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人教版新课标英语必修六单词拼写练习(1)His casual clothes were not a for such a formal occasion.(2)If you are lost in the woods , its very handy to have a c with you.(3)A l is a person who is in charge of or works in a library.(4)They promised to love each other f.(5)After a few minutes ,our eyes got used to the (黑暗 )(6)We (交换) our opinions about the event at the meeting.(7)She won a ( 奖学金 ) to study at Oxford University.(8)Knowing that they had arrived safely took a ( 负担 ) off my mind.(9)The exhibition was ( 举办 ) by the Society of Culture.(10)The (暖和 ) of the fire made us sleepy.(11)Im sure she will pass the exam; Ive got great f in her.(12)He has also founded an organization a at helping AIDS children.(13)David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam, as he wanted to be sure of passing it at the first a.(14) Perhaps we should give up. I agree with you. Nobody can p the change of situation.(15 )All schools in our province a new English textbooks to improve students listening,speaking, reading and writing abilities three years ago.(16) Its the most (可笑的) thing Ive ever heard in my life. I cant help laughing.(17 ) What a(n) (巧合) it is that they were born in the same year and on the same day!(18)Ivan gave up playing the piano eventually.Its just ( 典型的 ) of him to spend all that money on the equipment and then loseinterest halfway through the course.(19)It remains a(n) ( 有争议的 ) question whether middle school children should be allowed to use mobile phones at school.(20)You cant legally take ( 所有 ) of the goods until two months after the contract issigned.(21)He is a person who is always unhappy with a d heart.(22)These sorrows are more than f and blood can bear.(23 ) Did you get a ticket? No, I to, but there wasnt any left.(24)This report is filled with uncertainty; you must be more s in your statement.(25)The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to out its reality.(26)Some patients are(对过敏)to this medicine, so there is a test before theytake it.(27)Tom is good at all his subjects especially English ,so he is (典型的 ) of a highgrades student.(28)When the pop star appeared in the street in the (本人) , all the visitors were excited,cheering.( 29)I recognized her as soon as I met her at the airport though we hadnt seen each other for ages and she had changed a great (大量 ) .(30)Tom devotes most of their time to studying rather than playing computer games ,so he hasa(喜爱) for study.(31) Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, ( 抽象的 ) theories.( 32 ) He is ( 守旧的 ) in life when he was young.( 33) Its ( 荒谬的 ) that we have to wait six weeks.( 34) All his ( 尝试 ) to get through the driving test without being trained has failed.( 35) Its difficult to ( 预测 ) what the boys future will be.(36)Jack is late again. It is t of him to keep others waiting.(37)He is not the womans own son; she a him twenty years ago.(38)Who p the house? In another word, who is the owner of the house?(39)Luckily enough, I met my old classmate in the street by c the other day.(40)As the sun sets, the s of trees becomes longer.(41 ) Please accept this gift in (感谢 ) of all youve done for us.(42)It is through practice that you will be able to overcome a bit of the ( 焦虑 ) andfear in public speaking.(43)She wiped the (汗) from her face and drank a glass of water.(44)There are various types of supermarkets in Beijing to satisfy the needs of its ( 多种多样的 ) population.(45 ) When you become (忧虑的 ), you may experience a rapid heart rate, difficulty incatching your breath, or sweating.(46)I p when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.(47)I want to b a long time in hot springs and relieve my tiredness.(48)We cant g that our flights will never be delayed.(49)His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to t all over.(50)Scientists say Mount Pinatubo could e again soon.(51 ) The function of art is to ( 传达) inner ideas, feelings, and images.(52 ) Have you any ( 具体) thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?(53) Dont trust her story, for it is ( 引起矛盾的 ) in itself.(54 ) You can ask him a favor. He specializes in ( 翻译) from French into Chinese.(55)It was an event that would ( 改变 ) my life.(56)Old Tom expressed his deep s when he heard of the death of his good friend.(57)The dog may bite you if you keep t it.(58)My schedule is quite f I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.(59)It was a long journey, but we e arrived at the small village before dark.(60)They set up many b throughout the country with the development of theirbusiness.(61)He c much time and energy in writing this book.(62)Dont throw waste paper at r or you will be punished to be on duty again.(63)A wide r of colors and patterns are available.(64)This company pays more attention to quality than to q.(65)Your cough is the c of smoking.(66)He gave a (一瞥 ) at his watch and then looked at the sky.(67)I (反对) your going there alone because it is not safe.(68)We are making slow but ( 平稳的 ) progress in our English.(69 ) The event changed the (倾向) of public opinion.(70 ) The new information adds ( 燃料) to the debate over safety measures.(71 ) After the big earthquake , the old couple ( 收养) an orphan(72 ) The (影子) of the trees grow longer as the afternoon goes on(73) Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon were both ( 有争议的 )figures (74 ) She looked absolutely (可笑的 )in those trousers(75) You said you lived in the Western Country Could you be a bit more ( 具体 )?(76 ) The men were drunk ,(好斗的 )and looking for a fight (77)The car accident left her arm and leg( 永久地 )damaged(78)There are about 3,900 wild tigers left in the world and the illegal trade is one of the biggest threats to their ( 幸存 ).(79)They accused him of having a ( 偏见 ) against his women employees.(80)If you had prepared in advance, you wouldnt be in such an ( 尴尬的 ) position.参考答案1) appropriate2)compass3)librarian4)forever5)darkness6)exchanged7)scholarship8)load9)sponsored10)warmth11)faith12)aimed13)attempt14)predict15)adopted16)ridiculous17)coincidence18)typical19)controversial20)possession21)delicate22)flesh23)attempted24)specific25)figure26)allergic27)typical28)flesh29)deal30) preference31) abstract32) conventional33) ridiculous34) attempt35) predict36) typical37) adopted38) possesses39) coincidence40) shadow41) appreciation42) anxiety43) sweat44) diverse45) anxious46) panicked47) bathe48) guarantee49) tremble50) erupt51) convey52) concrete53) contradictory54) translation55) transform56) sorrow57) teasing58) flexible59) eventually60) branchesconsumed random range quantity consequence glance oppose steady trend fuel adopted shadows controversial ridiculous specific aggressive permanently survival prejudice awkward61)62)63)64)65)66)67)68)69)70)71)72)73)74)75)76)77)78)78)80)


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