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大家好大家好1Unit 3 Language in use.Module 8 Choosing presents2目录contents语法探究法探究巩固提升巩固提升写作写作训练中考中考链接接3语法探究法探究目录contents4行为动词的一般现在时(4)一般现在时可用来表示经常性或习惯性的动作,而表示经常性或习惯性的行为时,常使用频度副词。在本模块,我们学习一般现在时中常用的频度副词。语法探究5一、常用的频度副词有:always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常),sometimes(有时),seldom(很少)和never(从不)。按频率大小排序为:alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomnever。如:1.We always play basketball after school.我们总是放学后打篮球。语法探究62.I usually go to bed at ten oclock.我通常10点钟上床睡觉。3.They often study in the library.他们经常在图书馆学习。4.We sometimes watch movies on Saturday.我们有时周六看电影。语法探究75.They seldom go on the Internet.他们很少上网。6.We never drink juice with much sugar.我们从不喝含糖高的果汁。语法探究85.They seldom go on the Internet.他们很少上网。6.We never drink juice with much sugar.我们从不喝含糖高的果汁。语法探究9二、频度副词在句中一般位于行为动词之前,助动词或be动词之后。如:1.What do you usually drink at home?你通常在家喝什么?2.They dont often go to concerts.他们不是经常去听音乐会。语法探究103.He seldom goes to sleep before twelve oclock.他很少12点钟之前睡觉。4.She is always at home at weekends.周末她总是待在家里。语法探究11【语法专练】一、单项填空。()1.I _ ride a bike to school.But this morning,I walk to school.A.never B.usually C.hardly D.seldomB语法探究12()2.She is a good teacher.She is _ angry with her students.A.usually B.always C.never D.often()3.My grandmother _ up at 5 oclock in the morning.A.get always B.always get C.always gets D.gets alwaysC语法探究C13()4.He doesnt like eggs,so he _ eats them.A.never B.sometimes C.usually D.always()5.Linda,do you like green?Yes,I _ wear green clothes.A.never B.hardly C.seldom D.oftenA语法探究D14()6.Sandy likes travelling.She _ stays at home during holidays.A.seldom B.usually C.always D.often()7.My sister _ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.A.always B.sometimes C.hardly D.neverA语法探究A15()8.How often do you go skating?_.I cant skate at all.A.Always B.Sometimes C.Seldom D.Never()9.My father _ at home.A.doesnt often cook B.often doesnt cook C.dont usually cook D.usually dont cookD语法探究A16()10.Danny _ breakfast at home.A.has always B.never has C.often have D.has sometimesB语法探究17二、根据中文提示完成句子,词数不限。1.这些学生总是6点半起床。Thesestudents_athalfpastsix.2.萨姆经常放学后踢足球。Sam_afterschool.语法探究always get upoften plays football 183.这种围巾通常很贵。Thiskindofscarf_veryexpensive.4.你总是吃米饭吗?不,有时我吃面条。_you_eatrice?No,I_eatnoodles.语法探究is usuallyDo alwayssometimes 195.他们经常吃苹果吗?不,他们从不吃苹果。_they_eatapples?_,they_eatthem.语法探究 Do oftenNo never20巩固提升巩固提升目录contents21一、短语填空。1.待在家里_2.收到某人的来信_3.恐怕(用于委婉地拒绝)_4.观看某人做某事_5.愿意做某事_巩固提升stay at homehear from sb.be afraidwatch sb.do sth.would like to do sth.226.在生日会上_ 7.做个生日蛋糕_ 8.送生日卡_ 9.用汉语_ 10.收生日礼物_ 11.一盒巧克力_ 巩固提升at a birthday partymake a birthday cakegive birthday cardsin Chineseget birthday presentsa box of chocolate2312.一张电影票_ 13.一张音乐会门票_ 14.保持健康_ 15.锻炼_ 16.喜欢做某事_ 17.去买东西_ 巩固提升a cinema ticketa concert ticketstay healthyget some exerciselike doing sth.go shopping2418.花很多钱_ 19.阅读大量书刊杂志_ 20.许多,大量_ 21.去听音乐会_ 22.去看足球比赛_ 巩固提升spend a lot of moneyread lots of books and magazineslots of/a lot ofgo to the concertgo to the football match2523.在电视上_ 24.买她最喜欢的歌曲光盘_ 25.在周末_ 26.给某人挑选某物_巩固提升on televisionbuy CDs of her favourite songsat weekendschoose sth.for sb.26二、单项填空。()1.Do you often _ your sister?Yes,she writes to me once a week.A.hear B.listen to C.hear from D.get fromC巩固提升27()2.Can you come to my party?_.I have a lot of things to do.A.Im afraid so B.Im afraid not C.Im sure D.Im fine()3.My sister always spends lots of money _ clothes.A.to buy B.buying C.buy D.on buyingB巩固提升B28()4.My clothes _ clean because I wash _ every day.A.is;it B.are;it C.is;them D.are;them()5.I buy CDs _ my favourite singers.A.of B.in C.on D.forD巩固提升A29()6.Would you like to play games with us?_.A.Yes,please B.Yes,Id love to C.Yes,Id love D.No,Id loveB巩固提升30()7.Lucy is _ late for work,because she always goes to work early.A.sometimes B.often C.never D.usually()8.Can you talk to them _ English?They are from America.A.at B.with C.by D.inC巩固提升D31()9.I often watch Tom _ football on the playground.A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing()10.Can I use your computer?Sorry,I dont have _.A.it B.this C.that D.oneA巩固提升D32目录contents写作写作训练33学会写一篇关于庆祝生日的文章。【美文鉴赏学习】ItisalmostMollysbirthday,andshewantsonlyonething.ShewantsDadtobehomeforherbirthday.Mollysfatherisataxidriver.Histaxihasaname.ItsnameisTheKingoftheRoad.写作训练34 DadwakesMollyuponherbirthday.“Goodmorning,Princess(公主)Molly!”hesays.“Thesunisshining.Itsagreatdayforatrip.”“Whereareyougoingtoday,Dad?”Mollyasks.Shefeelssadthatherfatheristakingatriponherbirthday.CanthestaywithMolly?写作训练35 “Youmeanwherewearegoing?”Dadsays.“WearegoingforarideinTheKingoftheRoad!Ourfirststopwillbethemeal.Wewillhaveaspecial(特别的)birthdaybreakfast!”“Wow!”Mollysays.“Wherewillwegoafterthat?”“Thatsuptoyou,”Dadsayswithasmile.写作训练36一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练The King of the RoadThe name of Mollys fathers taxi1._The job of Mollys father2._ a taxi driver 37一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。一、根据文章内容,完成下列信息表。Information Card写作训练The thing Molly wants on her birthday3._ Mollys feeling about her dads trip idea at first4._ The thing Molly does when she gets up5._ her dad to be home sadhaving a special birthday breakfast38二、重点词汇积累。1.去旅行_2.开车兜风_3.吃一顿特别的生日早餐_4.取决于某人,由某人决定_take a trip写作训练go for a ridehave a special birthday breakfastup to sb.39【写作步步高】假设你为学校广播站撰稿,记录你们全班同学要去一位老人家里给她庆祝生日的想法。内容包括:1.你们想替老人买些什么礼物,为什么?2.还想为老人做什么;3.你的期望。写作训练40写作要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,注意分段,70词左右。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。写作训练41【思路点拨】第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 写作训练第一人称第一人称一般一般现在在时42第一段:开篇点题,说明买些什么礼物及原因。参考句型:Wewouldliketo/Wewantto第二段:还想为老人做什么。第三段:总结全文,描述感受。参考句型:Wehopewillbeveryhappy.第三步:将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型多样化。写作训练43【小试牛刀】Today is Sunday.We want to go to an old womans house._写作训练44 Today is Sunday.We want to go to an old womans house.Its her birthday today.We would like to buy her a scarf because winter is coming.Also,wed like to buy other presents,such as a big cake,flowers and birthday cards.写作训练45 In her house,we would like to have a birthday party.We would like to sing Happy Birthday and dance.We hope the old woman will be very happy.写作训练46中考中考链接接目录contents447一、一、阅读理解理解(A(A篇篇)。中考链接INVITATION TO A GOINGAWAY PARTYSunday,January 13Dear Li Yang and Lu Ming,You are invited to a party for our foreign teacher Miss Greens return to England for her holiday.She leaves on January 20.The best part of the party will be when we sing and dance 48一、一、阅读理解理解(A(A篇篇)。中考链接together.Party given by:Students UnionDate:Saturday,January 19,2019Time:6:00 pm to 9:30 pmPlace:The Students Dining HallReply by:Friday,January 18Food and drinks will be provided at the party.Zhang YuPS:This event is NOT to be missed!We hope to see you there!49()1.Why is Miss Green leaving?A.Because she will return to England for singing and dancing.B.Because she will return to England for the party.C.Because she will return to England for her holiday.D.No one knows.C中考链接50()2.When will they have the party?A.On Sunday,January 13th.B.On Friday,January 18th.C.On Saturday,January 19th.D.On Sunday,January 20th.C中考链接51()3.How long will the party last?A.For three hours.B.For two hours and a half.C.For four hours and a half.D.For three hours and a half.D中考链接52()4.Where are they going to have the party?A.In their classroom.B.In the Students Dining Hall.C.At Zhang Yus home.D.At Miss Greens home.B中考链接53()5.Who are Li Yang and Lu Ming?A.Zhang Yus schoolmates.B.Zhang Yus students.C.Zhang Yus teachers.D.Zhang Yus parents.A中考链接54二、配对阅读。左栏是五个人的个人信息和需求,右栏是七条提议,请为每个人提供一条合适的建议。中考链接55A.Its my birthday today.All of my friends come to my house.They sing the songHappy Birthday for me.My parents cook dinner for them.B.Welcome to join the chess and soccer clubs.We have classes on weekends.Lets meet in the park.中考链接56C.We sell many kinds of vegetables and fruit.Come and buy!D.Jim is from America.He wants to find a new friend in China.E.I like playing computer games and Jim likes playing football.Do you like making friends with us?中考链接57F.Welcome to Uncle Wangs Store!There are all kinds of clothes in his store and they are at very good prices.G.KungFu Yoga(功夫瑜伽)is an action movie and it is very exciting.中考链接58()1.LiMingwantstobuyaredsweater,buthedoesntknowwherehecanbuyone.()2.I want to find a pen pal.I want to learn English well.()3.I like action movies,but I dont like comedies.Jackie Chan is my favorite actor.I want to watch his new movie.D中考链接GF59()4.Today I am very happy.Do you know why?()5.Ilike playing chess,and Robert likes playing soccer.But we have no time to play them on school days.Can you give us some advice?B中考链接A60三、短文填空。TodayisMarch5.Itis1._birthday.Attwentytoseven,mymotherwakesmeup.Myparents2._tome,“Happybirthday3._you!”Isay,“Thankyou,MumandDad.”Igetalotof4._frommyfriendsandmyfamily.my中考链接sayto presents/gifts61Theyareinniceboxes.Myfather5._meayellowboxandthereisa6._init.Mymothersays,“Itsourpresentforyou.Therearealotofgoodstoriesinit.Youcanreadthemanditisgood7._you.”gives中考链接bookfor62 Jack,oneofmyfriends,givesmealongbox.Whatsinit?Its8._umbrella.Mysistergivesmearoundbox.Ithinkitisabigcake,9._itisabasketball.Ilike10._basketballverymuch,soIamhappytohaveit.an中考链接butplaying63谢谢观看!64


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