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2022年考博英语-华东师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题We finally()the musician to entertain instead of the absent speaker.问题1选项A.descended uponB.prevailed uponC.weighed uponD.looked down upon【答案】B【解析】词组辨析题。descended upon突然降临、袭击;prevailed upon说服;weighed upon压于、使沉重;looked down upon看不起。句意:我们最后说服了那位音乐家来代替那位缺席的演讲者。选项B符合句意。2. 单选题Mr. Smith is supposed()for Italy last week.问题1选项A.to have leftB.having leftC.to leaveD.to be leaving【答案】A【解析】语法题。be supposed to do sth.为固定用法,意为应该做某事,所以首先排除选项B。选项A表示“已经离开”,选项C表示“准备离开”,选项D表示“正在离开”。根据句意:史密斯先生应该上个星期就已经离开去意大利了,选项A符合句意。3. 单选题The soil is part of the earth,()the atmosphere.问题1选项A.as it isB.the same isC.so isD.and so is【答案】D【解析】as it is实际上,事实上,既然如此;same常用搭配是the same as;选项C缺少连词,所以本题选项D。句意:土地是地球的一部分,大气也是。4. 单选题Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives? If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known to kill people. The hazards of drinking too much alcohol are as bad as or worse than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, lets pass a law closing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Lets put an end once and for all to the ruinous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently suffer alcoholism.But wait, weve already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933, there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down abolished by an amendment to the Constitution (the 18th) and by a law of Congress (the Volstead Act). After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manufacturing, selling, or transporting of “intoxicating liquor”. Without any more liquor, people could not drink it, and if they did not drink it, how could they get drunk? There would be no more dangers to the public welfare from drunkenness and alcoholism. It was all very logical. And yet prohibition of liquor, beer, and wine did not work. Why?Because, law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol. And they were willing to take risks of getting it. They were not about to change their tastes and habits just because of a change in the law. And gangs of liquor smugglers made it easy to buy an illegal drink. They smuggled millions of gallons of the outlawed beverages across the Canadian and Mexican boarders. Drinkers were lucky to know of an illegal bar that served Mexican or Canadian liquor. Crime and drunkenness were both supposed to decline as a result of prohibition; instead people drank more alcohol than ever often poisoned alcohol.On December 5, 1933, they repealed prohibition by ratifying the 21st Amendment to the Constitution.1.Which of the following was Not a characteristic reason for the proposal of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and the Volstead Act?2.During prohibition, illegal alcohol was()3.When enacting the prohibition laws, people ()4.When enacting the prohibition laws, government officials assumed that ()5.It can be inferred from the passage that ()问题1选项A.There would be no further danger to the public from alcoholism.B.There would be a rise in the cost of alcoholic beverages.C.Without liquor, people would not drink.D.People wouldnt become drunk or create a public nuisance.问题2选项A.sold openlyB.no longer a temptationC.a major factor in the passage of the Volstead ActD.brought across the Mexican and Canadian borders问题3选项A.lived in fear of the lawB.were willing to risk of arresting for the pleasure of liquorC.recklessly endangered their communitiesD.were respectful of the legal sanctions placed on them问题4选项A.every American would buy alcohol illegallyB.all criminal activities would ceaseC.patrols of the Canadian border would halt the sale of alcoholD.the social threat from drunkenness would decline问题5选项A.the Congress was wise to repeal prohibitionB.the prohibition was characterized by a decrease in crime and drunkennessC.during prohibition, most Americans stop drinkingD.laws should be passed to ban the sale of alcohol beverage【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据第二段的内容可知, 选项A、C、D在本段均有提及, 只有选项B没有提及。2.细节事实题。根据第三段的第五句“They smuggled millions of gallons of the outlawed beverages across the Canadian and Mexican boarders.”可知, 非法酒类是通过墨西哥及加拿大的边境走私而来的, 所以选项D符合原文。3.细节事实题。根据第三段的一二句“law or no law, millions of people still liked to drink alcohol. And they were willing to take risks of getting it.”选项B符合原文。4.细节事实题。根据第三段的最后一句“Crime and drunkenness were both supposed to decline as a result of prohibition;”禁酒的结果本应该是减少犯罪和酗酒。由此推断官员推行禁酒是希望酗酒对社会的威胁会有所下降, 选项D符合原文。5.判断推理题。根据第三段的最后一句“people drank more alcohol than ever often poisoned alcohol.”有了禁令之后, 人们喝得比以前更多了。因此在1933年12月5日废除了禁令, 这一做法是明智的, 选项A正确。5. 单选题A number of books like Reading Faces and Body Language have(1)the individuals tendency to broadcast things through all manner of(2)movement and facial gymnastics. Such matters, made widely familiar by pop sociology, anthropology and psychology, have become the stuff of common conversation. Michael KordasPower! How to Get It, How to Use It,is mainly a primer in how to(3)others by a cold-blooded control of(4)signals that occur commonly in the workaday world: for example, how executives signal their style of power(5)the clothes they choose and the way they(6)heir office furniture.(7)eyebrow. Involuntary, like leaning away from a salesperson to(9)a deal. Says Julius Fast in Body Language. “We rub our noses for puzzlement. We(10)our arms to(11)ourselves or to protect ourselves. We(12)our shoulders for indifference.” Any competent psychiatrist remains alert to the expressions by which a patients hidden emotions make(13)known. People even signal by the odors they(14), as Janet Hopson(15)in superfluous detail in Scent Signals: The Silent Language of Sex. Actually, it is impossible for an individual to(16)signaling other people; the person who mutely(17)human intercourse sends out an unmistakable signal in the form of utter silence.Sociologist Dane Arche calls reading such signals “social intelligence.” He said, “We must unshackle ourselves from the tendency to ignore silent behavior and to prefer words(18)everything else.” The evidence all over is that(19)people wander the earth through thickets of verbiages, many, perhaps most, do pay more attention to wordless signals and are more likely to be influenced and(20)by nonverbal messages.问题1选项A.concernedB.exploredC.indicatedD.written问题2选项A.bodyB.individualC.physicalD.visible问题3选项A.manipulateB.conveyC.communicateD.dominate问题4选项A.obviousB.acceptedC.nonverbalD.subtle问题5选项A.byB.ofC.inD.with问题6选项A.exhibitB.arrangeC.purchaseD.employ问题7选项A.UponB.InC.DuringD.At问题8选项A.elaboratedB.confinedC.revisedD.raised问题9选项A.embraceB.resistC.clutchD.extinguish问题10选项A.claspB.stretchC.arouseD.conceal问题11选项A.amuseB.fortifyC.isolateD.maintain问题12选项A.liftB.revertC.dedicateD.shrug问题13选项A.himB.themC.himselfD.themselves问题14选项A.spread outB.evoke outC.give offD.depend on问题15选项A.documentsB.preachesC.describesD.dramatizes问题16选项A.permeateB.avoidC.reckonD.ignore问题17选项A.guards againstB.restrains fromC.integrates withD.withdraws from问题18选项A.aboveB.overC.beyondD.upon问题19选项A.beforeB.thoughC.whileD.whether问题20选项A.fabricatedB.transformedC.apprehendedD.governed【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A第6题:B第7题:D第8题:D第9题:B第10题:A第11题:B第12题:D第13题:D第14题:C第15题:C第16题:B第17题:D第18题:B第19题:C第20题:B【解析】(1)根据原文, 许多书籍探索了个人传达事物的倾向。concerned关注, 一般主语为人, 不是物;explored探索, explore sth.有围绕某事物进行研究的意思, 符合句意; indicated暗示, 一般书的主题都是明确的, 不需要用暗示;written写作, 其主语也是人, 这里的主语是books, 所以不正确。(2)根据原文, 个人表达的倾向是通过各种形式的身体语言和面部表情来传达的。首先排除选项B和D, body movement指局部的肢体运动, 而physical movement指全身性的体育运动。所以选项A正确。(3)原文指这些书里说通过体语言和面部语言, 将我们所要表达的信息传达给别人。选项B符合原文。选项A和D都表示操控, 选项C一般后面接介词with。(4)根据上文提到的肢体语言和面部语言, 以及下文举例高管通过穿衣风格和办公司设备摆放来展现自己的风格, 可知这些信号是非语言的, 选项C符合原文。(5)根据原文可知这里指通过.的方式, 选项A正确。(6)摆放家具在此处用arrange最为合适。(7)at work/play为固定搭配。(8)elaborated详细说明, 复杂的;confined限制, 狭隘的;revised改进;raised抬起, 扬起。原文应该是指扬起眉毛, 选项D符合原文。(9)embrace拥抱, 信奉;resist抵抗, 抗拒;clutch抓住, 紧握;extinguish熄灭, 压制。根据前面的leaning away from a salesperson, 可知是拒绝这单生意, 选项B正确。(10)根据下文的保护自己可以推测, 我们应该是紧紧抱住自己的手臂。选项A正确。(11)根据原文, 我们紧紧抱住自己的手臂是为了 和保护自己。Fortify表增强, 加强, 还有设防于的意思, 和protect意思相近, 所以选项B符合原文。(12)shrug shoulders为常用搭配, 意为耸肩。(13)这里的a patient并不是指具体的某一个病人, 而是用冠词+名词单数形式, 表示对所有病人的统称, 所以应该用复数, 首先排除了选项A和C。根据上下文, 是病人自己的表情让医生知道了病人自己的隐藏情绪, 所以选D。(14)根据原文人们散发出的气味也是一种信号。气味散发用give off。spread out展开, 铺开;evoke out唤起;depend on依靠。(15)documents记载;preaches说教;describes描述;dramatizes使戏剧化。根据后面的in superfluous detail可知, 应该是详细的描述。选项C正确。(16)根据下文, 一个人如果沉默地不与人交往, 就会以完全沉默的形式发出一个明白无误的信号。说明即使他们不喜欢与人交往, 但还是不可避免的发出信号。选项B符合原文。(17)guards against防止, 提防;restrains from控制, 抑制;integrates with使.结合;withdraws from退出, 离开。根据后面“sends out an unmistakable signal in the form of utter silence”以完全沉默的形式发出一个明白无误的信号可知, 当他悄无声息的退出与人的交流的时候, 实际上是以沉默的形式发出信号。所以选项D符合原文。(18)根据原文我们要将自己从忽视沉默行为的倾向中解放出来, 不能将语言看得比其他东西更重要。over和beyond都有超过的意思, 但是beyond一般指抽象的概念, 和over有一个比较的对象, 所以选项B更符合原文。(19)根据原文, 当(尽管)人们漫步于地球上, 到处都是废话的情景, 许多人, 也许是大多数人, 的确更加关注无声的信号, 更有可能受到非言语信息的影响。while在这里指当.的时候, 也可以看做是引导让步状语从句。(20)fabricated制造, 组装;transformed转换, 改变;apprehended理解, 逮捕;governed管理, 支配。根据原文人们的确更加关注无声的信号, 更有可能受到非语言信息的影响和改变。6. 翻译题Put the following into English.十九世纪末, 中国开始举办师范教育。1949年中华人民共和国成立之后, 在各级政府的关心和支持下, 中国师范教育进入了前所未有的发展阶段。在科学技术迅猛发展的今天, 振兴经济的希望在教育, 教师队伍的数量和质量对教育发展具有决定性的影响。在中国这样一个拥有世界教师总量五分之一的庞大教师队伍 的国家,人民教师的地位和作用直接关系到教育事业乃至整个国家的发展。师范教育(teacher education)【答案】At the end of 19th century, the teacher education began in China. Since the foundation of Peoples Republic of China in 1949, it has undergone an unprecedented development thanks to solicitude and support of the central and local government With the rapid development of technology and science nowadays, education becomes vital to the growth of economy. Its development, however, is determined by the number an professional expertise of teachers. China owns one-fifth of the teachers of the whole world, and the development of the educational issues and even the whole country are directly affected by the status and function of the teachers.7. 单选题The relation of the sales tax to the problem of social balance is admirably direct. The community is rich in privately produced goods. It is poor in public services. The obvious solution is to tax the former to provide the latterby making private goods more expensive, The public goods are made more abundant. Motion pictures, electronic equipment, and cigarettes are made more costly so that schools can be more handsomely supported. We pay more for soap, make-ups, and vacuum cleaners in order that we may have cleaner cities and fewer occasions to use them. We have more expensive cars and gasoline so that we may have highways and streets on which to drive them. Food being comparatively cheap and abundant, we tax it in order to have better services and better health in which to enjoy it. This straightforward solution has the further advantage that sales taxation can be employed with fair efficiency by states and even by cities. It is in the services rendered by these governments that the problem of social balance is especially severe. The yield of the sales tax increases with increasing production. As wants are planned for private goods, more benefits are provided for public use. The general property tax, the principal alternative to the sales tax, is rigid and inflexible. Since its rates must ordinarily be raised for additional services, including those that are associated with increasing income and product, the burden of proving need is especially heavy. This tax is a poor servant of social balance.1.Which of the following is NOT true?2.The word handsomely (Line 5) means ( ).3.According to the author, the chief advantage of the sales tax is that it( ).4.The property tax is not regarded as an ideal solution to social needs because( ).5.The author of this passage is most interested in telling us about( ).问题1选项A.The property tax is difficult to collect.B.The sales tax can be easily increased.C.The sales tax has little or no social value.D.The community has abundant goods produced by private enterprises.问题2选项A.skillfullyB.generouslyC.earnestlyD.easily问题3选项A.is a direct means of achieving social balanceB.can be imposed by cities and statesC.is less effective than the property taxD.is applicable to wide areas问题4选项A.it must be changed by the House of RepresentativesB.it is not straightforward as is the sales taxC.it can be imposed by cities but not by statesD.its rise depends on increasing the need for additional services问题5选项A.the collection of the property taxB.the relation of taxes to the problem of social balanceC.the balance of public and private consumptionD.the sales tax as a social means【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.细节事实题。根据原文“The general property tax is rigid and inflexible.”可知选项A正确;根据原文“The yield of the sales tax increases with increasing production.”可知选项B符合原文;根据原文第一句“The relation of the sales tax to the problem of social balance is admirably direct.”可知选项C不正确;根据原文第二句“The community is rich in privately produced goods.”可知选项D正确,所以本题选C。2.词义题。根据原文“.by making private goods more expensive, the public goods are made more abundant. Motion pictures, electronic equipment, and cigarettes are made more costly so that schools can be more handsomely supported.”可知后面是对前面的论据列举的一个具体的例子。costly和expensive相对应,所以handsomely和abundant相对应。skillfully巧妙地, 精巧地;generously慷慨地, 大方地;earnestly认真地,诚挚地;easily容易地, 无疑地。只有选项B符合原文。3.判断推理题。根据原文可知,这种直截了当的解决方案还有一个更大的优势,那就是各州甚至城市都可以公平高效地征收销售税。正是在这些政府提供的服务中,社会平衡的问题特别严重。作者着重强调的是social balance,而不是政府的服务。所以选项A正确。4.细节事实题。根据原文倒数二三句“The general property tax, the principal alternative to the sales tax, is rigid and inflexible. Since its rates must ordinarily be raised for additional services,.”可知选项D符合原文。5.主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知本文主要是讲营业税对社会平衡的作用和影响,所以选项D更符合原文。8. 单选题Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed().问题1选项A.had producedB.would have producedC.have been producedD.had been produced【答案】D【解析】考查时态。句意:在1897年到1919年期间,至少有29部电影采用了假人进行拍摄。根据句意可知主谓之间应为被动语态,所以首先排除选项A和B;电影是在过去拍摄的,所以这里的时态应为完成时。选项D正确。9. 单选题The people were annoyed by the()supply of electricity and water in summer.问题1选项A.insufficientB.integralC.inferiorD.indispensable【答案】A【解析】词义辨析题。insufficient不足的;integral完整的;inferior等级低的;indispensable不重要的。句意:人们对夏天水电供应不足感到烦恼。选项A符合句意。10. 单选题It is ridiculous that we().问题1选项A.are short of water in a country where it is always rainingB.be short of water in a country where it is always rainingC.might be short of water in a country where it is always rainingD.could be short of water in a country where it is always raining【答案】B【解析】考査虚拟语气。It is/was+adj/n+that+主语+虚拟语气。that后面的从句用should+原形,其中should可省略,选项B就是省略了should的虚拟语气,所以选B。11. 单选题The Anti-Japanese War()in 1937.问题1选项A.was happenedB.broke outC.was brokenD.was broken out【答案】B【解析】语法题。break out和happen均属于不及物动词,没有被动形式。所以只有选项B正确。12. 单选题Earthquakes are natures crudest(1)on the poorest people who squat on the surface of the globe. The dreadful catastrophe in southwestern India will be(2)in the heart and(3)the conscience of the rest of the world for a long time(4). There is no way of preventing the tremors (震动)within the Earth(5)cause its surface to(6). And, for the time(7), there is no sure way of predicting(8). But, if earthquakes are(9)events, this is not true of the devastating(10)which have accompanied so many recent ones. The effect of a quake would be(11)inspection. But they are not, because earthquakes mainly happen in developing countries which cannot afford to(12)structures of the correct standard. In some earthquake-prone regions, like the Himalayas, deforestation(滥伐)has even robbed the inhabitants of the degree of natural(13)Most damage is(14)by the collapse of weak structures and the fires that(15)as a result. During the Egyptian earthquake of 1992 a large proportion of the(16)were killed by stamping when they panicked(17)18)had they known what to do. In Tokyo, people often dont take(19)notice of an earthquake because of the careful preparation and education(20)over years.问题1选项A.revengeB.attackC.grabD.clash问题2选项A.embeddedB.ignoredC.presentedD.distracted问题3选项A.inB.onC.withD.for问题4选项A.comingB.to be comingC.to have comeD.to come问题5选项A.whatB.whetherC.whichD.where问题6选项A.whisperB.vibrateC.slopeD.corrode问题7选项A.beingB.nowC.goingD.up问题8选项A.somethingB.themC.anyD.it问题9选项A.unaccountableB.unacceptableC.unavoidableD.unperceivable问题10选项A.expectationsB.nightmaresC.remnantsD.consequences问题11选项A.subject toB.accessible toC.available toD.opposed to问题12选项A.locateB.erectC.makeD.put问题13选项A.damageB.preservationC.destructionD.protection问题14选项A.relievedB.settledC.foundD.triggered问题15选项A.break upB.break downC.break outD.break into问题16选项A.criminalsB.followersC.believersD.victims问题17选项A.in case ofB.regardless ofC.in the wake ofD.in stead of问题18选项A.survivedB.savedC.livedD.moved问题19选项A.noB.muchC.littleD.some问题20选项A.taughtB.measuredC.imbuedD.integrated【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:B第9题:D第10题:D第11题:A第12题:B第13题:D第14题:D第15题:C第16题:D第17题:C第18题:A第19题:B第20题:C【解析】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTablemso-style-name:普通表格;mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-parent:;mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;mso-para-margin:0cm;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Times


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