七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway Section B 仁爱版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway Section B 仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway Section B 仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway Section B 仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Section B,0%,100%,never _,seldom,sometimes _,often,usually _,always,Fill in the blanks with always, often, seldom.,A: I often come to school on foot.,B: I never come to school by bus.,C: My father always goes to work by subway.,D: He seldom goes to work by train.,Use always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never and the means of transportation to make sentences.(运用频率副词副词以及表达日常交通方式的句型一起造句),New words,take,catch,乘坐地铁,乘坐公共汽车,乘坐v.,take the subway,take the bus,take the train,乘火车,take the ship,乘 船,ride,骑 v.,ride a bike,骑自行车,walk,drive,步行,散步 v,驾驶 v.,drive a car,开车,捉住 v.,worm,软体虫 n.,on weekdays,在工作日 平日,Turn to page3,look at 1a Look, listen and say.,Helen: Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays? Michael: I always get up at six oclock. Helen: The early bird catches the worm. How do you usually come to school? Michael: I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. How about you? Helen: I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you, Sally? Sally: I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus.,The early bird catches the worm! 谚语早起的鸟儿有虫吃(捷足先登)。,Answer the questions.,1. What time does Michael usually get up on weekdays? 2. Who usually goes to school on foot? 3. How does Helen usually go to school? 4. How does Sally go to school?,Answer the questions.,1. What time does Michael usually get up on weekdays? He always gets up at about six oclock. 2. Who usually goes to school on foot? Michael.,3. How does Helen usually go to school? She usually goes to school by subway. 4. How does Sally go to school? She always takes a bus to school.,Turn to page 3.Listen to 1a and complete the sentences with usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, or never.,1. Michael _ walks to school but _ goes by bike. 2. Helen _ goes to school on foot. She _ takes the underground. 3. Sally _ takes the underground. She _ goes to school by bus.,usually,sometimes,never,often,seldom,always,Make a dialogue,A: what time do you usually get up on weekdays? B: I always get up at six oclock. A: The early bird catches the worm. How do you usually come to school? B: I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. How about you? A: I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you, Sally? C: I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus.,Can you tell me two ways of transportation?,E.g. He usually takes a train to Beijing. = He usually _ to Beijing _ _.,goes,by train,go toby car,take the subway/bus/train/ship/boatto,go toby subway/bus/train/ship/boat ,go toby bike ,ride a bike to,go toon foot ,walk to,drive a car to,Example:,Li Xiang often comes to school by bike.,Li Xiang rides a bike to school.,2a Fill in the blanks after the example.,Maria sometimes _ home _ _.,Maria sometimes takes the subway home.,1,Fill in the blanks after the example.,goes,by subway,We usually go to the park on foot. /p:k/,We usually _ to the park.,3,Fill in the blanks after the example.,walk,They always go to the zoo by bus.,They always _ _ _to the zoo.,4,Fill in the blanks after the example.,take a bus,Writing,(translate these phrases with two ways用两种方法翻译这些句子) 1.他通常骑自行车去学校。 2.我们通常步行去公园。 3.他们一直乘公车去动物园,他通常骑自行车去学校。 B: He often goes to school by bike. /He often rides a bike to school. 我们通常步行去公园。 B: We usually go to the park on foot. /We usually walk to the park. 他们一直乘公车去动物园 B: They always go to the zoo by bus. / They always take a bus to the zoo.,Summary,1. review adverbs of frequency. _ 2. Learn the means of transportation in different expressions.,always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never,goby subway take the subway goby bike _ a bike goon foot _ _by bus take a bus goby car _ a car 3. some new words,ride,walk,go,take,Homework,1. Use the following words to make up some sentences. 2. Write a passage about how your classmates go to school.,never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always,一、填入动词的正确形式。 1. Mike often _(go) to school on foot. 2. _ you often _ (come) to school on foot? 3. My little brother _( study) every day 4. He never _(get) up early on Saturdays.,goes,Do,come,studies,gets,Exercises,5. Jacks father _ ( watch) TV on Sundays. 6. My mother usually _ (wash) clothes every day. 7. My sister _(play) tennis every Sunday. 8. She always _ (do) housework on Sundays.,watches,washes,plays,does,1. Betty 的哥哥通常踢足球。 2. 他在家从不讲英语。 3. Lingling 的妈妈总是早上六点起床。,Bettys brother usually plays football .,He never speaks English at home.,Linglings mother always gets up at six oclock in the morning.,二、翻译下列句子。,Thank you!,


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