2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类完型填空1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语考前热身专练 新闻报道类完型填空11.(xx届山东省菏泽市高三3月模拟考试英语试卷)Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore. During their visit, he even had the chance to some of Singapores sights by himself his father was busy with other things. Xinxins first adventure in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel. He enjoyed swimming and into the water by himself, and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was by his father. The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore a guardian. He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip. Xinxin volunteered to make his trip by himself. His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch, and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios. He spent a whole day there and had a time. In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Xinxins father said that he was too busy to spend all his time with his son, he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of . Had Xinxins mother been there, she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight, the father mented.1A. study B. explore C. test D. measure2A. while B. until C. before D. unless3A. along B. alive C. alone D. lonely4A. floating B. surfing C. driving D. diving5A. made B. set C. decided D. asked6A. under B. behind C. with D. without7A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 8A.terrible B.miserable C. fantastic D. flexible 9A. though B. since C. if D. when10A. independence B. daring C. pride D. diligence2.(xx届江西省吉安市白鹭洲中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷)Most glasses help people see better, but a new invention from Japan may soon improve language skills and language barriers instead.High-tech pany NEC has a device that it says will users to municate with people of different .Shaped like a pair of eyeglasses without the lenses(镜片), the puter-assisted Tele Scouter would a picture-forming device to present almost real-time translations directly onto the retina(视网膜). The text, provided through voice recognition and programs, would effectively provide movie-like “subtitles” (字幕)during a conversation between two people the glasses.“You can keep the flowing,” NEC market development official Takayuki Omino told reporters at Tokyo exposition the device was on display. “This could also be used for talks with secret information,” says Omino, that there would be no need for translators.Each users words would be by microphone, translated, and be instantly for conversation partners in visual texts and as audio delivered through headphones.Users can still see their conversation partners face because the text is onto only part of the retinathe first time such technology is used in a mercial product, according to NEC.The pany plans to put the Tele Scouter in Japan in November next year, at the beginning without the translation mode.11A. cut off B. cut up C. cut inD. cut down 12A. e across B. e up withC. e throughD. e down13A. allow B. promiseC. forceD. leave14A. backgroundsB. culturesC. languagesD. customs 15A. soB. orC. butD. while16A. admitB. adopt C. agreeD. adapt17A. designersB. translatorsC. producersD. users18A. instantlyB. strangelyC. suddenlyD. slowly19A. admissionB. translationC. preparationD. permission20A. bearingB. carryingC. wearing D. taking21A. discussionB. argumentC. conversationD. translation22A. whereB. whichC. whyD. how23A. connectedB. satisfiedC. joinedD. covered24A. stating B. noticingC. realizingD. criticizing25A. spoken B. imaginedC. writtenD. expected26A. made upB. picked upC. turned upD. brought up27A. agreeableB. acceptableC. believableD. available28A. eitherB. neitherC. noneD. both 29A. placedB. gotC. passed D. knocked30A. thereforeB. althoughC. however D. While3.(xx届浙江省苍南县求知中学高三第一次月考英语试题)A camp built by students and volunteers spreads over Southern Methodist University(SMU). The affordable 21 are designed to be used by the poor as well as survivors of war and natural disasters. “By the time 2020, theres going to be about 1.7 billion people living in slums(贫民窟) so we would like to 22 change,” says Stephanie Hunt, co-founder of the Hunt Institute for Engineering and Humanities at SMU. The institute, which 23 build the village on SMUs campus, was established to solve problem of the poor in the United States and around the world through engineering, and the free 24 .The goal is not just to 25 lives, but to change the victims lives. The Institute hopes some entrepreneurs(企业家) might program and 26 some money with these ideas. One of the structures in the SMU village was built with bricks made 27 from recycled plastic bags. Theyre 28 together with heavy wires. Harvey Lacey, father of two college-aged sons, including one here at SUM, heard about this project and 29 his invention. Its a heavy-duty, hand-crank pactor(手动压缩机)that anybody can use to form the big bricks he calls Ubuntu Blox.“The advantages are that these 30 weigh less than two pounds. Theyre very, very 31 These things can go for many generations of housing, ”says Lacey, who is 32 the design. Anybody can follow his online plans to 33 the pactor that turns plastic bags into bricks. On this warm day, its 34 inside the Ubuntu Blox hut, thanks 35 to the thick plastic insulation(绝缘). Kenyan 36 Ronald Omyonga, visiting the global village before returning to his native Africa, says his country is full of these recyclable bags. With Laceys design, he says that litter could be transformed into 37 housing. He dreams of other 38 too.“Look at the Harvey Lacey hut, as a means of creating 39 ,”says Omyonga.“Leaning the environment, and turning 40 into something that can form houses, not just for the poor.”31A. sheltersB. clubsC. partiesD. rooms32A. affectB. adaptC. effectD. adopt33A. discoveredB. helpedC. studiedD. explored34A. entryB. petitionC. tradeD. market 35A. saveB. surviveC. defendD. cure36A. shareB. donateC. earnD. cost37A. brieflyB. relevantlyC. mostlyD. efficiently38A. heldB. stressedC. knockedD. packed39A. deliveredB. contributedC. devotedD. sacrificed40A. pilesB. massesC. loavesD. blocks41A. fragileB. thickC. hardD. bitter42A. giving outB. giving offC. giving upD. giving away43A. buildB. inventC. improveD. possess44A. hotB. coldC. wetD. cool45A. nearlyB. exactlyC. partlyD. fairly46A. doctorB. athleteC. photographerD. architect47A. safeB. dangerousC. beautifulD. large48A. advantagesB. chancesC. benefitsD. profits49A. thingsB. jobsC. wondersD. conditions50A. wasteB. resourcesC. ideasD. technology4.(xx届上海市金山区高三上学期期末考试(高考一摸)英语试题)Google Inc. introduced plans in June to offer 3-D maps of major cities and other new features for its popular Google Maps and Google Earth services.New features include the ability to _50_ portions of Google Maps onto phones and other _51_ devices, with detailed data, so users can find their way around _52_ areas even if they dont have an active Internet connection.Perhaps the most _53_ new feature was the detailed three-dimensional images that Google plans to offer for major cities in ing months.Google product manager Peter Birch explained that the pany is using _54_ to obtain detailed images of every street and building in an area, from different _55_, which are then piled into images that appear to show height, depth and even architectural details of buildings and streets, _56_ landscape features such as trees.“We are trying to create the effect that you are flying _57_ the city, almost as if you were in your own personal helicopter,” said Birch.piling those images _58_ extensive photographing and processing of images, however. _59_ Birch promised to have images _60_ for several major cities in ing months, he and other Google officials did not offer a detailed timetable.Industry blogs have reported that Apple is preparing to _61_ its own maps and navigation service, including 3-D images. Analysts say the _62_ is part of a larger race between the two tech giants to offer services that keep users _63_ and allow each pany to deliver advertising or other products targeted to specific locations and other data on _64_ interests.51A. buy B. download C. use D. apply52A. expensive B. useful C. portable D. cheap53A. familiar B. unfamiliar C. quiet D. busy54A. interesting B. impressive C. ridiculous D. surprising55A. puters B. cameras C. phones D. planes56A. angles B. parts C. sides D. areas57A. except B. except for C. including D. as well as58A. over B. below C. through D. in59A. spends B. costs C. obtains D. requires60A. When B. As C. While D. As long as61A. sold B. available C. accessible D. vivid62A. introduce B. make C. draw D. sell63A. image B. petition C. service D. map64A. busy B. convenient C. attractive D. engaged65A. childrens B. users C. managers D. students【答案】【解析】 文章介绍男孩xinxin和爸爸去新加坡度过寒假,因为爸爸很忙,所以有的时候,他是一个人外出游玩,爸爸认为这可以培养他的独立性。从上文介绍xinxin一个人去游玩的经历,所以是培养独立性,选A【答案】30B【解析】 本文介绍了日本NEC公司推出的一款状如眼镜却可同声翻译不同语言的新产品。17考查名词。designers设计师的;translators翻译人的;producers制作人的;users使用者的。根据句意可知此处选D。22考查状语从句。从句意可只是地点状语,故选A。23考查动词。 Connected连接;satisfied是满意;joined参加;covered覆盖。句意是: Omino说“这也可以用于秘密信息的交谈”,意在说明不需要翻译在场。选A。24考查动词。 Stating说明,陈述;noticing注意;realizing实现;criticizing批评。根据句意选A。25考查形容词。Spoken口语的;imagined想象的;written书面的;expected预期的。句意是:在使用这款智能眼镜时,使用者的谈话内容会被一个麦克风收录,翻译后能以可视文本的形式或通过耳机以声音的形式即时传送给对方。所以A正确。【答案】49B50A【解析】 南部卫理公会大学的学生和自愿者建造了一些价格低廉的庇护所,可供穷人以及战争和自然灾害的幸存者居住。难民村里一个建筑是用主要由回收塑料袋制作的砖头建造的。这既可以把垃圾变成房子,还可以增加就业机会。35考查动词:A. save拯救B. survive幸存C. defend保护D. cure治愈,目标不是拯救生命而是改善受害者的生活。选A36考查动词:A. share分享B. donate捐赠C. earn挣D. cost花费,它还希望一些企业家能够通过这些构想挣到钱。选C41考查形容词:A. fragile脆弱的B. thick厚的C. hard坚硬的,D. bitter痛苦的,从后面的These things can go for many generations of housing,可知这些砖头很坚硬。选C42考查动词短语:A. giving out散发,用尽B. giving off散发C. giving up放弃D. giving away赠送,从上文的heard about this project and 29 his invention.可知是赠送这项发明的人。选D43考查动词:A. build建造B. invent发明C. improve改善D. possess加工,任何人都可以按照网上的说明造手动压缩机。选A50考查名词:A. waste废物B. resources资源C. ideas相法D. technology科技,把废物变成可以做房子的人,不仅是为了穷人。选A【答案】64D65B【解析】 本文介绍了谷歌公司和苹果公司要发行3D地图的新闻,并介绍了相关的详细信息。62A 动词辨析。A介绍B生产C画D卖;苹果公司也要介绍自己的这款产品了。63B 名词辨析。A图像B竞争C服务D地图。指苹果公司和谷歌公司之间的竞争。64D 句意分析。指这样的竞争让用户也卷入了,也参与了。65B 名词辨析。A孩子的B用户的C经理的D学生的;这里是指根据用户的兴趣。


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