人教新起点 六年级期末试题及答案

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人教新起点 六年级期末试题及答案 2023-2023学年度第一学期六年级期末测试题 说明:本试题分听力和笔试两局部,总分值100分,考试时间40分钟。 题号 一 得分 听力局部 二 三 四 一 二 笔试局部 三 四 五 总分 Listening Part听力局部 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10分 ( ) 1. A. earth ( ) 2. A. heavy ( ) 3. A. strong B. east B. hippo B. south B. the Stone Forest B. English ( ) 4. A. the Shaolin Temple ( ) 5. A. German 二、听录音,按听到的顺序标序号。10分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,在与以下人物相关的图片下面打。10分 name will be - will live - will do - Andy Binbin 1 Writing Part笔试局部 一、看图补全单词。12分 1. Hebei province is in the n of China. 2. I am going to sing in front of my class.I am ner . 3. My dog won the race, I am pr . 4. I will live in a house on the s . 5. We can see the gi s in the zoo. 6. This is a l . 二、单项选择。14分 ( ) 1. My dog is lost. I am very . A. happy B. sad C. surprised ( ) 2. Xian is famous for . ( ) 3. People in Moscow speak . A. Chinese ( ) 4. Tokyo is in . A. Russia ( ) 5. - are you? -I am very happy. A. How A. Zebras A. the warriors B. Mountain Emei C. the Stone Forest B. French B. Canada C. Russian C. Japan B. What C. Where C. Crocodiles ( ) 6. are a kind of bird. B. Ostriches 2 ( ) 7. are a kind of fish. A. Whales B. Sharks C. Snakes 三、请根据问句选出正确的答复。14分 ( )1.-Why is Li Bai famous? - A. Because he wrote many beautiful poems. ( )2. - When was Helen Keller born? - A. She was born in the United States. ( )3. - What is Shandong famous for? - A. Its famous for Elephant Trunk Hill. - A. They are mammals. - A. Its in Henan province. - A. I will be a professor. - 四、读一读,猜一猜。10分 ( )1. It can fly. But it is not a bird, Its an insect. It has beautiful wings. It is a . ( butterfly, hummingbird) ( )2. It is a big country. Its in Asia. The people there speak Chinese. It has many famous cities, such as Beijing, shanghai, Hangzhou and so on. It is .( Thailand, China) ( )3. It is in the west of China. Its famous for Potala Palace and snow-capped mountains. Its . ( Xinjiang, Tibet) ( )4. The animal is a mammal. It is very big. It is often 4 meters tall, 4 tons weight. It has the biggest ears. It has a long nose called trunk. It lives on the land. It is . ( an elephant, a whale) 3 B. Because he sang very well. B. She was born in 1880. B. Its famous for Mount Tai. ( )4. -What kind of animals are monkeys? B. They are fish. ( )5. -Where is Yunnan? B. Its in the south of China. ( )6. -What will you be in the future? B. I will live in Beijing. ( )7. -Where would you like to go this vocation? A. Id like to go to Sichuan province. B. I like travelling. ( )5. -Hi, Yaoyao! Are you happy? - No, I am .( worried, excited) -Why? 五、读句子,选择适宜的词填空,并选出对应的图片。10分。 an artist an actor a writer an inventor a musician ( )1. He sang Beijing Operas very well. He was . ( )2. He posed many famous music. He was . ( )3. He painted shrimps very well. He was . ( )4. He wrote many stories for children. He was . ( )5. He invented the light bulb and many things. He was . A. B. C. D. E. 六、阅读。10分 阅读短文, 完成表格,并答复以下问题。 There are 3 people in my family, my dad, my mum and me. We all like travelling. Id like to go to Paris. Its in France. France is in Europe. My dad would like to go to Cairo. Its in Egypt. Egypt is in Africa. My mum would like to go to Toronto. Its in Canada. Canada is in North America. Mum Dad I Where would you like to go? (根据自己的真实意愿答复) 4 City Country Continent 听力材料: 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. east 2. hippo 3. strong 4. the Stone Forest 5. German 二、听录音,按听到的顺序标序号。 1. Egypt is famous for pyramids. 2. A cat took away Luckys bone. So Lucky is very angry. 3. Hangzhou is famous for silk and Chinese tea. 4. Penguins are birds. 5. Barcelona is in Spain. Spain is in Europe. 三、听录音,在与以下人物相关的图片下面打。 1. Andy will be an astronaut in the future. He will live on the moon. He will travel by spaceship. 2 Binbin will be a detective. He will live in a house in the ocean. He will swim in the ocean. 听力答案: 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10分 BBABA 二、听录音,按听到的顺序标序号。10分 45231 三、听录音,在与以下人物相关的图片下面打。10分 name will be - will live - will do - Andy Binbin 笔试答案: 5 一、看图补全单词。12分 1. north 2.nervous 3. proud 4. sun 5. giraffes 6. lion 二、单项选择。14分 BACCABA 三、请根据问句选出正确的答复。14分 ABBAB AA 四、读一读,猜一猜。10分 1. butterfly 2. China 3. Tibet 4. an elephant 5. worried 五、读句子,选择适宜的词填空,并选出对应的图片。10分。 1. an actor - D 2. a musician - B 3. an artist C 4. a writer-E 5. an inventor -A 六、阅读。10分 Mum Dad I City Toronto Cairo Paris Country Canada Egypt France Continent North America Africa Europe 6 第 8 页 共 8 页


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