif 【解析】选A。as用来引导表原因的状语从句。,6Afast B. slowly C. faster D. slow 【解析】选D。从上文中的be pushed up得知,手表的时间慢了四分钟,而不是快了四分钟。 7Aget B. persuade C. make D. explain 【解析】选C。make sbdo sth. / get sbto do sth. “使某人做某事”,此题之后接了省略to的不定式understand,所以用make。,8Agained B. lost C. went D. won 【解析】选A。(指钟表)快(慢)于正确的时间,常用gain或lose。例如:This watch neither gains nor loses. 这表不快也不慢。go只表示“钟表在走(时)”。 9Ahad remained B. had left C. had stayed D. had fallen 【解析】选B。leave sth. far behind“使某事物处于落后状态”,A、C、D都是不及物动词。,10Ahowever B. and C. but D. therefore 【解析】选C。表转折,意为:我原指望他立即将表校准,可是他要我一周后才来拿。however是副词,常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。 11Ago B. walk C. slow D. take 【解析】选C。slow作动词,slow down“减慢速度”。,12Athe third B. the second C. the first D. the fourth 【解析】选A。通过上下文得知作者已经去过了两个修表匠那里,现在要去第三个修表匠那儿。 13Abroke B. took C. tore D. cut 【解析】选B。take sth. to pieces “拆开,拆散”,在这里指把表拆成零碎。break“打碎”; tear“撕毁”; cut“切碎”。,14Aafter B. before C. over D. in 【解析】选D。介词in表示“从当时算起再过多长时间”。 15Ato agree B. agree C. agreeing D. agreed 【解析】选B。but前有实义动词do时,but后要接省略to的动词不定式。,16Ataking B. bringing C. carrying D. fetching 【解析】选A。keep(on)doing sth. , 意为“不停地做”。take“拿去”;bring“拿来”; fetch“去拿来”; carry“提起,拿起”,无方向性。 17Arecognize B. tell C. know D. understand 【解析】选B。tell the time 指“能够看懂钟表上的时间;看钟表等而说出时间”。不要受中文影响而错用understand。,18Aseriously B. pleasant C. badly D. serious 【解析】选D。get 是连系动词,其后要接形容词作表语,可排除A、C,再从逻辑上分析,可排除B项。 19Aspent B. took C. cost D. paid 【解析】选C。cost表示“某物花费多少钱”,有“等价交换”之意。,20Aanother B. the other C. one D. one more 【解析】选A。another表示“另一个(与之不同的一个)”;the other表“两个当中的另一个”;one表“(数量)一个”;one more“买了一个不够,还要再买一个”。,. 阅读理解 Love and compassion(同情) have no cultural boundaries(界限) and have reached China from other parts of the world since the disastrous earthquake hit on May 12. The American hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas joined in to assist relief efforts for earthquake victims early this month.,The band was originally invited to hold a promotional(宣传的)show for some beverage companies in Shanghai, but after the earthquake, the concert became a fund-raiser. The artists also donated personal items, including a guitar, posters and CDs, to a charity(慈善)auction(拍卖). In the end, they helped raise nearly 6 million yuan. “We fell in love with China and the Chinese people when we visited here before, so we wanted to do all we could to help the people in the earthquake, ” one band member will. i. am said.,Apart from African-American will. i. am, Black Eyed Peas has three other members, Fergie, apl. de. ap and Taboo. Allen Pineda Lindo, also known as apl. de. ap, possesses a blood mixture of Filipino and African-American. Jaime Gomez, or Taboo, is a Mexican and American Indian descendant(后代), and Stacy Ferguson, or Fergie, is a native Californian.,Their breakthrough album, Elephunk, was released in 2003. The anti-war song Where Is the Love became their first major hit, topping the charts almost everywhere else, and was the bestselling single of 2003 in the UK. Perhaps their various backgrounds provide them with wonderful ability to produce inventive music, by mixing hip-hop, R&B and jazz. Along with the positive lyrics and lively shows, Black Eyed Peas has gained devoted fans worldwide.,We were just thinking of good songs, good music, admitted will. i. am. “We didnt want to say anything typical, like My style is this, and my rhymes are like that. ” Fergie added, “This group is just totally open to new ideas and directions. ” 【文章大意】文章主要讲述了“黑眼豆豆组合”为中国地震灾区募捐的感人故事。,1. The author writes this passage to tell us _ . A. how the band Black Eyed Peas has developed in China B. how the band Black Eyed Peas shows their love to the earthquake-stricken areas C. why the band Black Eyed Peas is popular D. what kind of music the band Black Eyed Peas makes 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。从第二段的第一句The American hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas joined in to assist relief efforts for earthquake victims early this month. 可知。,2. Which member of the band possesses a blood mixture of Filipino and African-American? A. Will. i. am. B. Fergie. C. Apl. de. ap. D. Taboo. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第四段的第二句Allen Pineda Lindo, also known as apl. de. ap, possesses a blood mixture of Filipino and African-American. 可知。,3. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. The band has three members. B. The band finally helped raise nearly 6 billion yuan. C. Their breakthrough album, Elephunk, was released in 2003. D. The band has gained devoted fans worldwide just by mixing hip-hop, R&B and jazz. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。从第五段的第一句Their breakthrough album, Elephunk, was released in 2003. 可知。,4. We can infer that _ . A. its their love for China that drove the band to help the people in the earthquake B. love and compassion have no cultural boundaries C. the band is just totally open to new ideas and directions D. the band was formed in 2003 【解析】选A。推理判断题。从第三段的第一句 We fell in love with China and the Chinese people when we visited here before, so we wanted to do all we could to help the people in the earthquake. . . 可推知。,.语音知识 1.plug A. bury B. century C. bucket D. argue bine A. recently B. concentrate C. barbecue D. concept 3.ambition A. sacred B. blame C. criminal D. campaign,4.signify A. quit B. anxiety C. survival D. appetite 5.voluntary A. post B. annoy C. associate D. lemon 答案:15.CCDAB,.单词拼写 1. Your problem is that you have no ambition (志气). 2.May I have the honour (荣幸) of this dance? 3.The medicine gives some relief (缓解)from pain. 4.We cant always combine (结合)work with leisure. 5.They also need time and freedom to relax (放松).,6.Have all the vacant(空缺的)positions been filled yet? 7.He quickly interpreted (翻译)to his boss what the American was saying. 8.It depressed (使沮丧)us that no progress was made during the negotiations. 9.Those who are handing out leaflets are all voluntary(自愿的) workers. 10.I had nothing to say regarding (关于)this matter.,.完成句子 1. All of a sudden(突然), a dog barked and charged at us. 2.Youve grown up and should depend on(依靠) yourself. 3.The plot of the TV play is dull and so it is with the acting(表演也一样). 4.They made contact with (与取得联系)the local police.,5.Disney gave life to(赋予活力)characters of cartoon. 6.We can draw on(利用) the experience of others.,.语法和词汇知识 1.Teaching is hard work: I love it, _ . 2011西安模拟 A. though B. but C.yet D. therefore 【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。句意:教学是很辛苦的工作,但是我热爱它。though“不过,但是”,副词,位于句末,用逗号隔开,符合句意。but不放在句末;yet仍然;therefore因此。由句意可知A正确。,2.As is known, Xu Beihong _ to horses in his paintings. A. led a life B. spent life C. started life D. gave life 【解析】选D。句意为: 众所周知,徐悲鸿在他的画中赋予了马活力。give life to 赋予活力,符合题意。,3.We must draw _ our advantages to make the work better. A. in B. out C. upon D. up 【解析】选C。draw upon 利用,凭借。句意为:我们必须凭借我们的优势把工作做得更好。,4.The wire _ the television became loose. A. connecting with B. that is connecting with C. which connected to D. connected to 【解析】选D。句意为:和电视机连着的那根线松了。因为线与电视机被连接在一起,应用被动语态或过去分词,故选D。,5.The organization put me _ other people in a similar position. 2011牡丹江模拟 A. in contact with B. in contract with C. on contract to D. in contact to 【解析】选A。in contact with为固定搭配,“和接触,有联系”。,6.I played table tennis for an hour, making me feel _ . A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxation 【解析】选B。句意为:我打了一个小时的乒乓球,这使


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