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(Suggested first letter(s): sig ) 个人测试成绩记录 试卷 Unit 1 编号 202 试卷满分:100 姓名 高秀普 学号:201305002794 班级: 登录 2014-03-19 09:36:56 交卷:2014-03-19 10:01:04 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷: /已批卷 批卷时间:2014-03-26 10:40 图例: H Right or marked by instructor X Wrong ? To be marked by instructor Part 1 Fill in the Bia nks (with the In itial Letters Provided) (每小题:分) Directi ons: Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing senten ces with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each bla nk. 1. In the school lu nchroom, both boys and girls one ano ther out of the way. (Suggested first letter(s): el ) 2. I prepared to comfort her , but my friend me aside, not letting me say anything at all. (Suggested first letter(s): el ) 3. She smiled graciously and con fide ntly as she her way through the crowd. (Suggested first letter(s): el ) 4. This new discovery of oil is of great to the cou ntrys economy. (Suggested first letter(s): sig ) 5. Her experie nee is clearly of for pupils with writ ing difficulties.(Suggested first letter(s): fu ) 6. The reader will have to judge the source and of the book for himself. (Suggested first letter(s): sig ) 7. Jenny hoped that she would avoid by wear ing dark glasses and a hat. (Suggested first letter(s): re ) 8. Pride is a state in which people seek atte nti on and for what they think they are and what they think they have done. (Suggested first letter(s): reg ) 9. The of la nguage habits is in itself not eno ugh for the true masteri ng of a lan guage. (Suggested first letter(s): ac ) 10. There is also evidenee of slower of language and a higher freque ncy of lear ning difficulties for these stude nts. (Suggested first letter(s): ac ) 11. now permits short hair for women, but it used to be thought stra nge. (Suggested first letter(s): Co ) 12. He fearlessly attacked , which caused many problems to him and his family. (Suggested first letter(s): con ) 13. A nurse has many duties to in caring for the sick.21. 14. If those conditions were , the boss would agree to pay. (Suggested first letter(s): fu ) 15. He made a promise that he would certainly not rest until he had his resp on sibility. (Suggested first letter(s): fu ) 16. The house isnt big eno ugh for us, an d, , its too far from the town center . (Suggested first letter(s): fu ) 17. He is not the right pers on for the project, as he is not very tech ni cally min ded, and , he does not have the sense of resp on sibility. (Suggested first letter(s): fur ) 18. The new method is both reliable and objective, an d, it has ben efited greatly from the developme nt of computer tech no logy. (Suggested first letter(s): fur ) 19. He is very proud of whatever he does; he likes to feel wan ted and . (Suggested first letter(s): ap ) 20. It took time for the new method to be accepted and by all. (Suggested first letter(s): ap ) Your kno wledge of the issues and your dilige nee in pursu ing them to ensure protection of the natural environments is greatly admired and by us all. (Suggested first letter(s): re ) (Suggested first letter(s): ap ) 22. She inven ted a that automatically closes win dows whe n it rai ns. (Suggested first letter(s): de ) 23. The teacher suggests that the writing was too complicated for the stude nts to use. (Suggested first letter(s): de ) 24. The is essential to determining the effects of the new system. (Suggested first letter(s): de ) 25. If we carefully, well be able to afford a new house. (Suggested first letter(s): bu ) 26. It cost such a great amount of money, which was about three times my . (Suggested first letter(s): bu ) 27. He wan ted to make sure that the would be spe nt to best effect. (Suggested first letter(s): bu ) 28. He argued that this document is not intended to his will. (Suggested first letter(s): re ) 29. He is the best one so far; there is no one to him. 30. The more the illness, the easier for a doctor to diagnose it. (Suggested first letter(s): ac ) (Suggested first letter(s): con ) 31. That health in sura nee provides for treatme nt and related care. (Suggested first letter(s): ae ) 32. The success depends a lot on the quality of eommunieation and betwee n the two in volved research groups. (Suggested first letter(s): i n ) 33. Similarly, family structures, relati on ships, and betwee n members are widely variable betwee n differe nt religious groups in Brita in. (Suggested first letter(s): i n ) 34. The chief engineer demanded that each of these areas should be con trolled and separately. (Suggested first letter(s): ass ) 35. She looked at 100 village plans and them one by one accord ing to the requireme nts. (Suggested first letter(s): ass ) 36. The research was designed and with this particular group of wome n in mind. (Suggested first letter(s): con ) 37. The duty of the man ageme nt is to the bus in ess, in cludi ng the pric ing policy of the bus in ess. 38. gree n and blue are cool colors, red and yellow are warm colors that attract atte nti on. (Suggested first letter(s): Wh ) 39. What he gave is his opinion, when he is asked who he will vote for he gives a fact. (Suggested first letter(s): wh ) 40. The teacher greeted us with a cheerful smile, we had been an xious to avoid her for fear she would blame us for not pass ing the exam in ati ons. (Suggested first letter(s): wh ) Part 1 Fill in the Bla nks (with the In itial Letters Provided) (每小题:.25 分; 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. .25 / elbowed elbowed 2. .25 / elbowed elbowed 3. .25 / elbowed elbowed 4. .25 辺 sig nifica nee sig nifica nee 5. .25 sig nifica nee sig nifica nee 6. 0 sig nifica nc sig nifica nee 7. .25 recog niti on recog niti on 8. .25 0 recog niti on recog niti on 9. .25 0 acquisiti on acquisiti on 10. .25 0 acquisiti on acquisiti on 11. .25 0 Conven ti on Conven ti on 12. .25 0 conven ti on conven ti on 13. .25 0 fulfill fulfill 14. .25 0 fulfilled fulfilled 15. .25 0 fulfilled fulfilled 16. .25 0 furthermore furthermore 17. .25 0 furthermore furthermore 18. .25 0 furthermore furthermore 19. .25 appreciated appreciated 20. .25 appreciated appreciated 21. .25 0 appreciated appreciated 22. .25 0 device device 23. .25 0 device device 24. .25 0 device device 25. 0 buget budget 26. 0 buget budget 27. 0 buget budget 28. .25 replace replace 29. .25 replace replace 30. .25 acute acute 31. .25 acute acute 32. .25 in teracti on in teracti on 33. .25 刃 in teracti on in teracti on 34. .25 assessed assessed 35. .25 / assessed assessed 36. .25 /I con ducted con ducted 37. 0 拥 con ducted con ducte 38. .25 0 Whereas Whereas 39. .25 0 whereas whereas 40. .25 whereas whereas Subtotal : 8.75 老师评语: Part 2 Fill in the Bianks (with Prepositions or Adverbs) (每小题:分) Directi ons: Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing senten ces with an appropriate prepositi on or adverb. Fill in each bla nk with only ONE word. 1. Will you apply for the position by letter or person? 2. You can call pers on, or by pho ne, to make your reservati on or en quiry. 3. He ofte n talks to her either pers on or on the phone. 4. The whole report is filled with com mon remarks; there is nothing worthy special men ti on. 5. I had let them dow n and was no Ion ger worthytheir frie ndship. 6. The city of Rome had to appear worthy its position in the cou ntry. 7. I dont think his speech was very in terest ing and excit ing, but a couple of poi nts are worthy men ti on. 8. Hes bee n pouri ng money the firm for two years but its still in trouble. 9. The gover nment poured money the railway program. 10. They poured money British films without doing anything to en sure the quality of the films. 11. The doctors can do nothing about him now; the sick mans con diti on is hope. 12. The manager was unable to account the lost money in the firms safe. 13. Money was being spent, but the money could be accounted. 14. From his point of view, any differenee between men and wome n was accou nted by educati on. 15. The only factor that cant really be accounted is time. Who knows how the time flies! 16. It is silly to be a slave social conventions, but it is a risk not to. 17. Art is n ot a slave fashi on, but is always con temporary. 18. The water runs in at one end of the pipe and runs at the other 19. In times of depressi on, the man wan ted no thi ng some food for his wife and childre n. 20. There was time now for nothing actions. 21. Frank did nothing sit in the house for two days, silent and with tears. 22. You have brought me nothing trouble. 23. She had experieneed nothing cold and loneliness at his birthday party; she regretted going there. 24. In my younger days it was only the people of wealth who went for holidays on the Continent. 25. The soldiers would go fire and water for their country. 26. He went his medical test in the morning, and signed a three-year con tract with the compa ny. 27. We went an enormously stressful time trying to make the decisi on. 28. Her blouse does nt go her skirt. 29. This job does nt go my wife, let alone childre n. 30. Despite the threat of war , people went their work as usual. Part 2 Fill in the Blanks (with Prepositions or Adverbs) (每小题:.25 分; 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. .25 in in 2. .25 P in in 3. .25 0 in in 4. .25 0 of of 5. .25 0 of of 6. .25 0 of of 7. .25 0 of of 8. 0 囲 of into 9. .25 0 into into 10. .25 0 into into 11. 0 into past/bey ond 12. 0 past for 13. .25 0 for for 14. .25 0 for for 15. .25 0 for for 16. .25 0 to to 17. .25 0 to to 18. .25 0 out out 19. .25 / but but 20. .25 / but but 21. .25 0 but but 22. .25 / but but 23. .25 / but but 24. .25 away away 25. .25 through through 26. .25 through through 27. .25 through through 28. .25 a with with 29. .25 with with 30. 0 X (未答) about/to Subtotal : 6.5 老师评语: Part 3 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题:分) Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. rd like to take _ of this opportu nity to tha nk all of you for your efforts. A. profit B. ben efit C. occasi on D. adva ntage 2. In copy ing this paper , be careful not to leave _ any words. A. out B. alone C. off D. behi nd 3. When doing the wash, it is important to _ white and colored cloth ing. A. compare B. separate C. establish D. con trast 4. We fin ally _ an agreeme nt after a lot of hard argume nt. A. reached B. did C. arrived D. drove 5. It is desirable that the airpla ne _ as light as possible. A. is B. were C. be D. had bee n 6. We came fin ally _ telling lies all the time. A. of B. into C. to the con clusi on that she had bee n D. at 7. I am not used to speak ing _ public. A. in B. at C. on D. to 8. He did nt live up to _ had bee n expected of him. A. what B. which C. that D. all 9. She did not feel _ going out, as she had a slight headache. A. about B. like C. after D. for 10. The price of gold rose again, partly _ news about the war . A. result in B. go with C. because D. due to 11. Responsibilities _ becoming a father A. charge for B. go with C. save for D. go through 12. If you _ in your payment for the house again, you may get throw n out. A. fall beh ind B. accou nt for C. charged for D. come to 13. The country has _ too many wars in the past few decades; its people are longing for peace so much. A. preve nted from B. resulted in C. gone through D. gone with 14. She would nt eve n take a short rest there, _ stay for the ni ght. A. much more B. much few C. much lesser D. much less 15. The preside nt has _ his political advisors over the slow pace of econo mic cha nge. A. preve nted from B. charged for C. accou nted for D. clashed with 16. Uni ess we get more mon ey, well be _ finishing this project. A. separated from B. recovered from C. preve nted from D. charged from 17. The pain ter lived more tha n a decade in Europe, _ he could be in close con tact with other cubists ( 立体派艺术家 ). 18. 19. 20. 21. A. where B. i n which C. that D. in that _ Tom is supposed to make an appo in tme nt with the den tist, he says he is too busy. A. However B. Whoever C. Whe never D. Whatever I wont make a _ mistake n ext time. A. like B. same C. near D. similar Life in sura nee ( 保险), _ available on ly to you ng, healthy pers ons, can now be obta ined for old people. A. before B. after C. former D. previously He _ lives in the house where he was born. A. already B. yet C. still D. ever 22. For tonights homework, do pages forty and forty-one in the workbook. Professor Hon es, I think that is _ work. A. far too much B. much the more C. too hard D. the hardest 23. The officials in the _ at the London Heathrow Airport were very polite. A. Custom B. Customs C. custom D. customs 24. There _ a lot of _ on the roads yesterday. A. was. traffic B. were. traffics C. was. traffics D. were. traffic 25. That man looks familiar to me. He reminds me _ Dr Richards. A. to B. on C. for D. of 26. It seems very difficult _ . A. to stop the child to cry B. protecting the child from crying C. to keep the child from crying D. holdi ng the childs crying 27. He thought he could talk Mr. Robinson _buying some expe nsive equipme nt. A. to B. about C. into D. on 28. When Laura fin ally arrived she apologized _ so late. A. for to come B. that she was coming C. for coming D. to come 29. Are you going to the football game? No. The tickets are _ expe nsive for me. A. very much B. so much C. far too D. highly 30. England is an island country. _ consists of three big isla nds, and _ climate is gen erally wet and win dy. A. It. its B. She. her C. He. his D. She. its Part 3 Vocabulary and Structure (每小题:.25 分; 满分:7.5 分) 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. .25 a D D 2. .25 0 A A 3. .25 0 B B 4. .25 0 A A 5. .25 0 C C 6. .25 0 C C 7. .25 0 A A 8. .25 0 A A 9. .25 0 B B 10. .25 0 D D 11. .25 B B 12. .25 0 A A 13. .25 0 C C 14. .25 D D 15. .25 D D 16. .25 0 C C 17. .25 A A 18. .25 0 C C 老师评语: Part 4 Cloze (without Optio ns) (每小题:分) Directions: The following paragraph or paragraphs come from one of the texts in your textbook. Fill in each of the following blanks with ONE word as it is in the text. Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage or dialog. Usually at this point in your (1) to a new culture, you (2) some defe nse mecha ni sms to help you cope and to protect yourself aga inst the effects of culture shock. One type of cop ing mechanism is called (3) . This happens when you pretend that everything is (4) and that nothing (5) you. Another type of defe nse mecha nism is called regressi on. This occurs whe n you start to act as if you are younger than you actually are; you act like a child. You forget everythi ng, and sometimes you become careless and (6) . The third kind of defense mechanism is called isolati on. You would rather be home alone, and you dont want to (7) with anybody. With isolation, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least thats (8) you thi nk. Isolati on is one of the worst cop ing mecha ni sms you can use because it (9) you from those things that could really help you. The last type of defe nse mecha nism is called (10) . With this cop ing mecha ni sm, you thi nk you dont n eed an ybody. You feel you are cop ing fine alone, so you dont try to ask for help. Part 4 Cloze (without Options) (每小题:1 分; 满分 :10 分) 小题得分对错 我的答案 客观 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. .25 D .25 0 D .25 0 C .25 0 A .25 0 B .25 0 A .25 0 D .25 0 C .25 C 28. .25 C 29. .25 / C 30. .25 Z| A D D C A B A D C C C C A Subtotal : 7.5 1. 0 X ajustme nt adjustme nt 2. 1 devise devise 3. 1 X repressi on repressi on 4. 1 X acceptable acceptable 5. 1 X bothers bothers 6. 1 X irresp on sible irresp on sible 7. 1 X commu ni cate commu ni cate 8. 1 X what what 9. 1 K separates separates 10. 1 rejectio n rejectio n 老师评语: Part 5 Cloze (with Optio ns) (每小题:分) Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer choices. Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing passage. I un dersta nd culture shock, Ive bee n 1. it myself. However , some foreig ners livi ng in Chi na are just too 2. about the cultural differe nces, and it is caus ing them to lose a 3. opportunity to learn the Chinese culture. Most of them seem to be simply 4. their time for the terms of their employment, 5. they dont care to enjoy what is special about their new surrou ndin gs. Commu ni cati ng successfully with people from other cultures can be a real 6. . We 7. the responsibility for learning their culture. Adjusti ng to ano ther culture requires a great deal of pers onal awareness and 8. I know several foreigners living with a fork in their pocket. I could un dersta nd if they said they were un willi ng to 9. their time to learning the language Chinese is very difficult. If you are work ing full-time, you may not have en ough time to make much 10. in Chin ese, but what about chopsticks? 11. ! Learning how to use chopsticks is the easiest part of the 12. . Lear ning how to con duct yourself i n a 13. way duri ng social in teracti ons is what should have bee n done. Only by that time will you be able to 14. the cultural differe nces and not to 15. our Chin ese frie nds. Having said all that, I would gladly 16. my argument for chopsticks, if they would just stop 17. so much. They are wasting a good opportunity to have a truly unique experience and 18. , they are making a bad name for the rest of us, 19. driv ing me crazy. Each time they look at their fork, they should see that it 20. all of the time theyve wasted here. (每小题:.25 分;满分:5 分) 我的答案 客观 through n egative superb 4. .25 / putt ing in putt ing in 5. .25 whereas whereas 小题 得分 对错 1. .25 through 2. .25 0 n egative 3. .25 0 superb 7. .25 bear bear 8. .25 0 patie nce patie nce 9. .25 0 commit commit 10. 0 X adva nceme nt progress 11. .25 0 Come on Come on 12. .25 0 adjustme nt adjustme nt 13. .25 0 compete nt compete nt 14. .25 z appreciate appreciate 15. .25 let dow n let dow n 16. .25 0 give up give up 17. .25 complai ning complai ning 18. 0 X whereas furthermore 19. .25 0 not to men ti on not to men ti on 20. .25 0 represe nts represe nts 6. 0 X claim challe nge 老师评语: Sub Part 5 Cloze (with Optio ns) Part 6 Read ing Comprehe nsion (Ba nked Cloze) (每小题:分) Directi ons: Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing passage(s) by select ing suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once. Questi ons 1 to 10 are based on the follow ing passage. I travel overseas a lot for bus in ess. Most of our compa nys bus in ess is in Asia. In all 1. , Ive had a hard time lear ning how to do bus in ess there. At first, I had a hard time un dersta nding the way Asia ns 2. bus in ess. It seemed like so much time was wasted chatti ng. I just sat there 3. through exchanges of small talk and tea wait ing to discuss why I was really there. In America, we start talk ing bus in ess very quickly. Time is always ticking in our inner ear and an 4. worker is considered a skillful on e. I just did nt feel comfortable hav ing 5. in teracti ons while I was work in g. It felt as if I was 6. my compa ny. In order to be effective, I had to lear n to 7. my no ti ons of what is appropriate. After all, our Asian partners are our customers. Time is mon ey is a very importa nt 8. of America n bus in ess. I still believe that I should work hard whe n I am not in conference with a part ner . It was my boss who 9. me, though, that our guidi ng philosophy has always bee n, The customer is always right. With that in min d, I have 10. myself i nto a man who truly enjoys doing bus in ess in Asia. I can hardly wait for my trip in December to Tianji n. 顺便新浪微博求关注,id:高嗯啊,学长谢谢你咯 Part 6 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze) (每小题:1 分; 满分:10 分) 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. 0 X morality hon esty 2. 0 K (未答) con duct 3. 1 0 restlessly restlessly 4. 0 X (未答) efficie nt 5. 1 Z social social 6. 1 0 cheati ng cheati ng 7. 0 固 adopt adapt 8. 1 0 pri nciple pr in ciple 9. 1 0 assured assured 10. 1 0 tran sformed tran sformed Subtotal : 6 老师评语: Part 7 Read ing Comprehe nsion (Multiple Choice) (每小题:分) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage or dialog. Charlie Chapli n has broke n


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