【最新】高中英语人教版必修2同步练习:unit 3 section 4【含答案】

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最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 3 Section . 阅读表达阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题,然后将答案写到答案卡相应的位置上(请注意每个小题后面的词数要求)。Chat rooms and messaging can be great fun,but remember, you never really know who you are talking to online. It could be someone trying to trick you,some kind of weirdo(古怪的人),or someone really dangerous. Here are some tips to help you keep safe:Never use your real name in chat roomspick a special online nickname.Never tell anyone personal things about yourself or your familylike your address or telephone number,or the school or clubs you go to. That goes for sending them photos as well(that way if you dont want to hear from them again,you only have to log off.) Remember, even if somebody tells you about themselves,never tell them things about you. If you arrange to meet up with someone youve only spoken to once, remember that they might not be who they said they were,so only meet people in public places and take along an adultthey should do this too,because they dont know who you really are either!Never respond to nasty(淫秽的)or rude messages,and never send any either! If you feel suspicious or uncomfortable about the way a conversation is going,or if its getting really personal,save a record of it and stop the conversation. That way you can show someone and ask what they think.Be careful with any email attachments or links that people send you; they might contain nasty images,or computer “viruses” that could ruin your PC. So if _, dont open it. 1What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_2Complete the following sentence with proper words. (Please answer within 5 words.)The person you are talking to online may mean to _.3Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.)_4What is the authors purpose in writing the last paragraph? (Please answer within 30 words.)_5What does the word“it”(paragraph 5) probably refer to?_答案:1.Surfing Safely Tips for Young People. 2do harm to you3you dont know who its from4It is important never to tell anyone personal things online,because it is not a real world on line,where you may be cheated if youre not careful enough. 5a conversation. 六选五根据短文内容,从AF选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余项。An interview with Benno Nigg, the sports scientistAWhat kind of technology might we see in sports shoes of the future?BWhat should people look out for when buying a new pair of sports shoes?CWill a more expensive shoe make me run faster or jump higher, as the ads suggest?DIs it true that expensive shoes are no better at preventing injury than cheap ones?ESome people say we should run just as well without shoes. Whats your opinion?FYou helped develop the unstable Masai MBT shoes. Does this design actually work?1_Niggs Answer: That is a little bit overstated. But the literature shows that shoes are a minor player in injury development. If you take a group of people and want to injure them, send them out every day for a 20kilometre run. A lot of them will be injured in three weeks. The major factors are the distance run, the intensity and recovery time, not the shoes.2_Niggs Answer: The problem is that if you go to a store and want to find your best shoes, you dont know what to do. Things that are sometimes done, like video analysis of your rear foot movement, may not help. The only way to assess whether a shoe is right for you is how it feels. If you feel comfortable in a shoe, its likely to be good for you.3_Niggs Answer: A shoe may act as a training device, making some muscles to function more effectively for a majority of users. Or it may use materials that last longer. That may have something to do with its price. However, for the average runner it is difficult to distinguish between actual functional designs and unnecessary features. Generally, the more a shoe controls movement, the more it acts like a cast, which means you lose some muscle strength, and your feet are more likely to be injured.4_Niggs Answer: Yes, for about 5 per cent of people. The major benefits are training the small muscles crossing the ankle joint, and a reduction of knee and lower back pain. However, some claims for these unstable shoes are overstated, such as the general muscle strengthening that they are claimed to produce.5_Niggs Answer: There are claims that there are fewer injuries when you run barefoot, but there is not yet enough evidence, or enough research, to prove that. If you look at performance, most papers suggest an advantage of 3 to 4 per cent. With a few exceptions, people dont run barefoot, so it may be that its not an advantage, or it may be that were just not used to it.答案:15 DBCFE.任务型读写阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。(注意:每个空格只填一个单词)Our website aims to help people find the best book at the best price on the Internet. We search 110 bookstores or book marketplaces worldwide, compare the prices for both new and used books, and find the best deal for you. Here is something that you should keep in mind:Make sure you compare book prices before you buy one. Our goal is to help shoppers compare book prices from different sellers and find cheap books and college textbooks. Many discounted books and textbooks are put on sale by discounted book sellers and bookstores every day. All you need to do is search and find them. Always click “Compare Price” button to compare prices first.Its becoming more and more popular to buy used books and textbooks among college students for saving. Different secondhand books may have different condition. Make sure you check the books condition from the sellers description. Before buying books from a foreign bookstore, be sure to check the shipping choices. Our goal is to quickly find the cheapest books for you from a large number of bookstores worldwide. At present our book search engines fetch book prices from US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Netherlands, France, Ireland, Germany, and Japan. More bookstores from other countries will be added in a short time. Information about 1._ books on the Internet2._People will find this website 3._ in finding the best book at the best price.Advice4._ book prices before you buy a book.You can find cheap books because there are many 5._ bookstores. You need to 6._ and find them.on buyingbooks on theInternetBuy used books and textbooks to 7._ money.Check used books 8._ from the sellers description.Check the shipping choices before you buy books from a foreign bookstore.ConclusionYou can find the cheapest books from different bookstores all over the world.Book prices from different 9._ are fetched by the search engines.More bookstores will be added 10._.答案:1.buying/finding/choosing2.Introduction3.helpful/useful4.Compare5.discounted6.search7.save8.condition9.countries10.shortly/later/soon.情景对话根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。(2014陕西)Linda:Hello, George._1_George:Hi, Linda. Im reading a tourist guide to Europe.Linda:_2_George:Yes, Im looking forward to such a trip. Hey, have you ever been there?Linda:Yes. Ive actually visited many countries in Europe; France, Germany, Italy and Austria, for example.George:_3_ And how long did you stay?Linda:Two years ago. For over one month.George:Did you like it?Linda:_4_ There are many ancient churches and castles. Its the best trip Ive ever taken.George:Sounds great._5_Linda:Good idea. You wont regret it.A:Of course.B:Not exactly.C:What are you doing?D:When did you go there?E:Do you plan to move to Europe?F:Are you thinking of visiting Europe some day?G:I decide to make a trip next October on my annual leave.答案:1 C 由下句Im reading a tourist guide to Europe. 提示可知。2 F 由下句Im looking forward to such a trip.我盼望着这样的旅行。可知F项正确。3 D 由下句回答two years ago可知D项正确。4 A 由上句Do you like it?及下句Its the best trip Ive ever taken.可知A项正确。5 G 由下句Good idea.好主意。可知指人的计划、打算,故G正确。


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