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牛津高中英语模块1-11短语小结M1 Unit 1 School life1. at ease with sb.轻松在一起 2. know of sb / sth 3. tell the differences between A and B 4. on (the) average 5. used to do sth6. be happy with sth/ sb 7. for free8. such as 9. encourage sb to do sth 10. introduce A to B 11. pass sth on (to) sb 12. be available for 可获得的,可运用的13. far (away) from 14. make sure that 15. graduate from university 16. upon/ on doing17. surf the internet 上网 18. donate sth to sb捐赠 19. forget to do sth 20. inform sb of sth 21. prepare for 22. be responsible for 23. be made up of 24. consist of 25. come up with 26. tell sb about sth 27. sound like28. word by word 逐字 29. drop some subjects 30. play on the school fields 31. e-mail sb 32. talk to sb about sth 33. prepare to do sth 34. thank sb for 35. invite sb to be/do 36. make a speech about 37. run a radio club 38. approve (of) the idea 批准/赞成 39. require sb to do sthM1 Unit 2 Growing pains1. turn up 2. a waste of time 3. try to do sth 4. force sb to do sth 5. spend time (in) doing sth 6. be supposed to do sth 7. in charge 8. shout at 9. give sb a chance to do sth 10. deserve to do sth 值得/配做某事 11. instead of 12. be hard on sb 13. now that 14. be rude to sb 15. feel like doing sth16. be different from sth 17. in the form of 18. pay attention to 19. think of 20. searchfor 21. a little bit22. be proud of 23. stay up 24. mix upwith 25. ask for sth 26. stop doing sth 27. mean to do sth 28. keep in mind 29. tidy up 30. be angry with 31. clean up32. a bit of 33. at all 35.be busy with sth 36. used to do sth 37. be used to do sth 38. be used to doing sth 39. refuse to do sth 40. as though 41. insist on 42. prevent sb from doing sth 43. forbid sb from doing sth 44. argue about sth with sb 45. allow sb to do sth 46. do with 47. go out 48. notany more 49. after all 50. at present51. like crazy 拼命地,发疯似地52. choosefrom 53. cant wait to do sth 54. go unpunished 不受惩罚55. should have done sth 56. be nervous about sth 57. all the time 58. get sth done59. at the moment 60. miss doing sth 61. advise sb to do sth 62. make a bit of difference 63. be fit for 65. happen to sbM1Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good1. feel good 2. put on weight 3. discuss the questions below4. be dying to do sth 5. in no time 6. make sb look slimmer 7. get enough sleep 8. stay healthy 9. work out 10. do exercise 11. cause sb to do sth 12. worry about 13. hear from sb 15. three times a day16. notany more 17. another way to do sth 18. a slim figure 19. lose weight 20. be ashamed of 21. act in a TV play 22. at least 23. in the last two months 24. concentrate on 25. go on diets 节食26. change ones appearance 27. keep oneself looking good 28. be ashamed of 29. side effect 30. fall out脱落 31. in secret 32. follow ones advice 33. as a matter of fact 34. along with 35. come across偶遇 36. in the long termM2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained1. run into 2. put on4. believe in 5. according to 6. take turns to do sth 7. step up8. do research on sth9. draw conclusions 10. go missing11. rule out排除12. make recommendations13. show great interest in 14. look into15. be based on 16. due to17. make up18. report doing sth20. take charge of21. be said to do sth22. be surprised that 23. dream of doing24. run after 25. stay out26. come true27. with amazing speed 28. show up29. separate from30. on average31. see sb doing sth 32. pick up33. make ones way to走向35. in return作为回报36. live on 37. shake hands with38. see sth with ones own eyes 39. go straight to M2 Unit 2 Wish you were here1. be busy doing2. spend some time doing 3. in case4. upside down5. as as possible6. up close 7. make sure8. look forward to9. if possible10. be tired of 11. feed on12. in the dark13. in perfect harmony with14. get close to 15. refer to16. risk ones life17. be worth doing18. run out 19. as well20. in progress 21. at dawn22. in total 23. up to24. provide sb with 25. leave out26. make use of 27. be tired of28. tourist spot 29. scare away30. on clear nights 31. make a fire32. end withM2 Unit 3 Amazing people1. be curious about 2. set sail3. be known as4. make adiscovery5. as well as 6. emptyof7. fall ill 8. die of9. have something to do with 10. result in11. pay off12. make a great contribution to13. at full speed 14. thanks to15. be chosen as16. be qualified for 17. win sb sth18. be described as19. in control of 20. be proud of21. look up to sb as 22. manage to do sth 23. go down 24. in history25. compare with 26. live on 27. base sth on sth 28. be based on 29. have anything to do with 30. have nothing to do with31. be connected with 32. have to do with 35. be concerned with 36. in space 37. search for38. at the age of 39. have an effect onM3 Unit 1 The world of our senses1. as well 也2.sign language 手语 3. even if 虽然4. make great achievements 获得巨大成就5. be covered in a grey mist被薄雾笼罩6. at lunchtime在午饭时分7. step into 踏进 8. glance at一瞥9. set off出发;触发;燃放10. beat with fear(心)因胆怯而狂跳 11. reach out ( for sth)伸手去拿12. wish for sb to do sth企求 / 企盼某人做某事13. be off离开 14. pay back报答15. get across(the street)过马路16. have in common ( with sb) 与某人有共同之处17. follow ones advise采纳某人的建议18. have something to do with our overall health19. become stressed变得紧张20. rather than而不是 21. sleep deeply深睡22. make ones way to s朝某地走去23. get close to接近24. move on继续迁移,继续走25. lose sight of 看不见26. sweat with fear吓得冒汗 27. manage to do sth成功做到28. in the distance在远处29. work out a plan制定筹划30. be grateful to对某人表达感谢31. in the near future在不久的将来32. compared to与 比起来33. be known as作为而出名 34. in sight被看见35. be frozen with fear吓得冻僵了36. be related to与有关37. be linked to与有联系38. make sense有道理,讲得通39. make the most of充足运用40. cant help (doing)禁不住得做41. warm up 暖和起来42. be responsible for对负责43. all of a sudden忽然 44. ring out45. make progress ( in sth)获得进步46. bang into(不小心)撞到了47. feed on 以为主食48. stare (up) at 昂首盯着看 49. watch out for 当心M3 Unit 2 Language1. in a sense从某种意义上说 2. stand for3. all over the world全世界4. inform sb of sth告诉某人什么5. throughout history整个历史上6. be made up of由什么构成7. bring sth with sb随身带来某事8. speak a language说一门语言9. be different from与不同10. consist of 由构成11. the official language官方语言12. find it hard to do sth发现做困难13. contribute to 对做奉献;导致;投稿;有助于14. take control of 抓住15. be replaced with/by由取代16. even though / if 虽然17. despite the fact that 尽管事实是18. have an impact on对有影响19. the English language英语20. result in 成果是,导致21. work as担任22. the way of doing sth做某事的措施23. because of由于 24. depend on依赖25. quite a few + 可数名词 相称多的 26. make up 构成;化妆;讲和;调制;编造,凑数27. have a word with sb和某人说句话28. a six-year-old kid一种六岁的孩子29. right away立即 30. take action采用行动31. look forward to (doing) sth盼望做32. a waste of time时间的挥霍33. leave out漏掉;删掉 34. in any case无论如何35. come true得以实现 36. look up查字典38. care about关怀,照顾 39. at one time曾经40. due to由于41. get to the point言归正传,直奔主题42. waste time doing sth.挥霍时间43. make fun of取45. in addition加之,并且 46. in a word总之47. it seems likely that 似乎也许48. sb is likely to do sth某人也许做 49. concentrate on集中注意力 50. in short简言之51. a written/spoken language书面语、口语52. differ fromin在方面与不同53. as a whole作为整体,总之54. develop into发展成55. combinetogether把结合起来56. in the 1950s 20世纪50年代57. be widely used被广泛应用M3 Unit3 Back to the past1. a historical event一种历史事件2. arrange for做安排3. go on a cultural expedition to sp到进行文化探险4. go to a lecture去听讲座 5. take over接管 6. be buried alive被活埋 7. on rainy days在下雨天8. turn to 转向;向某人求助9. be covered with被覆盖10. be off to sp离开去某地 11. run through穿过12. prevent from制止某人做某事13. agree with批准;(天气等)合适14. refer to提及;参照;意指15. pay attention to doing注意做某事16. have the chance to do/of doing有也许做17. throughout the world全世界18. be involved in被卷入;参与19. brush away拂去,擦掉,刷掉20. be related to与 有关21. a huge success 一次巨大的成功22. make a discovery发现23. go through 经历(痛苦,磨难)24. be in good condition处在良好状况25. a concerned citizen 一种热心市民26. focus on聚焦于,专注于 27. carry out执行28. set sail for扬帆启航去 29. less than少于30. on board在船上、飞机上、火车上等31. in memory of 为了纪念 32. in history在历史上33. be in use 在使用中 34. in return for以报答M4 Unit 1 Advertising1. be used to doing / be used to do习惯于 / 被用来做2. do some research on对做研究3. share ( in ) sth with sb和某人分享/合用 4. encourage sb to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事6. for free免费 7. be intended to do sth 被打算做8. protect sb from sth保护某人以免9. public welfare公共福利10. be aware of 意识到 11. even if 虽然12. be proud of 以为自豪13. connect to. 把与连起来14. fall for 上当;受骗 15. play tricks on捉弄16. lead a better life过上更好的生活17. live a healthy life过健康生活18. commit suicide自杀19. follow the advice 采纳建议20. offer sb sth 积极给某人提供21. be satisfied with 对满意22. trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事23. persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事24. take drugs 服药 25. keep away from 远离于26. at a low price 以低价 27. be tired of对 厌倦28. on sale在热卖;在贱卖29. of high quality 高质量的30. be popular with/among 受喜欢31. remind sb (not to) to sth人做/不做某事32. up to高达;由某人决定;忙于33. be bored with厌烦于34. be amazed at 对惊愕35. appeal to吸引某人;向某人呼吁;诉诸法律36. be concerned with关怀,关注M4 Unit 2 Sporting events1. play a role in 在起作用2. be delighted to do sth 不久乐做某事3. share sth with sb 与某人分享4. save time for 为节省时间5. every four year每隔四年6. allow sb to do sth 容许某人做某事7. take part in参与(某活动)8. in honour of 为了纪念9. from around the world来自于全世界10. side by side 肩并肩11. all over the world全世界12. realize ones dreams实现梦想13. come to public attention 引起公众的注意14. under ones original name用自己的原名15. the opening ceremon揭幕典礼16. know of sb/sth.理解某人/某事17. compete for竞争想得到18. recognize sb/sth as 承认某人/某事是19. break the world record破世界纪录20. make contributions to 为做奉献21. ones attempt to do sth努力做某事22. the limits of 的限制/局限23. look forward to sth/doing盼望做24. join sb in doing 和某人一起做25. get sb doing使某人立即做某事26. be related to 有关27. enter sth. into 登记,输入28. meet ones requirement满足某人的规定29. keep sth under control 把某东西控制住30. make way for 给让路31. involve sb in 使卷入;使参与32. hope for 但愿得到 33. group into分类成34. come up with提出35. host the Olympics组办奥运会36. protect sb/sth from保护某人以免37. follow ones advice采纳建议38. change ones mind变化主意39. the answer to a question 问题的答案40. look out for小心M4 Unit 3 Tomorrows world1. come true(梦想)成真2. sense of achievement成就感3. be designed to do被打算去做4. pass onto把 传递给 5. thousands of 成千上万6. be connected to与 有联系7. add to增添;扩建,扩大8. give out 放出(气体、光、热);筋疲力尽9. provide sb with sth 向某人提供10. play the role of 演 的角色 11. put forward 提出建议 12. in reality 事实上13. bring alive 使 爱好盎然14. be impressed by被 打动;被 留下映像15. take the risk of 冒险做某事16. depend on依托,依赖17. accuse sb. of控诉某人18. set up建立(组织),搭起(帐篷)19. voice ones opinion说出某人的观点20. in my opinion依我看21. come across偶遇;偶尔发现22. come out 被出版23.be recognized as被公觉得 24. instead of25. be of great benefit to有很大的好处M5 unit1 Getting along with others1. get along 相处;进展2. be worth sth/doing sth 值得做3. be worried about 紧张4. be proud of 为感到自豪5. feel like (doing sth) 想做6. be determined to do sth 下决心做7. stare at 盯着8. as a resul的成果9. be/get angry with sb 对气愤10. yell at 对大叫11. keep on doing sth 继续/保持做12. cant stand doing sth 不能忍受做13.cant help doing sth情不自禁的做 14. go on to do sth继续做(此外一件事)15. be ashamed of对感到羞愧16. in publi公开的17. avoid doing sth避免做18. before long不久后来19. as well也 20. stay up 熬夜21. for sure确信 22. make it做成23. come up with 提出 24. rather than而不是25. would ratherthan宁愿而不肯26. cant wait to do sth等不及做27. put off (doing) sth推迟做28. it is no use/good doing 做事没用的/没好处的29. on the other hand 另一方面30. look out for当心 31. be strict with sb 对规定严格32. blame sb for sth由于责怪某人33. be absorbed in专注于34. in the world究竟,究竟35. attitudes towards对的态度36. without hesitation毫不踌躇37. share sth with sb与分享38. be based on/upon 建立在基本上39. regardless of 不管,不顾40. be responsible for 对负责41.in trouble有麻烦,处在困难中43. take care保重;小心,当心44.one another 互相,互相45.be/feel jealous of 嫉妒.46.keep ones word/ promise 信守诺言 M5 Unit 2 The environment1. environmental protection 环保 2. protect/ preserve the environment保护环境3. open the floor有发言权4. harm/damage the environment破坏环境5. follow the schedule for sth按照的日程表6. voice sth体现出7. large amounts of大量的 8. see/think of as将视为 9. flow into流入10. wipe out消灭11. have a lasting effect upon/on有着持久的影响12. in addition此外 13. cut back on sth减少 14. be concerned about 关怀/担忧 15. pourinto把倒入16. large numbers of大量的17. work side by side with sb和共事18. run a factory 经营一家工厂19. a stable economy 稳定的经济20. a healthy and friendly environment21. keep in mind 记住; 想着.22. be willing to do sth.乐意做某事23. present ones point陈述某人的观点 24. solar energy 太阳能25. make a final decision做最后决定 26. start a campaign for发起一次运动 27. ask around到处打听 28. work on 从事29. nature reserve自然保护区 30. run out of用完,用光31. draw a conclusion得出结论 32. pass sth on to sb 把传给 33. in the form of以形式34. pick out挑选出 35. focus on 36. under way在进行中37. be stocked with 储藏有 38. due to 39. as a result of 成果40. on account of由于 41. deposit sth into把.存入 42. rely on依托. 43. result in成果,导致 44. be under way to do sth 正在干 45. be home to 的发源地,之家46. be prohibited from doing sth严禁做某事47. decide on sth 决定 M5 Unit 3 Science versus nature1. on (the) one hand 一方面 2. on the other hand 另一方面3. point out指出4. on the way to (doing) sth在去的路上;即将做 5. in general 总的来说6. concentrate on 集中注意力于 7 with the intention of 目的是 8. be related to与.有关9. push ahead with 推动10. interfere with 干涉,干扰 11. be similar to与相似12. to conclude 得出结论13. complain about对.抱怨14. in response to对的答复/反映15. comment on对做出评价16. consider doing 考虑做17. adopt sb/sth 收养;接受18. the other day前几天19. urge sb to do sth敦促某人做 20. focus on集中于,关注 21. in favour of支持22. meet ones needs满足某人的需要 24. turn out成果是;生产25. blamefor由于.责怪 26. praisefor由于表扬27. end up以.告终 28. use up 用完,用光 29. figure out计算出;弄清晰,弄明白30. concentrate on集中注意力于31. succeed in doing 做成了某事 32. in reply to 对的答复33. on ones part对而言38. with reference to 有关 39. so far 到目前为止40. donateto把捐赠给41. someone elses其他的某个人的42. be resistant to 抵制43. follow in ones footsteps追寻某人的足迹44. experiment on/with用做实验45. in complete agreement with 完全批准46.for sale供发售,待销售47. next door 隔壁的,相邻的48. go against 违背,违背 49. point of view 观点M6 Unit 1 Laughter is good for you1. be good for对有好处2. make fun of取笑3. make jokes about拿来开玩笑5. become famous as作为而出名6. be famous for由于而出名7. broadcast live现场直播9. be popular with 流行,受欢迎 10. make sense故意义11. have an effect on 对有影响12. stay healthy保持健康13. after all毕竟,究竟14. be supposed to do理应当做 15. in charge负责,管理 16. divideinto 把提成17. take on 雇佣;承当;呈现18. be dressed in 穿着19. in response to 对的答复/反映20. queue up 排队21. soon after不久后来 22. move on/go on 继续23. burst in忽然冲入24. present sth to sb / present sb with st把给某人25. hold out 伸出26. live to be/live to the age of活到岁27. in reference to 有关 28. a roll of一卷 29. for a while一会儿30. in pairs结对,两人一组31. trip over/on sth绊在上面 33. later on 后来34. remind sb of sth 提示某人35. make a list 列个单子36. bump into无意间/偶尔遇到37.soon/shortly after不就后来,不久Unit 2 What is happiness to you1. in hospital住院2. achieve success 获得成功3. meet a goal 达到目的4. in difficult times 在困难时期5. role model 楷模,楷模6. in case 以防7. describe sb as把某人描述为8. apart from 除了9. devote oneself to投身于,献身于10. be rushed to a place被紧急送往11. cheer sb up使某人快乐起来,使某人振作起来12. in good spirits 情绪高,精神状态饱满14. feel hopeless感到无望的15. overcome ones disappointment 克服失望感 17. take pride in 对感到自豪18. adapt to适应19. host a program主持一种节目20. stay optimistic/ positive 保持乐观/积极向上21. in a rush 匆匆地,急切地22. win the sympathy of 赢得了某人的同情23. across the world 在全世界24.have a good attitude towards对态度好25. in public 公开地26. make a mistake出错误27. find a solution 找到一种解决措施28. improve ones grade 提高分数29. on the basketball court 在篮球场上30. feel guilty 感到有罪的31. at that point在那时,在那个阶段32. look back on 回忆,回忆33. ahead of tim 提前34. be tired of 对感到厌倦35. cost sb. sth.使某人付出代价 36. enjoy sbs company享有某人的陪伴 37. make a decision 做出决定 38. have a secure job 有一份稳定的工作 39. give sb the motivation 给某人动力 Unit 3 Understanding each other1. shake hands with 和某人握手2. kiss sb on the cheek 亲某人的脸颊3. experience differences 经历了不同4. in celebration of 为了庆祝5. have power over控制,支配6. take up 占据;开始从事7. give out business cards分发名片8. get held up被耽误了9. log off/on(电脑)关机,下线10. first finger 食指11.musical instrument乐器12. give presents to sb.给某人礼物13. adjust to 调节以适应14. set off firecrackers放烟火15. some day 有一天 16. set out 出发,动身17. in contact with 和有联系19. get used to 习惯于20. take the opportunity 抓住机会21. hold up延迟,阻碍;举起 22. greet one another互相问候23. get upset感到不安24. enable sb to do 使某人可以做25. hunt for 寻找 26. participate in 参与27. body language 肢体语言 28. belong to 属于29. the person concerned


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