
2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 专题7 状语从句 Ⅰ.语法单句填空 1.________ tired my mother is after work。2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习《状语从句》专项练习(含解析) 单项填空 1.We must do it well。


1、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!高二英语外研版选修7 Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage状语从句练习l.-IsMrsWhiteintheoffice?-Yes,___sheisonduty,shemustbethereA.since B.until C.while D.if2._______journalismseemslikeagoodprofession(职业),Iwouldpreferto。

2、2019-2020年高考英语总复习实用精品学案 高考语法专题 状语从句 新人教版1.时间状语从句连词有:when, whenever, while, as, after, before, now that, (ever) since, till, until, once, as soon as, every time, the first time, the moment, immediately, directly等。Ill let you know as soon as it is arranged.Now (that) you mention it, I do remember.Every time I catch a cold, I have pains in my back.I recognized him the moment he came in.【注意】(1)时间状语从句一般不用将来时,而用一般现在时代替;用一般过去时代。

3、2019-2020年高中英语 语法复习六 状语从句 由从句担任的状语,在句子中可修饰谓语(或其它动词)、形容词、副词或是整个句子,它可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。状语从句是一。

4、2019-2020年高一英语暑假作业 语法练习篇 状语从句 外研版 1. __________ volleyball is her main focus, shes also great at basketball. A. Since B. Once C. Unless D. While 2. The police officers in。

5、2019-2020年高三英语二轮 备考抓分点透析专题9 状语从句 【xx年高考预测】 状语从句和名词性从句、定语从句一样是高考的高频考点。通过对近年高考题的分析,可以预测xx年对状语从句的考查仍将集中在对引导几大状语从。

6、2019-2020年高三英语大一轮复习讲义 语法知识 专题八 状语从句 新人教版 一、时间状语从句 1before引导的从句中不用否定式谓语。常用如下句型: It is long before.(过了好久才) It is not long before.。

7、2019-2020年高考英语 冲刺讲义十 状语从句 种 类 从属连词 例 句 说 明 时 间 状 从 When whenever When I came into the room, he was writing a letter.当我进屋时,他正在写信。 We shall go there whenever we。

8、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 状语从句 1. I was glad to meet Jenny again, ______ I didnt want to spend all day with her. Abut Band Cso Dor 3、Dont turn off the puter b。

9、2019-2020年中考英语定时训练 状语从句 单项选择: 1. You uncle will e to see you as soon as he ______ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. is arriving 2. If I make a lot of money I ______。

10、2019-2020年九年级英语复习 状语从句 1 ( ) 1 The meeting didnt start___ everyone was there. A. because B. until C. why D. if ( ) 2 The boy ___ to bed ___ his mother came in. A. went not; until B. didnt。

11、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 语法专题十 状语从句 外研版 1You have a gift for art.________you do your best,you are sure to create fine art works. AAs soon as BEven if CIn case。

12、2019-2020年高三英语总复习 单选题汇编 14 状语从句 (xx安徽)23. Its much easier to make friends ______ you have similar interests. A. unless B. when C. even though D. so that (xx北京)22. Don。

13、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 专题7 状语从句 .语法单句填空 1________ tired my mother is after work, she is always checking my homework. 答案:However 句意为:无论妈妈下班后多累,她总是会检查我的作业。

14、2019-2020年高考英语典型试题精粹 专题十二 状语从句 高考精萃 1(xx山东卷)I dont really like the author, __________ I have to admit his books are very exciting. 2(xx重庆卷)Half an hour later, Lucy s。

15、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习状语从句专项练习(含解析) 单项填空 1We must do it well, ________there are a lot of difficulties. A.as if B.as though C.even though D.even as 2________ difficult i。

16、2019-2020年高考英语二轮专题提升训练 状语从句 1(xx届江苏省南京市高三第二次英语模拟试卷) Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, _______ countless birds came to feed on the berries and o。

17、2019年高考英语一轮复习 语法对点讲练 状语从句 新人教版 .语法知识 1(xx重庆卷)________ we have enough evidence, we cant win the case. A. Once B. As long as C. Unless D. Since 答案与解析 C 句意:除。

18、2019-2020年高考英语 语法知识汇总 第15章 状语从句 第一节 真题精析 1. Simon thought his puter was broken ____ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on.【05北京春】 A. until B。

19、2019年高考英语试题分类汇编 状语从句 05全国What would you do if it tomorrow? We have to carry it on, since weve got everything ready. A.rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raini。

20、2019年高考英语一轮总复习 语法专项突破 真题分类 状语从句 【xx北京卷】30I took my driving license with me on holiday,________I wanted to hire a car. Ain case Beven if Cever since Dif only。

2019-2020年中考英语定时训练 状语从句.doc
2019-2020年九年级英语复习 状语从句.doc
2019年高考英语试题分类汇编 状语从句.doc
2019-2020年中考英语专题复习 状语从句.doc
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