
Module 5 Cloning。Module2。


1、外研版 高一年级 (必修1) Module 1,英语课件,Listening and vocabulary,1. correction n. 订正, 修改; 校正, 如: He made several corrections. 他修改了几处。 under correction 在可能有错误尚待改正的情形下 Ill speak under correction. 我所说的话未必全对, 请指正。,Pre-listening,2. encouragement, (U) 激励;奖励;促进,如: He received a lot of encouragement from his teacher. 老师给他很大的激励。 鼓励的话或行为,如: The teachers words were a great encouragement to him. 教师的话对他是极大的鼓舞。,3. enjoyment。

2、Module 3,Reading and vocabulary,Group work,Read the beginning and end of the passage. What do you think the story is about?,I remember the first time I met Roy. He was standing in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke,It looked as if there was about 500 there. I was so surprised that I just stood there, holding the notes in my hands. At that moment, the door swung open, and Roy walked in.,Activity 1,1. What was Roy like before his father died?,Outgoing, popular, and frien。

3、Module 1,Reading and vocabulary,The Wrong Kind of Small Talk,Activity 1: Work in pairs. You are going to read a story about a saleswoman. Discuss what kind of small talk you need as a salesperson.,Activity 2: read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What did Esther often do when she spoke to others? Every time she open her month, she put her foot in it.,2.What do you think are “the basic rules of social communication”? To be polite and not to embarrass people.,3. Why did the customer look。

4、Module 2,Reading and vocabulary,Fantasy Literature,His Dark Materials,The Golden Compass,The Subtle Knife,The Amber Spyglass,hesitate behave approach definitely vanish,Im sure that you have read this novel ________. I love the job so much that I didnt ________ for a moment.,definitely,hesitate,3. He seems to have _________ without trace. 4. The young fellow _________ in a strange way and we dont understand him at all. 5. As you ________ the city, youll hear the sound of cars.,vanishe。

5、Module 4,Reading and vocabulary,Teaching aims and demands:,1.To know about some English vocabulary related to music.,2.To catch the general idea of the whole passage.,Module Four Music,Reading and Vocabulary,3.To understand the affection of the author.,4. To be good at grasping the key words and recognizing the new words according to the context.,Activity 1: find out the information about Liu Fang,1974,Yunnan,Canada,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,Her Mother,The pipa and the guzheng,Fast rea。

6、Module 5,Listening and vocabulary,Scientist working in a laboratory,A human cell,Sheep A was created in a laboratory by scientists. It is a cloned sheep or clone. Sheep B is the “parent” of sheep A. Scientists used the genes of Sheep B to create Sheep A. Both sheep have identical genes their genes are exactly the sarae.,A genethe part of a cell that controls how it develops,Who do we get our genes from?,Answer the questions.,Our parents,2. How many parents does a cloned animal have?,One,3. Wh。

7、Module 5,Reading and vocabulary,Language points,burn out:烧光某物,烧空某物 (尤用于被动态) The hotel was completely burnt out. 2. by its tiny light:借助于微弱的光 by:凭借某人/某物的动作、力量、 作品等。,3. seeopen see的用法: (1)see sb do看见某人经常做或做过 I saw her cross the road. (2)see sb doing看见某人正在做 She was seen walking away from the accident. (3)see sth done看到某事被做 I saw the bird killed.,contrast(v.) with (通过对比)显出差异;形成对照 =be in contrast (n.) with It is in。

8、Module 2,Listening and vocabulary,brave cottage frog handsome hunt pool kingdom land nearby palace put a spell on wicked,1. ______ and ______ refer to country. 2. ______ and ______ refer to buildings. 3. ______, ________ and ______ describe people. 4. ___________ means to use magic. 5. ______ means to chase or kill. 6. ______refers to water. 7. ______ tells you where the place is. 8. ______ refers to animal.,kingdom,land,cottage,palace,brave,wicked,handsome,put a spell on,h。

9、Module 3,Listening and vocabulary,Read the passage on page 33 and answer the questions.,1. Are Liao Mei and Wang Chaosu still friends?,Yes, they are.,2. Why do you think the girls have kept in touch?,Because they are old friends.,Activity 1,Do you think that good friends should never quarrel?,Discussion,Match the questions and the words in Activity 1.,lively personality quarrel (v. & n.) regret,1. Which word describes someones personality?,Activity 2,lively,2. Which word means to feel。

10、Vocabulary and Reading,故宫,布达拉宫,莫高窟,九寨沟,丽江古城,泰山,庐山,武夷山,长城,北京人,兵马俑,1the first thing that was found at Zhoukoudian,Questions para 1,some prehistoric human bones,2 the location of Zhoukoudian caves,about 50 kilometers south-west of Beijing,part1,1) the number of items that were eventually found,almost 200 items,2) the number of skulls and teeth,six skulls and more than 150 teeth,para 2 Questions,para 3 the number of places where Beijing Man lived,(four sites),1)They al。

11、Module 5 Ethnic Culture Reading And Vocabulary,Yulong Xueshan Mountain,Lijiang River,Peacocks in Xishuangbanna,Stone Forest in Yunnan,T,F,T,T,F,Reading comprehension Fast reading 1.Go through the text quickly and find out in which part of Yunnan Simon stayed . 2. True or false. 1 The landscape in Yunnan differs from place to place. 2 Tourists are now allowed to travel by car in the old town of Lijiang. 3 Naxi women play an important role in their society. 4 The Naxi language is the only。

12、Listening and vocabulary,Module 2 Book 7,Look at the words from the passage and answer the questions,Pre-listening,Pre-Listening: Choose the correct answers.,1. I was astonished when I read the school newspaper for the first time. It was so good! This means: a. very surprised b. very amused 2. Film critics write reviews of film in which they give their opinion of the film. A film critic is someone who: a. directs a film b. says what they think of a film. A review is: a. an article b. a boo。

13、Module 5 Cloning,vocabulary and listening,What do the animals in the picture have in common?,They all have the same,gene.,How much do you know about gene?,Pre-listening,1. Who do we get our genes from? 2. Who do cloned animals get their genes from? 3. Are the parents in two sentences the same? Why?,We get our genes from our parents.,They get their genes from their parents.,No, they are not the same.,The first parents consist of a male and female,while the second parents consist of only a male o。

14、Reading and Vocabulary,Contents,Post Reading,Introduction,Skimming,Scanning,Careful Reading,Language Points,Pre-reading,Introduction,Frankenstein,1. When was the film made? 2. Say what you。

15、furious adj. He is furious at the way his boss treats him. A furious gunbattle ensued. furiously adv. He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him. The students in Senior 3。

16、Module 3,Listening and vocabulary,Interpersonal Relationships Friendship,Read the passage on page 33 and answer the questions.,1. Are Liao Mei and Wang Chaosu still friends?,Yes, they are.,2. Why d。

17、Module 3,READING AND VOCABULARY,Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,(P22) Read the text and number the events in the order they happen.,d.Huck and Jim see the steamboat.,b.Huck and Jim climb onto。

18、Module 3,Reading and vocabulary,Interpersonal Relationships Friendship,Group work,Read the beginning and end of the passage. What do you think the story is about?,I remember the first time I met Ro。

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