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宋庆龄学校入学申请表Soong Ching Ling School Application Form 把最宝贵的东西给予儿童宋庆龄Giving the children the most valuable things Soong Ching Ling 此处由学校填写 For School Use OnlyDate Received 学校收到日期:_Grade Applied for 申请年级:_Student Interview Date 学生会面日:_Application No. 申请编号:_Attach photo here 照片粘贴处Please submit all documents in either English or Chinese-use only one language.Please ll in the form completely. 所有文件请用中文或英文填写。请完整填写申请表。Personal Details of Applicant 申请人个人信息Student Name (as on passport) 学生姓名(按护照填)Chinese Name 中文姓名:English Name 英文姓名:Nationality 国籍:ID/Passport No. 护照号码:Date of Birth(D/M/Y) 出生时间(日/月/年):Household 户籍:Registration 身份证:Gender 性别:M 男F 女Residential Address 居住地址:Postcode 邮编:Home Tel 家庭电话:Correspondence Address: Residence Business(Father) Business(Mother) 将邮件邮寄至:居住地址父亲的办公地址母亲的办公地址Grade applied for 申请年级:Date of expected entry (M/Y) 计划入学日期:(月/年)Divison applied for 申请部门:Domestic 国内部Multicultural 多元文化部If no,do you want your child to take the school bus? 你想让孩子乘校车吗?Yes 是No 否Current School the applicant is studying in 目前就读学校:Address&Tel 地址及电话:宋庆龄学校入学申请表Soong Ching Ling School Application Form What Language is spoken by the applicant? 申请人使用何种语言?How many years has the applicant been studying Chinese? 申请人学习汉语已有多少年?How many years has the applicant been studying English? 申请人学习英语已有多少年?Language Preference for Parental Interview面谈时希望使用哪种语言English英语Chinese汉语Educational Background of Applicant 申请人教育信息Current School Address/Tel: 目前就读学校地址/电话:Does the applicant have any allergies or medical conditions of which we should be aware? 申请人有食物过敏或其他健康状况需要学校特殊照顾吗?If yes,please provide further details: 如果有,请详细说明:Yes 是No 否Does the applicant have any special educational needs or behavioural problems? 申请人是否有特殊教育需求或行为问题?If yes,please explain: 如果有,请说明:Note: The school may not be able to support children with certain special medical or educational needs. 注意:学校可能无法支持有特殊医疗或教育需求的学生。Yes 是No 否Does the applicant have any special abilities or hobbies? 申请人是否有某些特别技能或爱好?宋庆龄学校入学申请表Soong Ching Ling School Application Form Parent Information 申请人家庭信息Father/Guardian 父亲/监护人Mother/Guardian 母亲/监护人Name 姓名:Business Tel&Adress 办公室电话:Mobile No. 手机号码:Fax 传真:Email 电子邮箱:Native Language 母语:Second Language(s) 第二语言:Company&Position 公司及职位:Education 学历:Applicant lives with: Father and Mother:FatherMother Guardian 申请人与谁居住父母:父亲:母亲:父母以外的监护人:If the applicant lives with a guardian, the parents are requested to sign a letter of authorization, and the personal details of the guardian should be given to us for ling.如申请人与父母亲以外的监护人居住在一起,请父母亲给我们提供一份由父母签字的授权书和监护人详情。How many children are there in your family? 家中共有几个孩子?The place of applicant in your family(e.g.firstborn,second-born etc). 申请人是家中的第几个孩子:Sibling 1 兄弟姐妹1Name 姓名:Date of birth生日:Current School 现就读学校:Sibling 2兄弟姐妹2Name姓名:Date of birth生日:Current School现就读学校:Sibling 3兄弟姐妹3Name 姓名:Date of birth 生日:Current School 现就读学校:Sibling 4 兄弟姐妹4Name 姓名:Date of birth 生日:Current School 现就读学校:宋庆龄学校入学申请表Soong Ching Ling School Application FormHow did you learn about our School? 你们是怎样知道我们学校的?From my friends 朋友From school teachers 学校老师From web search 网络搜索From advertisement 广告From other channels (please give details) 其他渠道(请具体阐明) Have you attended the Soong Ching Ling School introductory meeting? 你们曾参加过学校的介绍会吗? Have you visited the School? 你们曾参观过学校吗? Have you checked the School through your own channels? 你们曾通过自己的渠道了解学校吗?In your opinion, what are the major skills a student should learn in school? 你们认为学生在学校中应该学的主要技能是什么?How do you think you can support our school and the applicant?你们想怎样支持学校和你们的孩子?What is the main reason you choose our School?什么是你们选择我校的主要原由?Is there any further information you wish to share with us? 还有任何其它信息你们想了解的?Admission Ofce Tel 招生办公室电话Tel: Multi-cultural Division8621-697563016003Chinese Division 8621-697563013002电话:多元文化部 8621-697563016003 黄老师、葛老师 中国部 8621-697563013002 王老师、浦老师宋庆龄学校入学申请表Soong Ching Ling School Application FormApplication Checklist 申请材料 Completed and Signed Application Form with childs recent photo 填写入学申请表,签上你的名字及贴上孩子的近照Copies of the first page and the applicants page of the Household Resgister (for Chinese mainland citizens)/passport and valid visa (for Non-Chinese mainland citizens) 户口本首页和申请人本人(学生)页复印件(本地)/护照及有效证件复印件(境外学生)School reports from the past two years or recommendation letter from the kindergarten the applicant is currently studying in(only for Primary1) 目前就读幼儿园两年的报告单或推荐信(仅适用小学1年级新生)Recent photograph of the applicant with parents 父母亲与孩子的近照Two recent passport size photos of the applicant 2张申请人(学生)近期护照尺寸的照片Any other reference materials requested by the School 学校要求的其它资料Parental Agreement 家长协议In signing this application, I give Soong Ching Ling School permission to contact the applicants previous schoos should additional information be required for the purpose of this application. I agree to abide by the admission procedures of Soong Ching Ling School. I certify that the information given on this form is full and complete to the best of my knowledge and understand that if I fail to provide accurate details of important information about the applicant, Soong Ching Ling School reserves the right to restrict entry into or withdraw the applicants place from the School. 我签署该申请表,我准许宋庆龄学校向学生以前就读的学校了解相关信息。我同意遵守宋庆龄学校的入学程序。本人确认该申请表中信息完整准确。如本人未提供申请人的重要的正确信息,学校有权取消该生入学资格。Signature of parents/guardian 父母/监护人签名Date 日期Please send application form to: 请邮寄申请表至以下地址:No. 2 Ye Hui Rd, ShanghaiPostcode:201703Tel: 69756301Fax: 69756019 Email: sclschool2011 Website: 上海市业辉路2号邮编:201703电话:69756301传真:69756019电子邮箱:sclschool2011网址:


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