五下Unit6第一课时课件 (3)

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Brain Storm drinks ? ? ? ? ? Brain Storm food ? ? ? ? ? Happy Game Tips:当你看到图片或单词时,请大声读出来。当你看到 和 时,说“yummy”。 bread meat tomato soup vegetables (Story time) 译林英语五年级下册译林英语五年级下册 Unit 6 In the kitchen 太仓市新区第三小学太仓市新区第三小学 执教:李静执教:李静 What are Liu Taos parents doing? Tips:仔细看动画仔细看动画,捕捕捉你所需要的信息。捉你所需要的信息。 Theyre cooking dinner in the kitchen. 土豆烧肉土豆烧肉 look for寻找寻找. 西红柿汤西红柿汤 What are they doing?(他们分别在做什么?) Mr Liu is _. Mrs Liu is _ and she wants to _. Liu Tao is _ in the fridge. cooking meat with potatoes Task1: Read and discuss. 小组仔细阅读小组仔细阅读P58-59,交流讨论关键信息,交流讨论关键信息, 每组选每组选1个代表交流,并教读新单词。个代表交流,并教读新单词。 washing some vegetables cook some tomato soup looking for some juice Is there any apple juice in the fridge? No, theres some orange juice. Read after the recorder Tips:跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。 Reading time Reading time Read after the recorder Tips:跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。 Tips:小组合作,运用并搭配不同的食材,准备一顿小组合作,运用并搭配不同的食材,准备一顿丰盛美味的晚餐。你可以用丰盛美味的晚餐。你可以用There is/are .in the fridge. Were cooking.Its yummy.进行表达。进行表达。 比一比,你们组能得几颗星比一比,你们组能得几颗星? Discuss the topic fluently. Nice! 流利的讨论话题。 Everyone in groups take part in the discussion. Cool! 小组每个成员都参与讨论(eg:以接龙的方式叙说。) The more the better. Great! 说得说得越多越好。 1. Does Liu Tao like the meat? 2. Hows the meat? 3. Hows the soup? Yes, he does. Its yummy. Its nice. Tips:自读课文第三部分,找出问题答案。自读课文第三部分,找出问题答案。 Reading time Read after the recorder Tips:跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。跟读课文,体会文中人物的情感变化。 Tips:以四人小组为单位,选择一种以四人小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。喜欢的方式读一读课文。 Read in roles. ( (分角色读分角色读) ) Read after one. ( (跟一个学生跟一个学生读读) ) Read together. ( (齐读齐读) ) Reading time 语音准确。语音准确。 语音准确语音准确&语调优美。语调优美。 语音准确,语调优美语音准确,语调优美&模仿角色语言模仿角色语言。 Fill in the blanks Its six oclock in the evening. Liu Tao comes home from_ (一场足球比赛). His parents _ (cook) dinner in the kitchen. Mrs Liu _ (wash) some vegetables. Mr Liu is cooking _(土豆烧肉). Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the kitchen.(翻译成中翻译成中文文)_.There isnt any apple juice. There _(be) some orange juice in the fridge. Liu Tao loves the _/mi:t/ very much. Its y_. Liu Tao loves the _ /su:p/, too. Its n_. Task 4 are cooking meat with potatoes is washing 刘涛正在厨房里寻找一些果汁。刘涛正在厨房里寻找一些果汁。 is meat a foot game ummy soup ice Tips:翻书做,先看一遍课文,完成自翻书做,先看一遍课文,完成自己会的(可得一颗星);先自己做,己会的(可得一颗星);先自己做,尽量不看书(可得两颗星);不翻书尽量不看书(可得两颗星);不翻书完成(可得三颗星)完成(可得三颗星) Tips:Tips: 以小组为单位,根据句型(可得一颗星);根据以小组为单位,根据句型(可得一颗星);根据词组(可得两颗星);根据图片(可得三颗星)。词组(可得两颗星);根据图片(可得三颗星)。 1Its _ oclock in the evening. Liu Tao comes home _. His parents are _ _ in the kitchen. Mrs Liu is _. Mr Liu is _. 2Liu Tao is _some juice in the fridge. There isnt any _. There is _in the fridge. 3Liu Tao loves the_ very much, its yummy. Liu Tao loves the _, too. Its nice. a football game cooking dinner washing some vegetables cooking meat with potatoes looking for apple juice some orange juice Tips:Tips: 以小组为单位,根据句型(可得一颗星);根据以小组为单位,根据句型(可得一颗星);根据词组(可得两颗星);根据图片(可得三颗星)。词组(可得两颗星);根据图片(可得三颗星)。 Hes just right(正好正好). Hes too fat. Can you give him some advices?(给他一些建议给他一些建议) You can . You cant . A healthy diet(饮食). A happy life(生活). A bright future(未来). 在这节课我们学了哪些食物名称?在这节课我们学了哪些食物名称? 如果你想表达某处有什么,应该说:如果你想表达某处有什么,应该说: potatoes, tomatoes, vegetables meat with potatoes, tomato soup There be(is/are) . Homework 1. 听录音熟读课文。 2. 用第三人称复述课文。 3. 模仿课文内容,自编对话。 The next day,Liu Taos parents come from work.Liu Tao is a good boy.Hes cooking a nice dinner for his parents. Can you make dialogues? Think and say DM:Im back,Taotao. Liu Tao: Dear Mum and Dad,welcome back home. Dad: Are you cooking? Liu Tao: . . . . DM: Youre a good boy. Tips:模仿课文内容,自编对话


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