【外研版】选修六:Module1 Reading and vocabulary课件

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【外研版】选修六:Module1 Reading and vocabulary课件_第1页
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【外研版】选修六:Module1 Reading and vocabulary课件_第3页
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Module 1,Reading and vocabulary,The Wrong Kind of Small Talk,Activity 1: Work in pairs. You are going to read a story about a saleswoman. Discuss what kind of small talk you need as a salesperson.,Activity 2: read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What did Esther often do when she spoke to others? Every time she open her month, she put her foot in it.,2.What do you think are “the basic rules of social communication”? To be polite and not to embarrass people.,3. Why did the customer look awkward when she was asked now old she was? Because she did not want to say her age.,4. How did the typist contradict Esther? She said she wasnt pregnant.,5. What was wrong about Esthers advice to the salesman? She didnt realize what she said hurt the salesman.,6. What did Esther think of the clerks haircut? She wanted to know how much it cost.,7. Why did the young man think the company gave him a new job miles away? He said the office would be quieter without him.,8. What did Esther think of her old school friends husband? She thought he was ugly.,Activity 3: Read the passage again and find:,three things you can say when you make small talk 2. two things you should not say 3. one way of replying to questions which you dont wish to answer,Activity 4: Work in pairs. The style of this passage is meant to be humourous and exaggerated.,Example: “You look much older. And your friend , shes older than you, but she looks much younger!”,Look for more examples of humour and exaggeration in the passage.,Do exercises 5-6 in you book.,Activity 7: Work in groups. Discuss the questions and give reasons for your answers.,1. Is small talk important in your society? 2. Is it as important as “real” conversation? 3. Do you think small talk is more or less important in English than in your language?,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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