
让学生完成相关词汇的练习。让学生学习相关词汇。学习目标 1.复习本模块重点单词。学生通过本模块学习。Reading and Vocabulary (1) 部分介绍了一位美国中学生的高中生活。要求学生学习相关的词汇。Reading and Vocabulary 部分通过阅读一篇介绍Hip Hop的文章。


1、高二英语试卷(外研版)一、单选(15分)21The cruel husband didnt feel nervous _ his wifes poor health at all.A. about B. in C. to D. 22The song made me_ the happy childhood w。

2、The biggest asset of an enterprise is people.整合汇编简单易用页眉可删外研版高二英语必备作文 外研版高二英语必备作文1My deskmate admires my fluent English v。

3、英语说课稿(Senior English Book 5) 临清工业学校 于小燕 Module 2 A Job Worth Doing The First Period (第一课时)一、教学内容分析(一) 知识背景及新课程、新教材本单元围绕“job”(工作) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。“工作”是一个非常贴。

4、If you dont believe in hard work and time, then time will be the first to let you down.整合汇编简单易用页眉可删外研版高二必修五英语作文 外研版高二必修五。

5、第三届全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选高中英语教学案例-外研版第三模块Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Reading Practice 单位:贵州省六盘水市第一实验中学姓名:葛永婷 。

6、111Module 2 Fantasy literaturePeriod 3 :Vocabulary and reading, Everyday English and Writing(1)三维目标 AKnowledge and skills1) Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part:appeal, gifted, adjustment, accumulate, attain, be associated with, by hand, be responsible for, be restricted to, 2) Learn the language in this part and get the students to read the text “The Story of JK Rowling and Harry Potter”3) Practise the writing 。

7、,1arrest 1)vt.逮捕;吸引 He was arrested for stealing cars. 他因为偷车而被捕了。 The bright lights arrested the boys attention. 亮光引起了那男孩的注意。,2)n.逮捕;拘留 The police expected to make an arrest soon. 警方很快就会进行拘捕。,即学即用 The。


9、 Sport Business DreamConsolidation:Lining was called the. He won gold medals in major competitions and was chosen as one。

10、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 5 Ethnic Culture I教学内容分析本模块以少数民族的文化为话题,介绍了我国云南省境内纳西族和白族的风情文化以及北美和澳大利亚的土著文化。通过本模块学习,学生要学会写介绍有关少数民族的文章。Introduction部分通过学习和复习一些描述少数民族风情、服装和地理位置等信息的词汇,学会简介云南省及其境内少数民族的概况,为本模块的学习奠定基础。Reading and Vocabulary(1)部分选取了西蒙韦克菲尔德的四则英文日记,通过一位外国朋友在云南旅游的所见所闻,介绍了。

11、111Speaking Retelling the story in your own words Hello, class. This time we shall try to retell the story we have just read in our own words. A: Have you seen the film called The Cat That vanished?B: No, I havent. Tell me about it in English.A: The film begins at one night when there was very little traffic. B: Its terrible. A: And the road where a man was standing was quiet,with comfortable houses,and trees along both sides of the roadB: What is the name of the man? A: 。

12、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 1 BasketballI教学内容分析本模块以basketball为话题,介绍了篮球的基本规则、NBA的起源和中外篮球明星的风采,通过本模块学习,学生要运用所学词汇口头评价自己喜欢的体育项目,介绍自己喜欢的运动员。Introduction 部分通过一幅介绍篮球规则的图片和几个问题引起学生的兴趣,让他们学习并复习与篮球规则有关的词汇。接着介绍了NBA的起源,使学生对美国篮球联赛有基本的认识。Reading and Vocabulary部分通过阅读对 Michael Jordan和 Wilt Chamberlain的简介,让学生学。

13、111BOOK 6 MODULE5 Cloning本模块知识要点复习学习目标 1.复习本模块重点单词,短语,句型(包括Everyday English和Function中的句型)。 2.通过对词汇和句型的复习,完成相关练习,巩固所学的知识,提升应试能力。( 重点 ) 3.复习虚拟语气的相关用法,完成相关练习。( 难点 )学习过程 一、 复习检测:1、词汇听写:_ 2、短语总结:。

14、111Period 1: ReadingThe Cat That VanishedObjectives To learn about fantasy literature To learn to read with strategiesFocusWordsvanish,blink,shape,doubt,bend,hesitate,shine,dream,awake,revenge, marry,punish,possess Expressions behave strangely, stand still,know without any doubt that, know as strongly as, climb through the hole in the walls, stand under a line of tall trees, have the scent of flowers, look around carefully, shine down over, dream but awake at the sam。

15、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 2 Highlights of My Senior YearI教学内容分析本模块以Highlights of My Senior Year为话题,介绍了美国中学生的学校生活,描述了他们的学校俱乐部以及从事的课外活动,学生通过本模块学习,可了解其他国家中学生的学习生活情况,进行中美学校文化的对比,并学会描写自己高中的生活。Introduction 部分首先通过表格的形式介绍了美国中学的学制、学习年限和学生年龄等情况,然后通过问答的方式引导学生对比中美学生生活的差异,为阅读部分的学习做好知识背景的铺垫。Readi。

16、111Module 2 Fantasy literaturePeriod2 :Grammar and Function(1)三维目标AKnowledge and skills1) Master the usages in the function: the tense in a story2) Master the usages in the grammar : v-ing.BProcess and methods1) Draw a conclusion by ss2) Discuss the characteristcs of Ving3) Tell a story in proper tenseC. Emotion, attitude and valuesLearning to understand the importance of proper tense in a story.(2)教学重点 Main usages in the function and Grammar.(3)教学难点How to i。

17、If there are no obstacles in the journey of life, what else can one do.勤学乐观天天向上页眉可删外研版高二年级英语作文 外研版高二年级英语作文1When Im free 。

18、111Module 2 Fantasy literaturePeriod :(1)三维目标 AKnowledge and skills1) Get the students to learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions in the part:behave, approach, doubt, put down, hold out, turn away, keep/ have ones eyes on2) Learn the language in this part and get the students to read the text “The cat that vanished”BProcess and methods1) Talking about the novels they have read2) Go through the introducion3) Read passage in several ways。

19、教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 4 Music Born in AmericaI教学内容分析本模块以Music Born in America为话题,介绍了美国的本土音乐,其中包括了Hip Hop,Soul music, Gospel music, Jazz, Blues等。与此同时,还介绍了香港本土的音乐以及几位著名的美国音乐人。通过本模块的学习,要求学生能使用恰当的词汇与同学以音乐为主题展开讨论,了解中外音乐的相互影响,发表对音乐的观点和看法。Introduction 部分介绍几种美国本土的音乐类型,为整个模块的学习提供了一些知识储备,教师可以适当地帮助学生复。

外研版高二英语 Book 5 Module 5 Reading 课件
英语高二外研版选修7 module5(教案)
英语高二外研版选修7 module1(教案)
英语高二外研版选修7 module2(教案)
英语高二外研版选修7 module4(教案)
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