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期末测试(二). 单选。(15分)( ).s :00pm. hestudent_ i the pol.A.swiB. swCswisD. are wimmi( )2. Kangkag lies paying _ ui, bt Janeliketo play_ bsktball.A.the; te te; /C. /; hD. /;/( )._Its June 1st.Whats thete no?B Whats tedat oay?C.Wt d itoday?.Whenre you brn?( )4. ri _ peak Chineebecue she oesnt know muchines. sedomB awaysC. otenD. usall( )5.n T i _year old andtomorro ishis _ birthday.A. furteen; frten. ourtee; fourteenthC.fourte; fourtethD. orteth;frteen( ).ery Chritma!_A. ank yo e, oo.C N robem.D. Te sam to ou.( )7.Wr the bg ree,iei?Oh,it _ our clssoomuildi.A. in h frnt oB. i fon o at e bac ofD. in te enter f( )8._,please! Lts e ourlsso.A. equieB e noisy. n b tD Nisy()9.Cold o payte guita whenyowe 8 ear l?_A Ys, coud. . No, I cat.C. es,I a.D. No, I wont( )10. Maenjys _music.And shcan sg alo ons. iseningB.to lien tC. to liteng.listenin to( )11. Css Fur pns _ eig bout heschool art fesialtorow. havB hC.hasD.are haing( )2 ogt a verybauifl poscad Teachrs ayGrea!hen _you_ i?A do; buyB. ill; buyC. dd; buyD. did;bough( )1._ d yupl cuter games?Twice amoth. o loB. Hw mayC. How oftnD. owmu( )14. Thee _ lamp, tw boks,a copute ad so o.A. arB. i. beD.m( )5.Im ging tounmgfor m holiday this mot._Please go!BYoca g!C. est ishes to yo!D.Hav a getie!.情景交际。((A)每题一分(B)每题两分,共分)(A) 从栏中选出栏句子的相应答语。 ( )1. Wa kid hedoo ive in? A O couse. ( ) Howisthe wethr toay? . Sory. Iwont dthatgan. ( )8. Coul ohepme? Yes, tee is one on t sreet crner. ( )9. Dont esoate nx ie. D. a rmhuse. ( )20 Excuse me, i hr a bank ner here? E. s windy. (B)根据对话的情景,从方框中选择合适的句子填在画线处,使对话完整通顺。其中有两项是多余的。( student meetshiEnlish eae at the busainwhen he summerholiys ben. )S: elo, Mss Li Hw are yu?T: O, fine, tank ou. 21 Anhow aryo ao arnts?S: re l verwll,o. Thans.: 22 S: Mparnts and are ing to angha toseemy ganparens And yu?T:Imoing toBidihe. Al the eacesare gingtherS: 2 : For a weeS: Were comng bak in a week, too. 24 T: Tank ou. Hae a goodtp! There gese bu 5 Goodbe.S: By. A. Lets go o th lassroo.B. I ho youll enjoy our hoidy there.C. Whe are yougoinnow?.Wil it ae yusomeie? I hae o g now.F. Glad o eeyo hr.G.Howlonge ou sain hr?21. 2 23 2 2. . 完形填空。(10分)Dyouthink ofyur parnts? “Ye, fcos. ”yu may answer, “ bu a present for my mother on 2 . nd I givemy fah apresent oFathers Day, too ” Then what abou e other ys of a yr? Always 7 t tink of your arent, n j onsome 8 dy.Ihava riend. S 29 alone,becuse herparnt live i a dffrent cty Oeay ent to see he. e h a ic tal.Then se watedto ake a tphe call Sedild (拨) teuber, btthe she t t pne 30 Ater abut n secons,seaedthe umbrgan. “Hi, Mom ”aer, Iake,“hyid you dial th umber 1 ?” She sid,“My parn e old. The ant get 32 hteephe quickly(迅速地) I ways s when thm. I jst want t gvete 3 tm nswr the call ”My rid is ust sch(这样)a od girl. he i aws 34 herparents,so wynot 3 her? Youll aso ba god sn ordauer.( )26 A.Fahrs DayB. MotrsDayC.TachsaD Chilen Day( )27. askB.forgt. sp.emeber( )28. specialB. ntrestinC dificultboin( )29.A liveB. les.ved living( )30. A. pB. awayC dnDon( )1. . oceB.twiceC three imesD. ur times( )3. A. far roB. ehndC.los toD. ate endof( )33. A. ew. ite a tD itle( )34. thinkingboutButg ayC.looking o. listenigto( )35 A. askBlearn fromC. alk abtD. miss. 阅读理解。(分)(A)angXioun i 12yersold. He is inthe cutry inHbi. Todys is bithay. s arens prpare a nice inn for him, but he boy ays, “I onhaethe inner becaue tr the dinn, tod is oer, anmy parents are gong tohenzhmorrow.I dontwat to lethem .”Wang Xajun hs te brthda wth hiprets fo thefirttimei h past theys.Threeyeaag, s pret w toShenzhen to work. Ty say ndorkd here rthreeyears. Torrw thy ha oo ack o Shenzen.g s ot th onlstay-the id. n e cunty o Chna, tee e man cilrnstyin at hme witho (没有) heir arnts Sty-t-hmechidren hav a lot of obles. Mo of hestay wih thir radpares. Som of tem dot stud well esethirparens nt help thm wth tir study.he Chinee govrmn (政府) ow isryin o solve (解决)ther proem.根据短文内容,选择对的答案。( )36Wen s anXaojun orn? AIn. B. n . . I . . n.( )3.ng iaun ont av the birthdy dine becue _. . ereisn brty cake .he food in delicChiprents re goin to Shenzhen torro D. e doest likethednr( )8.Wang Xiojun idn have the irtday withis paren in the pat _ ys. A.to Bhre C.four f( )39.Te“sayahomechild”meas _ in hines. A. 住家小朋友 B 顽皮孩子 C. 留守小朋友 D离家小朋友( )4Whic f he folwig is NT tu?A. ere a alot o children lke ang iaojunin hina.B.T Chines govrnmen is tryg o sve heseobleC.WangXiaojun prens ohenhento ae oneyD.Say-athme childre donhav arblems.(B) Its 5:0 m. Mike is drivg his newcar his ssactHe nt to pick up(接)hisiste. Bt he dntknowhe wy tops in front of a nk. Atthistme h sees n l an near hs ar. Mke oes out o thcar nd ks the l man, “xcuse me. hreis he ator?”Th od man sys,“es,I nowthe way to th fatory. I can gothere w .”The ol manis nw sitti in Mi a. on he com to mall houseand th ldmn says,“Sop er, please!”ik sp the ca anday,“Bu this ista fatory at al.”“N,”sys theod man, “is isy ous.I wat t get he befr inr. hankyou for aking ehome. h factory s behind the bank. So o bac to the bak and ten tn leftYullseeth faory. Yu cantmiss it.”Aftr half a hour, ike gets to his ites facry. Its just behin th bank!根据短文内容,选择对的答案。( )41 Mk wants o go to _. is iers factory B. he ol mans ue C.a ank D. h ome( ).ke sk_ for elpA. is sist B the olice C. anld a D.a ol wan( )4. Thefacty f ies ister is_.A. frnt of the bnk bed the bak. in fro ofthe o ns oue D. eind the oldms hue( )4. Whic of th follwng iNO tre?A. Mies cr ew. B.The ol n knosthew o h factory.Mikeget tothe old an home is. D Th old man oesn tel Mkthe ay to tefatory( ) Howmaneoplare mentioned(提到) in thpassage(文章)?A. . . . . 4. D .(C)Trfi lighs are very iporant t s.I thik everyone knos this. ut how wertey bo? Doyo k?Garrett A Morgn was te father of affi lit He s n Amern. Morgan wsbor n 7 His familwa very poor Helet(离开)school the ag o 1. He wasey . He aysloo forbe s odo thins. d e likedt make ewtins.At tht time, eery Aercn wnted toav aca. Streets weful f cr. The trf was tgod.“Why notu threelghs at ech sreet crossing? Tey should be red, elow and geen,”Mrgn sad,“Le te tell crs to o or stop.”Sohe madea tier(定期器)ochage the ghts. Now we have traffic hts on the steet.根据短文内容,完毕任务。任务一:判断正()误(F)。( )6.GreA.Mogan wsnt he invento (发明者) ofrafic iht.( )4. GrrtMoran was born in te A in 15.任务二:写出画线句子的同义句。4. He left sho_ _ fourtee yearsol任务三:翻译画线句子。4. _任务四:选择对的答案。( )50. The best title(标题)frtheasse(短文)is _. A. A tor about MorganB Trffilihts C. Howere trafic hs born Morgan brthday第三部分 写作(分). 词汇部分。(2分)()根据句意及汉语提示,在空白处填入合适的单词。51. Thanksgivig Dy is nte fouthThusdayn_ (十一月) i Ameica.2. ne _ (邻居) Mr. Smih coms rom welnd.3.angkng ishe o know _(一切)rund imoe ay.54.o mn stunts dosyour schol a?bout the _(千).5. Het fshng and_(捉住) a lt ffis.(B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的合适形式填空。56. LLe _(rg) a presnt for Mimeisbhday lat nght.57.ukios from _(Japnes) nd heis studing a jirhg hool in Beijing.58. Insmmer, e usuallwe _ (ot) anss eep cool5 T y ellfro t bikebt ed hrt_ (h).60.Th oy writeo hs paens_ (n) a wek.综合填空。(0分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入合适的单词。here amaydiffernt esvalsin te orld (世界).People can o many kis oftings.Sring eival s the mos ifestvlin Cin.Chnese eol ofen perfrmlon an dagon d 62 . Teyas et dmplns on that a. h secod Snda in Mais MoerDay. often 63 ur veur trsbygivig lowers. pil FooDay(愚人节) i niterestingstival. ou n p64 tricks nyur frensa they cannotb angy(气愤的) it you. Many pople 65 istmas. he fe et turey n gve gifts o eachothr.61. _ 2. _ 3. _ 64. _ 5 _. 书面体现。(共20分)生活像一只快乐的小船,承载着无数的欢声笑语。请以“A Hapy Day”为题,写一篇短文。规定:1. 描述你经历过的一件快乐的事;.涉及事件发生的时间、天气、地点、具体通过,亦可合适发挥;3.00个词。A Hay Day_期末测试(一)第二部分 英语知识运用1D 根据前一句“目前4点了”可知应当使用目迈进行时,其构造为s/a/are V-ing。故选D。2. B 乐器前加the, 球类前一般不用冠词,故选B。3. B 根据答语可知询问日期。选项A询问时间,C询问星期,D询问生日,故选B。4 A 根据后半句可知她汉语懂得不多,因此Maia很少说汉语,故选A。5. C 基数词表达数目;序数词表达顺序,故选C。6.D 节日祝愿的答语一般是hesa to you.“你也同样”,故选D。7. i fnt f“在前面(外部)”,、D三个选项都是指在一种整体中的某一部分,故选B。8. A 祈使句以动词原形开头,根据题意可知B不符合,故选A。. A 一般疑问句简略回答应当和引导词保持一致,故选A。10. D noy doingt. 可排除、C; 再根据ltn o后才可接宾语,排除A,故选D。11 B plan todo th.“筹划做某事”,故选。2. C 由动词ught可知时态是一般过去时,疑问句用助动词did,动词用原形,故选C。3. 根据答语“一种月两次”可知询问频率,故选。1 B 考察he be句型的用法。动词e要与背面邻近的名词保持一致,即就近原则。故选。5 D 本句的回答应是一句对旅行的祝愿语,故选。.()1. D 17. 1. 19. B 0 C(B)21. F 2 C 23.G 24. 25. E. 6. 根据下句d give fathe apresnt on Fters Da, oo.在爸爸节给爸爸买礼物,可知上句应当是在妈妈节给妈妈买礼物,故选B。27.D 本句是一种祈使句,“总要记住去关怀你的父母”。故选。28 A 根据上句lwas remmbe tthink of youarent可知,“总要记住去关怀你的父母,不仅仅在某些特殊日子”。故选A。29. B 主语是s,本句话是一般目前时,动词用第三人称单数形式,故选B。30. 根据上下文可知,作者的朋友打电话不止一次,put th phone own “放下电话”,故选C。31B 根据上下文可知,她打了两次电话,故选。32 她的父母老了,不能不久地走近电话,lose t“接近”,故选C。3B 本句的意思是让父母有时间接电话,ime在这里是不可数名词,用alittle修饰,故选B。4. A tin of与ink aout均有 “关怀” 之意,故选A。35. B 根据上下文可知,“她总是关怀父母,因此为什么不向她学习呢?”learn rom s. “向某人学习”,故选B。. (A)36B 根据第一段第一句Wag ijun is 12 ers ld 可知她十二岁,今年,那么她的出生年份就是,故选B。37. C 根据第一段第四句I won have the diner oing t Senhen trrw.可知她不想要生日晚餐的因素是她的父母明天要去深圳了。38B 根据第二段第一句Wag Xiaoju has th irtdwithhpretsfo he firs t te pa three years可知这是三年来Wg iun第一次和父母过生日。过去三年固然没有和父母一起过生日,故选B。39. C tay-at-he child“留守小朋友”,故选。40.D 留守小朋友有诸多问题,故选D。(B)41 A 根据短文第三句He atsto pick p hisster.可知她想去她姐姐的工厂,故选。2. C 根据短文第五、六句H stopinronofa ank ar hi ar可知她向一位老人求救,故选。4 根据短文倒数第六句efatoy iseind thebank.可知工厂在银行背面,故选B。.D 根据上下文可知老人最后告诉了Me去工厂的路,故选D。45. B 根据全文可知有三人,即迈克、迈克的妹妹和老人。故选B。()46. . T48. whe he a49. 为什么不在每一种十字路口放三盏灯呢?50. 全文讲述了红绿灯产生的过程,故选C。第三部分 写作()5. oember52. neighbor53.everhing 4. thoand5 caught(B)56. rught57 Jaan8. horts 59. hmself60. once.61 iortant 6. dances 63. show 64 pay 5. ceebrate. 参照范文:(A)6 Wng Fag is wsing her faenow.7.Somtiespeople/Peopletesue the cuer t semis.8. Mary i pring best.9. We hd a oneful prty last Snda.70. Th are manboson teshel.(B)A HappyDayy unive n te ountry ast all,re was n ppervetois am. Hasked mfamiy oejyte ppes.On a unn morning, m family roeo the arm.ter wot the, I at a big nd red aple at onc The apl as o we. hen e heed arst aples. In te aternon,we adabig maltere. Ihoh itwa elico was ery happ that da!


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