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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她考研考博-考博英语-华东师范大学考试易错、难点名师剖析押密卷(附带答案详解)一.综合题(共10题)1.单选题It might be supposed that greater efficiency should be achieved if several people collaborate to solve a problem than if only one individual works on it. The assumption is by no means invariably true.Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there is a counter-balancing need to contend with conflicts arising among members of a group and to give it coherent directions. Problem-solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction but permits the orderly, constructive expression of a variety of opinions; much of the leaders effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem-solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Solutions simply may reflect the presence of an outstanding individual who might perform even better by himself.Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their net man-hour efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by skilled individuals working alone.A process called brainstorming has been offered as a method of facilitating the production of new solutions to problems. In brainstorming, a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of, regardless of quality and with as few inhibitions as possible. Theoretically these unrestricted suggestions increase the probability that at least some superior solutions will emerge. Nevertheless, studies show that when individuals work alone under similar conditions, performance tends to proceed more efficiently than it does in groups.Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than does a reasonably competent individual. Group members may contribute different (and essential) resources to a solution that no individual can readily achieve alone; such pooling of information and skills can make group achievements superior in dealing with selected problems. Sometimes social demands may require group agreement on a single alternative, as in formulating national economic or military policies under democratic governments. When only one among several alternative solutions is correct, even if a group requires more time, it has a higher probability of identifying the right one than does an individual alone.1.In this passage, the author argues that thinking in groups()2.The phrase contend with in Paragraph Two most probably means ()3.According to the author, compared with an individual, a group ()4.The word brainstorming in Paragraph Four roughly means()5.It can be seen from the passage that a group will be more efficient in()问题1选项A.is the best way to solve any problemsB.is by no means useful in problem-solvingC.may result in effective problem-solving under certain circumstancesD.will inevitably produce greater efficiency in problem-solving than individual thinking问题2选项A.handleB.argue withC.satisfyD.compete with问题3选项A.may need more time to discover an answerB.needs an effective leader to provide directionC.often fails to resolve conflicts among its membersD.will always produce better suggestions问题4选项A.offering a method of facilitating the production of new solutions to problemsB.unrestrained offering of ideas and suggestions by a group of people to seek solutions to problemsC.increasing the efficiency in problem-solving by working with each otherD.forcing people to work together to solve a problem问题5选项A.solving problems that need intensive studyB.analyzing information and dataC.dealing with national problemsD.selecting the best solution to a problem【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据最后一段的第一句“Under special circumstances, however, a group may solve problems more effectively than does a reasonably competent individual.”在特殊情况下,一个团队可能比一个有能力的人更有效地解决问题。选项C符合原文。2.词义题。根据原文可知,这里指需要处理好成员之间的冲突,选项A符合原文。3.细节事实题。根据第二段的第二句“Problem-solving is facilitated by the presence of an effective leader”一个有效的领导者的存在有助于解决问题。选项B符合原文。4.语义题。根据第四段的第二句“In brainstorming, a problem is presented to a group of people who then proceed to offer whatever they can think of, regardless of quality and with as few inhibitions as possible.”头脑风暴指提供一个问题给一群人,然后他们会谈论所能想到的任何东西,而不管质量如何,并且尽可能不受限制。也就是说一群人无拘无束地提出想法和建议,寻求问题的解决方案;选项B正确。5.细节事实题。根据最后一段的最后两句可知:在处理国家问题上,集体比个人更有效率。2.单选题There is an incorrect assumption among scientists and medical people that everyone agrees()what constitutes a benefit to an individual.问题1选项A.onB.withC.toD.in【答案】A【解析】介词搭配题。agree on sth.在某一点上取得一致意见,同意某事;agree with sb.同意.,和.意见一致;agree to do sth.同意,接受,允诺;agree in+动名词,在.方面意见一致。句意:科学家和医学界有一种错误的假设,即人们对福利问题都持一致的观点。选项A正确。3.单选题My friend Paul was badly taken in when he paid $1000 for that second-hand car, it was not worth()问题1选项A.that all muchB.all that muchC.that much allD.much all that【答案】B【解析】考查修饰语。that much通常用于口语中,用all修饰,进一步加强语气。所以本题选B。4.单选题People who question or even look down on the study of the past and its works usually assume that the past is entirely different from the present, and that hence we can learn nothing worthwhile from the past. But it is not true that the past is entirely different from the present. We can learn much of value from its similarity and its difference.A tremendous change in the conditions of human life and in our knowledge and control of the natural world has taken place since ancient times. The ancients could not, however, see in advance our contemporary technical and social environment, and hence have no advice to offer us about the particular problems facing us. But, although social and economic arrangements vary with time and place, man still remains man. We and the ancients share a common human nature and hence certain common human experiences and problems.The poets bear witness that ancient man, too, saw the sun rise and set, felt the wind on his cheek, was possessed by love and desire, experienced joy and excitement as well as frustration and disappointment, and knew good and evil. The ancient poets speak across the centuries to us, sometimes more directly and vividly than our contemporary writers. And the ancient prophets and philosophers, in dealing with the basic problems of men living together in society, still have something to say to us.We also learn from the past by considering the respects in which it differs from the present. We can discover where we are today and what we have become by knowing what the people of the past did and thought. And part of the pastour personal past and that of the racealways lives in us.1.According to the writer, our past can teach us quite a lot because ()2.In the second paragraph, the writer places great emphasis on the fact that ()3.Judging from the context, the reason for the writer to talk about the poets is that ()4.In the first line of the last paragraph, the sentence “We can discover where we are today.” means ()5.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.it is very different from the presentB.it is quite the same as the presentC.we can draw many lessons from itD.we are not working so hard as the people in the past问题2选项A.human nature does not change easilyB.a great change has taken place in the conditions of human lifeC.social arrangements change quicklyD.it is impossible to ask the ancient people to give us useful advice问题3选项A.they tried to talk to people who were to come after themB.they knew good and evil better than other peopleC.they were the most emotional people in their timesD.they recorded the life of ancient people in their poems问题4选项A.we can know how much development we have madeB.we can identify where we are living at the present ageC.we can learn more about our problemsD.we can travel to any place quite easily问题5选项A.Our present has little in common with the past.B.Past human experiences can be used to serve the present.C.Some people in the past predicted things in our age accurately.D.Our present age is basically similar to the past one.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.判断推理题。根据第一段的最后一句“We can learn much of value from its similarity and its difference.”可知, 过去可以教会我们很多, 因为我们可以从中获得经验教训。2.细节事实题。根据第二段的最后两句“., man still remains man. We and the ancients share a common human nature .”尽管社会和经济随着时间和地点而改变, 但我们依旧是我们。我们和古人有着共同的人性, 因此也有共同的经历和问题。所以作者强调的是人性是没有变化的。选项A正确。3.判断推理题。根据第三段的最后一句“And the ancient prophets and philosophers, in dealing with the basic problems of men living together in society, still have something to say to us.”古代的先知和哲学家, 在处理人类共同生活在社会中的基本问题时, 对我们依然适用。由此推断, 作者提到诗人的原因是因为他们将古人的生活写进了他们的诗。4.判断推理题。根据句意, 通过了解过去人们的所作所为和思想, 我们可以发现我们今天在哪里, 我们变成了什么样子。这里与过去对比, 说明我们现如今的生活有很大的进步。所以选项A符合原文。5.主旨大意题。根据第一段就可知, 本文主要讲过去对我们的重要性, 过去和现在相关联, 但是过去和现在有相似但也有不同, 所以选项A和D错误, 选项B古人的经历对现在依然有影响, 符合原文。5.单选题As far as I know the()in their ages is 10 years.问题1选项A.disparityB.displacementC.disorderD.disposition【答案】A【解析】名词辨析题。disparity悬殊、不同;displacement取代、位移;disorder混乱;disposition性情、倾向。句意:据我所知,他们的年龄相差10年。选项A符合句意。6.单选题In our society the unwritten rules of communication discourage the direct expression of emotions. Count the number of genuine emotional expressions you hear over a two-or-three-day period and youll discover that emotional expressions are rare. People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions, but they rarely disclose how they feel.Not surprisingly, the emotions that people do share directly are usually positive. For example, one study of married couples revealed that the partners shared flattering feelings of face-saving ones. They also willingly disclosed both positive and negative feelings about absent third parties. On the other hand, the husbands and wives rarely expressed face-threatening feelings of hostility.Surprisingly, social rules even discourage too much expression of positive feelings. A hug and kiss for Mother is all right, though a young man should shake hands with Dad. Affection toward friends becomes less and less frequent as we grow older, so that even a simple statement such as “I like you” is seldom heard between adults.A review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the non-emotional male and the more emotional female. As a group, women are more likely than men to express their emotions. They are better at distinguishing between related feelings such as liking and loving, and they are more likely to have more affectionate relationships than men. Of course, these gender differences are statistical average, and there are many men and women who do not fall into these types.1.What is the main ides of this passage?2.People avoid expressing their feelings directly because()3.Which of the following statements do people tend to express?4.That “Women are better than men in expressing feelings” is()5.According to the passage, it is surprising that()问题1选项A.Both adults and children seldom expose their feelings and opinions.B.Society is the real cause of peoples less expression of their affection.C.People like to talk freely behind a third person.D.Women are more open than men in expressing their feelings.问题2选项A.they have no time over a two-or-three-day periodB.they feel timid to do soC.they prefer facts to feelingsD.they feel uneasy when they disclose their inner world问题3选项A.Your hairstyle is good, but the color does not suit your skin.B.How should he have left the room in such a mess!C.Im sorry to say I cant love you any more.D.It is silly of you to have given up this chance.问题4选项A.a complete cultural stereotypeB.proven by researchC.the traditional prejudiceD.the key to social problems问题5选项A.women are more expressive than menB.husbands and wives tend to please each otherC.people are socially discouraged from expressing their positive feelingsD.people feel comfortable to disclose their negative feelings【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。第一段的第一句为本文的中心句。主要讲社会中不成文的交流规则阻碍了人们情感的表达。选项B符合原文。2.细节事实题。根据第一段的最后一句“People are generally comfortable making statements of fact and often delight in expressing their opinions, but they rarely disclose how they feel.”人们通常会很自在的陈述事实和表达自己的观点,但他们很少表露自己的感受。选项D只是换了一种方式阐述这句话,所以选项D正确。3.判断推理题。根据上一题可知人们通常会很自在的陈述事实和表达自己的观点,但他们很少表露自己的感受。选项A就是陈述客观事实,但没有涉及到说话人自己的感受,所以正确。4.语义题。根据最后一段的第一句“A review of research on emotional expression supports the cultural stereotype of the non-emotional male and the more emotional female.”可知选项B正确。5.判断推理题。根据第三段的第一句“Surprisingly, social rules even discourage too much expression of positive feelings.”令人惊讶的是,社会规则甚至阻碍了积极情绪的太多表达。选项C 符合原文。7.单选题We finally()the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker.问题1选项A.descended uponB.prevailed uponC.weighed uponD.looked down upon【答案】B【解析】词组辨析题。descended upon突然降临、袭击;prevailed upon说服;weighed upon压于、使沉重;looked down upon看不起。句意:我们最后说服了那位音乐家来代替那位缺席的演讲者。选项B符合句意。8.单选题The Anti-Japanese War()in 1937.问题1选项A.was happenedB.broke outC.was brokenD.was broken out【答案】B【解析】语法题。break out和happen均属于不及物动词,没有被动形式。所以只有选项B正确。9.单选题Professor Lees book will show you()can be used in other contexts.问题1选项A.that you have observedB.how that you have observedC.that how you have observedD.how what you have observed【答案】D【解析】语法题。这是宾语从句中带有主语从句的复杂句子。that不能引导定语从句,所以首先排除选项A和B。how不能做that的先行词,所以选项C也错误,本题选D。句意:李教授的书将会指导你如何将观察所学的东西应用到其他领域。10.单选题The waves()violently against the shore, the people there couldnt hear them crying for help.问题1选项A.have beatenB.beatC.were beatingD.beating【答案】D【解析】考査非谓语动词。beat的逻辑主语是the waves,两者为主动关系,所以本题选D。


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