
Module 5 A lesson in a lab。How much do you know about general science。Module 5 Cloning。What do you know about carnival。(英)阿道司赫青黎简介 阿道司赫青黎(Aldous Huxley。


1、Cultural Corner,Culture Corner-1. Speaking (4m) Do you know them?,tabloids,Culture Corner-2. Reading (8m) Read the passage and fill the form.,the quality press,concentrate on news, sports, finance and cultural events. ( more serious ),The Times,the popular press ( tabloid ),concentrate on famous people, the royal family, and has large headlines and lots of big photos.,The Sun,The New York Daily News,Culture Corner-3. Speaking (5m),Is it better to prints news of celebrities or traffic accidents。

2、Cultural Corner,Steven Spielberg- Film Director,Ang Lee-the best director in the 78th Annual Academy Awards,Chen Kaige,Farewell My Concubine,Zhang Yimou,Not one less,My father and mother,Clint Eastwood (克林特伊斯特伍德),Peter Jackson,Steven Spielberg,Please fill in the blanks after reading. He was born in the state of______, ________, in _______. Films he made at the following ages: 13.____________________________ 16.____________________________ _______________ 24._________________________。

3、Module 1,Cultural corner,Cultural corner,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. How does the AAA model work?,The speakers answer the question, add a piece of information, and then ask a question.,2. Is the AAA model a good idea while making small talk with someone you dont know in China?,I think so.,If 80% of all conversations in English is small talk, then in Britain, about 80% of all small talk must be about the weather! It is a very, very popular topic of conversation. Neighbours wi。

4、Module 3,Cultural corner,Fast-reading Qs :,1. What is Friends Reunited? How do you use it? 2. Are there any similar websites in China? If not, do you think a website like Friends Reunited would be successful? Say why/ why not?,Cultural Corner,Fill in the blanks about the general idea of this passage.,It tells about a website called____________ . It tells us how the website was set up and how it helps old friends to___________again after they havent seen each other for a long time . It also。

5、Module 4,Cultural corner,Module Four Music,Teaching aims and demands:,1. To know about the general knowledge of the Grammy Awards.,2. To read and understand a little too difficult passage related to music.,Cultural Corner,Pre-reading activities,1.Brainstorm awards in music. 2. Tell what you know about how an award is decided to and given to a person who deserves it.,Today, well learn a most famous award in the music industry.,Lead-in,While-reading activities,Read the passage and answer the fo。

6、Module 5,Cultural corner,Cultural Corner,(英)阿道司赫青黎简介 阿道司赫青黎(Aldous Huxley,18941962),一位多产的英国作家,共写作了50多部小说、诗歌、哲学著作和游记,其中最著名的作品是长篇小说美丽新世界。作为生物学家的儿子,他从小受到良好的教育,先后毕业于伊顿公学和牛津大学。他对人类生活中的矛盾具有超人的预见力。尽管一次眼疾几乎让他视力全失,但在学习了盲文后,他逐步开始写作,先后创作了许多胎炙人口的小说,并在20年代成为一个明星人物,其中,1932年创作的美丽新世界让他名留青史。,Step 1 Learn “Cultu。

7、Module 6,Cultural corner,Cultural Corner Activity 1: lead-in,As we know, war is a terrible thing to all the people in the world. Where there is a war, there is miserable thing happening. People will suffer a lot from the war. So in the world most of people prevent the war and how do people prevent the war ? There is an organization which can help prevent the war and save the people who suffer from the war. Can you guess what name of this organization is? Lets see some photos.,“United Nations。

8、Cultural corner,Read the passage about Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. Then fill in the form.,Asia,Asia,Between12,000and 25,000 years ago,More than 40,000 Years ago,Between1.8 million and 10 million, became smaller and smaller,About 350,000,became smaller and smaller,Thick straight black hair, dark eyes, brown skin,Hunting,fishing,speaking many languages, many kinds of society,Hunters and gatherers,Battles and diseases,The Europeans took more and more land,Read the passage and ans。

9、Module 2 My New Teachers,Introduction,amusing energetic intelligent nervous organised patient serious shy strict,adj. 有趣的,可笑的 adj. 精力充沛的 adj. 聪明的 adj. 紧张的,焦虑的 adj. 有组织的,系统的 adj. 耐心的 adj. 严肃的 adj. 害羞的 adj. 严格的,Vocabulary,intelligent kind lively nervous organised patient popular serious strict stupid energetic shy,Decide if they are positive (+) or negative (-).,+,+,+,+,+,+,+,-,+,-,-,-,Use the words above to describe people you know. Can yo。

10、Module 5 A lesson in a lab,Introduction,How much do you know about general science?,Listen and choose,1. (a) Water exists as a solid, a liquid and a gas. (b) Water exists as a solid and a liquid only. 2. (a) When you heat a metal, it expands. (b) When you heat a metal, it contracts.,3. (a) Steel is a mixture of iron and other substances. (b) Steel is a mixture of iron and oxygen. 4. (a) Two-thirds of the earths surface is water. (b) 50% of the earths surface is water.,5. (a) The distance o。

11、Cultural Corner,Aldous Huxley,美丽新世界是非常著名的政治小说,被称为反乌托邦三部曲之一,另外两部为: 1920 俄国 扎米亚京 我们 1948 英国 奥威尔 一九八四 正面乌托邦三部曲: 1516 英国 莫尔 乌托。

12、Module 5 Cloning,Reading Practice P67-68,Jurassic Park Scientific Fact or Hollywood Fiction?,Jurassic Park Jurassic Park is a 1993 American science fiction adventure film directed by Steven Spielbe。

13、Module 4,CULTURAL CORNER,Carnival,What do you know about carnival?,Read the passage and answer the following questions.,What was the possible reason why the slaves began to hold their own carnival? H。

14、Module 4,Cultural corner,Music,Module Four Music,Teaching aims and demands:,1. To know about the general knowledge of the Grammy Awards.,2. To read and understand a little too difficult passage relat。

15、Module 3,Cultural corner,Interpersonal Relationships Friendship,Fast-reading Qs :,1. What is Friends Reunited? How do you use it? 2. Are there any similar websites in China? If not, do you think a。

16、Module 5,Cultural corner,Cloning,Cultural Corner,(英)阿道司赫青黎简介 阿道司赫青黎(Aldous Huxley,18941962),一位多产的英国作家,共写作了50多部小说、诗歌、哲学著作和游记,其中最著名的作品是长篇。

17、Moudle 5,CULTURAL CORNER,The Great Sports Personality,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What are the origins of the marathon? Legend says a Greek soldier ran from Marathon to Athens to te。

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