2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 社会现象、历史类完型填空.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 社会现象、历史类完型填空1、Years ago, if a teenager had some problems in her life, she might go home and write in her diary. Now, a teenager with problems might go onto the Internet and write about them in a blog (博客). In many ways, a diary and a blog are very .So, what makes blogging different from writing in diary? The biggest difference is that blogging is much more than a diary. Usually, a teenager treats her diary like a book full of that she does not want to . Its interesting that someone who writes in a blog a diary will probably write nearly the same information. I have a little sister, and sometimes I go online to read her . She writes about things like waking up early for swimming practice and not studying enough for her chemistry test. I was at her age, I wrote about the same things, but in my diary. Then, after I had finished writing, I would hide my diary in a secret place because I was that my sister might read it! The biggest with blogging is that anyone can read what you write. If I was angry with a friend during high school and wrote something about her in my diary, she would never know. , if my sister ever wrote something bad about a friend, that friend read her blog and get angry. There are also to blogging, of course. If I was feeling sad one day and wrote in my diary, “Nobody cares about me.” would know about it. However, if my sister wrote the same sentence in her blog, her best friends would respond and tell her how much they her. Blogs help people stay in with their friends and to hear what the people around them are doing. 1A. the sameB. troublesomeC. difficultD. daily2A. familiarB. specialC. similarD. different3A. a personalB. an ordinaryC. a monD. a traditional4A. attractiveB. publicC. convenientD. quick5A. thoughtsB. puzzlesC. mysteriesD. secrets6A. tellB. shareC. publishD. solve7A. instead ofB. as well asC. in favour ofD. in spite of8A. blogB. diaryC. reportD. web9A. AlthoughB. SinceC. WhenD. Because10A. onlyB. alreadyC. stillD. never11A. angryB. hopeless C. gladD. worried12A. problemB. doubtC. troubleD. mistake13A. hardB. wrongC. meanD. funny14A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Then15A. shouldB. willC. mustD. might16A. reasonsB. disadvantagesC. shortingsD. advantages17A. everyoneB. no oneC. anyoneD. someone18A. happilyB. especiallyC. quicklyD. immediately19A. likeB. missC. needD. help20A. friendship B. touchC. debateD. mind【答案】20B【解析】试题分析:本文是叙述加说明类文章。目前上网写“博客”成为一种时髦,那么什么是博客呢?文章作者通过自己的体会以及自己妹妹的例子说明“博客”即网络日记与传统日记的相似之处和区别。定会出版,因此不选publish。13C 形容词辨析。A困难的;B错误的;C刻薄的,恶意的;D滑稽的; 从后面伤害别人的感情看,此处说的是别人的坏话,mean在此处作形容词,意思是“恶意的”。14B 副词辨析。A而且;B然而;C因此;D那么;接着; 此处说明的是“博客”与日记的不同,因此上下文形成转折关系。 sb“与某人保持联系”2、The concept of solitude(独处) in the digital world is almost non-existent. In the world of digital technology, e-mail, social networking and online video games, information is meant to be _. Solitude can be hard to discover _it has been given up. In this respect, new technologies have _our culture.The desire to be connected has brought solitude to a(n) as weve known it. People have bee so in the world of networks and connections that one can often be contacted theyd rather not be. Today we can talk, text, e-mail, chat and blog (写博客), not only from our , but from our mobile phones as well. Most developed nations have bee on digital technology simply because theyve grown accustomed to it, and at this point not it would make them an outsider. , many jobs and careers require people to be . From this point of view, technology has changed the culture of work. Being reachable might feel like a to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times. I suppose the positive side is that solitude is still possible for anyone who wants it. puters can be shut and mobile phones can be turned off. The ability to be connected and on has many , as well as disadvantages. Travelers have ended up on mountains, and mobile phones have saved countless lives. They can also make people feel and forced to answer unwanted calls or to unwanted texts. Attitudes towards our connectedness as a society across generations. Some find todays technology a gift. Others consider it a curse. Regardless of anyones view on the subject, its hard to imagine what life would be like daily advancements in technology.21A. updated B. received C. collectedD. shared 22A. though B. once C. until D. before23A. shapedB. respectedC. ignored D. preserved24A. edge B. end C. stageD. balance25A. sensitiveB. intelligentC. reachable D. considerate 26A. only ifB. even if C. as if D. if only27A. media B. databases C. monitorsD. puters 28A. bentB. dependent C. hard D. keen 29A. finding B. protectingC. using D. changing30A. Instead B. Otherwise C. SomehowD. Also 31A. trained B. remended C. connectedD. interested32A. burden B. pleasure C. benefitD. disappointment33A. slightlyB. hardly C. merely D. really 34A. downB. out C. up D. in35A. aspectsB. weaknessesC. exceptionsD. advantages 36A. lostB. hidden C. relaxedD. deserted37A. excited B. confusedC. trapped D. amused38A. turnB. replyC. submitD. object 39A. arise B. spreadC. vary D. exist40A. withoutB. beyond C. withinD. despite 【答案】【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了在数字世界里独处的概念几乎是不存在的,电子邮件,社交网络,网上视频游戏都可以共享,一旦我们失去了独处再找回来就很难了,接着讲述了数字世代对我们生活的影响,很多的发达国家对数字世界已经有了依赖性,因为他们已经习惯了。如果不用的话,他们就会成为一个局外人,对这一世代的变化,有的人是感觉非常幸运赶上了这样一个时代,而有的人则认为这样反而是一种压力,不管态度怎么样,我们难以想象如果没有这种先进的技术我们的生活将是什么样子。 弯曲的;dependent adj 依靠的,依赖的;hard adj 困难的,坚硬的;keen adj强烈的,热心的。故答案应B。 29C考查名词的词义。句意为:在这种意义上,不用它,他们就会被(社会)淘汰。outsider 外人无取胜希望的人。意思是说,如果不用电脑,他们就会被社会把淘汰掉。find vt发现,找到;protect vt保护;use vt用,使用;change vt改变,变化。故答案应为C。 30D 考查副词的词义。句意为:许多工作和事业要求人们被联系起来。这句话的意思与上文中的如果不34A 考查副词的词义。句意为:电脑能够被关闭,手机能够被关机,shut down停工,关闭;shut out排除,关在外面;shut up住口;shut in被关住的,关进。 故答案应为A。35D 考查名词的意思。句意为:被联系上的这种能力有许多优点也有许多缺点。aspect n 方面,方向;weakness n 弱点,软弱;exception n例外,异议;advantages n优点,长处。故答案应为D。 36A 考查动词的意思。句意为:旅行者在山上失踪的日子已经结束了,手机已经挽救了无数的生命。lost vt 迷失,失踪;hidden vt隐藏,藏起来;relaxed vt松懈,放松;desert vt遗弃,放弃。故答案应为A。despite prep尽管,不管。故答案应为A。 3、The English, as a race, are very different from all other nationalities, including their closest neighbors, the French, Belgians and Dutch. It is claimed (声言) that living on an island 36 from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the 37 are, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has 38 many attitudes and habits which make them 39 from other nationalities.Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a 40 , shy and reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he 41 well. In the 42 of strangers or foreigners he often seems embarrassed. You have only to walk around a city any morning or evening to 43 the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit 44 their newspapers or have a light sleep in a corner with no one speaking. 45 , to do so would seem most unusual to many foreigners. An Englishman pretending to be giving 46 to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway carriage, shake hands with all the passengers”. Obviously , he was not being 47 . There is an unwritten 48 clearly understood code (规则) of behaviour which, if 49 , makes the person immediately suspect(怀疑).In many parts of the world it is quite 50 to show openly their enthusiasm, emotion, excitement, etc. The Englishman is somewhat 51 . Of course, an Englishman lacks no deep feelings, in fact , no less deeply than any other nationality, but he tends to display his 52 far less. This is reflected in his use of 53 . Imagine a man making a ment on the great 54 of a young girl. A more emotional man might 55 her as “extremely beautiful,” “precious”, however, an Englishman might just say, “Um, she is all right.” The girl who heard this should not be angry because not bad and all right very often have the same meaning as first class excellent and this unique style of language use is mon in England.1A. dividedB. separatedC. partedD. broke2A. problemsB. arrangementsC. reasonsD. differences3A. developedB. gotC. createdD. made4A. differ B. separate C. suffer D. vary 5A. noisyB. rudeC. nobleD. quiet6A. recognizesB. knowsC. seesD. likes7A. front B. absence C. lack D. presence8A. look atB. find outC. tellD. keep9A. publishingB. sellingC. readingD. showing10A. In other wordsB. On the contrary C. On the wholeD. In fact11A. adviceB. performancesC. speechesD. way12A. funnyB. greatC. seriousD. careful13A. as well asB. orC. andD. but14A. broken B. made C. explained D. followed15A. enoughB. rightC. normalD. impossible16A. proudB. kindC. hardD. different 17A. feelingsB. talentsC. giftsD. behaviors18A. actionB. languageC. timeD. life19A. speechB. markC. beautyD. intelligence20A. speakB. describeC. takeD. treat【答案】【解析】试题分析: 文章介绍了英国人的与众不同,分析了原因和不同的地方有平时的行为举止,有语言的运用。6考查动词: A. recognizes认识B. knows知道C. sees看见D. likes喜欢,只有在非常了解的人中间才很放松。选B。7考查名词: A. front前面 B. absence缺席 C. lack 缺乏 D. presence在场,词组;in the presence of在在场的时候,选D。8考查动词: A. look at看B. find out弄清C. tell辨别D. keep保存,你只有在早晚在城市散步,才能了解这些。选B。规则一旦打破,就会使这个人被怀疑。选A。15考查形容词: A. enough足够的B. right正确的C. normal正常的D. impossible不可能的,在时间的很多的地方,公开的展示自己的热情,兴奋这很正常。选C。4、When a rather dirty, poorly dressed person kneels at your feet and puts out his hands to beg _36_a few coins, do you hurry on, not _37_ what to do, or do you feel sad and hurriedly _38_ some money? What should our attitude_39_ beggars be? There can be no question that the world is full of terribly sad stories It _40_ be terrible to have no idea where our next meal is going to e from It seems _41_ not to give some money to beggars_42_, most of the worlds great religions order us to be open-hearted and _43_what we have with those less lucky than ourselves But has the world changed? Maybe what was morally right in the old days, _44_ one knew exactly who in the village had suffered misfortune and needed help, is no longer the best idea Quite a few people will not give to beggars Let us look at their _45_First, some believe that many city beggars dress up _46_ to look pitiable and actually make a good _47_ from begging Giving to beggars only encourages this sort of evil(恶行) _48_, there is the worry that the money you give will be spent on beer, wine or drugs Thirdly, there is the opinion_49_there is no real excuse for begging One might be poor, but that is no reason for losing ones sense of _50_ and self-dependenceRelated to this is the opinion that the problem should be handled by the government _51_ordinary people Some people think beggars should go to the local government department and _52_ helpIt is hard to e to any final conclusion: there are various _53_and we must _54_ them differently A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the_55_21A to B with C at D for22A knowing B expecting C demanding D settling23A put away B hand over C take in D get out24A at B in C over D towards25A must B can C need D might26A warm-hearted B generous C cruel D considerate27A Strangely B Honestly C Certainly D Surprisingly28A give B donate C. share Dcontribute29A why B when C what D how30A arguments B quarrels C sayings D talks31A on show B on purpose C for fun D by accident32A money B fort C living D decision33A Secondly B Surely C Possibly D Then34A what B whether C that D which35A goodness B pride C security D responsibility36A rather than B or rather C other than D but also37A produce B receive C earn D offer38A cases B events C conditions D states39A go with Bmunicate with C deal with D meet with40A giver Breceiver C villager D government【答案】【解析】试题分析:本文介绍在街上遇到行乞的人,要不要给他们钱,不同的人有不同的观点。29这里考查的是定语从句中关系副词的用法。先行词是old days,定语从句缺少地点状语,用when引导定语从句。选B。30考查名词: arguments 的意思是论点;quarrels 的意思是争吵,吵架;sayings 的意思是名言; talks 的意思是闲谈。根据句子意思,A 选项是正确答案。37考查动词:A.produce生产Breceive收到Cearn挣钱Doffer提供,句子的意思是乞丐应该找政府部门寻求帮助,指客观上得到帮助。选B。38考查名词:case 在这里表示的意思是情况,而condition 表示情况是不可数名词,可数情况下condition 的意思是条件。选A。39考查词组: go with 意思是与相配 ;而municate with 意思是与某人交流;deal with 的意思是处理,符合句子意思。meet with 的意思是偶尔碰到。选C。40考查名词:A.giver给与者Breceiver接受者Cvillager村民Dgovernment政府根据句意,即使钱浪费了,可是给予者的善良是不会被带走的。选A。5、My mother is a geneticist, and from her I learned that despite our differences in size, shape and color, we humans are 99.9 percent the same. It is in our 36 to see differences: skin, hair and eye color, height, language. But also in our nature, way down in the DNA that 37 us human, we are almost the 38 . I believe there is more that unites us than 39 us. My mother came to the US from India. She is 40 enough that she got her service 41 in a diner in 1960s Dallas. My father is a white boy from Indiana whose 42 came from Germany in the mid-1800s. It seems 43 to admit now, but I never 44 that my parents were different colors. One day, I watched my parents walk 45 the street of our church together. They were 46 in the service that day, and as they walked, I saw their hands 47 together in unison(一致地). I noticed for the first time how dark my mother was, and how white my father was. I knew them as my parents 48 I realized their skin color. Im sorry to say that now when I see a mixed-race 49 walking down the street, I see the mixed race first and the couple second. When my parents married in 1966, there were 50 places in this country that had laws 51 mixed marriage. 52 , my white grandfather, 53 father had been a typical racist, was not against their marriage. Some of us are men, some are women. Some are young, some old. Some of us are short and others 54 . Some right-handed, some left-handed. We have lots of differences; we are all 55 . But deep down inside us, down in our DNA, we are 99.9 percent the same. And I believe we need to remember that. 41A. feature B. characterC. natureD. quality 42A. getsB. letsC. hasD. makes43A. sameB. different C. familiar D. similar44A. differs B. divides C. departsD. splits45A. yellow B. white C. dark D. brown46A. turned out B. turned down C. turned overD. turned back47A. ancestors B. parents C. family D. origin48A. silly B. wise C. stupid D. foolish 49A. noticed B. looked C. watched D. observed50A. inB. up C. out D. down51A. enteringB. running C. attending D. participating52A. rocking B. shaking C. swinging D. waving53A. unless B. after C. before D. until54A. marriage B. couple C. double D. twins55A. always B. also C. almost D. still 56A. allowing B. preventing C. encouraging D. banning57A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. ButD. Otherwise58A. which B. whose C. that D. what59A. long B. high C. tall D. kind60A. similar B. familiar C. unique D. same【答案】【解析】试题分析:50.D。walk down the street是惯用法,意思为“沿街散步”。


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