冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 8 Lesson 44课时练习

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冀教版英语九年级全册Unit 8 Lesson 44课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Marys parents always encourage her_out her opinionsAspeakBspeakingCto speakDwill speak2 . TomKate since two years ago, and they have had a child.Agot married withBhas been married withChas been married toDmarried3 . Lets _ for a walk after dinner.AgoBgoesCgoingDto go4 . _you need me , Ill stay .AAsBBecause ofCThe same asDAs long as5 . good at Maths? Daniel.AWhat isBWho isCWhat areDWho are6 . My parents always get me _ different kinds of fruits and vegetables, though I hate eating some of them.Ato eatBeatCeatingDeats7 . Are you going camping this afternoon?A typhoon is coming. Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be closed.AwhichBwhatCwhetherDwhy8 . You dont look well. _ with you?-I have a fever and cant stop coughing. AWhats happeningBWhat is itCWhats onDWhats the matter9 . My bag is _ books. Its so heavy.Afull ofBangry withCproud ofDsurprised at10 . I think you should help him. _ he is your good friend.AAbove allBAfter allCAt allDIn all11 . Where did you go last night?I _ to go to Li Leis birthday party.AaskedBam asked Chave been askedDwas asked12 . Im much better Chinese our teachers help.Ain, atBat, inCat, withDwith, with13 . Mrs. Smith is bettermath and is better with students than other teacher ,so we all like her.A. A.onAatBtoCin二、完型填空Few words are spoken more often every day on the streets of England than “Im sorry.” This phrase has become such a common response that it has taken on a lot of_.Saying Sorry means to apologize. This is simple and easy to understand. We learn it both as a naive speaker and as a student of_languages.But in England, it takes on another meaning. It is a_expression. Imagine this: a man_down the street, looking down his phone. A woman is walking in the_direction, towards the man. She Sees him, but she cant get out of the way in time. The man bumps(碰撞)into the woman. Naturally the man should say_because it was he who wasnt looking where he was going Yet in Britain, it is common for_to apologize.It is known that British people, like most people, do not enjoy conflict(冲突).So to quickly make the situation_British people will apologize to each other.Other times it may sound funny to hear “sorry”: Some of my friends say it_,as they ask the waiter, “Sorry, but can I order another drink? “It is not to apologize, but just to express that we need the waiter. In Britain, sorry doesnt always mean_what you think.14 . AideasBlooksCmeanings15 . AforeignBlocalCspoken16 . AseriousBculturalCfunny17 . AjumpsBrunsCwalks18 . AoppositeBsameCright19 . Aexcuse meBthanksCsorry20 . Aa manBbothCa woman21 . ApeacefulBdifficultCembarrassing22 . Aon the streetsBon the phoneCat restaurants23 . AnearlyBexactlyCnaturally三、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,完成下列句子):24 . Mr. Smith has two pieces of bread and an egg for breakfast every morning.(改为否定句)Mr. Smith _ have two pieces of bread _ an egg for breakfast every morning.25 . There are some books and magazines on the desk.(对划线部分提问)_ on the desk?26 . It takes Peter forty minutes to get to school every day.(对划线部分提问)_ does it take Peter to get to school every day?27 . When we lived in the city centre, we saw a lot of shops and restaurants.(对划线部分提问)_ you see when you lived in the city centre?28 . Bunny and his parents went to Japan by plane last month.(保持句意基本不变)Bunny and his parents _ a plane _ Japan last month.29 . It took me only half an hour to finish my homework yesterday.(保持句意基本不变)I _ only half an hour _ my homework yesterday,30 . got up, in the city centre, lived, I, when , I, late(连词成句)_.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空请根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。31 . Though the young man is very _(wealth), he still feels unhappy.32 . The ballet dresses made of silk must be those _(dance).33 . To tell you the _ (true), that film isnt worth seeing again at all.34 . Can we talk about this problem _ (peace)? Im tired of arguing with you all day.35 . You cant imagine what difficulty he had _ ( solve) the mystery.五、多任务混合问题In a school, you may hear a student saying in Chinese,“我对汉语很感兴趣。“_but youre not in China. Youre in a foreign country. Like the student, many foreigners are learning Chinese. But its not easy. The Chinese use a different character( 汉字 ) for each word. People have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing. For foreigners, its hard to memorize them. And the following chart shows the top 3 difficulties for foreigners while learning Chinese.However, Chinese is more popular around the world today. The long history andcolorful culture of China attract many foreigners to learn Chinese. With the rapid development, China is staying ahead in many fields and is playing its role in the world. Chinese is becoming a global (全球的) language and its popularity has risen around the world. Many countries set up Chinese courses in their schools.For example, in the UK, students used to choose between Spanish, Latin, French and other foreign languages. But now schools encourage their students to study Chinese. The increase in popularity of Chinese has been surprising. 1031 people took Chinese language exams in 2001, and the number was 2062 last year, while 2561 people chose Spanish. Its predicted that studying Chinese in the UK could overtake (超过) Spanish in less than five years.Just like the foreigners do, we also learn foreign languages. Different languages carry different cultures. So exchanges are necessary. By learning a foreign language, we not only have a useful tool of communicating, but experience a new culture, whats more important, learning a foreign language well will help us tell our own stories to the world.36 . Please translate the underlined sentence into English.37 . According to the passage, why is it difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese?38 . Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.39 . How does the UN celebrates Chinese Language Day?40 . Compared with 2001, how many more people took Chinese language exams in the UK last year? What does the result tell us?41 . What can you do by learning a foreign language?六、将所给单词连成句子Make up sentences(连词成句, 标点符号已给):42 . in the oven, put, the pizza_43 . did, this morning, have, you, what_44 . in the countryside, a few weeks, stayed, for, I. _45 . can see, we, on our way, a lot of people, to school_七、汉译英:整句汉译英46 . 有志者事竟成。_47 . 行动重于言辞。_48 . 一天一个苹果,医生远离我。_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、汉译英:整句1、


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