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2022年考博英语-南京大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题The new range of products ( ) last autumn is already selling far better than is expected.问题1选项A.launchedB.marketedC.prevailedD.envisioned【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。launch “上市”;market “销售”;prevail “盛行”;envision “想象”。句意:去年秋天上市的新产品销量比预期要好。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题The teacher role is not simply to( )knowledge to student; he should also set a good example for them.问题1选项A.provideB.impartC.shareD.stretch【答案】B【解析】动词词义解析。provide “提供”;impart “传授,给予”;share“分享,分担”,stretch“伸展,消耗”。句意:教师的责任不仅仅是给学生传授知识,也应该树立起一个好的榜样。选项B符合题意。3. 单选题The music aroused an( ) feeling of homesickness in him.问题1选项A.intentionalB.intermittentC.intenseD.intrinsic【答案】C【解析】考查形近异义词义辨析。intentional “故意的”;intermittent“间歇的,断断续续的”;intense “强烈的”;intrinsic “本质的,固有的”。句意:这首音乐使他产生了强烈的思乡情怀。选项C符合题意。4. 单选题Without exposure to the cultural, intellectual, and moral traditions that are our heritage, we are excluded from a common world that (1 ) generations. On the one hand, such exclusion tends to(2 )us to recreate everything, a needless and largely impossible task; On the other hand, it tends to make us(3), to suggest that we are indeed the creators of the world and of all good ideas (4) in fact we are only a fragment of the history of man. (5)entirely to ourselves, we could make only the slimmest contributions to wisdom.While the humanities overlap the fine and liberal arts, they are also related of necessity to the sciences and to technology. Some of the (6)of the humanities raise questions about what ends are worthy to be(7), what ideals deserve (8)But since it is futile to know what is worth doing without having any idea of how to get things done, effective study in the humanities requires respect for and attainment of factual knowledge and technological skill. (9), it is pointless to know how to get things done without having any idea what is worth doing, so that informed study in applied science demands (10) in the humanities.问题1选项A.crossedB.passes downC.survivesD.exists问题2选项A.warnB.facilitateC.compelD.encourage问题3选项A.arrogantB.exhaustedC.productiveD.reliable问题4选项A.sinceB.whenC.whereasD.which问题5选项A.ProvidedB.LeftC.ReservedD.Kept问题6选项A.arenasB.communitiesC.subjectsD.disciplines问题7选项A.followedB.investigatedC.servedD.abandoned问题8选项A.identificationB.maintenanceC.reverenceD.endeavor问题9选项A.SimilarlyB.ContrarilyC.VirtuallyD.Literally问题10选项A.concentrationB.presuppositionC.revelationD.reflection【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:C第5题:D第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:B第10题:A【解析】(1)词义辨析。cross “穿过,交叉”;pass down “使流传”;survive “生存,幸存”;exist “存在”。根据文意,如果我们不接触到流传的文化和传统,我们将会排除在流传给下一代的大同世界之外。选项B符合题意。(2)动词词义辨析。warm “警告”;facilitate “促进,帮助”;compel “强迫,迫使”;encourage “鼓励”。根据文意,这种排斥倾向于促使我们重塑所有,这是一项不必要并且不可能完成的任务。选项C符合题意。(3)形容词词义辨析。根据文意,另一方面会使我们感到自大,认为我们是世界的创造者,选项A符合题意。(4)逻辑推理。前一句说道我们是世界和优秀思想的创造者,后一句提到我们实际上只是历史中的一个小碎片。前后形成了对比和转折。选项C符合题意。(5)动词词义辨析。provide “提供,装备”;leave “留下”;reserve “保存”;keep “保留”。句意:如果完全只有我们自己的话,那我们对智慧的贡献是相当微薄的。所以用keep sth. to oneself 的结构,选项D符合题意。(6)名词词义辨析。arena “舞台,竞技场”;community“社区,共同体”;subject“主题,学科”;discipline“纪律”。句意:人文科学的一些社区团体提出了一些问题。选项B符合题意。(7)动词词义辨析。Followed“追逐,追求”;investigate“调查”;serve“招待”;abandon“丢弃,抛弃”。根据文意,这些社团提出的问题是,哪些目标是值得追随的。选项A符合题意。(8)名词词义辨析。identification“鉴定,识别”;maintenance“维持,维护”;reverence“崇敬,尊严”;endeavor“努力”。根据文意,问题是什么样的理想值得人们去尊重。选项C符合题意。(9)逻辑推理。考查对上下文相关语句关系的把握,区分表示联系的副词。similarly“相似地”; contrarily“反之”;virtually“实际上”;literally “照字面地,不夸张地”。根据文意,确实地。前一句提到只知道什么事情是值得做的,但是不知道具体方法是无用的,空格后一句提到只知道如何把事情做好,而不知道什么事情是值得做的也是没意义的。所以前后两句是相反的。选项B符合题意。(10)名词词义辨析。concentration“专心,专注”;presupposition“假定,预设”;revelation“揭露”;reflection“反映,沉思”。句意:在对应用科学进行研究时,也需要对人文科学投以关注。选项A符合题意。5. 单选题The passengers carried on drinking and dancing ( ) unaware of the impending disaster.问题1选项A.witheringlyB.contemptuouslyC.morallyD.blissfully【答案】C【解析】副词词义解析。witheringly “使人不自在地”;contemptuously “轻蔑地”;morally “道德上,确实”;blissfully “幸福地”。句意:乘客们喝酒跳舞,没有意识到即将发生的灾难。选项C表程度,符合题意。6. 单选题Most readers underestimate the amount of rewriting it usually takes to produce a spontaneous reading. This is a great disadvantage to the student writer, who sees only a finished product and never watches the craftsman who takes the necessary step back, studies the work carefully, returns to the task, steps back, returns, steps back, again and again. Anthony Burgess, one of the most productive writers in the English speaking countries, admits, “I might revise a page twenty times.” Ronald Dahl, the popular childrens writer, states, By the time Im nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and changed and corrected at least 150 times. Good writing is essentially re-writing. I am positive of this. Rewriting isnt something that ought to be done. It is simply something that most writers find they have to do to discover what they have to say and how to say it. It is a condition of the writers life.There are,however,a few writers who do little formal rewriting,primarily because they have the capacity and experience to create and review a large number of invisible drafts in their minds before they approach the page. And some writers slowly produce finished pages, performing all the tasks of revision,page by page. But it is still possible to see the sequence followed by most writers most of the time in rereading their own work.Most writers can scan their draft first,reading as quickly as possible to catch the larger problems of subject and form, then move in closer and closer as they read and write, reread and rewrite.1.What does the student writer fail to do?2.What do we know about Anthony Burgess?3.Why do some writers do little formal rewriting?4.What do most writers have in common?问题1选项A.To have enough time to devote to writing.B.To find his disadvantage in writing.C.To see his works complete.D.To observe other writers rewrite.问题2选项A.He is the first person to find the disadvantage of the student writer.B.He is a craftsman who always regrets what he has done and therefore redoes it.C.He has published many literary works.D.He enjoys writing on the same page many times.问题3选项A.Because they can do the mental rewriting.B.Because they are not positive of what they have to say or how to say it.C.Because they believe rewriting is not worthwhile.D.Because they have to find their pages first before they write.问题4选项A.Spending a great deal of time plotting and drafting.B.Performing all the tasks of revision at once.C.Spending most of their time reading others works.D.Rereading and rewriting their works.【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:D【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句,学生们只注重成品,而不会去回过头进行修改,不会后退去做更多的研究工作,作者认为这是学生作者的缺陷。选项D符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据第一段对Anthony Burgess的介绍, “one of the most productive writers in the English speaking countries, admits, I might revise a page twenty times.”,可以看出他说英语的国家中是一为多产的作家,而且很注重作品的修改细节。选项A符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据第二段,“ primarily because they have the capacity and experience to create and review a large number of invisible drafts in their minds before they approach the page.”,主要是因为这些作家有能力和经验在写作之前,在脑海中完成草稿的创作和审查。选项A符合题意。4.主旨题。根据文章最后一段,大部分作家首先会扫描自己的作品,以最快的速度阅读,检查出形式和主题方面的问题,然后通过不停地重读和重写进行修改,使其更加完美。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题The term nonverbal communication ( )_ a number of categories: body language, vocal into-nations, physical objects, and space, among others.问题1选项A.embracesB.classifiesC.constitutesD.intervenes【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。embrace “包含” ; classify “分类”;constitute “组成”;intervene “干涉” 。句意:非语言交际一词包含很多类:肢体语言、语音语调、物理对象和空间。选项A符合题意。8. 单选题Put on dark glasses or the sun will( ) you and you wont be able to see.问题1选项A.discernB.distortC.distractD.dazzle【答案】D【解析】考查形近义异词解析。discern “辨别,看清楚”;distort “扭曲,曲解”;distract “转移,分心”;dazzle “使目眩,使眼花”。句子的意思为:戴上太阳眼镜,否则阳光很刺眼,会让你看不见任何东西。选项D符合题意9. 单选题The status of women in colonial North America has been well studied and described and can be briefly summarized. Throughout the colonial period there was a marked shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This favorable ratio enhanced womens status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers. The Puritans, the religious sect that dominated the early British colonies in North America, regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdeveloped country made it absolutely necessary that each member of the community perform an economic function. Thus work for women, married or single, was not only approved, it was regarded as a civic duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and unattached women to be self-supporting and for a long time provided needy spinsters with parcels of land. There was no social sanction against married women working ; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home. Needy children, girls as well as boys, were indentured or apprenticed and were expected to work for their keep.The vast majority o women worked within their homes, where their labor produced most articles needed for the family. The entire colonial production of cloth and clothing and partially that of shoes was in the hands of women. In addition to these occupations, women were found in many different kinds of employment. They were butchers, silversmiths, gunsmiths, upholsterers. They tan mills, plantations, tanyards, shipyards, and every kind of shop, tavern, and boardinghouse. They were gatekeepers, jail keepers, sextons, journalists, printers, apothecaries, midwives, nurses, and teachers.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritan were ( ).3.According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women?4.According to the passage, which products were made entirely by women?问题1选项A.Colonial marriages.B.The Puritan religion.C.Colonial womens employment.D.Education in the colonies.问题2选项A.uneducatedB.hardworkingC.generousD.wealthy问题3选项A.They should adopt needy children.B.They should assist in their husbands trade or business.C.They should work only within their own homes.D.They should be apprenticed.问题4选项A.Gunpowder and bullets.B.Cups and plates.C.Cloth and clothing.D.Paper and books【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.主旨题。根据文章第一段,殖民时期因为女性人数很少,所以对她们的社会地位和就业产生了有利影响,女性可以有自己的职业选择。所以文章主要是讨论女性的就业。选项C符合题意。2.推断题。根据文章第一段,“The Puritans, the religious sect that dominated the early British colonies in North America, regarded idleness as a sin,”,他们认为懒惰是一种罪恶,可是清教徒是勤劳的。选项B符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home.” 丈夫期待妻子可以在他们的领域内帮助他们,并且可以从事额外的行业。选项B符合题意。4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,“The entire colonial production of cloth and clothing and partially that of shoes was in the hands of women.”可知,布料和服装都是女性亲手做的。选项C符合题意。10. 翻译题1.科学家是一小群努力洞悉自然,在表面的杂乱无序中寻求规律的人,他们具有特殊的能力进行思考与分析,具有无限的耐心进行观察与收集数据。2.当时我们所面临的最关键的问题是熟练劳动力的缺乏,用以培训这种劳动力的大学师资不足,以及我们的大学中由于用于教育和科研的师资和现代化设备短缺造成的研究能力衰退。3.科学是讲求实际的。科学是老老实实的学问,来不得半点虚假,需要付出艰巨的劳动。同时,科学也需要创造,需要幻想,有幻想才能打破传统的束缚,才能发展科学。4.如果你着手干一番事业而失败了,不要丧失信心。“我失败了三次”与“我是一个失败者”之间有着天壤之别。只要你对自己不持否定的想法,不把自己与失败等同起来,而是试图从失败中吸取教训,你很可能在未来取得成功。【答案】1. Scientists are a group of people who possess special abilities to think and analyze things and have endless patience in observing and data collecting. They all try to discern the nature and find out regulations through the disorderly appearance.2. The most vital problems we faced with at that time were the shortage of laborers, the lack of university teachers in the training of those laborers, and the decline in the researching capability caused by the lack of university teachers and modern equipment used for education and technology research.3. Science always focuses on realities. It needs the conscientious requirement for knowledge and permits of no false. Meanwhile, it involves peoples creation and imagination. And imagination can break the limitation of traditions and develop the science constantly.4. Dont be disappointed if you fail in the career you have done. The word “I have experienced failure for three times” is absolutely different from the word “I am a loser”. As long as you dont deny yourself, do not identify yourself with the failure, and try to learn something from your failure, you will be likely to succeed in the future.11. 单选题With the severe shortage of energy supply, we are facing the ( ) of a very hard winter.问题1选项A.expectationB.prospectC.promiseD.damage【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。expectation “预料” ; prospect “前景”;promise “承诺”;damage “毁坏”。句意:因为能源供应的严重短缺,我们将面临一个艰难的冬天。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题A lie is as much a lie, when it is whispered or when it is( )at the market cross.问题1选项A.proclaimedB.reclaimedC.acclaimedD.claimed【答案】A【解析】形近词词义解析。proclaim “声明”;reclaim“指收回或利用废物”;acclaim “喝彩”;claim “声称”。句意:谎言就是谎言,不管是小声说的,还是在街上大声宣扬的。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题The initial results of the experiment didnt ( )quite as expected, to their disappointment.问题1选项A.take placeB.end upC.bring aboutD.turn out【答案】D【解析】动词短语。take place “发生”;end up “结束”;bring about “引起”; turn out “结果是”。句意:实验的初步结果并不是和他们预期的一样,这让他们感到沮丧。选项D符合题意。14. 单选题Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values that we unquestionably accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley, and people were aware of famine before Swift. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression, the satire method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous combination, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because the readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is hypocritical, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity. Intelligent people know these things but lend lo forget them when they do not hear them expressed.1.What does the passage mainly discuss?2.Why does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New World and A Modest proposal in the first paragraph?3.Which of the following can be found in satiric literature?4.According to the passage, there is a need for satire because people need to be( )问题1选项A.Difficulties of writing satiric literature.B.Popular topics of satire.C.New philosophies emerging from satiric literature.D.Reasons for the popularity of satire.问题2选项A.They are famous examples of satiric literature.B.They present commonsense solutions to problems.C.They are appropriate for readers of all ages.D.They are books with similar stories.问题3选项A.Newly emerging philosophies.B.Odd combination of objects and ideas.C.Abstract discussion of morals and ethics.D.Wholesome characters who are unselfish.问题4选项A.informed about new scientific developmentB.exposed to original philosophies when they are formulatedC.reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurateD.told how they can be of service to their communities【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.主旨题。根据文章第一段,“presents the familiar in a new form”,可知首先讽刺作品以新的形式呈现熟悉的事物。后面提到了“It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popularmade them interesting and entertaining.”表达方法和讽刺技巧让讽刺文学流行,所以主要讲到了讽刺文学的流行原因。选项D符合题意。2.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,作者用堂吉诃德、奇妙的新世界和温和的建议这三部小说举例子,这三部小说都是著名的讽刺小说,以独特的手法来呈现熟悉的事物,以此来论证自己的观点。选项A符合题意。3.细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句,“With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous combination”,可知讽刺文学中是将熟悉的事物不协调地组合在一起,并不是奇怪的事物的组合。选项B符合题意。4.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,“remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is hypocritical, sentimental, and only partially true.”。提醒人们在媒体上看到的听到的并不完全是真实的。选项C符合题意。15. 单选题The increasing popularity of the motorcycle as a convenience, economical form of transportation has been just short of astounding.问题1选项A.popularityB.convenienceC.formD.just short【答案】B【解析】根据题中的“economical”可知,B项的convenience应该用形容词形式,构成一个并列关系,都用来修饰form,句意:摩托车作为一种经济方便的交通形式正在日益普及,真是令人震惊。选项B符合题意。16. 单选题Practically speaking, the artistic maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W Griffith. Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting, employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having a foreground and a rear ground, as well as the middle distance preferred by most directors. By 1910 he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the scene or of the acting and extreme long shots to achieve a sense of spectacle and distance. His appreciation of the cameras possibilities produced novel dramatic effects. By splitting an event into fragments and recording each from the most suitable camera position, he could significantly vary the emphasis from camera shot to camera shot.Griffith also achieved dramatic effects by means of creative editing. By putting images together and varying the speed and rhythm of their presentation, he could control the dramatic intensity of the events as the story progressed. Despite the reluctance of his producers, who feared that the public would not be able to follow a plot that was made up of such juxtaposed images, Griffith persisted, and experimented as well with other elements of cinematic syntax that have become standard ever since. These included the flashback, permitting broad psychological and emotional exploration as well as narrative that was not chronological, and the crosscut between two par


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