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美好回忆美好回忆of七年级上册七年级上册Miu字母发音归类(含相同音素)A E I O U R F H J KB C D G P T VYQ WL M N S X Z元音(12)an辅音(14)aBCDGPTV JK Y QW Z UAEIO FLMNSX R H字母字母词汇汇总看看起来像看起来一样照看寻找想要干喜欢做为什么不做你能吗?让我们住在和住在一起来自look at look likelook the samelook afterlook forwant to do/would like to do Why not do.?Could you do.?Lets dolive in live withbe from/like to do/like doingcome from 购物到外面吃饭打扰把给给买(早餐)吃不得不帮助做随便吃给回电话do some shopping/go shoppingeat outexcuse megive sth to sb/give sb sthbuy sth for sb/buy sb sthhave sth for breakfasthave to help sb(to)do sth help sb with sthhelp oneself(oneselves)to sthcall sb back 是做的时间是的时间和通话把告诉告诉做试穿很乐意做对很友好考虑认为,想起忘记做叫做Its time to do sthIts time for sthspeak to sbtell sb about sthtell sb to do sthtry onbe glad to do sthbe kind to sbthink about think offorget to do sthask sb to do sth到家在家一点点非常大量的 有空在这里在那边at homea littlea lot =very mucha lot ofbe freebe herebe homeover there家谱起床回家钓鱼野餐在去的路上在沙发上一点都不不用谢family treeget upgo homego fishinghave a picnicon the sofanot.at allNot at allon ones way to()1.Marys Chinese is poor.We can help her _ it.A.with B.and C.to()2.Mom isnt in today.I look _ my little sister.A.atB.afterC.like D.the same()3.I like these shoes.Can I _?A.try them on B.try on them C.try it on D.try on it()4.Lucy _ cook food for the picnic.A.haveB.have toC.has D.has to()5.Its seven oclock,its time to _.A.goes home B.go home C.to go home D.going home()6.Could you ask her _ me back,please?OK.A.callB.to callC.callingD.call to()7.Please ask Jane _.Ill wait for her.A.call meB.give me a call C.to call me back D.giving me a call词组与短语词组与短语()8.He doesnt like apples _.A.very B.muchC.at allD.little()9.Lucy,do you _ your sister,Lily?No,we have different looks.A.look B.look at C.look the same D.look like()10.Thats my bag.Please _.OK.A.give it to meB.give me to it C.give it me D.give me it()11.Do you look like your sister?No,we _.A.look the same B.look different C.look like D.look at()12.Li Lei often _ Lin Tao _ his English.A.help;to B.helps;with C.helps;to D.help;with二、用二、用be动词的正确形式动词的正确形式(is,am,are)填空,完成句子。填空,完成句子。1.This _ my teacher.2.How _ you?3._ she your mother?4._ your mother fine?5.How _ he?He _ fine.6._ you Jane?No,I _ not.I _ Maria.7.My name _ Kangkang.What _ your name?isareIs Is isisAre amamisis冠词冠词()1.Whats this _ English?Its _ egg.A.to;a B.to;an C.in;an D.in;a()2.My mom is _ teacher.Shes _ English teacher.A.a;an B.a;a C.an;a D.an;an()3.Is this _ car?Yes,its _ English car.A.a;anB.a;aC.an;an D.an;a()4.Whats that _ English?Its a deskA.fromB.to C.in D./()5._ orange is _ orange.A.An;/B./;an C.An;an D./;/()6.Mary is in _ red clothes and her hair _ brown.A./;isB.a;are C.an;is D./;are介词介词()1.-Welcome _ Beijing!-Thanks.A.for B.to C.in()2.Mary and Joy are _ Class One.They are _ America.A.from;in B.in;from C.to;from D.in;to()3.The girl _ black is my sister.A.inB.at C.toD.from()4.Could I study English _ you?No problem.A.inB.for C.withD.about()5.What would you like _ lunch?A.at B.onC.forD.in()6.Is this a photo _ your family?A.inB.withC.toD.of()7.He is kind _ me.A.veryB.toC.fromD.friendly代词代词()1.Does Li Ying have a small mouth?No,she has a wide _.A.It B.themC.oneD.ones()2.Is this coat yours?No,my coat is white and blue.This _ is blue.Its Lilys.A.coatB.oneC.colorD.clothes()3.Is the boy in white coat your friend,Jane?No._ in black clothes is.A.OneB.ThisC.ThatD.The one()4.Do you have a small mouth?No,I dont.I have a wide _.A.itB.oneC.themD.ones()5.Hi,Tony._ is my friend,Jack.Hello,Jack!Nice to meet you.A.He B.ThatC.ThisD.It人称代词()1.Whats _ telephone number?Its 8265-3412.A.youB.your C.my()2.Is he Li Ping?Yes,_.A.ImB.hes C.he is()3.What are these?_ are desks.A.ThisB.Those C.They D.It()4.Whos that,Kangkang?_ Mary.A.ThatsB.It C.Hes D.Theyre()5.Are those books?Yes,_.A.they are B.they arent C.those are D.those arent()6.Is that an orange?_.Its an apple.A.YesB.No C.It is D.It isnt()7.Whats _ over there(在那在那边)?Its a bus.A.theseB.those C.thisD.that.词汇。词汇。(10分分)A.用英语写出下面的数字。用英语写出下面的数字。1.Jim is in Class _(11),Grade Seven.2.Those are _(13)buses.3._(15)is my lucky(幸运的幸运的)number.4.Double nine is _(18).5.Jack is _(20)years old.Eleven thirteenFifteen eighteentwenty()1.“12:45”reads(读作)_.A.a quarter past twelve B.a quarter to twelveC.twelve forty-five D.three quarters past twelve()2.What time do you get up,Jim?I get up _.A.about six oclock B.at about six oclockC.about at six oclock D.six oclock()3._ is it?Its six oclock.A.What B.What color C.What time D.How()4.What time is it?Its _.A.four four-five B.a quarter to fiveC.three quarters past four D.forty-five four()5._ Its ten oclock.A.Whats that in Beijing?B.Whats the time in Beijing?C.Whats it in Beijing?D.Where is Beijing?动词动词()1.I _ a big nose,but he _ a small nose.A.have;have B.have;has C.has;has D.has;have()2.Does Lucy look like Lily?Yes,she _.They _ the same.A.does;looks B.does;lookC.do;looks D.do;look()3.Whose cap is this?I _ its Li Mings.A.thinkB.helpC.find D.welcome()4.Please help Jack _ his bike.Its missing(不不见了了).A.findsB.gives C.find D.give()17.Could you help me,please?Sure.What would you like me _?A.do B.to do C.doing D.does()18.Do you want _ with me?Yes,I do.A.to do any shopping B.do any shopping C.to do some shopping D.do some shopping()19._ your sister know Tom?No,she _.A.Do;dont B.Does;doesnt C.Do;do D.Does;does()20.What _ you like _ breakfast?A.do;to B.would;to C.would;for D.do;doing


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