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大学生休闲动机和休闲满意度研究 【摘要】 在现代的的都市生活中节奏越来越快,在这样压力重重的生活下休闲活动也就变得十分必要。大学生是一个休闲时间相对较多的群体,他们的休闲动机又有什么特色,其休闲动机会对休闲满意度有着怎样的影响。本次的研究就大学生的休闲动机和休闲满意度进行探讨。 这次的研究主要在于探讨大学生休闲动机和休闲满意度的相互关系。通过问卷的方式对城市学院在校100名学生进行调查得出大学生的休闲动机层次不高,满意度一般。主要为了打发无聊的学习生活,同时对于自己休闲的满意度也不高觉得休闲活动也很无聊。【关键词】 休闲动机,休闲满意度,休闲活动,大学生 Research on Relationship between Leisure Motives and Leisure Satisfactions for Undergraduates【Abstract】 Background: In the modern city life increasingly fast pace of life in such a stressful leisure activities under it becomes necessary. College students are a relatively large group of leisure time, their leisure motivations, what characteristics, its leisure motivation would have a kind of leisure satisfaction impact. The research on college students leisure motivation and leisure satisfaction to explore.     This study is to investigate the students leisure motivation and leisure satisfaction of mutual relations. Through questionnaires for ZUCC students in school 100 students surveys leisure motivation level is not high, satisfaction in general. Mainly in order to pass the boring school life, both for their own leisure satisfaction is not high that leisure activities are also very boring.【Key Words】 Leisure Motives,Leisure Satisfactions,Leisure Activities,Undergraduates - 11 -浙江大学城市学院毕业论文Error! No text of specified style in document.TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWOR.- 1 -一、 Leisure Activity- 2 -(一) What Is A Leisure Activity- 2 -(二) The Basic Characteristics Of Recreational Activities- 4 -1. Sufficient Leisure Time- 4 -2.Leisure Activities And Learning Activities Is Difficult To Distinguish- 5 -二、 Leisure Motivation- 6 -(一) Leisure Motivation Concept- 6 -1. Germany Ponndorf Inductive Leisure Motivation- 6 -2. Switzerland Zimid House Inductive Leisure Motivation- 6 -3. World Tourism Organization Summarized Leisure Motivation- 7 -三、 Leisure Satisfactions- 8 -Conclusion.- 9 -References.- 10 -Express Thanks.- 11 -FOREWORDCollege students with ample leisure time, leisure quality of life directly affects the students can complete, comprehensive and healthy development of their own, and even affect the future progress and development of society. College students as a social group, due to higher education, they have a high level of knowledge in the future nation-building and social life will play a decisive role, has a unique position in society. College students leisure life lifestyle is an important and indispensable, the rational use of leisure time and healthy leisure lifestyle has become an important impact on their healthy growth factors, their socialization and maturity have an immeasurable impact. I am on the ZUCC students were on the one hand leisure lifestyle Investigation and Research.一、 Leisure Activity(一) What Is A Leisure ActivityHuman resource utilization time can be divided into three basic components: labor time, leisure time and physical life time 1 6. Traditional sense of a living human labor time is consumed by paid labor time. Physical activity time is the production and reproduction of human beings time, including sleep, and life time required, and the time required for parenthood. Leisure time is in addition to labor time and physiological life outside time discretionary time, it was also known as free time or leisure time. Labor time to create social wealth to ensure that people can survive; physiological life time guarantee that human beings can restore mental, physical, and reproduction. Human labor in order to survive, but to survive not just for labor. Leisure time to meet the people higher spiritual pursuit, people "become human" process. With the development of productive forces and production efficiency, labor time and a gradual reduction of physiological life time, relatively speaking, leisure time is increasing. On the degree of utilization of leisure time and use patterns are an important measure of quality of life standards. Now, people have different understanding for leisure: Studies understood as the leisure free time outside of work; it was also defined as a meaningful leisure activities; Some people believe that leisure is a way of being, through specific Activities to discover the meaning of life, and can not be simply interpreted as seeking happiness; then there is the leisure as a state of mind, that it is a free, freedom, freedom to engage in certain activities, peace of mind to feel life joy, happiness and value, etc. 2 52 - 53 3 24 - 30. The reason why the above confusion, the reason may be confused with the following three concepts, which are: leisure time, leisure activities and leisure. Leisure time is relative to the working time is, and the leisure understood as leisure time more emphasis on the freedom of leisure, voluntary, calmly. In fact, a considerable number of people in the labor time and physiological life time, also can experience the calm, joy, happiness and success. Similarly, there are a considerable number of people in their leisure time, also to experience trouble, depressed, bored and tired. Therefore, the leisure is defined as leisure time is not comprehensive. Leisure activities that people engage in leisure time activities. People in their leisure time engaged in various activities, both relaxing activities, but also an increase in physical and psychological hardship behavior; both enjoyable experience, but also a painful experience. So, leisure activities are not all leisure. In this chapter we mainly discuss college leisure activities and mental health. We believe that leisure is that people should be engaged in the heart, wholesome and meaningful activities, to experience the calm, happiness, success and happiness mental state. In casual status, people will experience freedom, not outside pressure; experience the joy, rather than repressed; experience is their own value, rather than the alienation of human nature. To a certain extent, leisure is an ideal existence. To get a casual experience, people need to engage in certain leisure activities. But not just any leisure activities can produce leisure experience. Generally, people are engaged in activities need to meet three conditions: First, the activities of voluntary choice. Leisure is that people engage in their favorite activities. At this time, the psychological, behavioral in a relaxed, free state. The second is to get the psychological experience of freedom and pleasure. Leisure is a self-calm, quiet and elegant, heart and mental state, even though it is based on material activities, but the main is to enrich their spiritual life for the purpose of seeking spiritual satisfaction. Third, wholesome, active pursuit of the meaning of life. Therefore, leisure activities can be work, live, or you can engage in a variety of leisure time activities. Because in their leisure time, people will experience the freedom of the will, therefore, often mistaken for engaging in leisure time activity is leisure.(二) The Basic Characteristics Of Recreational Activities1. Sufficient Leisure TimePeople have leisure time, but not everyone has the leisure activities. It can be said, is a leisure activity leisure time time basis, no leisure time, there will be leisure activities. Similarly, leisure time is a prerequisite college leisure activities. It manifested as holidays, also showed more daily work, learn and go their own discretionary spare time. Day school with students, teachers attendant compared to students free time increased, reflecting ample leisure time, this characteristic.A survey 4 showed that college students daily disposable leisure time for personal possession of status is: 4 hours or more have 34.7 percent, about three hours with 30.7%, one - two hours for 24.2%, basically no leisure time and only 9.7%. Students in the school during the non-"weekend" day of leisure time has to 3.29 hours, "weekend" owns daily leisure time 7.77 hours. The most prominent is the college students nearly three months of summer and winter holidays, not only a long time, and time is continuous.2.Leisure Activities And Learning Activities Is Difficult To DistinguishAnd compared relatively independent work and leisure, learning and leisure activities are college students the basic living, they are actually very clear distinction. Speaking from the origin, recreation and education are inseparable. "The meaning of the word leisure, in the history of development has always convey the same message, in Greek the meaning refers to 'a place of learning and education' in ancient times, call this place as 'leisure' rather than If we today call 'school,' "5 6.二、 Leisure Motivation(一) Leisure Motivation ConceptLeisure motivation refers to the cause, guide, integrated personal leisure activities, leisure activities and leads towards a goal that the inner mental process.1. Germany Ponndorf Inductive Leisure MotivationEscape and relaxation, away from everyday life, changing living environment, restore strength, experience nature, consorting with others, enjoy the sun, avoid the bad weather, with people, together, gastronomy, entertainment, enjoyment, arbitrary, seeking freedom, increased experience, feel the change, novelty. Seeking unspoiled environment, exercise, participate in sports, games, experience foreign cultures, observing the world, complete rest, lust, carnival, pleasure and beautify yourself healthy tan the skin brown, shopping around, growing knowledge, education or baptism, the pursuit of personal interests, convalescence, ponder, visiting friends, took the opportunity to introspection, reflection, participate in sports, fitness, adventure, achieve personal habit.2. Switzerland Zimid House Inductive Leisure MotivationMake up the daily work and living environment brought about by the scarcity: lack of interpersonal and friendship, lack of climate, exercise and lack of action, close to nature and enjoy the scenery, outdoor recreation lack of experience, and found that the lack of pleasure, prestige, luxury scarcity, lack of freedom; elimination of physical and psychological stress, behavioral stress and monotony shackles of life, physical and psychological recovery, increase knowledge, satisfy curiosity, to achieve self-worth, self-return, self-indulgence.3. World Tourism Organization Summarized Leisure MotivationRecreation and replacement environment, rest and relaxation, seeking pleasing environment, interpersonal relationships, in some environments appeared to express themselves and develop a creative talent to meet the curiosity of the outside world, using the senses of fun, recreation and so on.三、 Leisure SatisfactionsLeisure satisfaction (LS) refers individuals engaged in leisure activities obtained positive views or feelings, it is the individual's own experience of the current general casual feel satisfied or satisfied overall level 6, it is from reflects the individual leisure subjective quality, is to determine the effect of individual leisure important indicator 75. Overseas study found that leisure satisfaction and individual well-being and quality of life are closely related 64, while domestic research is currently mostly theoretical analysis 8, little empirical research data. One important reason may be the lack of reliable localization measurement tools. In the last century, foreign scholars have developed a measure of maturity Westerners leisure satisfaction scale 6, China's Taiwan scholars at the beginning of this century scale introduction of Taiwan, the amended Taiwanese college students can be used to measure leisure satisfaction, in inland areas of China has not yet found an effective leisure satisfaction measurement tool. Taking into account a certain extent, leisure and cultural construct is a product of 9, numerous studies have pointed out that our leisure culture and Western qualitatively different, which may lead to leisure satisfaction in the presence of Chinese and Western structural differences 10.ConclusionNo motivation and extrinsic motivation patterns and norms both leisure satisfaction negatively correlated, and identified regulation and intrinsic mobility and leisure satisfaction are positively correlated, input level specification in addition to the relaxation and physical levels not significantly correlated and, in the leisure satisfaction is positively related to other dimensions.Leisure motivation for each dimension of leisure satisfaction has an important influence. 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