2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练16.doc

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2019年高考英语 同步精练 训练16.介副词填空1It was a time_expansion.2The Tang rulers also controlled the trade route known_the Silk Road well into presentday Afghanistan.3A good poet had a better chance_getting a good job.4Persians,Arabs and Jews came to live in Chinese towns,bringing_them their own religions and customs.5_the same time foreigners who were educated at the Tang court took the Chinese culture home with them.6There is no single answer_the question.7Trade_foreign countries created a tolerant and cosmopolitan culture.8During his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought_himself as a failure.9Sometimes he is called “the poet of history” or “the mirror of his time” because he paints a realistic picture of the problems of the age_which he lived.10It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold_the reflection of the Moon.答案1.of2.as3.of4.with5.At6.to7.with8.of9.in10.of.单词拼写1Who do you think the poets “friend” is? A close friend or an a_?2The Tang D_was one of the great dynasties in Chinese history.3If Du Fu was a r_,then Li Bai was a romantic.4These include the s_of the poor and the corruption of the rich.5We tried to p_the two fighters.6Trade with foreign countries created a_(宽容的) and cosmopolitan culture.7In 724 Seng Yixing measured the length of the suns_(阴影) and the altitude of the North Pole.8Under Emperor Taizong the government opened medical schools where_(专家) subjects were studied.9The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and_(分享) as never before.10A rise in the temperature of the gas results in its_(扩张)答案1.acquaintance2.Dynasty 3.realist 4.sufferings5.part6.tolerant7.shadow 8.specialist9shared10.expansion.翻译与仿写1Who do you think the poets “friend” is? A close friend or an acquaintance?翻译:_仿写:我和她只是一面之交,所以不知道她的地址。_答案你认为谁是诗人的朋友?亲密朋友还是一般朋友?I have a nodding acquaintance with her,so I dont know her address.2But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought of himself as a failure.翻译:_仿写:海外扩张公司的计划彻底失败了。_答案但在有生之年他一直没有成名;事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。The plan to expand the pany overseas was a plete failure.3If only people could see me inside!翻译:_仿写:你工作要是再仔细一些该多好啊!_答案要是人们能明白我的内心该多好呀!If only you had worked with greater care!4As a young man he travelled a lot and enjoyed painting and music,as well as writing poetry.翻译:_仿写:让我们同甘共苦吧。_答案年轻时,他周游各地,喜欢写诗歌,也喜欢画画和音乐。Let s share in our troubles as well as in our joys.5He paints a realistic picture of the problems of the age in which he lived.翻译:_仿写:他把放文件的那个抽屉的钥匙丢了。_答案他描绘了一幅他生活的时代的问题的画面。He has lost the key to the drawer in which the papers are kept.语篇填词The Tang Dynasty was a time of 1._.The culture was 2._and cosmopolitan because of the trade with foreign countries.Many foreigners lived in Chinese towns and their cultures greatly 3._Tang culture.The cultural development also 4._technological development.One of the most important inventions of this period was 5._,which marked the beginning of a 6._age of literature in Chinese history. Because of the beauty of its images and the 7._of its topics,Tang poetry was so great that it was better than any other form that had e before it.If people were good at writing poetry,they could get a good job more easily at that time.So a large number of people were fond of 8._.Two of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty were Du Fu and Li Bai.They had different writing styles.Du Fu wrote in a 9._way while Li Bai was a 10._writer.答案1.expansion2.tolerant3.influenced4.inspired5printing6.golden7.range8.poetry9.realistic10.romantic.单项填空1These problems may lead to more serious ones if_unsolved.Amaking Bremained Ckeeping Dleft解析if left unsolvedif they are left unsolved。答案D2Our holidays were ruined by the weather;_have stayed at home!Ait may be as well Bit was just as well weCwe might just as well Dwe might do as well as we解析考查may/might as well的运用。句意为:我们的假期被天气给毁了;我们倒不如原本就呆在家里。may/might as well 倒不如;不妨,最好,正合题意。答案C3Class 5 are discussing the problem right now.It will_have been solved by the end of next month.Atypically BhopefullyCcasually Dfortunately答案B4You can either have the double room or the single room,_you choose.Awherever BwhateverCwhichever Dwhomever答案C5Her father_of her going to the west and working as a teacher in a poor mountain village.Amotivated BsupportedCapproved Dshared解析approve of 赞成,同意,符合语境。motivate 使有动机;support 支持,作动词不与of连用;share 分享。答案C6He tried hard to pretend to_the pleasure of his officials.Ashare in Bshare fromCshare with Dshare for解析share in the pleasure分享快乐。答案A7The photos on the wall_my mother of those happy,old days when a large family lived together.Ainform Bapprove Cremind Dretell解析inform sb of sth通知某人某事; remind sb of sth使某人想起。答案C8Gun control is a subject_Americans have argued for a long time.Aof which Bwith which Cabout which Dinto which解析argue about sth争论某事;argue with sb 与某人争论。句意:枪支的控制是很长时间以来美国人争论的一个话题。答案C9It was not until midnight_they reached the camp site. Athat Bwhen Cwhile Das解析考查强调句。答案A10There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars_road condition needs_.Awhich;improving Bthat;to be improved Cwhen;improving Dthat;to improve解析第一个空是同位语从句的引导词,来解释说明a new problem的具体内容,而从句中又不缺少主干,所以用that。表示“某物需要被”可以用现在分词的主动形式表被动,也可以用不定式的被动式,即need doingneed to be done,故选B项。答案B11Tom_the newspaper and handed it to me.Aglanced at Btook a quick look at Ctook a glance at Dglanced round解析句意:汤姆浏览了一下报纸递给了我。B、C两项意为“快速看一眼”,D项“环视”,这三项均不符合句意。答案A12It was in the United States that I made the_of Professor Jones.Aacquaintance BassociationCrecognition Dacknowledgement解析句意:在美国我结识了琼斯教授。make sb s acquaintance 或make the acquaintance of sb.“结识某人”。答案A13How far apart do they live?_I know,they live in the same neighbourhood.AAs long as BAs far as CAs well as DAs often as解析as far as 表示程度、范围,意思是“就而言,至于”,as far as I know就我所知。as long as 表示时间长短,或表示“只要”;as well as和一样好;as often as 和一样经常。答案B14After months of hard work,the scientists have made a very important_in their scientific research.Apromotion Badvance Caccession Dprogress解析句意:数月的努力工作后,科学家们在科学研究方面取得很大进步。advance前进,进展,进步;promotion晋升,晋级;增进;accession就认,就职;增加,增添;progress进步,不可数名词。答案B15_that he managed to get the information?Oh,a friend of his helped him.AWhere was it BWhat was itCHow was it DWhy was it 解析该句为一个强调句式,从答句来看,强调的是方式,所以用how。答案C.完形填空You are going to run into problems when you practice meditation (沉思)Problems e in all_1_and sizes.The main method for_2_problems is to adopt the right_3_.Difficulties are an essential part of your action.They arent things to be_4_; they are to be used.They_5_great opportunities for learning.The reason why we are all_6_in lifes mud is that we continuously ignore our problems.Dont be_7_when you hit some experience that is like a brick wall.Your ability to deal with trouble_8_your attitude.If you can learn to regard these_9_as opportunities and chances to develop,youll make_10_.Your ability to deal with some problems that_11_in meditation will continue going into_12_of your life and enable you to solve big problems that really_13_you.If you try to avoid_14_bad thing that appears in meditation,you are strengthening the habit that has already_15_life unbearable.Face difficulties directly!We have to learn to be_16_to ourselves.In the long run,avoiding unpleasantness is a very unkind thing to do to ourselves.When we are having a(n)_17_time,examine that experience,observe it_18_,study the phenomenon and learn its structure.The best way out of a trap is to study the trap itself and_19_how it is built.We do this by taking the thing_20_piece by piece.The trap cant trap us if it has been taken apart.The result is freedom.1A.shapes Bresources Cnames Dcolors解析形状与大小都指外形,因此是 shapes and sizes。resource “资源”。此处是非常形象的说法,意指人的一生必须面对大大小小各种困难。答案A2A.dealing with Blooking intoCgetting off Dfinding out解析deal with “安排,处理”;look into “调查”;get off “下来”;find out “发现,查明(真相)”。句意:处理问题与困难的主要方法是采取正确的态度。答案A3A.policy Btemper Cresource Dattitude解析根据第二段的“Your ability to deal with trouble_8_your attitude.”可知应选D。答案D4A.forgotten Bgotten Cavoided Dwasted解析上一句谈到了“difficulties”,本句中的主语 they 也是指 difficulties,与 avoid 搭配比较合适,而且与后半句中的 use 形成对比。答案C5A.prevent Bstop Cexchange Dprovide解析根据前文“they are to be used”可知它们是有用途的,可以提供一些机会。provide “供给,提供,装备”。prevent “防止,预防”;exchange “交换,兑换”。答案D6A.cut Btrapped Ckilled Dadapted解析 trap “使陷入”;adapt “使适应,改编”。trap 与 mud 比较合适,即“使陷入泥潭”。答案B7A.delighted Bpleased Csatisfied Dsurprised解析根据前文“The reason why.we continuously ignore our problems.”可知,我们之所以会陷入生活的泥潭中不能自拔,被困难打倒,原因在于我们总是习惯性地回避生活提供给我们的一个个难题;面对所有的难题我们首先想到的是回避。作者反对这种做法,认为在面对困难的时候,我们不应该感到惊奇、害怕,选择逃避,而是应该勇敢地去面对,故选D。答案D8A.depends on Bends withCresults in Dconcentrates on解析本句讲的是 attitude 的重要性,所以选A。答案A9A.abilities Bproblems Cwalls Dbricks解析第一段最后一句“They_5_great opportunities for learning.”中的主语指的是 difficulties。本句也是指提供机遇的问题,所以此空应该填 difficulties 的近义词,即 problems。答案B10A.decisions Bments Cprogress Dmoney解析根据前文“chances to develop”可知这样会取得进步,故选C。make progress “前进;进步”。答案C11A.raise Barise Chave Ddiscover解析根据第二段倒数第二句“If you try to avoid_14_bad thing that appears in meditation.”判断,该句中的 bad thing 就是指的“problem”。这里指的是沉思时出现的问题,故用arise。答案B12A.the one Bthe rest Cmuch Dlittle解析最后一段中“In the long run,avoiding unpleasantness is a very unkind thing to do to ourselves.” in the long run 指的是“从长远来看”,可知作者认为这样将会对“以后的”人生产生一定的影响。答案B13A.favor Babsorb Cbother Dplease解析 根据前文“Your ability to deal with some problems that_11_in meditation.”可知“problems”在文中指代生活中遇到的事情或问题,它们会bother“烦扰、困扰”人们。答案C14A.none Beither Cwhole Deach解析根据后面的“that appears in meditation”可知应为单数,故选each,指每件坏事。答案D15A.helped Bfound Ccreated Dmade解析 make sthadj.“使怎么样”,为使动用法。此处意为:一个人总是逃避生活中的困难,长此以往,他会被生活的重负压得喘不过气来。答案D16A.generous Bserious Ckind Dgentle解析此处与下文“is a very unkind thing to do to ourselves”中的“unkind”相对应,故选C,表示我们应该善待自己。答案C17A.good Bbad Chappy Dunusual解析此处与前文“avoiding unpleasantness”中的“unpleasantness”相呼应,故选bad“令人不愉快的”。答案B18A.carelessly Bquickly Cgenerally Dcarefully解析根据下文“study the phenomenon and learn its structure”可知应“仔细地”观察。carelessly“粗心地”;quickly“迅速地”;generally“一般地,通常地”;carefully“小心地,谨慎地”。答案D19A.write Bdraw Clearn Dretell解析write“写”;draw“画,绘制”;learn“学习,获悉”;retell“重讲”。与前面的study并列,因此用learn。答案C20A.away Bapart Cback Ddown解析take away“取走”;take apart“拆开”;take back“送还,接回”;take down“记下”。根据下文“piece by piece”可知应选B。答案B


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