
2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 社会现象、历史类阅读1 1.(xx届湖北省孝感市高三第二次统一考试英语试卷) Cyclist Jia Yanmei and a fellow enthusiast covered more than 2。


1、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类完型填空2 1、Americans are about an international sporting event now taking place in the United States. It is the biggest womens soccer in the world, the Worl。

2、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类完型填空1 1.(xx届山东省菏泽市高三3月模拟考试英语试卷) Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore.。

3、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 书面表达2 1上周开始,老师和家长都要李明住校学习,而他却喜欢住在家里,双方各持己见。假设你是李明,请用英语把这个情况告诉给中学生英语报某栏目组,请求主持人给予建议。 老。

4、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 形容词和副词 1.Tony can hardly boil an egg,still ________ cook dinner. Aless Blittle Cmuch Dmore 2It may not be a great suggestion. But before ________ is。

5、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 社会现象、历史类完型填空 1、Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in her life, she might go home and write in her diary. Now, a teenager with problems might go。

6、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类阅读2 1、We might not be alone in the universe. Actually, it may be confirmed as a very crowded place by new puter models developed to help identify habitable。

7、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 书面表达1 1(xx届天津市蓟县第二中学高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷) 班级要开学习经验交流会, 班长让你根据下面提示写一篇学习英语的经验的发言稿: 课前预习; 课堂活动; 课后作。

8、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 特殊句式 1. “You cant judge a book by its cover,” ________. Aas the saying goes old Bgoes as the old saying Cas the old saying goes Dgoes as old the saying。

9、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 状语从句 1. I was glad to meet Jenny again, ______ I didnt want to spend all day with her. Abut Band Cso Dor 3、Dont turn off the puter b。

10、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类阅读1 1. (xx届四川省成都树德中学高三3月阶段性考试英语试卷) The NSA(美国国家安全局) and GCHQ(英国政府通讯总部) are tapping popular smart phone apps such as An。

11、2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 社会现象、历史类阅读2 1、Whether we should allow marine (海洋的) parks to stay open has been widely debated in our munity recently. A variety of different arguments hav。

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