【外研版】选修六:Module2 Listening and vocabulary课件

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【外研版】选修六:Module2 Listening and vocabulary课件_第1页
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【外研版】选修六:Module2 Listening and vocabulary课件_第3页
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Module 2,Listening and vocabulary,brave cottage frog handsome hunt pool kingdom land nearby palace put a spell on wicked,1. _ and _ refer to country. 2. _ and _ refer to buildings. 3. _, _ and _ describe people. 4. _ means to use magic. 5. _ means to chase or kill. 6. _refers to water. 7. _ tells you where the place is. 8. _ refers to animal.,kingdom,land,cottage,palace,brave,wicked,handsome,put a spell on,hunt,pool,nearby,frog,1. to control a country army 2. a man who rules a country and belongs to the ruling family go to war 3. a large organised group of soldiers that fight for a country king 4. to do something in order to hurt orpunish someone because they have hurt you or someone else rule(v.) 5. when two large groups of people fight for a country take revenge,( ) A. Before he leaves for the war, Argon asks his handsome son, Ferdinand, to revenge if he gets killed. ( ) B. The king takes the woman to his palace and marries her, not knowing that she is a wicked witch. ( ) C. Argon, the kings brother, who rules a nearby kingdom, goes to war with the witch. ( ) D. A beautiful woman comes out and the king falls in love with her. ( ) E. A king goes out hunting and comes to a cottage. ( ) F. The witch wins the war and kills Argon and all his army. ( ) G. A frog jumps out of a pool and tells Ferdinand that he can help him kill the witch. ( ) H. The witch puts a spell on the king and becomes the ruler of the land.,2,3,1,4,5,6,7,8,Girl: Ive just finished reading a fantastic book. Boy: Whats it called? Girl: Well, actually its a trilogy. Its called His Dark Materials. Boy: Oh, yes, isnt it fantasy literature? Girl: Yes, it is. It takes place in several different worlds and its really exciting! I love fantasy literature. One day I might try an write a fantasy literature One day I might try and write a fantasy novel. Boy: Youre joking!,Listening text,Girl: No, Im not, I think its very easy to invent fantasy stories. Boy: No, it isnt. Girl: Yes, it is. I could tell one right now. Boy: Go on then! Girl: Ok. UmGive me a momentA king goes hunting and comes to a cottage. A beautiful woman comes out and on seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. But he doesnt know that shes a witcha very wicked witch. Now you continue. Boy: Me?,Girl: Yes, go on, its easy. Boy: OKSo the king takes the woman back to his palace and he marries her, not knowing who she really is. While hes sleeping, the witch puts a spell on him and everyone in the palace, so that they dont wake up. Girl: Well done! See what I mean, its easy. OK, Ill go on. The witch puts a spell on all the kings advisers and becomes the ruler of the land. She controls all the soldiers with her magic powers, and everyone in the land has to bring her half of everything they have.,Boy: Um, yesall rightThe Kings brother, whose name is Argon, rules a nearby kingdom. On hearing what has happened, he decides to go to war with the witch. Before leaving his kingdom, he calls his son to him and says, “If I die, you must take revenge.” His son, who is handsome and brave, says he will do this. Girl: So the kings brother goes to war with the witch, but he and almost all his men are killed. But fortunately, his son isnt killed.,Boy: Oh, good! Let me thinkOK, so the kings son, whos called Ferdinand, returns to his home. Hes now the new king, of course, and he feels terrible because his father and most of his army are dead. After thinking about the situation for several months, he decides that hell have to kill the witch himself. Now its your turn.,Girl: UmIm stuck, I cant think what to sayOh, I knowOne afternoon, while sitting by a pool, Ferdinand sees a frog. The frog jumps out of the water and says, “Oh King, I will tell you how to kill the wicked witch.” Boy: Oh, look at the time! Were late for our History lesson! Well have to continue another time. Can I borrow the first book of His Dark Materials? Id love to read it. Girl: Yes, Ive got it here. Here it is. Boy: Great, thanks! Lets go!,Activity 5,What does the girl say about His Dark Materials? What does the girl say it is easy to do? When does the witch put a spell on the king? What does everyone in the land have to do? When does Argon ask his son to revenge him?,It is a fantastic book.,To invent a fantasy stories.,While the king is sleeping.,Bring the witch half of everything they have.,Before leaving his kingdom.,6. Why does Ferdinand feel terrible? 7. What does Ferdinand decide to do? 8. What exactly does the frog say to Ferdinand?,Because his father and most of his army are dead.,He decides he will have to kill the witch himself.,“Oh, King, I will tell you who to kill the wicked witch.”,take revenge, sit, go to war, see, fall in love with, marry, fortunate, think about, see, put a spell on, not know,A king goes hunting and comes to a cottage. On _ a beautiful woman come out of the cottage, the king _ with her. The king takes the woman back to his palace and _ her, _ that she is a wicked witch. While the king is sleeping, the witch _ not only the king but also everyone in the palace, so that they dont wake up. Then she becomes the ruler of the land. The kings brother named Argon rules a nearby kingdom. On hearing what has happened, he decides to _ with the witch. Before his leaving, he,seeing,falls in love,marries,not knowing,puts a spell on,go to war,tells his son to _ if he dies. His handsome and brave son promises to do so. At war with the witch, the kings brother and almost all his men are killed. But _, his son survived. As a result, the kings son called Ferdinand becomes a new king. He feels terrible because his father and most of his army are dead. After _ the situation for several months, he decides to kill the witch. One afternoon, while _ by a pool, he sees a frog. The frog jumps out of the water and says: “Oh, king, Ill tell you how to kill the wicked witch.”,take revenge,fortunately,thinking about,sitting,1. Go over the phrases and sentences we have learnt today.,Homework,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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