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新人教版七年级上册英语第一单元精选练习题附答案Uni My naesi.第一学时Secto A(1a).根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。.Hi,Tom Ne to _ you.2Helen a_ Bob re ents (学生).Is he Erc?o H_ ame is A.4.Hi pen is black.M en islak,_.5.Ae you Gin?Y_,I am.用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空。Sheis yfrien_ (sh)name Cind7.Ayo M. Brown?No,Im_ (no).od fternn!_ (I)name i Heen.9.Tiss Aan._ (hs)is y frien.10Hi,whats _ (you)nae?.单选。( )1下列单词中具有单元音/i/的一项是_。Ance B.his C.meet Dnm( )12._ nae is Tia._ is sdnt.A.Sh;he B.Hr;he C.She;He.Hr;Her( )1.Ishe Mike?_Hsnme Frnk.AYs,heis B.No,he isnCYs,he in D.N,h is( )14Good orning! B.Hell,ob!_.mAlice. B.Goodornig.C.Are o ob?Doae yu?( )15.ll!Nice to meeyou_.Thankyou BGofternonNi to mee you,to DMy nme i Dale按规定完毕下列句子。1.s e Frank?(作否认回答)_,h _17I ac Miller.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ck Mller?.My ame is JmBro(对画线部分提问) _ _ name?19o fternoon. I Mke(改为同义句)Goo ar._ _ i Mke.20.M.,hs,Brwn,is (连词成句)_.情景交际。从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A:llo. Whats your n?B:_21_A:Im EricB:Nce o meet .:_22Whashs name?B:_23_ :_24_ B:Her esBett.C:Excs me,are ou lice?B:Yes,I m. re y k?C:_2_ I Bb.AAd whats e name?.My namAliceC.Hs ames FranDNic to met yu,oo.ENo,Im not.1_ 22_ 23._ 25._.完形填空。ello! M 2_ Bill _3Ihave twriens. One i _28_r. _29_names Jenny. She _30_.The othe(其她的) i aboy_31_ is Frank. He is ,_32.Lok! at_3_a id (鸟). _34_am is Polly.We all lke _35_( )26.A.ame B.nmeCnae Dam( )7.is Bam C.are D( )2.A. B.an Cth D( )2A.He B.her .His DHer( )0.A.am B.is Care /( )1.A.is BHe C.She Hr( )32A.and Bto C.tDtwo( )33.A.am .is C.re D.( )34A.I .Its C.ts .its( )35.A.it B.it C.Is .its第二学时Setion A(3a 3).按规定完毕下列各词。1I am(缩写形式)_2.hts (缩写形式)_3i(完全形式)_4hi (同义词)_she i (缩写形式)_6.m (完全形式)_7hes(同音词)_.isno (缩写形式)_根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。.Nice to _ (碰见)you.1.Ia _ (女士)ir.11_ (什么)iyourn?Alice.12_(是)yo Aln?es,I am13.s heJcron?_ (不),e snt.单选。( )4. _ Gina and he _ Jane.Aam;s Bam;ar C.is;is Dis;am( )15._na isErc an_ nami MrAer;s BHer;r .Hs;her D.Hs;s()16.Wts _ ame?_ nameGina.or; B.you;ICou;y yo;M( )1.Ar yuln?_.Im Alice.AYes,I am B.Yes,mNo,Iamn D.N,Im not( )18_.Nie omee you,to.m Bo BGod rningCNice t met yo D.e,ank y根据图片提示及情景填空,每空一词。.A:ell! m Eic. :ello!_ _ is To20A:Hi!_ _ na? B:Im Alice. 1 :Is she y? B:_, _ _. Ses Helen.22.A:_ _ _ _!:Niceto meet yo,too!23. A:Was ername? B:_ _ is May 第三学时SectionB(1af).用英语写出下面图中物品的数量。 1._ 2_ 3._ ._ 5._根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。Six nd f_ is ten.7Fiv an _ s five.8.Cindys Q n_s .9.Wats nd o?ts e_.10.Whayor t_ nmbr?Its381456.单选。( )11Wat fou ad fve?Its_to oe Cnin Dsx( )1.hts your hoenube,Lisa?_21085A.es .mCes D.Is( )13. his onuber309086?_ 30986.A.Ye,e i B.o,e int Ces,t s N,itist( )“O one nine”表达_。火警 .匪警C.急救中心 D交通事故报警( )15.Is it _ teephone umbe?s,it is_ tephone umberA.y;our Byour; Chs;hr D.er;h按规定完毕下列句子。1r poe numes 654887.(改为否认句)Her phnenumber _ _5498877.Hi teeoe umber is 027778916.(对画线部分提问) _ _ s telehonenumbe?8.It is atelepoeinEglish.(对画线部分提问) _ _ it in Elih?19yae Bob own.(对画线部分提问) _ _ nae?20phne,her,i,numbr,wa (连词成句)_.情景交际。在横线上填入合适的单词补全对话,每空一词。A:Gd _21_!B:oo fnon!:_2_ yor nm?B:I _23_ Jack Smit. And _4_ _25_26_?A:Myname? il White. _7_ aeyou?:I _28_,thnk you._29_ yo?:Im OK Whas yor telephoe _3_?B:Its8-127621._ 2._ 23._24_ 25_ 26._7_ 8._ 29._30_.阅读理解。Im Mary iller I rom hA. Im eight. haveaone.Isblac. ts ic nIlike it vry uch. Myphn eris 23088.I ike h number,eause (由于) s yfvor number. ave agood friend. Her ams L Yua. Shei six. r nglih ame is na.Shes phe,o.Her phonenumber is 322565.( )31. ay is frm_.Ana Bh USCCnada D.ustralia( )32. What color i Marys one?.ts ed BblacCIs wi .ts lue( )3. Li uans Eglisnae i_.ary B.CindyCJnny D.ina第四学时SectnB(22c)用方框中所给的单词填空。lat,numbe,frend,first,Cha1AliceGreen is in_.2e i my _.Hi nme isMk.3He isJim Sith.Smih ishi _name.Im Jnn Miller.M _ name is Jenny.5y tphon _ s96130.单选。( ).Hello!My name is _A.Liu fan .iu ang CLiuFang Diu fang( )7.Herne s Gin Gren._is hrst nmA.na B.Geen.ree Ga DGina Green( )8.Whis vi?He is_ Chia now.f B.on .in Dat( ).is numberis 369.t rad (读作)_.Afive threesix fie ine.for three ixour Cninefve si eefveDvre sevn five nine( )10Wht yr telephoenber?_ 78559.A.Im B.It CIt D.Is.根据汉语意思完毕句子,每空一词。11她的姓是什么?What is _ _?.她的名字叫杰克。 _ _ is Jack.13.这是你的电话号码吗? _ _ teephoe umbr?14你是琳达吗?是的,我是。_ _ Linda?Ys,_ _15.她是汤姆吗?不,她不是。_ _ Tom?_,h_.按规定完毕下列句子,每空一词。1.Hname JenyWite.(改为同义句)_ nny White.17.Histname isMike.(对画线部分提问)_ _frst nm?18.HeDeg hao.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ eng hao?1My phon numbe i 9-866(对画线部分提问)_ _ phone mer?20Hi firstnae s Bb Hs lst neis mh.(合并为一句)iname is _ _.任务型阅读。今天是魔法学校的第一天,哈利波特(Hary Potr)和赫敏格兰杰(Hermione Grger)成为了同桌,下面是她们之间的对话。M:Helo!M nais arry.:Hi,Hary y me sHermin.M:Nceo met yu.W:Nic to mee you,toM:Whts our ast name?W:aneAd your last ame?:PtteW:Whats yurphone numbr?:t thr two six,eght fir in.And you tlehn numbe?W:Myephoe numbeis eig to seen,for o ix tree.根据对话内容,完毕哈利和赫敏的身份信息卡。Firt name:_21_Last ame:_2_Phonenumer:_23_irt nm:_2_Last na:_25_Phoe nub:82-406 21_2._ 2_24._ 25_SelfCheck单元重难点题组训练题组训练一 am、is、are辨析.单选。( )1w _ yo? _ fnAam; B.am;reC.are;a D.re;ar( )2.What_ that in nlis?I _a pen.r;s s;areCe;are D.is;s( )3._ ey and _ ruler.Ahiss;thats BThis is;tasCThs i;that ae DThisar;tht are( )4.I he ob Smith?Ys,_hes .hes Cshe i Dshes( ). h nd I_n hn.ae Bis Cam D.be.按规定完毕下列句子,每空一词。m MayMller.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ Mary illr?7.Whts his elephone umber?(改为完全形式) _ _ hs teepoe nuber?.His firs e s Tom.(改为缩略形式)Hs i _ _9Ishe Lida?(作否认回答) _,he _1mimGre.(改为同义句) _a _ Jim Green.题组训练二 no、no辨析.单选。( )1Istat a lak pe?_.Its ablue e.Aes,i is BYes,snC.No,it is .o,tist( )2.Is he Frak?_,he_A.es;isnt B.Ys;notNo;snt.o;is( )3.I ths y aket?_.Itsh jaket.No BNot Ces DOK用no或not填空。4hsis _ myuiltAre yo ce?_,Im _.根据汉语意思完毕句子,每空一词。6我不是吉娜。 _ _ Gia.她们没在中国。ey _ _ina.她是简吗?不,她不是。Ise Jae?_,he _.题组训练三 ood、fine、ice辨析.单选。( )1.This i _ jackeA.OK B.ice .nt Dmy( )._ fernoon,Ms. Green.in BNic CGood D.hanks( )3.Hw are you?m _.Thank ou.Agoo Be nce Dfn.根据汉语意思完毕句子,每空一词。4她是我的好朋友。e s_fiend.5.见到你不久乐。_ _ _you.6上午好,辛迪! _ _,Ciy!题组训练四 、an、the辨析单选。( )1Are om nAlici _China?es,thy areA.a B.an C.the D/( )2.s tha _bac jacket?No,it is _ orage cke.A.; B.an;aCan;te Da;the( )3.I you_rle?es,tisA.te B.a . D( )4t s _ firt sn (课). B a Dan.用a,a或e填空,不需要填冠词的填“/”。5Ishs _ c?Yes,it s_ cup is white.6at i _frst name?Jk Ad s _ laste i Gren.hatshat in_nlish?Is _ telephone.8.Herfin woks (工作)in_midd hool单元写作小专项&Secion B(a4)【单元写作目的】本单元写作规定同窗们能用所学的词语或句型(根据有关信息提示)简朴地简介自己或她人。内容涉及姓名、电话号码、Q号码等。1能用代词 my,h,简介自己或朋友;2.能用ad连接句子;.能对的使用标点符号;4能对的书写英语句子。一、词汇积累1.她的姓 _2电话号码 _3她的名字 _4.中学 _5.你的朋友 _6.在中国 _【温馨提示】短语的首字母不需要大写。当试卷上只给出一条线时,这条线相称于四线格中的第三条线 。请在一条线上写出6个字母,加油!此后你们用的都是一条线哟!请检查你前面写的短语,格式对的了吗?二、句子积累(一)用am,is或re填空。1.I_ Liu Danda2.ane Smith _ my friend.3.His tlpo nmr_ 674132.4Wat _ your ae?Myna _Mary ron.5_yo Lid?e,I _【温馨提示】本单元所学的句子中都具有动词“am,s或e”,表达身份和状态等。(二)用 my,his,her,ur填空。1Im ele._telepone number is256892.e isJimGree._tlephenumber is 242-565.3Sheis inda Green._first ne s ina.4.Whats _ ls nae?My lst nae is Miller(三)翻译下列句子,其中第2句和第4句用“nd”连接。1.我叫常晓波。_2.我的姓是刘,我的名是刚。_3她的朋友是Hele Mile。_4.她的电话号码是798765,她的QQ号码是。_5你在一所中学吗?_【温馨提示】英语中的标点符号与中文有所不同。如英语中没有顿号“、”,而用“,”隔开;句号不是“。”,而是用实心点“.”。三、以读促写根据短文内容和所给的汉语或首字母提示,写出空白处所缺单词的对的形式。每空限填一词。Hllo!I _ (是)Mary mh._ (我的)frt m is ary and my _ (最后的)nme is Sit M_(电话)numer is2-468 ad QQ_ .M _ (朋友)i Zou ia_ (她)is _ (中国)now (目前)._ (她的)firname is Zouand is la _ (名字)isi. e _(是)good rieds.四、篇章训练如果你是美国男孩Dav Brown,你在中国结识了一种新朋友。在英语课上教师规定你简介你自己和你的新朋友。请根据下面表格中的信息用英语写一篇短文。irt namelat namephne numbrQ numberDaveBrown506790Graceen79-364规定:1.内容涉及表格中的所有信息,可合适拓展; 2.书写规范,标点符号对的; 3.用nd连接,使句子通顺、流畅; 4.词数50左右。Unt 1 Mnams Gina.第一学时Section A(1a2d)1.meet2.n 3.Hi.too 5.Yes.Her7not8y9He 10.your.1-15CBB.16No;int17re you 1.Wa ou1.Myname20.This i s.Brown212BDAE.2630 CBADB 1-35BBC第二学时 Secto A(3a3c)1.Im 2whas3.i is.hlo5.sh6.nas 7.his8.snt9.meet 10Ms. 11.Wha 12.Are 3.o.418ACDDC.19.Myna0.Whyour 21.o,she ist22Nice t met yu 23.Henae第三学时Section B(11).1three.one 3.fiv.t 5seenfur7zeo 8.numbe 9igt 10.telehon115CB.16sot7.Wat s 1What is9hayr0Whs he phone umber21.afternoon2.Whts 23.am 2.Wts25.your 26.am27w28.fine 29.Ad30.numb.33BBD第四学时Section B(2a2c)1.Cha 2.fiend3.ast 4first numr.6-0 BBCAC11.lastm 12.first name13.Isthiyour1.Are u;I amI e;N;isnt16.Ses1.Whtsis18.Ishe1Whats our 20.ob mth.ary 2otter.268509 2.ermione 25.GangerSlf hec单元重难点题组训练一、.1-5CDBAA.6.Are you7.What isnames Tom.N;nt10M;is二、.1-3D.4.not 5No;ot6.m not 7.are ot8.No;int三、.1CD.4.y god5.Nice tmeet6.Goomornin四、.1-4DACB.5a;he6.; 7/;a 8a/the单元写作小专项&cion (3a3)一、词汇积累1his lst name2.teephone/henumbr3her name4.mddle sho.yrriendn hina二、句子积累(一)1.am 2.is 3.i 4.is;s5.Are;m(二)1M.i .er 4.our(三)1.I Chang Xo./y name is n Xiaob. 2.y la name is an m ist nae isang. 3.er frind is Hele ill 4.Histlephoe/phone nue 079-6anhi Q nmbi.5.ryo in a iddle schl?三、以读促写am;M;last;elphonephon;number;frien;e;Cin;Hi;nme;are四、篇章训练On possile ersin:elo! DavBrowMy firstme is ae and my ast name is Brow.y e umbe i 506-790 an my QQnumbers .M rind is race ree.he isin China nowHerfirs nmeis Gra andher as nm is ren.Her phone nuer s 79-34nd her Qnumbr is.


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