高二英语外研版选修6《Fantasy Literature》教案2

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高二英语外研版选修6《Fantasy Literature》教案2_第1页
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高二英语外研版选修6《Fantasy Literature》教案2_第3页
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111Period 1: ReadingThe Cat That VanishedObjectives To learn about fantasy literature To learn to read with strategiesFocusWordsvanish,blink,shape,doubt,bend,hesitate,shine,dream,awake,revenge, marry,punish,possess Expressions behave strangely, stand still,know without any doubt that, know as strongly as, climb through the hole in the walls, stand under a line of tall trees, have the scent of flowers, look around carefully, shine down over, dream but awake at the same timePatterns 1.She came out of a garden to where Will was standing2.Still watching,Will saw the cat behave strangely. 3.Then she leapt back,with her tail held up4.When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the place where the cat had vanished. 5.It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road.Procedures Warming up by learning about “fantasy” Hello, class! We have come to Module 2 Fantasy LiteraturePhilip Pullman. But what is fantasy? Who is Philip Pullman?Fantasy is a genre of art, literature, film, television, and music that uses magic and other supernatural forms as a primary element of either plot, theme, setting, or all three. The genre is generally distinguished from science fiction and horror by overall look, feel, and theme of the individual work, though there is a great deal of overlap between the three (collectively known as speculative fiction). In its broadest sense, fantasy covers works by many writers, artists, and musicians, from ancient myths and legends, to many recent works embraced by a wide audience today. As with other forms of speculative fiction, actions and events in fantasy very often differ from those possible in consensus reality. In many cases, especially in older works of fantasy but in many modern works as well, this is explained by means of divine intervention, magic, or other supernatural forces. In other cases, most frequently in works of modern fantasy in the high fantasy subgenre, the story might take place in a fantasy world that is wholly different from our own, complete with distinct laws of nature that permit magic.Before you readNow lets go to page 11 to read first His Dark Materials and The Cat That Vanished.But first please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.His Dark Materialsby Philip PullmanHis Dark Materials is one of the greatest fantasy novels/ ever written. The story takes place/ in several different worlds. The heroine is a young girl/ called/ Lyra/ and the hero is a boy/ called/ Will. In the first book, Lyras scientist father makes it possible/ to enter other worlds. The children have many extraordinary adventures/ in these different worlds, and play an important part/ in a war/ that could destroy the universe. Its an exciting novel/ with witches, talking bears, and other strange creatures. It is also very philosophical, with ideas/ that both adults and children will enjoy.The Cat That vanishedAt this time of night/ there was very little traffic,and the road/ where he stood/ was quiet,with comfortable houses,and trees/ along both sides of the roadWill was so tired that he could not think clearly/ but as he stood trying to decide what to do,he saw a catShe came out of a garden/ to where Will was standingPutting down his shopping bag,Will held out his hand, and the cat came up/ to him. Then/ she turned away/ and went across the road,towards the bushes/ just past the trees,and/ there/ she stoppedStill watching,Will saw the cat behave strangely. She put out a paw/ to pat something/ in the air/ in front of her, something/ that was invisible/ to WillThen/ she leapt back,with her tail/ held upWill knew cat behaviour and watched more carefully. The cat approached the place/ again, just an empty patch of grass/ between the trees and the bushes,and patted the air/ once more.Again/ she leapt back,but less far/ and with less fear/ this timeAfter another few seconds,the cat stepped forward,and vanishedWill blinkedThen/ he stood still,close to the nearest tree, as a truck passed by. When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes/ on the place/ where the cat had vanished. It wasnt easy, because there was nothing to really see, but/ when he came to the place/ and looked more closely, he saw it.But/ he could only see it/ from some positions. It looked as if someone had cut a patch/ out of the air, about two metres/ from the edge of the road. The patch was almost square/ in shape/ and less than a metre across. From most positions,It was nearly invisible,and it was completely invisible/ from behindYou could only see it/ from the side/ nearest the road,and/ you couldnt see it easily/ even from there. On the other side of the patch was exactly the same thing/ that was on this side: a patch of grass.But/ Will knew/ without any doubt/ that/ that patch of grass /on the other side/ was in a different world.He couldnt possibly have said why. He knew it/ as strongly as he knew that/ fire burned/ and kindness was good. He was looking at something/ that was very alien.And/ for that reason only, he bent down and looked through. What he saw/ frightened him, but/ he didnt hesitate. Pushing his shopping bag through, he climbed through the hole/ in the walls of this world/ and into another.He was standing/ under a line of tall trees. Like the trees/ in his own town, they grew/ in a line/ along the road. But this was the centre of a wide road, and at the side of the road/ was a line of cafes/ and small shops, all completely silent and empty/ under a dark sky. The hot night had the scent of flowers/ and the salt smell of the sea.Will looked around carefully. Behind him/ the moon shone down/ over green hills, and/ on the slopes of these hills/ there were houses/ with rich gardens/ and an open park.Just beside him/ was that patch/ in the air. It was as difficult to see/ from this side as from the other, but definitely thereBending to look through, he saw the road /in his own town, his own world. He turned quickly away. Although he knew nothing/ at all/ about this world, it had to be better than the life/ he had just left. Feeling that/ he was dreaming/ but awake/ at the same time, he stood up /and looked around/ for the cat, his guide.While you readWhile reading try to cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, underline the useful expressions and darken the connectives.After you readCopy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.Useful expressions fromHis Dark Materialsby Philip Pullmanone of the greatest fantasy novels ever written, take place in several different worlds, a young girl called, in the first book, enter other worlds, have many extraordinary adventures, play an important part in, destroy the universe, an exciting novelUseful expressions from The Cat That vanishedat this time of night, very little traffic,comfortable houses,, along both sides of, think clearly, come out of a garden, put down, hold out, come up to, turn away, go across, behave strangely, put out, patin the air, in front of her,be invisible to, leap back,watch carefully, approachagain, an empty patch of, with less fear, this time, step forward,stand still,close to, pass by, cross the road, keep ones eyes on, see from some positions, cutout of , about two metres from, square in shape, a metre across, invisible from behind, see from the side nearest,on the other side of, a patch of, know without any doubt that, in a different world, know as strongly as, for that reason only, bend down, look through, pushthrough, climb through the hole in the walls, stand under a line of tall trees, in a line, along the road, the centre of a wide road, at the side of , under a dark sky, hot night, have the scent of flowers, look around carefully, shine down over, houses with rich gardens and an open park, look through, turn quickly away, know nothing at all about, dream but awake at the same timel Reading the text again to fill in the necessary informationThe Cat That vanishedWhat did Will see one night?Will saw a catWhere did the cat stop?A cat stopped where Will was standingHow did Will see the cat behave?Will saw the cat behave strangely. What did the cat do then?The cat stepped forward,and vanishedWhat did Will do then?Will looked more closely, he saw it.Where could Will see it?Will could only see it from a patch of grass.What did Will know about that patch of grass?Will knew that patch of grass was in a different world.What was Will looking at?He was looking at something that was very alien.What did Will do then?He climbed through the hole in the walls of this world and into another.Where was Will standing? He was standing under a line of tall trees. What did Will do then?Will looked around carefully. What was beside him in the air?Just beside him was that patch in the air. What did Will do then?Feeling that he was dreaming but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide.l Closing down by reading about “The Cat That Vanished”The Subtle Knife is the second part of the trilogy that began with The Golden Compass. That first book was set in a world like ours, but different. This book begins in our own world. * * * * * In The Subtle Knife, readers are introduced to Will Parry, a young boy living in modern-day Oxford, England. Will is only twelve years old, but he bears the responsibilities of an adult. Following the disappearance of his explorer-father, John Parry, during an expedition in the North, Will became parent, provider and protector to his frail, confused mother. And its in protecting her that he becomes a murderer, too: he accidentally kills a man who breaks into their home to steal valuable letters written by John Parry. After placing his mother in the care of a kind friend, Will takes those letters and sets off to discover the truth about his father. Will does indeed make an astonishing discovery, but its not about his father. Along a busy road, he happens upon an extraordinary window in the air. Almost invisible to the eye, it opens into an entirely different world. Anxious to remain hidden, Will ventures through this window into the shimmering, haunted city of Cittgazze, where he meets Lyra Belacqua and her dmon, Pantalaimon, who have also wandered into Cittgazze from yet another world while searching for the answers behind Dust. Aside from Will and his new companions, this city is eerie, empty and silent. The people have fled to the hills to escape the Specters, phantom-like beings that feed on the consciousness of grown-ups, leaving them zombie-like and void forever after. Only the children, who are safe from the Specters, venture out to scavenge for food. Although safe in Cittgazze, the two pass through the window to Wills Oxford knowing that answers to their questions lie therein. Will inquires about his fathers expedition to the North and learns that it included a study of atmospheric particles. And meanwhile, Lyra seeks out a scholar who can tell her more about Dust. The scholar Lyra finds is a certain scientist named Dr. Mary Malone, a member of the Dark Matter Research Unit, who has discovered the existence of Shadows, the very same mysterious entity as the Dust of Lyras world. But even more startling is that Mary Malone has found that in these Shadows, or Dark Matter, or Dust, there is consciousness. These particles are conscious, and their awareness is what powers Lyras alethiometer, and what surrounds all human thought and matter. Mary Malones next task is to find a way to communicate with these particles, for they will tell her about the vital role she plays in the fate of the universe. When Lyra and Will return to Cittgazze, Will reads the letters his father wrote during his final expedition in the North, and he learns that his father knew about the windows between worlds. His father planned to travel through a window to explore another world - just as Will had done himself. For Will, this was finally something both father and son could share, but more importantly, it meant that his father could be alive. Had he ventured through that window, John Parry could be worlds away, but somewhere he was alive. And Will resolves to find him. Lyra, meanwhile, pays a second visit to Dr. Mary Malone, and this time there are authorities waiting to question Lyra about her interest in Shadow particles and Dark Matter. She inadvertently reveals her involvement with Will, immediately flees the lab, and runs straight into Sir Charles Latrom, a deceiving man who has seen Lyra work the alethiometer and realizes its value. Flustered by her escape from the lab, Lyra discovers too late that Sir Charles has stolen her alethiometer. When Will and Lyra try to get it back, they learn its ransom: a certain knife located in the high tower of Cittgazze. The two young friends enter the tower together and climb to the very top, where Will faces a ferocious fight for the knife. Will ultimately triumphs, making him the rightful bearer of the knife. This is the Subtle Knife, and it is an object of extraordinary and devastating power. There is nothing sharper or more deadly, and its bearer is capable of cutting entries into countless other worlds. Armed with the subtle knife, Will and Lyra retrieve her alethiometer by outsmarting Sir Charles, who they discover has been conspiring with Lyras own mother, Mrs. Coulter. With knife and alethiometer in hand, Will and Lyra return to Cittgazze to resume the search for Wills father. In the meantime, Lyras old friend, Lee Scoresby, the Texan aeronaut, has located a certain explorer, Stanislaus Grumman, a man with a legendary following. Grumman was a renowned explorer from the far North immersed in investigating Dust. He is rumored to have the most unusual osprey daemon, and it was said that he once rejected the love of a witch. Now a shaman, his tribal Tartar name is Jopari, a.k.a. John Parry. He is Wills very own father. While on his last expedition, John Parry stumbled through a window into another world. He found himself in the world of Specters, witnessed their horror, and fled into yet another world. Unable to find his way back to the window that led to home, he adopted the persona of Stanislaus Grumman and endeavored to learn everything he could about this Dust and its impact on the universe. Most importantly, Grumman learned of the subtle knife and the critical role its bearer plays in the fate of the entire universe. Grummans task, with the help of Lee Scoresby, is to find the bearer of the subtle knife and inform him of the road that lies ahead. What neither Will nor Grumman realizes is that this ultimate meeting is not between knife bearer and shaman, but rather between father and son. High on a mountaintop in the total blackness of the night, Will encounters Grumman who tells Will that he, with his knife, stands in the balance between the forces of Good and Evil and that his destiny lies in finding Lord Asriel. Curious to see this knife bearers face, Grumman lights a match and the moment of light is enough for each to realize whom he is facing. In the next instant, Wills father is killed by the scorned witch, intent on revenge, and once again, Will loses the father hes never known. Will climbs down from the mountain to return to Lyra, but instead finds two angels awaiting him. Lyra is gone; her alethiometer remains behind. Clearly, she has been taken away against her will. Friendless, fatherless and confused, Will has yet another journey ahead of him, a journey that will finally fulfill his destiny and reveal the secret of Dust. Additional MaterialsComplete the article with one word in each blank:At this _1_ of night when there was very little traffic,Will _2_ out of his comfortable houses _3_ walked along the side of the street. He tried to think _4_, but he couldnt. Suddenly he saw a cat coming out of a garden, patting one of his _5_ the air, and disappeared in a patch out of the air.Will crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the _6_ where the cat had vanished. All of a _7_ Will got to know without any _8_ that the cat had gone to a different world.He climbed through the hole in the walls, and _9_ himself standing under a line of tall trees _10_ a different world.Will thought that he was dreaming but awake at the same time. (key: 1.time 2. came 3. and 4. clearly5. paws 6. place 7.sudden 8.doubt 9. found 10. in )1. SAnswer the reading comprehension questions:1. What does patch mean in the text?A. A dressing or covering applied to protect a wound or sore.B. A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye.C. A small piece, part, or section, especially that which differs from or contrasts with the whole: a patch of thin ice; patches of sunlight.D. A small plot or piece of land, especially one that produces or is used for growing specific vegetation: a briar patch; a bean patch.2. The word “alien” in the passage means: _A. Owing political allegiance to another country or government; foreign: alien residents.B. Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange. See Synonyms at foreign.C. Dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed, as in nature: emotions alien to her temperament.D. Mysterious, and strange in appearance.3. Which of the followings is not mentioned in the passage?A. Will was so tired that he could not think clearly but as he stood trying to decide what to do,he saw a catB. Putting down his shopping bag,Will held out his hand, and the cat came up to him. C. Still watching,Will saw the cat behave strangely. D. Will knew someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road. 4. The cat that vanished is Wills _.A. guide B. pet C. teacher D. servant (Keys: ABDA)111


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