高中英语 Module1 Listening and vocabulary课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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furious adj. He is furious at the way his boss treats him. A furious gunbattle ensued. furiously adv. He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him. The students in Senior 3 worked furiously to get a higher score.,Listening and vocabulary,commentator,coach,time out,overtime,More about basketball,stamina vs explosive force,How many players are there in a basketball team? A. five B. eleven 2. How long does a professional NBA basketball game last? A. There are four 12-minute periods. B. There are two 20-minute halves. 3. What happens if the scores are a tie at the end of the game? A. Both teams receive one league point B. There is overtime of five minutes. 4. What is a time out ? A. The end of the game B. A time when the coach can talk to the players,Listening 1: Choose before listening,ROCKETS,CHICAGO BULLS,A. A commentator and a player speaking before a game starts. B. Two commentators speaking at the beginning of a game. C. Two commentators speaking at the end of a game.,Listening-2 Listen to Part 1 of the passage. Decide which two people are speaking and when.,Listen to part 2 and check the words you hear.,amazed disappointed excited exhausted amazing disappointing exciting exhausting,Listening-3 Listen to Part s 1 and 2 of the passage again and check the true sentences. 1. Dan is excited at the beginning of the game and disappointed in the end. 2. Yao Ming has had a good season for the Rockets, according to Dan. 3. Dan thinks that Yao Ming can do everything by himself. 4. The game itself was disappointing for the crowd. 5. The two teams had almost the same score. 6. The Rockets won the game.,Why?,final score?,Yao Ming has been absolutely outstanding for the Rockets this season. The Chicago Bulls used to rely too much on Michael Jordan.,Yao Ming has played extremely well.,The Chicago Bulls team used Jordan too much, and when he didnt play or played badly the whole team wasnt good.,Listening-4: Explain the expressions from the passage in your own words.,3. Both teams had a lot of stamina and there was a lot of skillful play. 4. The Rockets led by two points going into the fourth quarter. 5. The action was non-stop all right.,Both teams played very hard for the whole match and they used their playing abilities( passing, shooting, etc) very well.,At the start of the last quarter of the match the Rockets were 2 points ahead.,It was a very exciting match with both teams playing hard all the time.,Function Expressing feelings and emotions.,1. I was _ when I saw Yao Ming play for the first time. A. amazed B. amazing 2. His ability and power are _. A. astonished B. astonishing 3. Our team lost the game so we were very_. A. disappointed B. disappointing 4. The last part of the match was incredibly _ ! A. excited B. exciting 5. Both teams were _ at the end of the game. A. exhausted B. exhausting 6. Michael Jordans decision to retire was _. A. surprised B. surprising,A,B,A,B,A,B,


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