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2022年考博英语-安徽大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Office jobs are among the positions hardest hit by computation. Word processors and typists will lose about 93,000 jobs over the next few years, while 57,000 secretarial jobs will vanish. Blame the PC: Today, many executives type their own memos and carry their “secretaries” in the palms of their hands. Time is also hard for stock clerks, whose ranks are expected to decrease by 68,000. And employees in manufacturing firms and wholesalers are being replaced with computerized systems.But not everyone who loses a job will end up in the unemployment line. Many will shift to growing positions within their own companies. When new technologies shook up the telecom business, telephone operator Judy Dougherty pursued retraining. She is now a communications technician, earning about $ 64,000 per year. Of course, if youve been a tollbooth collector for the past 30 years, and you find yourself replaced by an E-ZPass machine, it may be of little consolation to know that the telecomm field is booming.And thats just it: The service economy is fading; welcome to the expertise economy. To succeed in the new job market, you must be able to handle complex problems. Indeed, all but one of the 50 highest-paying occupations air-traffic controller demand at least a bachelors degree.For those with just a high school diploma, its going to get tougher to find a well-paying job. Since fewer factory and clerical jobs will be available, whats left will be the jobs that computation cant kill: Computers cant clean offices, or care for Alzheimers patients. But, since most people have the skills to fill those positions, the wages stay painfully low, meaning computation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor. The best advice now: Never stop learning, and keep up with new technology.For busy adults, of course, that can be tough. The good news is that the very technology thats reducing so many jobs is also making it easier to go back to school without having to sit in a classroom. So-called Internet distance learning is hot, with more than three million students currently enrolled, and its gaining credibility with employers.Are you at risk of losing your job to a computer? Check the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, which is available online at bls.gov.34. From the first paragraph we can infer that all of the following persons are easily thrown into unemployment EXCEPT( ).35. By saying“putation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor” (Para.4) the author means( ).36. What is the authors attitude towards computers?37. Which of the following might serve as the best title of the passage?问题1选项A.secretariesB.stock clerksC.managersD.wholesalers问题2选项A.people are getting richer and richerB.there will be a small gap between rich and poorC.the gap between rich and poor is getting larger and largerD.its time to close up the gap between the rich and poor问题3选项A.Positive.B.Negative.C.Neutral.D.Prejudiced问题4选项A.Blaming the PC.B.The booming telecomm field.C.Internet distance learning.D.Keeping up with computation.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D【解析】34. 推理判断题。定位在第一段Word processors and typists will lose about 93,000 jobs over the next few years, while 57,000 secretarial jobs will vanish.(文字处理人员和打字员将在最近几年失去93000个就业职位,57000个秘书的职位将消失。)Time is also hard for stock clerks, whose ranks are expected to decrease by 68,000.(股票职员的日子也不好过,其职位预期要减少68000个。)And employees in manufacturing firms and wholesalers are being replaced with computerized systems.(同时,制造业的雇员和批发商也正在被计算机化的系统所替代。)由此可知,A选项“秘书”,B选项“股票职员”,D选项“批发商”都很容易失业。因此C选项“经理”最不可能失业,符合题意,故选C。35. 推理判断题。定位到第四段But, since most people have the skills to fill those positions, the wages stay painfully low, meaning computation could drive an even deeper wedge between the rich and poor.(但是,由于大多数人都能胜任这样的职位,工资就会非常低,这就意味着计算机自动化可能会在贫富之间打入一个更深的楔子。)也即是说,计算机自动化可能会造成贫富之间的差距越来越大。因此C选项“贫富差距越来越大”正确,符合题意。A选项“人们越来越富有了”,B选项“贫富差距会减小”,D选项“是时候缩小贫富差距了”,均不符合题意。故选C。36. 观点态度题。这篇文章客观地说明了计算机自动化所造成或将要造成的失业问题,作者对此深表同情,但作者对计算机自动化却还是肯定的。定位到第三段The service economy is fading; welcome to the expertise economy.(服务经济正在衰退;欢迎来到专业经济。)和第四段中的The best advice now: Never stop learning, and keep up with new technology.(现在最好的建议是永远不要停止学习,跟上新技术的步伐。)说明在作者眼里计算机自动化是科技的进步,能够催人奋进,努力学习。由此可见作者对计算机持肯定的态度,因此A选项“积极的;肯定的”正确,符合题意。B选项“消极的;否定的”,C选项“中立的”,D选项“怀有偏见的”均不符合题意。故选A。37. 主旨大意题。本文主要围绕“计算机自动化”展开叙述,客观地说明了计算机自动化所造成或将要造成的失业问题,作者对此深表同情,同时也提出忠告:学无止境,跟上新技术不落伍。因此D选项“跟上计算机的使用”正确,符合题意。A选项“责怪电脑”,B选项“蓬勃发展的电信领域”,C选项“网络远程教育”,均不符合题意。故选D。2. 单选题Man is realizing that the oceans are( )controlling factors in the weather.问题1选项A.a relevantB.an influentialC.an inseparableD.a principal【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项relevant“相关的;切题的;中肯的”;B选项influential“有影响力的;有势力的”;C选项inseparable“不可分割的;不能分离的”;D选项principal“主要的;资本的;n.校长;资本”。句意:人类正意识到,海洋是天气的的控制因素。七分海洋,三分大陆。根据常理可知应是影响天气的主要因素。故选D。3. 单选题All the data sent back from the satellites suggested that an asteroid of about the size of an auditorium( )on its way to our planet.问题1选项A.isB.wasC.wereD.be【答案】B【解析】考查谓语动词使用的一致性。that接在动词后面充当句中的宾语从句。主句使用的是一般过去式,宾语从句中的谓语动词,应与主句的时态保持一致。因此空格处应使用be动词的过去式was/were。从句中的主语是an asteroid“一颗小行星”为单数,所以应使用was。句意:从卫星发来的所有数据表明一颗像礼堂一样大小的行星正在向我们的星球靠近。因此B选项符合题意。4. 单选题A growing number of college officials, guidance counselors and education experts would like to eliminate, or sharply curtail(减少) early admission(提前录取)a process in which many colleges admit a substantial percentage of their students in the fall. Controversy is particularly heated regarding many early admission programs that require applicants to give up the chance to apply elsewhere.Opponents of early admissions offer several criticisms. The practice intensifies an unhealthy level of competition for admission to the nations top colleges and universities, they say. Moreover, critics say, early admission unfairly gives a leg up to some applicants, mostly those who already have many advantages-students at elite private schools and wealthy public schools where families and guidance counselors know how to work the angles of the admissions system.The president of Yale University fueled the debate earlier this month by proposing that Yale and other elite institutions consider abandoning the early programs. In a sign of just how competitive the admissions process has become, he said his university could not make such a move alone. Even some students who gain early admission to the colleges they want say the process involves too much pressure, too soon.The use of “early decision” and “early action” programs, which, in different ways, grant admission to students months ahead of the usual spring notifications, has soared in recent years and is at what some say are record highs. Many top private colleges now accept more than a third of their freshman classes in the weeks before Christmas, significantly reducing the number of spots available in the spring. For next year, Stanford already has picked 34% of its freshman class; Yale has chosen 42% of its. The University of Pennsylvania has locked up 49.5% of its entering class.Early admission policies have existed for at least 20 years. But their useand the controversy around themhas grown in the last decade, especially since the mid-1990s, when Yale, Princeton and Stanford all instituted binding early decision. The programs clearly benefit colleges, allowing schools to lock in talented young scholars and enhance their own standings in the influential college rankings.31. In some peoples opinion, early admissions( ).32. It can be inferred from the passage that( ).33. According to the passage, Yale claimed that( ).34. In recent years, early admissions( ).35. The authors attitude to early admission is( ).问题1选项A.will be abolished in the futureB.cause unfair competition in collegesC.attract more and more studentsD.are popular without entrance exams问题2选项A.early admissions include excellent students in every schoolB.parents are against early admissions absolutelyC.many parents learn little about the early admission systemD.the people who have the upper hand has more chances in early admissions问题3选项A.they were satisfied with the students from early admissionsB.they were critical of the deed of other collegesC.they were aware of the disadvantages of the early admission systemD.they would reform the current early admission system问题4选项A.changed the standard fullyB.were less competitiveC.were becoming more and more popularD.were not publicized in spring any longer问题5选项A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.despairingD.conservative【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】31. 推理判断题。定位在文章第二段第一句Opponents of early admissions offer several criticisms.(反对提前录取的人提出了一些批评言论。)The practice intensifies an unhealthy level of competition for admission to the nations top colleges and universities, they say.(他们说,这种做法加剧了进入美国顶尖大学的不健康竞争。)由此可知提前录取会引起大学不公平竞争。B选项“会造成大学里不公平的竞争”正确,符合题意。A选项“将来会被废除”,C选项“吸引越来越多的学生”,D选项“没有入学考试很受欢迎”,A,C,D在文章中并未涉及,可排除。故选B。32. 推理判断题。定位在第二段最后一句Moreover, critics say, early admission unfairly gives a leg up to some applicants, mostly those who already have many advantages-students at elite private schools and wealthy public schools where families and guidance counselors know how to work the angles of the admissions system.(此外,批评人士说,提前录取不公平地让一些申请人获得了优势,主要是那些已经有很多优势的学生就读于精英私立学校和富裕的公立学校的学生,这些学校的家庭和辅导员都知道如何从招生系统的角度出发。)A选项“每所学校的优秀生都被提前录取”,B选项“家长坚决反对提前录取”,C选项“许多家长对提前录取制度了解甚少”,A,B,C选项在文章中并未提及,可排除。D选项“那些占上风的人在提前录取方面机会更大”正确,故选D。33. 推理判断题。定位在第三段The president of Yale University fueled the debate earlier this month by proposing that Yale and other elite institutions consider abandoning the early programs.(本月早些时候,耶鲁大学的总统教授提出,耶鲁和其他精英机构应该考虑放弃早期的项目,这引发了这场争论。)Even some students who gain early admission to the colleges they want say the process involves too much pressure, too soon.(甚至一些提前被他们想要的大学录取的学生也说,这个过程压力太大,太早了。)由此推论耶鲁大学和提前录取的学生都觉得这项制度有不合理的地方。A选项“他们对提前录取的学生感到满意”,未提及。B选项“他们对其他学院的行为持批评态度”,只是倡议取消,并未提出批评,C选项“他们意识到了提前录取制度的弊端”正确,正是意识到了弊端才会提出考虑放弃提前录取的项目。D选项“他们将改革现行的提前录取制度”,太过肯定,还处在提议争论中,并未得出结果。故选C。34. 推理判断题。定位在第四段第一句The use of “early decision” and “early action” programs, which, in different ways, grant admission to students months ahead of the usual spring notifications, has soared in recent years and is at what some say are record highs.(“提前决定”和“提前行动”项目的使用,以不同的方式,让学生比通常的春季通知提前几个月被录取。近年来,这些项目的使用激增,有人说达到了创纪录的高点。)Early admission policies have existed for at least 20 years. But their useand the controversy around themhas grown in the last decade(提前录取政策已经存在了至少20年。但它们的使用以及围绕它们的争议在过去10年中不断增长),由关键词soar“激增”,grown“生长,扩大”,我们可以推理出提前录取到现在还是普遍盛行的。因此C选项“变得越来越受欢迎”正确。A选项“完全改变了标准”并未谈及标准,B选项“竞争性较弱”,The practice intensifies an unhealthy level of competition for admission to the nations top colleges and universities, they say.(他们说,这种做法加剧了进入美国顶尖大学的不健康竞争。)表述错误,D选项“在春天不再宣传了”,据第四段第一句可知,表述有误。故选C。35. 观点态度题。定位在文章中的最后一句The programs clearly benefit colleges, allowing schools to lock in talented young scholars and enhance their own standings in the influential college rankings.(这些项目显然对大学而言是有利的,允许学校锁定有才华的年轻学者,提高自己在有影响力的大学中的地位排名。)由此可知作者觉得这项制度还是有利可取的。故A选项“乐观的”正确。B选项“悲观的”,C选项“绝望的”,D选项“保守的”均可排除,故选A。5. 单选题If( )to heavy pressure, cast iron will crack.问题1选项A.subjectingB.being subjectedC.subjectedD.having subjected【答案】C【解析】考查条件句的主语省略。当条件句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可省略主语。主句里面的主语是cast iron“铸铁”,条件句省略了主语cast iron,压力是由铸铁来承受的,因此应该使用subject的过去分词。句意:如果承受重大压力,铸铁也会断裂。完整版本应是If its subjected to heavy pressure, cast iron will crack. 因此C选项符合题意。6. 翻译题西部开发中国改革开放以来,国民经济年均增长速度达到9.7%。中国已经发展成为一个全球极富吸引力的大市场。世界各国和地区不少有远见卓识的企业家,都将目光投向了中国投向了西部并从投资活动中获得了丰厚的回报。中国加入世贸组织后,外商参与中国西部开发的机会将越来越多。西部大开发一定能成为沟通世界各国和中国的一座桥梁,促进中国和世界经济共同发展、共同繁荣。【答案】Western Development7. 单选题Standing at the top of the mountain, we watched the fog( )from the valley below; it seemed that we had entered a fairyland.问题1选项A.descendB.decreaseC.ascendD.increase【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项descend“下降;遗传”;B选项decrease“减小;减少”;C选项ascend“上升;攀登”;D选项increase“增加;增大”。句意:站在山顶,我们看着雾从下面的山谷,我们好像进入了一个仙境。形容云雾缭绕,雾应该是从下方升起的,故选C。8. 单选题It would be( )to arrive at a conclusion now.问题1选项A.premierB.prematureC.preliminaryD.prior【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项premier“首要的;第一的”;B选项premature“早产的;不成熟的”;C选项preliminary“初步的;预备的”;D选项prior“先前的;优先的”。句意:现在就下结论会。在任何时候都可以做出一个决定,如果这项决定没有深思熟虑过,那么实施起来就会遇到问题,所以不能够过早的下定结论。因此B选项符合题意。9. 单选题The United Nations has declared 2008 the International Year of the Potato. It hopes that greater( )of the merits of potatoes will contribute to the achievement of its Millennium Development Goals.问题1选项A.identityB.apprehensionC.awarenessD.consciousness【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项identity“身份;特性”;B选项apprehension“忧虑;恐惧”;C选项awareness“意识;认识”;D选项consciousness“知觉;感觉”。句意:联合国已经宣布2008年为国际土豆年,并希望更多人土豆的优点,从而促进千年发展目标的达成。为了促成千年发展目标的达成,一定要让更多人意识到土豆的优点。因此C选项符合题意。10. 单选题He eyed me silently for a long pause, as though weighing whether I could be trusted to his confidence; then spoke man-to-man that working for the Curtis Company placed( )responsibility on a young man.问题1选项A.enormousB.erroneousC.eloquentD.exterior【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项enormous“庞大的;巨大的”;B选项erroneous“错误的;不正确的”;C选项eloquent“雄辩的;有说服力的”;D选项exterior“外部的;外面的”。句意:他默默地看了我许久,似乎在权衡我是否值得他信任,然后坦率地说,在柯蒂斯公司工作给了年轻人责任。根据后面的名词responsibility“责任”一般与表示大或者重的形容词搭配使用,故A选项符合题意。11. 单选题If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation-conversion of liquid water to water vapor. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind: this, by the way, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff.Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water.In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deepest portions of the oceans of the world.13. What does this passage mainly discuss?14. Which of the following is NOT true after the formation of ocean ice?15. Why does the author mention the Weddell Sea in the last paragraph?16. What can be inferred about the water near the bottom of oceans with ices?问题1选项A.The change in oceanic salinityB.The processes of sea waterC.The formation of our table saltD.The conversion of sea water问题2选项A.The salt is still in the water.B.The heavy water sinks.C.The water becomes denser.D.Water salinity decreases.问题3选项A.To suggest that it has salinity variation.B.To compare Antarctic waters with Arctic waters.C.To indicate the location of deep waters.D.To give an example of cold-water salinity.问题4选项A.It moves very quickly.B.It is relatively warm.C.Its salinity is relatively high.D.It is relatively cold.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:D第4题:C【解析】13. 主旨大意题。文章的第一句If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place.(如果对海水的盐度进行分析,就会发现各地的盐度差别很小。)但是有些小的变化是重要的,最后再说明了导致海洋的盐度变化的基本过程有三个:蒸发、降水和冰。文章一直围绕着盐度变化进行阐述。因此A选项“海洋盐度的变化”正确,符合题意。B选项“海水的过程”,C选项“我们食盐的形成”,D选项“海水的转化”均与题意不符,可排除。故选A。14. 推理判断题。定位在倒数第二段When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared.(海水冻结时,溶于其中的物质被留了下来。这样,在新形成的海洋冰正下方的海水会比在冰块形成之前有更高的盐度。)由此可知海洋冰形成后附近水域的盐度会上升,而不是下降,因此D选项“盐度降低”错误。同理可知A选项“盐还在水里”,C选项“水变得更浓了”正确。B选项“重水下沉”定位在最后一段In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water.(在南极洲附近的威德尔海,海洋中最稠密的水是由于这种冻结过程而形成的,这种冻结过程增加了冷水的盐度。)可知This heavy water sinks这种重水下沉也与海洋冰的形成有关。故选D。15. 推理判断题。定位在最后一段In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deepest portions of the oceans of the world.(在南极洲附近的威德尔海,海洋中浓度最高的水是由于这种冻结过程而形成的,这种冻结过程增加了冷水的盐度。这种重水下沉,在世界海洋最深的部分被发现。)还是在对第三种导致海洋的盐度变化的过程海洋冰的举例,因此答案选D选项“举冷水盐度的例子”正确,符合题意。A选项“表明它有盐度变化”,与题意不符,可排除。B选项“把南极水域和北极水域进行比较”属于无中生有,可排除。C选项“指示深水的位置”偷换主语,非深水而是重水下沉。可排除。故选D。16. 推理判断题。根据原文In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared.(这样,在新形成的海洋冰正下方的海水会比在冰块形成之前有更高的盐度。)和the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water.(由于这种冻结过程,海洋中最密集的水形成,增加了冷水的盐度)由此可推理出在海洋冰底下的海水浓度会更高。因此C选项“它的盐度相对较高”正确,符合题意。A选项“它移动得很快”,B选项“海水会相对暖和”,D选项“海水相当冷”,均未涉及,不符合题意,可排除。故选C。12. 单选题As the post-Enron wave of corporate scandals washed over America last year, a common response in Europe was: it couldnt happen here. Far from having the worlds best-policed markets, the United States, many European politicians claimed, suffered uniquely from a lethal combination of greedy and overpaid bosses: conflicted auditors and investment bankers, reliance on accounting rules not principles, and an obsession with quarterly profit numbers. In America, as many as 1,200 companies have been forced to restate their accounts in the past five years, in Europe the number is barely in double digits. So it is outrageous, many Europeans now argue, that America is seeking to impose the unwieldy Sarbanes-Oxley act, passed in the wake of Enron, on European companies listed in New York.As more sensible European regulators recognize, this smugness was never justified; it is only necessary to recall scandals such as Vivendi and Elan. But Europes claim of immunity from corporate slackness has now been blown out of the water by this weeks revelations that Royal Ahold of the Netherlands overstated its profits for 200-02 by as much as $500m. The companys Amsterdam-based auditors, Deloitte & Touche, failed to pick the problems up in 2001, even though worries about Aholds accounts were widely expressed in the markets for most of last year. The Dutch market regulator admitted this week that it had no powers of discipline over faulty auditing.What about the relative numbers of restatements? Because Americ


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