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2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In North America, the first canoes were constructed from logs and( )by means of wooden paddles.问题1选项A.dockedB.propelledC.chokedD.perceived【答案】B【解析】dock使靠码头;propel推进, 驱使;choke阻塞, 抑制;perceive觉察, 感知。句意:在北美, 最早的独木舟是用原木建造的, 并由木桨推动前行。选项B符合语境。2. 单选题Why are mobiles so popular? Because people love to talk to each other. And it is easier with a mobile phone. In countries like Russia and China, people use tile mobile phone in places where there is no ordinary telephone. Business people, use mobiles when theyre traveling. In some countries, like Japan, many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail message and access the Internet. They use a new kind of mobile phone called “i-mode”. You can even use a mobile phone to listen to music.Mobile phones are very fashionable with teenagers. Parents buy mobile phones for their children. They can call borne home if they are in trouble and need help. So they feel safer. But teenagers mostly use them to keep in touch with their friends or play simple computer games. Its cool to be the owner of a small expensive mobile. Research shows that teenage owners of mobile phones smoke less. Parents and schools are happy that teenagers are safer and smoke less.But many people dislike them. They hate it when the businessman opposite them on the train has a loud conversation on his phone. Or when the mobile phone rings in a cafe or restaurant. But there is a much more serious problem. Its possible that the mobile phone can heat up the brain because we hold the phone so close to our head. Scientists fear that mobiles can perhaps be bad for your memory and even give you cancer.1. Mobiles are popular among people because _.2. It is stated in the passage that in Russia and China _.3. Parents buy mobile phones for their children because _.4. Why can mobile phones be a much more serious problem?5. Which of the following can be the titletile of this passage?问题1选项A.they think mobiles are funB.they believe mobiles are safeC.they love to listen to musicD.they feel it easier to talk to each other问题2选项A.ordinary telephone service is available everywhereB.people prefer mobile phones to ordinary telephonesC.mobiles are used in places without ordinary telephonesD.people use mobiles to send e-mails and access the internet问题3选项A.mobile phones are very fashionable with teenagersB.they can call home if they are in trouble and need helpC.they can use mobiles to play simple computer gamesD.mobile phones enable teenagers to give up smoking问题4选项A.Because people hate the businessmen using mobiles in public places.B.Because people feel their privacy unprotected in a cafe or restaurant.C.Because there is strong evidence for the problems of mobiles.D.Because the use of mobile phones can be physically harmful.问题5选项A.Why Are Mobiles So Popular?B.Mobiles-Useful or Useless?C.Mobiles-A Danger to Health?D.Why Do We Design Mobiles?【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。由题干可定位到文章第一段开头Why are mobiles so popular? Because people love to talk to each other. And it is easier with a mobile phone.(为什么手机如此受欢迎?因为人们喜欢互相交谈。而且用手机就容易多了。),由此可知手机受欢迎的原因是手机会让人们的交谈变得更容易,所以D选项“人们觉得交谈变得更容易”正确。A选项“人们认为手机很有趣”文章并未提及,属于无中生有;B选项“人们相信手机是安全的”,干扰源“safe”对应原文第二段开头,但此处讲的是父母给孩子买手机的原因,而不是手机受欢迎的原因,属于张冠李戴;C选项“人们喜欢听音乐”对应原文第一段段尾“You can even use a mobile phone to listen to music.”,但此处与题干问题无关,不是手机受欢迎的原因,属于出处错位。因此D选项正确。2.事实细节题。由题干可定位到文章第一段第四句In countries like Russia and China, people use mobile phones in places where there is no ordinary telephone.(在俄罗斯和中国这样的国家,人们在没有普通电话的地方使用手机。),所以C选项“手机是在没有普通电话的地方使用的”正确。A选项“一般的电话服务在任何地方都可以使用”和B选项“比起普通电话,人们更喜欢移动电话”文章都没有提到,属于无中生有;D选项“人们用手机发电子邮件和上网”对应文章第一段第六句In some countries, like Japan, many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail messages and access the Internet.(在一些国家,比如日本,很多人用手机发送电子邮件和上网。),但此处讲的是手机在日本的使用情况,而不是俄罗斯和中国,属于张冠李戴。因此C选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段开头Parents buy mobile phones for their children. They can call home if they are in trouble and need help.(父母为他们的孩子买手机。如果他们遇到麻烦或需要帮助,他们可以打电话回家。),所以B选项“如果他们遇到麻烦或需要帮助,他们可以打电话回家”正确。A选项“手机在青少年中很流行”对应第二段的第一句,但是正是因为越来越多的父母给孩子购买手机才使得手机在青少年中很流行,并不是因为手机流行父母才给孩子买手机,父母的出发点是为了孩子们的安全考虑,此处属于偷换概念;C选项“他们可以用手机玩简单的电脑游戏”对应文章第二段第五句But teenagers mostly use them to keep in touch with their friends or play simple computer games.(但青少年大多使用手机与朋友保持联系或玩简单的电脑游戏。),但此处与题干无关,不是父母给孩子购买手机的原因,属于出处错位;D选项“手机使青少年能够戒烟”对应第二段倒数第二句Research shows that teenage owners of mobile phones smoke less.(研究表明,拥有手机的青少年吸烟更少。),但此句讲的是拥有手机的青少年吸烟更少,并不是说手机能够使青少年戒烟,属于曲解原文。因此B选项正确。4.推理判断题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段But there is a much more serious problem. Its possible that mobile phone can heat up the brain because we hold the phone so close to our head. Scientists fear that mobiles can perhaps be bad for your memory and even give you cancer.(但还有一个更严重的问题。手机可能会让大脑发热,因为我们把手机拿得离头部太近了。科学家们担心,手机可能会损害你的记忆力,甚至会导致癌症。),由此可推断出更严重的问题是手机会影响人们的健康,所以D选项“因为使用移动电话可能对身体有害”正确。A选项“因为人们讨厌商人在公共场所使用手机”和B选项“因为人们觉得在咖啡馆或餐馆里没有隐私保护”对应文章最后一段的第一、二句“但是很多人不喜欢它们。他们讨厌在火车上对面的商人大声打电话,或者在咖啡馆或餐馆里手机响。”,但此处讲的是人们不喜欢手机的原因,并不是手机成为一个更严重问题的原因,所以A选项属于张冠李戴;并且这里也没有提到任何隐私问题,所以B选项属于无中生有;C选项“因为有强有力的证据证明手机的问题”文章没有提到,属于无中生有。因此D选项正确。5.主旨大意题。文章开头就提到了“Why are mobiles so popular?(为什么手机如此受欢迎?)”,由此可知文章接下来都是在谈手机受欢迎的原因,所以A选项“为什么手机如此受欢迎”正确。B选项“手机有用还是没用”,文章主要探讨的是手机受欢迎的原因,并不是手机的用处,属于无中生有;C选项“手机危害健康”,文章只在最后一段提到使用手机会对身体造成危害,并不能用来概括整篇文章,属于以偏概全;D选项“为什么要设计手机”文章并没有对设计手机的原因进行阐述,属于无中生有。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题The virus is usually blood-borne and may _ almost any organ in the body.问题1选项A.patronizeB.infectC.engraveD.enroll【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项patronize“屈尊对待;赞助”;B选项infect“感染”;C选项engrave“在上雕刻(字或图案)”;D选项enroll“注册”。句意:这种病毒通常是血液传播的,可以_几乎身体的任何器官。横线处和organ“器官”形成动宾关系,病毒感染身体,B选项infect“感染”符合题意。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题The chairman reminded the lecturer not to be carried away and ( )from the theme.问题1选项A.deviateB.escapeC.descendD.derail【答案】D【解析】deviate from为固定搭配, 意为“脱离, 偏离”。句意:主席提醒演讲者不要忘乎所以, 偏离主题。选项D符合句意。5. 单选题The fireman( )the baby and carried him out of the burning house.问题1选项A.caught upB.seized upC.snatched upD.held up【答案】C【解析】catch up赶上;seize up中止,失灵;snatch up夺取,抓起;hold up举起,阻挡。句意:消防队员一把抓起孩子,把他从着火的房子里抱了出来。选项C符合语境。6. 单选题The discussion has been unexpectedly going for three hours, and Im afraid they will ( ) it still longer.问题1选项A.extendB.lengthenC.stretchD.protract【答案】D【解析】extend延伸, 扩大;lengthen延长, 加长;stretch伸展, 延伸;protract(时间)延长。句意:讨论出乎意料地进行了三个小时, 恐怕他们会把时间拖得更长。只有选项D表示时间延长, 符合语境。7. 单选题One of the reasons for his popularity in our village is that he( )almost everyone every time when he comes back from the big city.问题1选项A.asks afterB.runs forC.brings upD.takes after【答案】A【解析】ask after探问, 问候;run for竞选;bring up提出;take after与相像。句意:他在我们村里受欢迎的原因之一是, 他几乎每次从大城市回来都会问候所有人。选项A符合语境。8. 单选题The complexity of popular culture is often overlooked in our society. People express concern about the social effects of popular culturefor example, the influence of television violence on children. Yet most people look down on the study of popular culture, as if it contains nothing of significance. This contradiction makes it difficult sometimes to investigate and discuss popular culture.As U.S. Americans, we are in a unique position in relationship to popular culture. Products of U.S. popular culture are well known and circulate widely on the international market. The popularly of U.S music stars, such as Michael Jackson and Madonna, and of Hollywood films and television shows creates an uneven flow of texts between the Unites States and other nations. Scholars Elihu Katz and Tamar Liebes noted the “apparent ease with which American television programs cross cultural and linguistic frontiers”. Indeed the phenomenon is so taken for granted that hardly any systematic research has been done to explain the reasons why these programs are so successful.In contrast, U.S. Americans are rarely exposed to popular culture from outside the United States. Exceptions to this largely one-way movement of popular culture include rock stars who sing in English. Consider how difficult it is to find foreign films or television programs throughout most of the United States. The apparent imbalance of cultural texts globally not only renders U.S Americans more dependent on U.S-produced popular culture, but it also can lead to cultural imperialism.The study of popular culture has become increasingly important in the communication field. Although intercultural communication scholars traditionally have overlooked popular culture, we believe that popular culture is a significant influence in intercultural interactions.1.“This contradiction” in paragraph 1 refers to the contradiction between ( ).2.According to the passage, one-way movement of popular culture may lead to( ).3.Implied but not stated:( ).4.Americans depend more on U.S-produced popular culture because( ).5.Which of the following best expresses the authors opinion on the study of popular culture?问题1选项A.peoples concern about the social effects of popular culture and the overlook of the study of popular culture.B.the complexity of popular culture and peoples concern about the social effects of popular culture.C.the complexity of popular culture and the overlook of the study of popular cultureD.the significance of popular culture and the study of popular culture.问题2选项A.cultural imperialismB.the popularity of rock stars who sing in EnglishC.the overlook of popular cultureD.the systematic research on popular culture问题3选项A.Popular programs have been overlookedB.Products of U.S popular culture are more widely spread in other nations than in the U.SC.Social effects of popular culture are of great importance.D.The reasons why U.S popular culture is globally successful have not been found问题4选项A.they dislike television programs of other nationsB.popular culture from outside the United States is hardly found on the American marketC.the study of popular culture is overlookedD.U.S. popular culture is well known in the world问题5选项A.Popular culture has made a global influence in intercultural communication.B.The imbalance of popular culture is harmful to Americans.C.Intercultural researchers should pay attention to the study of popular culture.D.The international marker should not be dominated by U.S. popular culture【答案】第1题:A第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据原文可知, “This contradiction”指的是上一句提到的人们表达了流行文化对社会影响的担忧例如, 电视暴力对儿童的影响。然而, 大多数人看不起流行文化的研究, 觉得它没有任何意义。所以选项A与原文相符。2.细节事实题。根据关键词“one-way movement”定位到第三段最后一句“The apparent imbalance of cultural texts globally not only renders U.S Americans more dependent on U.S-produced popular culture, but it also can lead to cultural imperialism.”可知, 选项A正确。3.推理判断题。此题可采用排除法。根据第二段的内容可知, 选项A表述错误;选项B在文中并没有相关的信息表明;选项D是原文内容;所以只有选项C正确。4.细节事实题。根据第三段第三句“Consider how difficult it is to find foreign films or television programs throughout most of the United States.”可知, 在美国大部分地区很难找到外国电影或电视节目。选项B符合原文。5.主旨大意题。根据最后一段的内容可知, 作者认为流行文化在跨文化交际中有着重要的影响。选项A符合原文。9. 翻译题 A lot of the foreigners who come to Beijing arrive with anxiety, thinking that the Chinese are distant. But I think they are very affable, much like the Spanish. Sure, they speak a different language, have their own values and codes of behavior but I do not agree with the view that they are very stand-offish. One just has to make an effort to connect and never prejudge.Has China changed me as a person? Well, I wouldnt remember how I was before because I was so young and 30 years is a long time. But I suppose coming here opened my eyes to a lot of things. From the Chinese I learnt to persevere and to have no limits for effort and work. Ive been infected by that. But I also learnt the relativity of things: nothing is completely and absolutely good and nothing is completely and absolutely bad. And, yes, the value of waiting, but also the sense of jumping towards opportunity. I learned a lot of things but I continue to learn.Even though Ive been here for a long time I would not say I have two identities, a Spanish one and a Chinese one. Naturally I am Spanish because I was born and raised in Barcelona. I am here only as an observer. And I think it is good to be as such. Not as one who does not know where his rightful place is but one who is involved. I do, however, believe one can become Chinese because China has a strong force. But I do not think Id ever become Chinese. I can only say that I can arrive at understanding of what it is to be Chinese.【答案】很多初到北京的外国人觉得忐忑不安,认为中国人不够热情。但我认为他们非常友好,这点很像西班牙人。当然他们说着不同的语言,有他们自己的价值和行为准则,但我不同意把他们看成是冷漠的人。一个人只是必须通过努力才能实现沟通,而绝不要武断。中国有没有改变我的为人之道呢?噢,我都记不得我曾经是个怎么样的人,因为那时我是那么年轻,而30年是一段很长的时间。但我认为,我来这里见识了许多事情。我从中国人身上学到了百折不挠和不遗余力地工作。我被这些精神感染了。但我也学会了事物的相对性:凡事没有绝对的好,也没有绝对的坏。此外,是的,我还学会了等待的价值,还有把握机遇的意义。我学到了很多但我还将继续学习。尽管我在这里很长时间了,我不想说我具有两种身份,一个西班牙人和一个中国人。 本质上讲我是西班牙人,因为我在巴塞罗那出生成长。我在这里只是作为一个旁观者。而我认为这样很好。不是作为一个不知自己确切身份的人,而是一个具有参与感的人。尽管我的确相信一个外国人有可能变成中国人,因为中国具有一种强大的力量。但我不认为我曾一度成为中国人,我只能说,我能够理解怎样才算是中国人。10. 单选题Samantha sobbed uncontrollably and hid in the locker room, so _ was she about having lost in the finals of the state tennis championship.问题1选项A.pragmaticB.dejectedC.jubilantD.indifferent【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项pragmatic“务实的”;B选项dejected“沮丧的”;C选项jubilant“欢呼雀跃的”;D选项indifferent“漠不关心的”。句意:萨曼莎控制不住哭泣,躲在更衣室里,非常_她输掉了州网球锦标赛的决赛。输掉比赛以后萨曼莎哭泣,躲在更衣室里不想见人,B选项dejected“沮丧的”符合题意。因此B选项正确。11. 单选题The teacher was in a rage with him, for his handwriting in the composition was ( ) .问题1选项A.illegibleB.incomprehensibleC.inaudibleD.decipherable【答案】A【解析】illegible难以辨认的, 字迹潦草的;incomprehensible费解的, 不可思议的;inaudible听不见的;decipherable可辨认的, 可解密的。句意:老师对他很生气, 因为他的作文字迹潦草。选项A符合句意。12. 单选题She( )a large sum to the college endowment fund.问题1选项A.submittedB.donatedC.appliedD.granted【答案】B【解析】submit提交;donate捐赠;apply应用,申请;grant授权。根据“endowment fund”可知这里是捐赠了一大笔钱,所以选项B正确。13. 单选题Why does the Foundation concentrate its support on basic rather than applied research? Basic research is the very heart of science, and its cumulative product is the capital of scientific progress, a capital that must be constantly increased as the demands upon it rise. The goal of basic research is understanding for its own sake. Understanding of the structure of the atom or the nerve cell, the causes of earthquakes and droughts, or of man as a behaving creature and of the social forces that are created whenever two or more human beings come into contact with one anotherthe scope is staggering, but the commitment to truth is the same. If the commitment were to a particular result, conflicting evidence might be overlooked or, with the best will in the world, simply not appreciated. Moreover, the practical applications of basic research frequently cannot be anticipated. When Roentgen, the physicist, discovered X-ray, he had no idea of their usefulness to medicine.Applied research, undertaken to solve specific practical problems, has an immediate attractiveness because the results can be seen and enjoyed. For practical reasons, the sums spent on applied research in any country always far exceed those for basic research, and the proportions are more unequal in the less developed countries. Leaving aside the funds devoted to research by industrywhich is naturally far more concerned with applied aspects because these increase profits quicklythe funds the U.S. Government allots to basic research currently mount to about 7 percent of its over-all research and development funds. Unless adequate safeguards are provided, applied research invariably tends to drive out basic. Then, as Dr. Waterman has pointed out, “Developments will inevitably be undertaken prematurely, career incentives will gravitate strongly toward applied science, and the opportunities for making major scientific discoveries will be lost. Unfortunately, pressures to emphasize new developments, without corresponding emphasis upon pure sciencetend to degrade the quality of the nations technology in the long run, rather than to improve it.”1. The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is _.2. Industry is primarily interested in applied research because it _.问题1选项A.The Importance of Basic ResearchB.Roentgens Ignorance of X-raysC.The Attractiveness of Applied ResearchD.Basic Research vs. Applied Research问题2选项A.provides better understandingB.offers immediate profitC.drives out basic researchD.solves practical problems【答案】第1题:D第2题:B【解析】1.主旨大意题。1. 首尾段核心句首段第一句提出问题:Why does the Foundation concentrate its support on basic rather than applied research?(为什么基金会集中支持基础研究而不是应用研究?),具体介绍基础研究。尾段第一句Applied research, undertaken to solve specific practical problems, has an immediate attractiveness because the results can be seen and enjoyed.(应用研究是为了解决具体的实际问题而进行的,它具有吸引力,因为可以直接看到和享受成果。),具体讲述应用研究。这篇文章分别介绍了这两种研究并且进行对比,由此推断本文的主旨是“基础研究与应用研究”。因此D选项正确。2. 分析文章的行文结构本文的行文逻辑是“AB”,分别讲述基础研究和应用研究,因此D选项正确。排除干扰项A选项“基础研究的重要性”:基础研究仅仅是第一段的内容,不足以概括全文,属于以偏概全。B选项“对X射线的不了解”:关键词X-rays对应第一段最后一句discovered X-ray, he had no idea of their usefulness to medicine,这个例子用来支持上一句the practical applications of basic research frequently cannot be anticipated(往往无法预料基础研究的实际应用),不足以概括全文,属于以偏概全。C选项“应用研究的吸引力”:这里只总结了第二段,也属于以偏概全。2.事实细节题。精确定位根据题干定位到第二段第三句Leaving aside the funds devoted to research by industrywhich is naturally far more concerned with applied aspects because these increase profits quickly(撇开用于工业研究的资金不谈工业研究自然更关心应用方面,因为这些能迅速带来利益),可知工业界因为应用研究带来的好处而关注它,B选项“立刻带来利益”正确。排除干扰项A选项“帮助更好地理解”:根据第一段第三句The goal of basic research is understanding for its own sake.(基础研究的目标是为了理解而理解。),可知这指的是基础研究而不是应用研究,属于张冠李戴。C选项“排斥基础研究”:根据第二段第五句Unless adequate safeguards are provided, applied research invariably tends to drive out basic.(除非提供充分的保障措施,应用研究往往会排斥基础研究。),这里指出的是基础研究和应用研究的关系,没有解释题干的原因,属于偷换概念。D选项“解决实际问题”:根据第二段第一句Applied research, undertaken to solve specific practical problems, has an immediate attractiveness(应用研究是为了解决具体的实际问题而进行的,它具有直接的吸引力),这里讲的是应用研究的目的,也就是吸引研究人员的原因,并不等工业界喜欢应用研究的原因,属于偷换概念。14. 翻译题现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学,人数在急剧增加。他们的家长对国外的教育抱有不切实际的幻想。外国院校举办的教育展览把国外的学校说的天花乱坠,使他们听了介绍之后便心动变为行动。可是,把小孩子送到国外学习并不一定带来好的结果。许多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他们很难融入到国外新的环境,由于在文化上难以适应,即缺乏在国外陌生环境下生存的能力,他们往往会受到所谓“文化震荡”的冲击。缺乏必要的观察能力,使他们难以理解东道主国家人民的行为表现,他们也就无法与当地人打成一片,缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会使自己感到孤立。感到孤独和生活上不能自理,他们会经常想家和情绪低落。更重要的是,由于他们在学习上没有打好坚实的基础,不能适应外语环境下的学习,由于他们缺乏独立学习的能力,所以就不可能取得所期望的进步。于是,许多人便不得不半途而废,放弃来之不易的学习机会。因此,过早地送小孩子到国外学习不一定是件好事情。如果想要孩子到国外去见见世面,可以让他们集体参加短期的国外游学项目,住在外国人的家里,参加暑期班的学习,在所在地开展一些旅游活动,但这些团组必须有专门的老师陪同,提供全程性的指导和帮助。【答案】There is a growing trend of sending teenage students abroad to studythe number has been increasing dramatically. Their parents have unrealistic illusions about foreign education. Attracted by the educational exhibitions presented by foreign universities and colleges which paint many rosy pictures and tell many glow tales , they are prompted into action.However, sending children to study abroad doesnt necessarily produce good outcomes. Many young students lack adaptability and flexibility. They find it hard to adapt themselves to new environment in foreign countries. Because of the lack of cultural toughness the ability to live in an alien culture, they usually suffer from the so-called “cultural shock”. Without adequate perceptual ability the ability to understand why the host-country people behave as they do, they find it difficult to empathize with them. And due to the lack of self-orientation, the


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