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新世纪大学英语2 optionl listeng ite, Bookieng 1Boy: y, Granda, hat in tso?Gradm:Oh, oting relyJt afew l epsakesB: Keepske?: Youm, you kwwat a keepske s !B: o, dont. reall do.G: Wel, tsomenyou keep Itomeing thatgives ou alot of emie.: Oh.hts ths?G: Now don go jusdiggnarouin thre! . Hmm,les see. hat my first drB: Can I.?G: No, you cant radit! Itspeoal! I wte aout frst boyfriend inter. He became ur gndfate!B: Oh, k tn, whats tha? It ha cture ii.G: at m passport. YOU ca , traeed toEroe bsip.B: Whats that bgbook?G: My yearoo. highsool ok ofmemris.B: Class of 161! Boy, tat od!G: Tha aut nghot of y, young m I tn is ime weput his ox wa ndLitening 2At heag of thte, I took mfit ti aneI went o viit grandparts in Los ngees.I ftveynerous abouttveli s fa, ut my thersad, “Dontworry. oull b ine” I go on te airaneand tlkedfora n tme toa ry nice wman whoat net to e. My grandaret metme a the irort and to methir home I staydthereor two wes, ad Ihadso m fn wth them! twas fisttime in os Angles, nd I salt ofraly interstnglacesIn the ed, I dnt want to go ho!Leng 3Mkg emiesAppular new hobby is scrapbooking-ang eautiful books hospecia memories. Srapboo e can nclud os, drawings, jouraletries. Its not hd to ake ascrapbk tht owill enj fr mnyearHre ae thsps.1. hoose a them for your scrapook as.Sme emple: “School days,”“ Fmilytvl,” “Memories o y rarnts,” “ Bas fist year.”2. Slect tos o each eTo the relly goo hotos e better than te so-so hos. Find other pap eepskesto s withyour phts. Look for old newspaper clippings, ostcards, tcket, reor ards,ettr-aythng md o pape. Use ourimaginatio!4. Desin the ags.Putphod keepakes toher on each pge and movethem arouduntil ou fn ayutthat yo lik.5 Guyour oto ad keepsakes it ace. Then dcorate you pages wit flt ens, aint, an tikrs. Useyou imgnation!6. abl our paeThis is mos importtep! Rmeber to ritewnh “5 Ws”of your photos:Wh, hat, Wer, When, a Why. This wll make yursrapbook much mornterestng and valuab in thefture.Liteng 4Yearoos t Uit taesMot high scools in heUted Stas pulish eabook. Theerbok comes ouonc a year, usully inthe sprn. It is a recrdof the shoolyer- a “bo ofmemories”or e sudents.Insd yeaoo sach snts hoto The senrs re gradutingson, and tr photo appear first Nxa the junirs.They r on year bendhesenir. Nxt coe te hooes, orsecondea sunts. Thelst potosarethefirs-yearstdnts,the fehme. The aroo is not ony abou studets. he tehershave pho,to.Thyeabok alsha hos andecriptins ofport tams, aaemc sujects, and xracuriculactivities.These activities stdentsoatcho,uch t ces club nd Spanish club.Tre is ve a yearbok club. tudensin ti l it, desi, an tke phoosal yea for the yerook. At e nd o he year, the bok s prne.Inte earbok, some sudenseeivespecalls T senirs vo a coe th“laclwn”( a fnny stdent), t “ most likelyto succeed” ( a tudnt everoe tinkwill b ucessful), and the“bestdressed” (a student with a oodfahi e). Thr ea othe aads d egie. Sudents tica sgn each othesyerbok. Thi iseecialyimoant fr tesenior,bause theyrgraduating. Stuentwritnos toachther,uh as, “We hd alot of fun,”or“ ll evefrget y.” The arieabotal t fun and fnny xerinces heyshared in school togher. Keys:OL:A. -passrt;1-diary; 3-yarbook B. . boyfiend 2 Euroe, sip 3siiesOL2: B.1.; 2. o vst higranparents;3. s. etakdfra lnie to anicewoman; 4. He hadlotsof fn withhis grndparent and saltsof interetin plcs.Ithnd, h evn didnt want t go hom.OL3: B. capbooi is akn beautiful bos o hod ecial mori. Photos,tues, etc.a beicuddn scapbooks. 2. Oldnewspper clppings,postcrds, ticets, ertc, t.3. The “5 Ws” fth photo: who, what,hee, whe andhy. 4. “Scoo as”,“aly tral”, “Memrsofmy gdparnts”,“Bays ft year”. 5Us ginato todin h pes, ad the ecort h wih lt pes, aint and tikes.OL4: A1. Ms igh schooi the S; 2.Beauseteyaregradung soon. 3Yes; 4. t the nd f teyear. 5.Itesa stdent with good fashin sen. .to;3. senir; 4. spors; 5 yarok; . titles;7. ign; 8 memoiesOL. choos; .wear;3.bralt; 4. rg;5. faorit kepsa; 6.pendant;7.she was i ollege;8.ad no friend;.remdher t be trg; 10. fec jeelUnit ,Bok2Optional Listenng 11 Man: hee are yu unin to, aa?WomanIhavCnnes we I to gie tohe.M:Come on. Ihlp you. W: onse Conie nyhere.M: Loo! heover therSanding at he bus stop.: Ohyeh, I se he.Coni! Conni!M: Se desnt seeus.W:Youre right, Its too noisy, and she talinto smeoe.2M:ell, re we re. Thisis mymomshose. W: Itsbeaiful.: Hy, Je.Areyu oay?: Imst a littl rvo. It my firs tie metng yourmotheM: ConDont worry. Heese ow.2: Hi,!M:Hi,Mn. d lie yu tomet Jen.W2:i, Je. Its ver nce tomee yo :Its n to eou, too. rs Hari: Hey, Ane. here r yo oing?W:moing tothe lbrayt tudy.M: Forwhat? Itsonl7:00 a.m.!W: My final exam Tyrenext wk: Wo, el, god luck!: Thanks!4.W: Bil, its e.Wheres he theae?M: Hmmm I hinks nar heW:Are yo sure? What sret is this?: Uhm I dont nowW:Weres the map? I wat o chec.OptioalLtening aula: So, Jan, wht aeyou ding these days?Jn:Im wokin inanffe. And Im stuyin ce scienc in the evenig.P: Youe rly busy!J: hts forsure! in m free tim, m earnng Sish fr my vation.Implanin a rip toxic next year.P:Wat aouour oters?Hw ath ding?: Thyr doig grat! Ale i ping our fathei ibsine, and Adam isoig t PacicUnivy.P: Howne!J: Pul, hwabout you?Hw re yo doingthese dys?P: doin reat, too. Imwokng on pectabu cmmuny sfet.J: omunitysafy?P:Yh. Weeplnning ampign agaist het,fie ,AIDSa drg i ourcommuit.J: h, tasounds iteesing!P:Yes, ineedit is itereing, ndit is vy mortnt tothcmuni.Otional Lisenin 3Knowbefore you go!In angadespele gree thei friend bshaking hands oly an then putingtheir hads ove thei hert Pee i angldesh do usmany sre. Waving atpeople ad wikng ae vry ud. Dot toc eople e hed ont poit ih your foot-Banglaeh poe think fet are very ity.Idosias ret pople with aong andsake, and t bwt thesme time. Atameeing,give vey pern you usines cd, t use u right hand-sing yur lf han ivery rude inIoesan Thaian, thetraditional ret s caled wa-people pu thei hans toehe d bow. enand women dotofte toheac oter n pul. Thi peopldnt se their hand f gstres,b they oe to smle lot. The somtimes laughwhen tey el ervou or ebarassed.eol in the Unid Emirates have se ecial gsurs. hntwon met,theyshake hands.Someties old men toc nos ther Womekiss ther frends on he cheek.Ifa man s man, hedoestshak hands wth her.He j smil.hen you giv you riend smehing,g t him wihour ighthan.Dont usyour lefthad. And don pontt pepoe with youfngerUse your hand ogestue towards them.ptioal ListeningWold geetingsIn Brazl men ofenak handwhenthey met or te first ime. Whewmen mt,th kis ech oter on he chek. oen also kismale fied to a helo he shke hans, oot th erson i te eye.Th shos irst and findiss.n ewZeand, ual, bennd women shkehad ney me soonefor th first ti. Fn act: I ou seeo poe rsing ter noetethr, they are probbly Mar. e Maor rete nati eopl of New Zend.hs is their tritioalgeeting. I Japn hen eoplemee for th frst time, hey usllybo.n uins, pele so sake hanIn fomal stuaios,popleoftexhan iness car. Whe you give busness card, give it it hands. hiss pite Sia note:In Japan, a smile can have eent meanins. usuall means tha thperson i hpy. that he pero tin stin isfunny. utt aso mea that the prson i errassed.y:O1: A. waig to; . skinghad; . cossig his finges; 4.shruggigB. 1. wallet;2. nervus;3. stuingor a test;tetheaterO 2:B.1 Tasor sr; 2. vaon; . heyredoingret; 4. projet; ADS; 6. rugsOL 4: 1. shae hads; Jan,bw; 3. Mari; Bril,kss(ech hon thechek);5. in he eye;. Japn, barasd.OL5:1.tradnl; 2.greeing; 3.lrnin; 4.trp; . nervou; 6. usinss cd; 7 jump and nod; 8. or lck; 9.sart laughing; 10. relx n havfut, ook Otioa ltenng1Todar liveare sier than the wee 10o 20years ao. Fo some eope, tis sa rolm. thk e shold sw dow an noy life. he lw Foomovmen was started o cebrate nd suport thelocal food rdtionsof thewods. s membersdont like fast food or instn fodsbecaethethinose foareunhelthy.The Slow Foodmoement startd i Europ,but o t is ntnaional ovet. Thee areo than 6,00memberin 45 ouies. Th Slo oo movents mmbe thnkene to l downad appreiate dlcious trdionl foos.Ty alsblie poteting h nirnt. n adiion, heybelie in supportin loca frm ad teirprds.OptinlLtenngam:m aou 0 pounds overight. I wen on a et. Theresoy oneproblm: ustluttryfos veryoe says ta I should eat less buter. Isad.Janet: I livdn Thailand fo ix mont. was rall fun Irealy lehai food! I toscy oome ol, but t fo me. I lov he epers.Icme home month ago. food heetstes o band-Ionlke t anyore.Ab: My motesa that I hae a “swe toot.”Thatmeans I liket eat wet fosDeser s myfavorit prt of n me. lke anytin wi chooate in it!Minh: Im rig fora wimming omptition. I ave oet hthy foods lhe im.At firt I dnt lke it, t now I d. I ctually prefer hatyfoodso swet or butter foods And I fel beter, too!Optial Listeng3ot, hotter, hest! Surpiig fcts aut ile pepprs1. Chile peper r e o teoldes fodrp in the wrl.Farmers rwte first chile eppe mre tan9,00 ye ago.2The irst chileperrobaby grew n oliv. Fro there, the plant sprad thrughSot Americ ad te aiban. Christopher umbs bough the st cle peppes t Euope.3. T a in the chile comes from chmcal calle apsaicin. Capin as nmel or favor,t it s yu muh fee “ht.”4. Sentstsbliev thachipeppers ar a vreah ood because they are rich in itamins. esearch shows atchildonotmag he stomac, anndan scientitsdiscvered ateatn hiles helppeoe loe wh.5. Inia food i wll-know or usin los ofi epers, but Thai food spcier Th rag person inhailad ets fivram of cilpepperveryd-e most inthe world.6.The Aztcdians of Mexico lovd chie eperso uch that tey gave themt teir kig as a ift.7. Tehottet chpee itheworld ihe haanero. tisriht oage and grws in he Caribe.8. Therere chile uce factoisn ever cinent excpt ntacica.Otionl istening 4In mn cotries th worl, people are ivnlnger tha bfre. Peope hve healtherletles,n haltca is ette, too.kinawa is an islandoffte cost f pan. T ople on Okinawa, teOkinawans, may hate lgest lves adhealtiet fels in e rdRsercers i astuy. hy sarted theitudy bylooking acit ndtownith ods fom 187. Thy it xect o fin many entnarian nthe rcord.The wer vey surito nd o manyodand healthy pple ivg inknawa. The Uid Stat, or xam, ha 10 entenarias pe 00,00 pepl. Ikiaw threre 34cntnaris per100,00 people!W is th Okinsere?irt,te a healty dit Tey eat may fresh fruts and vegeales T alseatfishofnand dink a lot of waterand green te. Bt researcherthik that t kinawans haveoter haty ats a ll. They dnt do ard exercise s s weihtlifig r jogging- istea, theypfer relaxativteslike adening a aing. Reserches sayta older Oknaans ao hav good atitud aout agng. hey sit quiely a relx their minds wih dep breahin exerciseThey also enoy massag.Kes:O: . We sholdspprtn elebrate lcl foo raitin; B 1. fast;2.lie; 3. farmers; 4. urop;5 membes. L2: A.Ada:buttr;ant:spic;bby:weet; Minh: helthy O3: A. F TF F T ; BCapsacin is a chical n thecile tharoducs het ad me yoouth fel ott han lavo or smell. Habanro sthe htteschile epper in wrl It it rihorage andgrows i th arbbean.OL:AWat th t: rsh fruisand vegetales, fis;Wt tey drink:wat, green tea;Hw t execse: gardeing, lkng How hey relx:dep eahngxeries,assge OL5: 1 contet;tomaoes; 3. addng; 4.picier;5 comes off; gets cord with; . judgng start; 8. asts the ther dses;9. sevr asted; 10in the test.Ut 4,Bo 2tional Lstening 11. Irviewer (nt):Hi, at your name?Gio: Go.It:Hi, Gio, Where reou o?: Ma, talI:Welo o Ne ork, e!G: ak youI:Where areyourclthesrom?G:My brothr. Im alwys oowin coesI: Ho wul ou esci yur se?G: Casual,I guess. Im not vy novai. Ijstar the same thing ll the tme.2. I:Hi, there.: i,I: ho areou?E:I Elena.I: Andwhere ar youfro?E: Imfr righ he i New York.I: hmetown girlAdyou cloth are rom?E: toren y neighborhod.Theewsa sa.: Grea!How wulyu describ your peronl style?:Reto. Itsshionable ow.I:Itooks dfahionab nw. .in a goodway, of core.3.:God evenng. What isyou ame?V:VickiI: Yo loo beautulV: ak uI:hat dss is ry tlishV: My otherave it to m. Itwasaor-made!I:Woefu. Where arey r,Vki!V: Im from Hog ong.I: owwul yo descibe your persol sene of tyle?V: Classic, Ispose. Iie to dr p.Optna Listenng2A: new owand Id lke to ak omefrids. Wha should I o?B: Youugt to joi sotsclbA:But dont lie spots.B: Y od ok for friedsthe nernet.2A: I dot kow ht towear tearty tonight.hathuld I we?: You culd wea or ne jans oryour lak pants.: Its amal drs par.B:Oh, the you olnt wea pans aer a. Yu defnely ouht tower a dress.3A: sl n undesnd ths grmmar Whatshuddo?: Yo hadbette et some help or ou will fail he tt I on Thrday.: ybe Icoud ake he teston Friday. Tat would gve m etra tmeB: Well, yu had bettero dly Thers notmuch me!OptioalListeng 3A-A se of stye1. Im salescerk awomans lohing s. My bs is rat, but se has ery strictdres coeWe ao er long skis,bac soe, no jwry,andon ad on Is really boring, s Im panin to dye m hai e. Wa o you thin?2. I love grlfiend, but she complains o abtmy clthe.he doesnt ant too anhre ithe becauswas wear oldjans anda T-sirt I donca butlookinlike a fasionaie. I just want obe cofortble!Whasyouradve?B Imasleclerk in woans lti ore.M boss is gret, but he a very tritrscod Wehve to wearlon kts, black shoes,no jewelr, ando n. t realy borin, soImplannng to yemharred.What do youh?Epe opini: orry,but I hav to side withyu emloyr A businsswat t have particula lok, s thy el whatto war. I o want to show of yu inial syle, ohad better oit inur free tie.2 I love gilfrind,bhe complains ot aboutmyclohesSh doent wat gnywhere t me bea Iwas wold eans a a T-srt dontcae bout lokg like fashinmgazine just want o e ofotae!Whats yu dvic?xpets pinin: thinyo oght to have a sriostalkwith yor irlfred ndxlainhow you fe We alhave uow stle nd tse. In myp, sh thinksomuch outapprances.ptional istndyI started m new part-ime job as a trendsptte. ws nrvous anddidt knowhat to exct Wl, usshat?It s lotofun!I elin allm frinds,“Yo hould hink aboecomingatdspoter,to”n Studmorni, e h to reorto recoring tudio by a.m. The “TndCoorinato,” Mady,eplidte sedle. Thn e gaeus a our.That as realy col!Ne e at aroud a bg able ina room. Tey ve each person teeards. necadsaid “Yesll te way!” Anhrai,“It OK.” The trd ne d, “ way!” We lstene to abot 10 dfferent ngs ft eachson we hatol up a cr. The payed o hiphop,ock, heaymetl;nd ce sic. Thheavy eal was “Noway” fo me.Do you kw t rockgropcalled “fte”? Theyre really popula right now Well, theyhave a new Dcomng out W w ix different CD overs. (gus he e trying to choose n.)Tis im, wedinhe ard. Insted, we ust tald botte coeswe like Mady asked s qstio,“Which oe do yu ik?” “h doyou like the?”“Would you buy CD with this over?”W fisedat 12:0. e wll met agan nx ee a bouique dotwn. We willloo at ome new ashins. Ec week e o todferentcton. h s,e alo reivd freeD for ourur. Ti “o” doest pa, but get aree stff!Ttsal for now!KysOL1: A Eena:NewYork ii: HgKon B. Gio: brhr/ual lea: storein eighbrhod/eto, ol-fashioned Vck: othr, classicOL2:A. f c b B. 1. You could lookfr frinds thirnet. 2. You su


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