【外研版】选修六:Module5 Cultural corner课件

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Module 5,Cultural corner,Cultural Corner,(英)阿道司赫青黎简介 阿道司赫青黎(Aldous Huxley,18941962),一位多产的英国作家,共写作了50多部小说、诗歌、哲学著作和游记,其中最著名的作品是长篇小说美丽新世界。作为生物学家的儿子,他从小受到良好的教育,先后毕业于伊顿公学和牛津大学。他对人类生活中的矛盾具有超人的预见力。尽管一次眼疾几乎让他视力全失,但在学习了盲文后,他逐步开始写作,先后创作了许多胎炙人口的小说,并在20年代成为一个明星人物,其中,1932年创作的美丽新世界让他名留青史。,Step 1 Learn “Cultural Corner” Activity 1) Lead-in,From listening part, we knew something about cloning. Today we are going to learn “Cultural Corner”, another passage about cloning. Whats the title of it? Now lets read it and get ready to answer the four questions:,Brave New World,Step 2 Scanning,1. When was the book Brave New World written? 2. Who wrote the book? 3. How many types of clones are there in the world described in the book? What are they?,In 1931,Aldous Huxley,Five. They are Alphas, The Betas, identical the Epsilons, soma.,4. Why is the book still famous today? 5. What are the same important features of the society described in Brave New World?,Because it describes a terrifying future world.,The government is in absolute control. It organizes society by drugs and other methods so that it is stable. Everyone has a place and stays in it. The people are all happy with their position in society.,Homework You can write as you debate in the groups. You must give reasons and examples.,You can write as follows: Are you for or against cloning? Give your reasons. Use these words: “firstly secondly lastly” 3. Give examples to support your idea.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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