外研版高二英语 Book 5 Module 5 Reading 课件

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Sport Business DreamConsolidation:Lining was called the_. He won _ gold medals in major competitions and was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the _ century. He retired with the feeling that_. After he retired, he _ a new brand of sportswear His products were popular in the national and _market for their_ designs and lower prices. His dream was to open a school for gymnasts to help them to_.His work does not_, but _, because anything_.prince of gymnasts10620th he had launchedinternationalattractive achieve finishstartis possibletheir ambitionsfailed Whats the meaning of the last sentence “if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible.”?Another way of understandingA. Anything is more difficult for an ordinary sportsman.B. If you have the spirit of a great sportsperson, theres nothing that you cant do well.C. Only great sportsperson can do everything well.i it f a great sportsperson Anything is possible! Li Ningable creativesuccessfulstrong-willedhard-workingdevotedselfless ambitiousCan you think of more words to describe Li Ning? Discussion(1) Discussion(2)What can we learn from Li Ning? Work hard to succeed.before they are easy.Nothing is difficult if you put your mind into it.Great hopes make great man. Help Others, help Yourself. Never give up !Believe in ourselves. Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each one of us is able to do something well and that we must work until we succeed. - From Marie Curie launch vt. & n. 1 ) 发 动 , 开 始 进 行 start launch a campaign / an attack2 ) 推 出 , 发 行 ( 产 品 ) make sth available for sale launch a new book/ a new brand3 ) 发 射 send up launch a satellite/ a rocket4 ) 使 船 下 水 put into water launch a ship5 ) The launch of the rocket/new book 1. When he retired at the age of 26 , he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.2.But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.3. He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear , competing with global giants .4. The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase.5. They had a major advantage over their better-known rivals-they were cheaper .Important sentences 6. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in LiNing tracksuits with the familiar logo.7. Li Nings goal when he retired was not to make money .8. Since then , he has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions.But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, LiNing retired with the feeling that he had failed.Translate the sentence 1 . But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life.a sense of humorresponsibilitydirectiontime决心干某事:be determined to do sthmake up ones mind to do sthmake ones decision to do sthIt was/is + 强 调 部 分 +that/who + 剩 余 部 分 It was your attitude that made me angry.Why was it that you came so late? 比 较 : 1 . It was you that/ who made me angry. It was clear who the winner would be as soon as the race started.2 . It was at nine oclock that I arrived at the airport. It was nine oclock when I arrived at the airport1 . It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _ benefits our works most. A. who B. which C. that D. what 2 . The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase.有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增长。= _young people had money to spend. More and moreAn increasing number of 3 . If you go into a school or university anywhere, _you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. The chances are (that) =It is likelypossible that There is a possibility that有可能1 . Is there a chance or slim possibility that our team won the champion? 我们队能否赢得冠军? the chances are2. 你 可 能 不 用 付 钱 。Chances are that you wont have to pay.Theres a (good/slight/slim) chance (that). seize/ grasp a chance take a chance/ take chances by chance / by accident 有可能抓住机会冒险,碰运气偶然


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