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买卖房屋House Trading1. What kind of places are you interested in?你对什么样的房子感兴趣?2. Which newspaper has the most housing information?哪种报纸的房屋信息比较多?3. I prefer a quiet neighborhood.我喜欢安静一点的环境。4. Whats your budget?你的预算大约是多少?5. Do you have a two-bedroom-and-one-living-room apartment?你有两室一厅的公寓吗?6. Im looking for a place to live thats large enough for four people.我找可够四个人住的房子。7. How old is this building?这栋建筑楼龄多少?8. Is the house furnished?请问房子有家具吗?9. Is there an elevator in this building?这座大楼有电梯吗?10. Is the grocery shopping convenient around here?这里买东西方便吗?11. There is no window in the bathroom.浴室没有窗户。12. I like the open kitchen very much.我很喜欢开放式的厨房。13. The room is not bright enough.房间光线不够亮。14. When do we sign the contract?我们什么时候可以签合约?15. Its a nice house, but Ill still like to see another one.这套公寓不错,但我还想再看看另一套。16. Does this building have 24-hour security?这栋楼有24小时保安吗?17. May I think about it and give you a call a few days later?我要考虑一下,过几天再给你电话。ConversationDialogue 1A: Good morning. Is this house for sale? 早上好!这座房子要出售吗?B: Thats right. 对。A: May I have a look at it, please? 我能看看房子吗?B: Sure. Come in, please. 当然可以,请进。A: When was it built? 这座房子是什么时候建的?B: In 1996. 1996年。A: Oh, this is an open kitchen. I love it. The rooms are bright enough. And how much does it cost? 噢,这是开放式的厨房,我喜欢。房间的光线不错。它要卖多少钱呢?B: 106,000 dollars. 106000美元。A: Thats a lot of money. But I like the house. 那是一大笔钱,不过我喜欢这个房子。Dialogue 2A: Oh, the house looks nice. How long have you lived here? 噢,房子看上去不错。您在这里住多长时间了?B: About fifty years. My parents bought it when I was 13. 大约50年。我13岁时我父母买下这栋房子。A: Thats a long time. Why do you want to sell it? 时间很长了,您为什么要卖掉它呢?B: My wife died last year, and I soemtimes feel lonely and I want to live with my children. 我老伴去世了,我有时感到孤独,我要和我的孩子们住一起。A: Where do they live? 他们住在哪儿?B: In New York. 住纽约。A: Its a wonderful place. I like that city very much, but its much more crowded and noisier than this small town. Well, how much do you want? 那可是个好地方,我非常喜欢那座城市,可是那里比这个小镇拥挤、吵闹多了。嗯,那么您想卖多少钱呢?B: 156,000 dollars. 156000美元。A: Thats a lot of money. But its worth that. 那的确是一大笔钱,它物有所值。Vocabularyapartment n. 公寓broker n. 中介;经纪人budget n. 预算building n. 建筑物contract n. 合约,契约convenient adj. 方便的crowded adj. 拥挤的detached house 独立房屋doorman n. 门卫furnish v. 供应,提供kitchen n. 厨房live v. 居住lonely adj. 孤独的neighborhood n. 附近,周围payment n. 付款额purchase n. 购买quiet adj. 安静的sale n. 出售security n. 安全two-bedroom-and-one-living-room 两室一厅


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