(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第二篇 语法专题突破 专题(03)代词语法综合演练

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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第二篇 语法专题突破 专题(03)代词语法综合演练_第1页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第二篇 语法专题突破 专题(03)代词语法综合演练_第2页
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(吉林专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第二篇 语法专题突破 专题(03)代词语法综合演练_第3页
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专题(三)代词语法综合演练.句意填词1.Alan cut when cooking in the kitchen this morning.2.Our teachers always go out of way to help us. Were so thankful.3.My sister learned to skate by . Nobody helped her.4.Lucys name is on the book, so it must be .5.Did you enjoy at the music party last night, Mike and Jack?6.Is the woman who is dancing over there your teacher?Yes, she teaches music.7.The story is good, but he didnt tell it well.8.They want a football. Give the green one, please.9.Though the little twins are only three years old, they can dress .10.Im sorry I took your school uniform by mistake. But where is ?.单项选择11.If you dont like, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude. Complaining makes no difference. A.nothingB.somethingC.everything 12.Do you like apple juice or orange juice? . I like coffee. A.EitherB.NoneC.Neither13.Mom, I am old enough to wash own clothes and, so you can have a rest after work. A.my; yourB.my; yoursC.yours; mine14.2019鄂州改编I tried several ways to work out the math problem, but of them worked.Never give up. I believe youll make it.A.noneB.eachC.neither15.2019兰州改编Frank is a friend of . He is a scientist from Canada.A.myB.mineC.me 16.Its sometimes hard to tell one twin from .A.anotherB.otherC.the other17.2019温州改编Sam finds sweeping robots useful, and he plans to buyfor his grandma. A.itB.oneC.this18.2019河南改编When times are difficult, tell that pain is part of growing.A.youB.yourselfC.your19.Do you think if it is safe to post photos on WeChat?Well, many people like postingphotos on WeChat, but I dont think its safe. A.theyB.themC.their20.The film is amazing! Its the most meaningful film I have ever seen.I am afraid it is not cup of tea.A.everybodysB.anybodysC.nobodys21.2019连云港改编After the new high-speed railway line began operations, the time on the trip from Lianyungang to Qingdao now is much less than in the past. A.oneB.thatC.it 22.What a bad day I have today!Everyone has a day like this when goes right. A.everythingB.somethingC.nothing23.2019滨州改编Jerry, is that boy with glasses new classmate? Yes. Lets say hello to . A.us; himB.ours; hisC.our; him 24.2019乐山改编Allan, I found a red eraser under your chair. Is it yours?Oh, yes. Its . Thank you, Mike. A.meB.myC.mine25.Who called you on the phone? was my aunt. She asked me to book a hotel for her.A.ItB.ThatC.These.方框选词选用方框中的选项完成下列各句。A.ourselvesB.yourselvesC.us D.yourselfE.themselvesF.itselfG.oursH.they26.If you have problems, you should not keep them to but ask for help.27.Mr. Strange named his pet dog “Cat”. He wanted to know if Cat doubted when it was called.28.We dont know the love of our parents until we become parents one day.29.Its been much easier for me to go to work since shared bikes appeared.But also caused many problems.30.Class, please teach the article we will learn tomorrow.31.The earth, the only home of , is now in danger. Everyone in the world should play a role in saving it.32.You shouldnt leave the little babies at home by. Its too dangerous.33.Tennis can exercise all of our muscles (肌肉). And it requires to spend time with others. This is good for our health too. 【参考答案】.1.himself2.their3.herself4.hers5.yourselves6.us7.itself8.them9.themselves10.mine.11.B12.C13.B14.A考查不定代词用法辨析。句意:“我尝试了好几种方法来解答这道数学题,但是没有一种方法能做出来。”“不要放弃。我相信你会成功的。”none指三者或三者以上,表示否定意义;each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中每个,表肯定意义;neither指两者,表示否定意义。根据“several几个;若干”判断数量是三者或三者以上。故选A。15.B16.C考查不定代词。题干中的“tell”译为“辨别”;“onethe other”表示“(两者中的)一个另一个”。故选C。17.B考查代词辨析。用代词one代替同类名词中的“一;一个”,符合句意“Sam发现扫地机器人很有用,他打算为他的奶奶买一个”。故选B。18.B19.C由题中的“many people”可知空处需填“他们”,又因为有photos,可知空处需要填形容词性物主代词,故选C。20.A21.Bone表同类异物,表泛指;that表远指,表特指,经常为了避免和上文重复而使用,且常与介词连用;it表同类同物。本题空白处用that特指了上文的time并避免了重复,故选B。22.C考查复合不定代词。由题干“what a bad day”可知,后者是在安慰对方。句意:“今天我经历了多么糟糕的一天!”“每个人都会有诸事不顺的一天的。”故选C。23.C考查代词的辨析。第一空后的new classmate是名词,其前需用形容词性物主代词来修饰;第二空前的say hello to中to是介词,其后跟人称代词的宾格形式。故选C。24.C25.AIt可以用来指代一个需要说明情况或需要确定身份的人。题干告知了提问者打电话人的身份,故选A。.2630DFAHB3133GEC4


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