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2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Consumers and producers obviously make decisions that mold the company, but there is a third major(1)to consider the role of government.Government has a powerful(2)on the economy in at least four ways:Direct Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system(3)the entire nation, as is the large and complex establishment. Conversely the construction and(4)of most highways the responsibility of the individual states, and the public educational systems,(5)a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily(6)for by county or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation (7)are also the responsibility of local government.Regulation and Control. The government regulates and controls private(8)in many ways, for the(9)of assuring that business serves the best(10)of the people as a whole. Regulation is necessary in areas where private enterprise is granted a(11), such as in telephone or electric service. Public policy permits such companies to make a reasonable(12), but limits their ability to raise prices(13), since the public depends on their services. Often control is(14)to protect the public, as for example, when the Food and Drug Administration bans harmful drugs, or requires standards of(15)in food. In other industries, government sets guidelines to ensure fair competition without using direct control.Stabilization and Growth. Branches of government, including congress and such entities as the Federal Reserve Board, attempt to control the extremes of boom and bust, of inflation and depression, by(16) tax rates, the money supply, and the use of credit. They can also(17)economy through changes in the amount of public spending by the government itself.Direct Assistance. The government provides many kinds of help to business and individuals. For example, tariffs(18)certain products to remain relatively free of foreign competition; imports are sometimes taxed so that American products are able to(19)better with certain foreign goods. In quite a different area, government supports individuals who cannot adequately care for themselves, by making(20)to working parents with dependent children, by providing medical care for the aged and the indigent, and through social welfare system.问题1选项A.economyB.equipmentC.evolutionD.element问题2选项A.elevationB.emotionC.effectD.influence问题3选项A.spreadingB.servingC.savingD.surviving问题4选项A.resemblanceB.dependenceC.consonanceD.maintenance问题5选项A.forB.despiteC.asD.with问题6选项A.bracketingB.bracketedC.paidD.paying问题7选项A.servicesB.budgetsC.functionsD.sections问题8选项A.affairsB.materialsC.propertyD.enterprises问题9选项A.assertionB.purposeC.suppositionD.assumption问题10选项A.profitsB.interestsC.benefitsD.welfare问题11选项A.monopolyB.controlC.leaderD.principal问题12选项A.proximityB.prospectC.progressD.profit问题13选项A.fairlyB.unfairlyC.justD.unjust问题14选项A.exercisedB.practicedC.experiencedD.promoted问题15选项A.qualityB.quantityC.fragmentD.segment问题16选项A.applaudingB.assessingC.ascendingD.adjusting问题17选项A.accommodateB.adhereC.affectD.account问题18选项A.allow forB.requireC.permitD.make问题19选项A.compensateB.confrontC.completeD.compete问题20选项A.helpB.grantsC.supportD.assistance【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:B第6题:C第7题:A第8题:D第9题:B第10题:B第11题:A第12题:D第13题:B第14题:A第15题:A第16题:D第17题:C第18题:C第19题:D第20题:B【解析】第1题:【选项释义】A. economy 经济 B. equipment 装备C. evolution 进化 D. element 因素【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所在部分的语义为“第三个要考虑的主要_是政府的作用”,前文提到“消费者和生产者做出的决定塑造了公司”,其中“消费者的决定”和“生产者的决定”是塑造公司的两个因素,因此,D选项element“因素”最符合原文语义衔接。政府的作用是第三个需要考虑的因素。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】显然,消费者和生产者做出的决定塑造了公司,但还有第三个主要因素需要考虑,即政府的作用。第2题:【选项释义】A. elevation 提升;海拔 B. emotion 情绪C. effect 影响 D. influence 影响【答案】C【考查点】语义衔接与名词辨析【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“政府对经济的强大_至少体现在四个方面”,前文提到“需要考虑政府的作用”,因此,本句讲的是“政府对经济的作用或影响”,C选项effect“影响”最符合原文语义衔接。Effect“影响”,侧重于指事物的变化产生的结果、效果等,一般是短期的、直接的。【干扰项排除】A选项elevation“提升;海拔”,不符合原文语义衔接;B选项emotion“情绪”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项influence“影响”,侧重于指潜移默化的、长期的、深刻的影响,对被影响者产生一时难以改变的结果,如父母对孩子的影响。政府对经济的影响应该是直接的,effect更符合语义衔接。【句意】政府对经济的强大影响至少体现在四个方面。第3题:【选项释义】A. spreading 传播;铺开 B. serving 服务C. saving 节省 D. surviving 存活【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格所在部分语义为“例如,邮政系统是一个为全国_的联邦系统”,前文提到,本段所说的政府的作用是“直接服务(Direct Services)”,此处是指邮政系统是为全国提供服务的联邦系统,B选项serving“服务”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项为serve的形近词,但不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】邮政系统是一个为全国服务的联邦系统。第4题:【选项释义】A. resemblance 相似 B. dependence 依靠C. consonance 协调 D. maintenance 维护【答案】D【考查点】句间逻辑【解题思路】空格部分的语义为“大多数公路的建设和(and)_”空格处所填词与“公路的建设”之间是并列关系,因此,空格处所填词应与“公路建设”是同类词,D选项maintenance“维护”最符合原文语义逻辑,公路的建设和维护并列。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原句语义逻辑。【句意】大多数高速公路的建设和维护由各州负责。第5题:【选项释义】A. for 为了 B. despite 尽管C. as 作为 D. with 和一起【答案】B【考查点】句间逻辑【解题思路】空格所在部分语义为“_联邦政府扮演的重要的资助角色”,该句主干部分提到“公共教育系统主要是由县或市政府_26_”,“联邦政府的重要作用”与“县或市政府的主要作用”之间存在让步转折关系,B选项despite“尽管”最符合原文语义逻辑,尽管联邦政府也扮演着重要的资助角色,公共教育系统主要还是由县或市政府资助的。【干扰项排除】A选项for“为了”,不符合原文句中逻辑;C选项as“作为”,不符合原文句中逻辑;D选项with“和一起”,用with的话,显得联邦政府的作用不那么重要,但是原文中a large funding role说明作者也承认联邦政府的重要作用,despite表示的让步转折关系更符合原文句间逻辑。【句意】尽管联邦政府在公共教育系统中扮演着重要的资助角色,但公共教育系统主要由县或市政府_26_。第6题:【选项释义】A. bracketing 用括弧括上;把等同考虑(动词现在分词) B. bracketed 用括弧括上;把等同考虑(动词过去分词)C. paid 付款(动词过去分词) D. paying 付款(动词现在分词)【答案】C【考查点】语义衔接与时态【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“尽管联邦政府在公共教育系统中扮演着重要的资助(funding)角色,但公共教育系统主要由县或市政府_26_。”由前文“资助(funding)”可知,“付款”最符合原文语义衔接。Pay for“为付款”,本句的主语为“公共教育系统”,后文使用了by引出付款方“县或市政府”,因此,此处应该使用被动语态,其基本形式为“be动词+done(动词的过去分词)”,因此C选项paid“付款”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项bracketing“用括弧括上;把等同考虑”,不符合原文语义衔接;B选项bracketed“用括弧括上;把等同考虑”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项paying“”付款”,动词形式不正确。【句意】尽管联邦政府在公共教育系统中扮演着重要的资助角色,但主要还是由县或市政府付款。第7题:【选项释义】A. services 服务 B. budgets 财政预算C. functions 功能 D. sections 部分【答案】A【考查点】句间逻辑【解题思路】空格所在句的语义为“警察、消防(Police and fire protection)和公共卫生_(and sanitation _27_)也是地方政府的责任。”由and可知,“公共卫生_”与前两者“警察、消防”为并列关系,属于同类词,因此,A选项services“服务”,公共卫生服务,最符合原文句间逻辑。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原文语义逻辑。【句意】警察、消防和公共卫生服务也是地方政府的责任。第8题:【选项释义】A. affairs 事件 B. materials 材料C. property 财产 D. enterprises 企业【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所在句的语义为“政府在许多方面规范和控制私人_”。首先,由原文第一段可知,本文主要讲的是政府的作用对公司的影响;其次,由本段第一句可知,本段主要讲的是“政府对经济的调控”,所以,D选项enterprises“企业”,“政府在许多方面调节和控制私人企业”最符合原文语义衔接。另外,本段第三句提到“在私营企业(private enterprise)被授予_31_的领域,如在电话或电力服务领域,监管是必要的”时,使用了private enterprise。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】政府在许多方面规范和控制私人企业。第9题:【选项释义】A. assertion 断言 B. purpose 目的C. supposition 推测 D. assumption 假设【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】前文提到“政府在许多方面调节和控制私人企业”,后文提到“确保商业服务于全体人民的最佳_”,根据语义,后者应为前者的目的,B选项purpose“目的”符合原文语义衔接,for the purpose of“为了目的”。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】政府在许多方面规范和控制私营企业,以确保商业服务于全体人民的_30_。第10题:【选项释义】A. profits 利润;好处 B. interests 利益C. benefits 益处 D. welfare 福祉【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】空格处所在部分的语义为“以确保企业服务于全体人民的最大_(the best _ of the people)”,根据语义推测,此处指的是“为了人民的最大利益”;原文空格后搭配的介词为of,B选项interests“利益”,最符合原文要求,其常用搭配为:in the interests of sth,表示某人或某事的利益时,其后使用的介词是of。【干扰项排除】A选项profits“利润;好处”,侧重于指金钱上的利润收益,其常用搭配为: on sth/ from sth;profit表示“好处”时,为不可数名词;C选项benefits“益处”,侧重于指某事的优势或益处,the benefits of sth“某事的益处”,表示使某人受益,应该使用介词to,be of benefit to sb或者to ones benefit;D选项welfare“福祉”,侧重于指健康、舒适、幸福等福祉,而原文指的是经济方面的,不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】政府以多种方式管理和控制私营企业,以确保企业服务于全体人民的最大利益。第11题:【选项释义】A. monopoly 垄断企业 B. control 控制C. leader 领导 D. principal 校长【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“在私营企业被授予_(is granted a _)的领域,比如电话或电力服务领域,监管是必要的。”空格前有冠词a,说明所填名词为可数名词,A选项monopoly“垄断企业”最符合原文语义衔接,在电话或电力服务领域,私营企业被允许拥有垄断地位,是垄断企业。【干扰项排除】B选项control“控制”,不可数名词,且不符合原文语义衔接;C选项leader“领导”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项principal“校长”,不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】在私营企业被授予垄断地位的领域,比如电话或电力服务领域,监管是必要的。第12题:【选项释义】A. proximity 接近,不可数名词 B. prospect 前景C. progress 进步,不可数名词 D. profit 利润,可数名词【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接与固定搭配【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“公共政策允许这些公司产生合理的_(make a reasonable _32_),但是限制了它们_33_提高价格(raise prices)的能力,因为公众依赖它们的服务。”由后文“提高价格(raise prices)”可知,本句讲的是与钱有关的内容,D选项profit“利润,可数名词”最符合原文语义衔接,make a profit为固定搭配,意为“获利;赚钱”。【干扰项排除】A选项proximity“接近,不可数名词”,与冠词a不搭配,且不符合原文语义衔接;B选项prospect“前景”,不符合原文语义衔接;C选项progress“进步,不可数名词”,与冠词a不搭配,且不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】公共政策允许这些公司获得合理利润。第13题:【选项释义】A. fairly 公正地 adv. B. unfairly 不公平地 adv.C. just 公正的 adj.;正好 adv. D. unjust 不公正的 adj.【答案】B【考查点】语义衔接与近义词辨析【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“公共政策允许这些公司获得合理(reasonable)利润,但是限制了它们_提高价格(raise prices)的能力,因为公众依赖它们的服务。”首先,空格处所填词修饰的是动词短语“提高价格(raise prices)”,所以应填入一个副词;其次,根据前文“获得合理(reasonable)利润”可知,空格部分表示的是“不公平地提高价格”,因此,B选项unfairly“不公平地 adv.”符合原文要求。【干扰项排除】A选项fairly“公正地 adv.”,不符合原文语义衔接;C选项just“公正的 adj.”,词性不符;作副词时,意为“正好”,语义不符;D选项unjust“不公正的 adj.”,词性不符。【句意】公共政策允许这些公司获得合理利润,但限制了它们不公平提价的能力,因为公众依赖它们的服务。第14题:【选项释义】A. exercised 行使(某种权利) B. practiced 训练C. experienced 经历;感受 D. promoted 推动;提升【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格所在部分的语义为“通常_政府的控制(control is _34_)是为了保护公众”,根据后文“例如食品和药物管理局禁止有害药物”可知,此处指的是政府对企业的管控,A选项exercised“行使(某种权利)”最符合原文语义衔接,指的是政府行使对企业的控制权。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】控制通常是为了保护公众。第15题:【选项释义】A. quality 质量 B. quantity 数量C. fragment 碎片 D. segment 部分【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格部分的语义为“美国食品和药物管理局禁止有害药物,或者要求食品的_标准”,“要求食品的_标准”与“禁止有害药物”并列,A选项quality“质量”最符合原文语义衔接,指对食品的质量标准有要求。【干扰项排除】B选项quantity“数量”,是quality的形近词,但是不符合原文语义衔接;C选项fragment“碎片”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项segment“部分”,不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】食品和药物管理局禁止有害药品,或者要求食品达到质量标准。第16题:【选项释义】A. applauding 鼓掌;称赞 B. assessing 评估C. ascending 增长的 adj.;上升 v. D. adjusting 调整【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格所在句语义为“政府的分支机构,包括国会和诸如联邦储备委员会这样的部门,试图通过_税率(tax rates)、货币供应和信贷的发放,来控制极端的经济繁荣和经济萧条,或者通货膨胀和通货紧缩。”由语义可得,“_税率(tax rates)、货币供应和信贷的发放”是政府控制极端经济繁荣和经济萧条的措施,D选项adjusting“调整”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】政府的分支机构,包括国会和诸如联邦储备委员会这样的部门,试图通过调整税率、货币供应和信贷的发放,来控制极端的经济繁荣和经济萧条,或者通货膨胀和通货紧缩。第17题:【选项释义】A. accommodate 顺应;适应 B. adhere ( to)遵守;紧贴C. affect 影响 D. account 认为是【答案】C【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“他们也(also)可以通过政府本身的公共支出数额的变化_经济。”前文提到“政府控制(control)极端的经济繁荣和经济萧条,或者通货膨胀和通货紧缩”,根据本题所在句中的“也(also)”可知,空格处“_经济”与“控制(control)经济”语义相似,因此,C选项affect“影响”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】他们还可以通过政府本身的公共支出数额的变化来影响经济。第18题:【选项释义】A. allow for (在计划中)考虑到 B. require 要求C. permit 允许 D. make 使【答案】C【考查点】语义衔接与动词辨析【解题思路】本题所在句语义为“例如,关税_某些产品保持(to remain)相对来说不受外来的竞争”,前文提到“政府为企业和个人提供多种帮助”。根据语义可知,这种帮助是,“关税”让“某些产品”相对来说可以免于与外国的产品竞争,原句中“保持(to remain)”使用的是不定式,因此,C选项permit“允许”符合要求,其常用搭配为permit sb/sth to do sth。【干扰项排除】A选项allow for“(在计划中)考虑到”,不符合原文语义衔接;B选项require“要求”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项make“使”,其常用搭配为make sb/sth do sth,不符合原文。【句意】例如,关税允许某些产品,相对来说,免于与外国产品的竞争。第19题:【选项释义】A. compensate 补偿 B. confront 面对C. complete 完成 D. compete 竞争【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格所在句语义为“有时对进口商品征税,以便美国产品能够更好地与某些外国商品_。”前文提到“关税允许某些产品,相对来说,免于与外国产品的竞争(competition)”,由此可知,本题所在句讲的是本国产品与外国产品的竞争,D选项compete“竞争”最符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项,为compete的形近词,但不符合原文语义衔接。【句意】有时对进口商品征税,以便美国产品能更好地与某些外国产品竞争。第20题:【选项释义】A. help 帮助 B. grants 补助金C. support 帮助 D. assistance 帮助【答案】B【考查点】动宾搭配【解题思路】空格所在句语义为“政府支持那些不能充分照顾自己的人,方法是向有需要抚养孩子的工作父母_(making _40_ to)”根据语义推测和选项,此处指的是这些父母提供帮助或资金,原文空格所填词的搭配为“making _40_ to”,B选项grants“补助金”符合要求,指向这些人拨款。【干扰项排除】A选项help“帮助”,不符合原文搭配,其常用搭配为provide/offer help to sb.“提供帮助”;C选项support“支持”,不符合原文搭配,其常用搭配为provide/offer support to sb.“提供帮助”;D选项assistance“帮助”,不符合原文搭配,其常用搭配为provide/offer assistance to sb.“提供帮助”。【句意】政府通过向有需要抚养孩子的工作的父母提供补助。2. 单选题Khalidas father says shes 9 or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, the functionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birth dates. Khalida huddled at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador and headscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidas father has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have been doing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on the dusty southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmers ever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely go by: traffickers may prosper, but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money. “I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up my daughter,” says Shah.The familys heartbreak began when Shah borrowed $2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos of opium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a government crop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghman province and destroyed Shahs entire two and half acres of poppies. Unable to meet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital of neighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway and demanded his opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and begged for leniency. Instead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have to reimburse the traffickers by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the family can only wait for the 45-year-old drug runner to come back for his prize. Khalida wanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. “Its my fate” the child says.Afghans disparagingly (贬低的) call them “loan brides”daughters given in marriage by fathers who have no other way out of debt. The practice began with the dowry a bridegrooms family traditionally pays to the brides father in tribal Pashtun society. These days the amount ranges from $3, 000 or so in poorer places like Laghman and Nangarhar to $8, 000 or more in Helmand, Afghanistans No 1 opium-growing province. For a desperate farmer, that bride price can be salvationbut at a cruel cost. Among the Pashtun, debt marriage puts a lasting stain on the honor of the bride and her family. It brings shame on the country, too. President Hamid Karzai recently told the nation: “I call on the people (not to) give their daughters for money; they shouldnt give them to old men, and they shouldnt give them in forced marriage.All the same, local farmers say a man can get killed for failing to repay a loan. No one knows how many debt weddings take place in Afghanistan, where 93 percent of the worlds heroin and other opiates originate. But Afghans say the number of loan brides keeps rising as poppy-eradication efforts push farmers into default. “This will be our darkest year since 2000,” says Baz Mohammad, 65, a white-bearded former opium farmer in Nangarhar. “Even more daughters will be sold this year.” The old man lives with the anguish of selling his own 13-year-old daughter in 2000, after Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar banned poppy growing. “Lenders never show any mercy,” the old man says. Local farmers say more than one debtor has been bound hand and foot, then locked into a small windowless room with a smoldering fire, slowly choking to death.Efforts to promote other crops have failed. Wheat or corn brings $250 an acre at best, while poppy growers can expect 10 times that much. Besides, poppies are more dependable: hardier than either wheat or corn and more tolerant of drought and extreme heat and cold. And in a country with practically no government-funded credit for small farmers, opium growers can easily get advances on their crops. The borrower merely agrees to repay the cash with so many kilos, of opium at a price stipulated by the lenderoften 40 percent or more below market value. Islam forbids charging interest on a loan, but moneylenders in poppy country elude the ban by packaging the deal as a crop-future transactionand never mind that the rate of return is tantamount (相当于) to usury.1. The relationship between the first and second paragraph is that _.2. The farmer like to grow poppies in their countries NOT because _.3. In the last paragraph, the statement “.opium growers can easily get advances on their crops”, means _.4. The author adopts a(n) _ attitude towards Afghan society.5. What is mainly discussed in the passage?问题1选项A.both presents the actions taken by the Afghan governmentB.the second is the logical result of the firstC.the second offers the main reason of the firstD.each lists the problems that the family now are facing问题2选项A.poppies are more reliable and suitable to grow in this placeB.traffickers can make great money from the poppiesC.no government funded credit was offered for small farmersD.growing poppies can earn more money than other crops问题3选项A.the opium grower can easily get money in advance for their cropsB.the opium grower can easily get advanced technology for growing their cropsC.the opium grower can easily borrow money for growing their crops for no interestD.the opium grower can easily sell the crops in future transactions问题4选项A.mercifulB.disapprovingC.scornfulD.ambiguous问题5选项A.Afghan farmers.B.Afghan heroin production.C.Poverty in Afghanistan.D.Loan marriage in Afghanistan.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】第1题:【选项释义】The relationship between the first and second paragraph is that _. 第一段与第二段的关系是_。A. both presents the actions taken by the Afghan government A. 两者都是阿富汗政府采取的行动B. the second is the logical result of the first B. 第二段是第一段的逻辑结果C. the second offers the main reason of the first C. 第二段是第一段的主要原因D. each lists the problems that the family now are facing. D. 每一段都列出了阿富汗家庭面临的问题【答案】C【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干可知,本题询问的是原文第一、二两段的关系。第一段主要内容:卡丽达(Khalida)的父亲沙阿(Shah)为了种植唯一可靠的经济作物罂粟而不得不放弃自己的女儿;第二段主要内容:沙阿向当地的一名毒贩借了2000美元,并承诺在收获季节用24公斤鸦片偿还贷款,但是政府工作小组摧毁了沙阿整个2.5英亩的罂粟,沙阿无力偿还贷款,长老们一致裁定沙阿必须补偿毒贩,把卡利达嫁给他。由此可知,第二段是在解释第一段“沙阿不得不放弃自己女儿”的原因。C选项“第二段是第一段的主要原因”符合原文。【干扰项排除】A选项“两者都是阿富汗政府采取的行动”,第一段并没有提及阿富汗政府的行动,而第二段提到的阿富汗政府的行动也不是主要内容,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“第二段是第一段的逻辑结果”,根据原文逻辑,第二段应该是原因,该选项属于因果倒置;D选项“每一段都列出了阿富汗家庭面临的问题”,原文第一、二两段都是在介绍沙阿一家的遭遇,该选项将其扩大到“阿富汗家庭”,属于过度泛化;并且对于一、二段关系的描述不够具体。第2题:【选项释义】The farmer like to grow poppies in their countries NOT because _. 农民喜欢在他们的地里种植罂粟,不是因为_。A. poppies are more reliable and suitable to grow in this place A. 罂粟更可靠、更适合在这个地方生长B. traffickers can make great money from the poppies B. 贩毒者可以从罂粟中赚很多钱C. no government funded credit was offered for small farmers C. 没有为小农户提供政府资助的信贷D. growing poppies can earn more money than other crops D. 种植罂粟可以比其他作物赚更多的钱【答案】B【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词grow poppies定位到原文第五段。本题询问的是“哪一项不是农民喜欢种植罂粟的原因”。B选项“贩毒者可以从罂粟中赚很多钱”在原文中并未提及,符合题意。另外,本题询问的是关于“农民”的内容,而该选项回答的是“贩毒者”的情况,两者在逻辑上,也是说不通的。【干扰项排除】A选项“罂粟更可靠、更适合在这个地方生长”,可定位到本段第三句,该句提到“罂粟更可靠(poppies are more dependable):比小麦或玉米更耐旱,更耐高温,更耐寒”,由此可知,该选项是原因之一,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;C选项“没有为小农户提供政府资助的信贷”,可定位到本段第四句,该句提到“在一个小农户几乎没有政府资助信贷(no government-funded credit for small farmers)的国家,鸦片种植者可以很容易地获得作物预付款。”,由此可知,该选项是原因之一,不符合题意,属于反向干扰;D选项“种植罂粟可以比其他作物赚更多的钱”,可定位到本段第二句,该句提到“小麦或玉米每英亩最多能卖到250美元,而罂粟种植者的预期是这一数字的10倍(poppy growers can expect 10 times that much)”,由此可知,该选项是原因之一,不符合题意,属于反向干扰。第3题:【选项释义】In the last paragraph, the statement “.opium growers can easily get advances on their crops”, means _. 在最后一段,“鸦片种植者可以很容易地获得作物预付款”这句话的意思是_。A. the opium grower can easily get money in advance for their crops A. 鸦片种植者可以很容易地提前获得资金来种植作物B. the opium grower can easily get advanced technology for growing their crops B. 鸦片种植者可以很容易地得到先进的技术来种植他们的作物C. the opium grower can easily borrow money for growing their crops for no interest C. 鸦片种植者可以很容易地借到钱来种植他们的作物,并且没有利息D. the opium grower can easily sell the crops in future transactions D. 鸦片种植者可以很容易地在未来的交易中出售这些作物【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the last paragraph定位到原文最后一段,题干引用句为本段第四句“在一个小农户几乎没有政府资助信贷的国家,鸦片种植者可以很容易地获得作物预付款。”该句后文提到“借款方仅仅同意(merely agrees to repay the cas


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